Mass Extinxtion Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

Type a two page discussion about Mass Extinction. Is another one coming? What might be the reasons? etc.

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Strep Infections Treatment | Instant Homework Solutions

Streptococcus pyogenes Nadia, a 12 year old female presented to her pediatrician with a sore throat and cough. She was complaining of off and on throat pain. She had a very low grade fever between 98.9 to 99.4 degrees F. Her pediatrician advised a rapid strep test to test for Strep throat. Strep throat is caused by the bacterium streptococcus pyogenes. It can also be caused by certain viruses. It is very hard to differentiate between bacterial and viral strep throat although a 48 hr culture is a good way of confirming whether it is a bacterial infection. Rapid strep test involves exposing a throat swab to a stick that is coated with an antibody. If a person’s culture has the streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, the antibody on the stick will react to the antigen on the cell surface of the bacterium and produce a color change. A more effective method to confirm strep throat is by culturing the sputum from the infected person for at least 48 hours. If the bacteria grows on a blood agar plate then it is positive for streptococcus pyogenes. Nadia’s doctor found that the rapid strep test came negative and she sent her sample for a culture in order to confirm whether it is strep throat or not. In the meantime, her doctor called in a prescription for penicillin and left to the discretion of her parents whether or not to give her the antibiotics. As of now penicillin is an effective antibiotic against Streptococcus pyogenes. It attacks the NAM and NAG molecules on the cell wall of the bacterium and prevents them from cross linking. This damages the cell wall and the bacterium fails to survive. One of the concerns is the possibility of emergence of penicillin resistant streptococcus pyogenes strains due to over use or misuse of antibiotics. HINT: Some strep infections are caused by viruses that do not need treatment with antibiotics. Comment on the cell wall structure of streptococcus pyogenes and its gram stain reaction. Also comment on how the cell wall composition makes it more susceptible to antibiotics. Discuss your thoughts on antibiotic resistance and misuse of antibiotics as pertaining to the above case study. What could the pediatrician have done before prescribing the antibiotics? should be about 200 words. Minimum of 3 references in APA format an images to re enforce the concept.

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Genetic Engineering Implications | Instant Homework Solutions

Explanation What is Genetic Engineering and what impact does it have on the world today and its possible future? Support Can you support your ideas and opinions with cited evidence?  Give at least 5 pros and 5 cons.  Strong, Convincing Voice. It has to be 10 pages and mainly about what is Genetic Engineering and what impact does it have on the world today and its possible future? and what are the pros and cons of genetic engineering? the focus is only on these two questions the first. do no use more than 1 or 2 quotes in one paragraph.

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Gluten-sensitive Enteropathy Article | Instant Homework Solutions

google an article on Gluten-sensitive enteropathy (celiac disease) after reading write what I think Gluten-sensitive enteropathy (celiac disease)means?

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Epidemiology and Viral Diseases Report | Instant Homework Solutions

1.Person to Person bacteria diseases  2.Person to person viral diseases *For each of the categories listed above, write 193 word report on each *The report should be in APA format with citations and references Provide the genus and species of the pathogen ,along with the name of the illness the pathogen causes in humans. *From an epidemiological perspective , why is the pathogen a human health threat. Visit the CDC website to find an example of an outbreak in the categories above provide an example of a recent outbreak of these categories of diseases. *Scroll down to outbreaks *click on all outbreaks to find this information *briefly summarize the outbreak. where did it occur? how many people were impacted *Do not copy and paste from the website( Include the website in your references and citation) *what advice would you give to the pubic regarding these pathogens? what steps could be taken to prevent or reduce incidence?

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Prevention and Treatment of Vector-Borne Disease | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss a vector-borne illness with an emphasis on the life-cycle of the pathogenic microorganism.  You will take an analytical approach to explore the life cycles of vector-born pathogens.   Using this knowledge, determine what steps could be employed to decrease the risk of infection and limit morbidity/mortality.   Objectives: Describe a vector-borne illness, with an emphasis on the type of vector involved, the life cycle of the pathogen and the treatment/prevention methods employed.  Instructions: Step 1: Respond to the following prompts. Describe a vector-borne pathogen, including the specific vector involved in transmission and a short summary of the life cycle.   Based on your knowledge of the life cycle and the vector involved, what methods would you employ to limit your risk of being infected?  If you were to be infected with this pathogen, what are the most effective treatment options?

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Biological Points of View | Instant Homework Solutions

NEED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN AN ESSAY  1.1. What is life? 1.2. What is a virus? 1.3. Are viruses alive? Your answer to the question “What is Life?” may come from any perspective that you may find enticing (philosophical, spiritual, religious, historical, biological, physicochemical, etc.). Single or double-spaced, 11-12 pt., any font. Regarding question 1.3, this is a controversial topic and you may find different opinions. You may write down one that aligns with your own ideas or report your findings from a neutral perspective.  If you choose biological points of view, please do not limit yourself to the description of living organisms; in other words, do not copy the characteristics of living organisms from general biology textbooks. Cite bibliographic sources if you use any, including websites (a list of URLs is not a bibliography). How many references to use, what kind of references (primary or secondary), is up to you (this is college, no more hand-holding). Do not use Wikipedia. For citation, I suggest to use the  Also, the lab manual has a comprehensive guide on how to cite and elaborate bibliographies. It is very common in biology courses to use sources from the National Center for Biotechnology Information; however, just citing “NIH” or “NCBI” or “PubMed” as an author is not correct; you need to cite Authors (Year) Article Title, Journal, Volume, Pages.

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Muscle Action and Associated Work | Instant Homework Solutions

In this discussion, you will identify and describe muscles associated with different types of work. Objectives Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle. Describe the anatomical differences between skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle.   Instructions Step 1: Respond to the following: What profession do you pursue or hope to pursue in the future? What is one physical activity that you think you will have to perform on a regular basis as part of that profession, and why? Describe at least three muscles that are most essential to that activity, including their type, anatomical structure, and function.

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Muscles of Respiration Research | Instant Homework Solutions

Topic: Muscles of respiration and describe their roles in breathing (325 words required) Criteria: IMPORTANT NOTE: References are expected to create a substantial post. The goal is NOT to retype the text but to break down the concepts and clarify where 80% of the post should be in your own words. Cite the sources when you summarize or paraphrase or have direct quotes. One of the sources should be the textbook that we use for this class. PS: Our textbook: Saladin McGraw Hill. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function text 9th ed. with Connect lab access: ISBN 9781264079988 RESEARCH: *The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Break it down. (*Everyone must do this part). Include the Structure and Function relationship in the body Important. Interesting and current research on the topic. Examples to clarify and teach. (Important!) (Your own examples can be critical thinking too.) CRITICAL THINKING: Connect the dots. Use critical thinking. Draw your own conclusions from the research. Why is this an important topic? Use your own words and thoughts here.

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Bioinformatics and Genome Questions | Instant Homework Solutions

Lander and Waterman derived formulae for the expected completeness of an assembly as a function of coverage c = NL/G, where G = genome length, N = number of reads, L = read length. Then probability that a base is not sequenced = e-c total expected gap length = Ge-c total number of gaps = Ne-c (a) what fraction of a genome could you expect to assemble from eightfold coverage? Present your result as percentage. (b) What total gap length would you expect in an assembly of a 2 Mb target genome size from eightfold coverage? (c) How many gaps would you expect in an assembly of a 2 Mb target genome size from an eightfold coverage of fragments with a read length of 500? (d) You want to sequence to sequence a 4 Mb genome by the shotgun method, by assembling random fragments with read length 500. What coverage would you require, to expect no more than four gaps, assuming no complications arising from repetitive sequences or skewed base composition?

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