Graphing Practice | Instant Homework Solutions

Directions for Graphs                                   Put the data that you want on the X axis of your graph (Independent Variable) in the left column of Excel and the data that you want on the Y axis, in the right column.  Highlight the data and go to the “Insert” tab and choose “Graph” For most graphs you will either choose the X,Y Scatter Plot that has straight lines connecting the data points, or a Column/Bar Graph.  Delete the title box off the graph itself Delete the legend/series box (if there is one) Label your axes (don’t forget to capitalize-they are titles) you will want to include units.  Adjust your axis if needed to center your data points in the middle of your graph (right click on one of the numbers on the axis, choose “format axis” from the dropdown menu, then change the minimum value to closer to your first data point.  Copy your graph into a Microsoft Word document Type the graph number underneath the graph in this format “Graph 3. “ Type the graph title after the graph number, underneath your graph. This should be capitalized, it is a title. The title should describe what is happening on both axes. For example, “Weights of Fish (y axis-dependent variable) with Variable Amounts of Fish Food (x axis-independent variable)”  After the title, include one or two sentences that show the reader what they should be looking at in the graph, another way to say this is, “what is the main point of the graph?”. This is not capitalized like a title, it is a regular sentence.  This will go in the Results/Data section of your lab report.      

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Stem Cells in Regenerative Diseases | Instant Homework Solutions

Defend or refute this statement “Stem cell biotechnologically has the potential to produce revolutionary therapies for the treatment of some human diseases”. (Clearly explain biotechnological concepts and techniques, inclusive of legal and ethical constraints)

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Vaccine Development | Instant Homework Solutions

You are a microbiologist assigned a research project to design vaccine for a helminth or fungal infection. It cannot be the same pathogen you used for the disinfectant or antibiotic project and it cannot be a pathogen found on your 80 pathogen list from lecture study guide for Exam#5 (Final). Also, you cannot use the pathogen selected for the antibiotic and disinfectant project. You cannot use any experimental vaccines; this is a completely new project! Your project must include the following: A General Overview of the Pathogen (1 pg) including, name of target organism/pathogen (give genus species name) and why you chose it (give overall statistics of infection rates, mortality, geographic location found, who is most likely to get infected), how to prevent infection, overall general signs and symptoms, body systems involved, special features, why is it important to cure this disease and get rid of this pathogen? A summary of the immune response when a pathogen infects (1 pg) –what does your immune system do when a pathogen starts an infection inside you? What specific cells and molecules are involved? Explain detection, recognition, defenses and attack of the pathogen by your immune system. A General Overview of how Vaccines work (1 pg) including immune response to a vaccine, the major immune cells and molecules involved, the purpose of vaccines, effectiveness for long term immunity and the advantage of a vaccine over natural exposure to a pathogen. See pgs 493-500 on vaccines, Chap 18. For the New Vaccine Research (2 pg), you must provide the following information with justification and rationale: Name of vaccine, against what molecular part of the pathogen will you design your vaccine against, will it be a live attenuated, whole cell, killed, acellular, toxoid vaccine, how will it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be administered (is it injected or inhaled), how many doses, at what age will the vaccine be administered, how effective the vaccine is (short term or long term immunity, booster needed?), how will you make the public aware of this new vaccine, how will you get it to the patients that need it, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that it must have little or no side effects to the patient. What specific type of side effects did you expect to see from your new vaccine? List and explain. Defending the Effectiveness of Vaccines- You are going into the health profession. How do you defend government mandated vaccinations?  What do you tell your patients who argue that we no longer need to vaccinate our children against certain childhood diseases, like polio, because they no longer “exists” in the US?  What fact based science do you use to convince your patient that vaccines provide more benefits than not vaccinating?  What if you have a patient who doesn’t want to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it is safe and available for mass distribution?  How do you convince this patient?

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Human Endocrine Disorders | Instant Homework Solutions

Write an essay on Human Endocrine Disorders-Osteoporosis and Diabetes Mellitus.

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Stress Test | Instant Homework Solutions

This assignment is a lab-style activity where you will actively participate in a stress management technique and reflect on the experience. You can choose any of the stress management activities in the instruction document.  Be sure to complete AND SUBMIT all attached questionnaires. NOTE: If you have Adobe reader you should be able to complete the “How Stressed Are You” assessment on your computer or iPad. If you struggle with this, please submit your SCORE for each section in your submitted Word document. Bold the heading with the score to follow.  Example:  Recent History = 25 Self Reflection = 19 Total Score = 44  Include the pre-and post- stress management activity assessment. Highlight or change the colour of the text on the line that corresponds with your response  in your Word document Review this assignment guideline and complete your assignment following the instructions. Submit your assignment in ONE document in this order: “How Stressed are You” questionnaire and/or score “Manage your Stress” Pre- and post- stress questionnaire  Reflection (in complete sentences/paragraphs)

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The Great Influenza by John Barry | Instant Homework Solutions

Term Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 5-7-page term paper (see below) on one of the assigned books. This paper should be a synopsis of the reading assignment and in the student’s own words. Students should follow the guidelines outlined in the Student Code of Conduct found in the Student Handbook. No plagiarism, he checks! a. The Great Influenza: the story of the deadliest pandemic in history. John M. Barry The term paper should not exceed 7 pages double-spaced. Students should use either Times New Roman or Ariel, font size 11 with 1 inch margins all around. All works should be properly cited.

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Homeostasis Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

The maintenance of homeostasis is of major importance to all organ systems in the body and the overall survival of the individual. Explain how homeostasis is the maintenance of a dynamic range of environmental qualities rather than holding the internal environment at a set point. What would be wrong with a set point (say for body temperature) rather than a working range of temperatures? The endocrine system is closely tied to homeostasis functioning. Give two examples of hormones (including their glands of origin and action) that play major roles in homeostatic processes in the body. What happens if these hormones are disrupted in their actions? Also, look at how we adapt to survival in the outside world. Discuss how maintaining homeostasis gives us greater freedom of activity from dependence upon changes in the external environment. What happens during extremes that force our bodies out of homeostatic bounds? Give specific examples. Why is the maintenance of homeostasis especially important during development of new humans within the bodies of their mothers? What can go wrong if specific homeostatic functions are disrupted?

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Antibiotics Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

What I want you to do is go research on what is happening with antibiotics. What is working, what isn’t? Tell me at least 1 beneficial thing about antibiotics that you found out in your research and at least 1 disadvantageous thing that you learned about antibiotics.

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Podcast on a Virus | Instant Homework Solutions listen to any podcast and answer the questions below Title of Podcast: _______________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions: 1.     State the most important findings presented in the podcast. Analyze and interpret any data that was presented in the podcast. (20 pts) 2.     Give a short description of the virus that was in the focus of the podcast (refer to structure, genetic content, virulence factors, host(s), strategies to defy the host’s immune system, disease it causes, major symptoms and treatment options, any recent outbreaks/epidemics/pandemics). (10 pts) 3.     Was there any controversial discussion in the podcast, such as pro and cons, different expert opinions, or any other debated topic showing different opinions? Briefly describe them. (10 pts)

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Cell Division Processes | Instant Homework Solutions

The question is What is meiosis?  What is mitosis?  How and why are they different?  Note: You do not need to discuss the different phases of cell division such as prophase and such, but your essay should demonstrate an understanding of these two types of cell division.

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