Coral Reefs | Instant Homework Solutions

I need to write a research paper on coral reefs. My professor gave me some pointers including but not limited to: What groups they classify in and Phylum, how they get energy, how they produce skeleton, habitat requirements, how they feed, and how many different species for the introduction. I’m assuming that the body will be about different kinds of corals that exist, and fun facts about them. in conclusion I’d like to talk about how they are in trouble and what we can do to help.

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Clostridium Difficile Infection | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss in details the Clostridium difficile infection. Make sure to include: background info, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, statistical studies

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ANS and Reflex Physiology | Instant Homework Solutions

In your own words, and in a well-formed paragraph, please answer the following questions. You must cite any and all sources of information. Kelly sprained her ankle and had to use crutches. After about two weeks she noticed her fingers were becoming numb, followed by weakness in her arms, accompanied by tingling . Explain what has happened with respect to specific nerves in that region. What plexus and nerves are involved, and what is causing her symptoms.  Can you propose a remedy?  In your own words list and describe three anatomical differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System. Be sure to define and explain the terms you use. You step a sharp object and remove your foot quickly while maintaining your balance.  What type of reflex is this?  Describe the reflex arc in detail, identifying all components and describing their role in carrying out the actions involved.   How does this differ from the reflex activated by touching a hot object?

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Evolution of Nervous Systems and Brains | Instant Homework Solutions

Evolution is a major theme in biology and will provide the foundation for this assignment. Choose an organ or organ system in plants or animals to explore its evolution. Research to examine the following questions (as relevant…you do not have to address all these topics, but these are some areas where you might find information.  Other topics may also be appropriate) General function of organ or system Significance of transition from aquatic to terrestrial environments Specializations of the organ or system for unique functions Role of natural selection in development of adaptations Are there any particularly unusual or unique solutions that particular groups have evolved to carry out the function of this organ or system? Are there any debates about the evolution of this organ or system? Your final product should have the following sections: Title (and Title Page) Succinctly describe contents of paper; use key words describing work presented Abstract/Summary Brief summary of topic, approach, and conclusions Introduction Definition of topic; scope; general findings; availability of resources Review of Literature (main body) Approach (chronological vs. thematic); evaluation of each source and its contribution to the whole; logical connections and transitions between sources Discussion & Conclusions Summarize key findings, present possible questions and suggest areas for potential research, A minimum of 5 journal quality sources (in addition to any other less professional sources you might use) All sources should be properly cited and referenced in APA or another formal citation format

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Cellular Respiration and Fermentation | Instant Homework Solutions

create a pamphlet with pictures explaining the muscular system The following project will be to a tri-fold pamphlet where you can decide which three you will create your own special projects. Some of the following guidelines are as followed: 1. Minimum of six sections. (you choose the topic: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 2. You can create this pamphlet by hand, publisher, word…..  3. Drawings and labels are necessary.  4. Define and underline terms.  5. State the obvious about the topic.  6. The project has to be in your own words.  7. If you copied your work from another person, the project does not count. (You earn a Zero) (Remember that this project is to help you understand the topics that will be applied in future biology courses)  8. Include a bibliography on where you received your information.  9. If you just cut and paste your information it is called plagiarism and it will not be tolerated.  10. Use the provided rubric and if you have any question about your brochure please see me. (As many times as you need. Do not procrastinate…) Due Date: You must email the three trifold three days prior to the final exam. If your three trifolds are sent after the due date, then you will not be able to earn maximum points.

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Peppered Moths | Instant Homework Solutions

The main purpose is to answer this question about peppered moths. Use in text citation, 2 sources if possible find one old source older than 2016 and one new source 2016 and younger. How did people suspect such mechanism (industrial melanism) was at play?

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Species Interaction | Instant Homework Solutions

A biological community is made up of many different species. Some of these species interact directly with each other. The most common type of direct interaction is the relationship is represented by the lines on a food web: one species eating another. These can be herbivore/plant interactions, predator/prey interactions, scavenger/detritus interactions, etc. There are also other, less obvious types of direct interactions: one species might rely on another for survival or reproduction (think about plants and their pollinators, for example). There can also be indirect interactions between species. In this case, species A and species B might not interact directly, but if they both interact with species C, then changes in species A can affect species C, which can in turn affect species B. Competition is a common example of an indirect interaction – when two species rely on the same third species, an increase in the population of one of the two species can have indirect effects on the population of the other species, mediated by its effect on their shared resource. In this activity, we’re asking you to think about some of these direct and indirect species interactions and how they scale up to shape the overall structure and function of ecological communities. Question 1: Think of an organism you’ve encountered in the wild (perhaps during your Module 12 Eukaryotes assignment?), and decide on 4 additional species with which this focal organism interacts, either directly or indirectly. Your five species can be terrestrial or aquatic, but should all be species within a single community, and should include organisms at several different trophic levels.  (NOTE: You should select species that have not already been used as examples in this course.  So no sea otters / kelp forests, or Isle Royale wolves / moose, etc.) Draw these the interactions between your focal species and the 4 interacting species, using solid lines for direct interactions and dotted lines for indirect interactions. For each species you include, identify its trophic level, and make sure to identify which of the five species is your focal species. You can draw this by hand and take a picture/scan it, or you can use the drawing tools in MS Office. If you draw it by hand, please make sure to write your name on the paper.  If you use images that you did not create in your submission, please make sure to cite the sources they came from. Question 2: In full sentences/paragraphs, describe the qualitative nature of the interactions between your focal species and each of the other four species you chose. For which species is each interaction beneficial? Harmful? Neutral? Which relationships are cases of competition? Predation/parasitism? Mutualism? Commensalism? Question 3: Next, imagine that the ecosystem where your focal species lives undergoes one of the following changes: Strange and unseasonable weather strikes your ecosystem: higher air temperatures reduce soil moisture levels and raise water temperatures (if you are thinking of an aquatic system); OR An exotic herbivorous invertebrate is accidentally introduced to the ecosystem through the mass transit system. Choose one environmental change and describe in full sentences/paragraphs how it might directly affect your focal species. Question 4: Now, predict how the environmental change may indirectly affect your focal organism by affecting each of the four interacting species you drew. Hint: Write down a short prediction for the overall effect of the environmental change on each of the four interacting organisms and then, based on the type of species interaction you drew between it and the focal organism, predict the indirect effect on the focal organism. Question 5: How might the changes you described in questions 3 & 4 affect humans? These effects can be ecological, social and/or economic in nature. Question 6: Imagine you’re a land manager whose job it is to protect the ecological community of Yellowstone National Park. You’ve been asked to allow people to acquire permits that would let them hunt wolves from the reestablished population in and around the park. What would the direct consequences of allowing this hunting be? What would the indirect consequences be? What factors would be important to consider in making the decision of whether or not to allow hunting? Why do you think decisions of this sort often have unexpected or unintended consequences?

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Gun Shot Residue | Instant Homework Solutions

This literature review should show an understanding of gun shot residue and how it gets on charred remains and bones. Also theories and methods relating to gun shot residue and how to determine if gun shot residue is present on bones and how it got there.

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Species Account Red Kangaroo | Instant Homework Solutions

(3-5 typed, 12pt font, double spaced, 1 in margin pages) Use at least 3 professional sources (books, peer reviewed literature, literature reviews, textbooks, library references, websites) Websites ending in (.gov, edu, or .org) no Wikipedia  Need to answer each of the topics on the Red Kangaroo 1) Species Description 2)Reproduction and Mating system  3)Geographic distribution (where they occur) 4) Niche/Ecology (rule/job in the environment i.e carnivore/ predator etc.) 5)Economic Impact (from human stand point) 6) Interesting “trivia-type” facts 7) Species Status (endangered, threatened etc) 8) Evolutionary History 

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Whooping Cough Disease | Instant Homework Solutions

3. Hospitals now offer new mothers the Tdap booster vaccine. Why is it recommended that adults and adolescents get booster shots for pertussis when it is infants that are most at risk for dying from the disease?      4. Assume that you were vaccinated for pertussis as a child and developed active immunity to the bacteria. Describe the chain of events that gave you a population of memory B cells, which can quickly produce plasma cells that can in turn produce antibodies that can recognize Bordetella pertussis.  Be specific!   5. Pertussis outbreaks in California have made news headlines in recent years. Nearly 6,000 cases were reported in 2010 making it the worst outbreak in 60 years. Some doctors believe that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are contributing to the problem. Schools require that children are up to date on their vaccination schedules. However, they may opt out by claiming a Personal Belief Exemption. At some schools, Personal Belief Exemption’s are over 20% and even reach rates of 70%.    Using what we having learned about herd immunity, how might this contribute to the large number of outbreaks in California?  What % of the population must be vaccinated in order for herd immunity to occur?    6. Some parents are fearful of the side effects of vaccines. Briefly, do you think that parents should be allowed to refuse vaccinations for their children? You should use what you have learned about the spread of disease, vaccination, and immunity to help you form your opinion.   7.  Briefly describe the recent measles outbreak linked to Disneyland.  Who is at risk for contracting measles at Disneyland?  Would you take an infant to Disneyland?  If you were a Disney executive, what actions would you have taken, if any?   Edit:  I typically ask what students think a theme park should do in response to an infectious disease outbreak.  I never anticipated the closures that we are seeing now in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.   In light of this development, for #7, you may answer what you think it would take for people to be comfortable returning to themeparks.  There are no right or wrong answers for these type of questions.  I just want to see that you are applying some knowledge of microbiology to your answer.

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