Microbiology Field Research | Instant Homework Solutions

Once you tour the pond water, choose your favorite organism and describe the following for this organism. Detailed cell structure of the organism (Include locomotive structures, composition of cell wall and any special organelles) Nutrition of the organism Classification Importance in the food chain and pond ecosystem. Question 2: Describe in detail the cell wall structure of Gram-positive, Gram-Negative and Mycobacterial species. Highlight the molecules that make up each cell wall and how these molecules play a role in the classification of these bacteria. Question 3: Case Study from Chapter 12 Matt was not in good shape and it had nothing to with the time spent at the gym. It had to do with the ball of fungus in his right lung. That fungal sphere, Aspergilloma had started as a single spore of ascomycete fungus called Aspergillus. The mold had formed the mass of fungal hyphae that was invading the airways of his lung and slowly killing him. Such bronchopulmonary Aspergillus is a rare but increasingly frequent pathogen of the immunocompromised. Besides experiencing difficulty in breathing, fever and chest pain, Matt most hated coughing up wads of bloody mucous. His disease had invaded his blood and was now progressing to his brain. Soon it might lead to paralysis. Matt spent 4 weeks at the hospital and thankfully a new antifungal drug, Voriconazole brought Matt back to life. How could a microbiologist determine that the fungus infecting Matt is an Aspergillus not any other fungus? Through research look up how antifungal drugs work and explain how the drug might have neutralized the fungal hyphae. Your answers should be detailed and you will be graded on the quality and quantity of your answers. Please provide a minimum of 3 citations in your assignment. All scientific journals need to be cited in the APA format. Link for Pond Water tour below http://vsprotista.weebly.com/virtual-lab.html

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State of a Virus Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

By itself, a virus cannot reproduce, grow and develop, respond to stimuli, take in material and energy from the environment, nor show any adaptation. However, it is organized with a protein coat that surrounds hereditary material and once inside another living cell the virus takes over the host’s metabolic machinery in order to grow, develop, and reproduce new virus particles. Therefore, is the virus a living or dead organism?  Explain your answer.

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Somatic Reflexes and Motor Functions Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

Somatic Reflexes: How do reflexes differ from other motor actions? Find a video that relates to this topic. You will create 4 short paragraphs. Please organize your post to earn points. Overview and Expectations: -Briefly summarize a video that relates to the above favorite topic. Locate and give the full page of the URL to a video in APA formatting (cite in text and reference) that pertains to the above topic.-Summarize the video in 50 words. Cite in the text. Reference at the end. URL must given and verified. Documentation of sources is necessary. /25 words -Relate the topic from to another system in the body. Demonstrate and show how this information is connected to other functions in the body. Please illustrate how this system is interrelated to another system in the body. Compare and contrast structure. Provide examples from the text. Cite and reference the text. /75 Words.  -Apply the importance of this information at different levels (individual/career, society, world). What was the most significant connection you made with it? How is the topic showing up in the news these days?  -Explain why this video is important. Tell me why this topic may be important to your future career. How can you apply this topic of anatomy to your career or your community? Society? Give a detailed example. Be specific about this; Do not only say it is important but explain why it is important. /100 Words. 250+ words minimum. Thoughtful, substantial and factual information is required. This must be written in your own words. Direct quotes must be cited. Demonstrate comprehension of material. APA references and citations are expected when sources are used. PS: Required textbook: Bundle: Saladin McGraw Hill. Anatomy & Physiology: the Unity of Form and Function text 9th ed. with Connect lab access: ISBN 9781264079988

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Biology Note Taking | Instant Homework Solutions

the video above and take as many notes as possible 

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Ecology Questions Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

The book for this assignment  is Essentials of Biology by Silvia Mader   5th edition . i could not attach the eBook . Please provide an email i could send it to. Thank you INSTRUCTIONS Use a word-processing program, preferably Microsoft Word, to complete the examination. At the top of every page, include your name and student number. You may write the question and number in your document. Under the question, document your response. Please be detailed and specific in your responses to fully address each question. PLEASE NOTE: It’s recommended that you use your textbook. All answers can be located in your textbook. If outside websites are used, please summarize the information in your own words and provide APA style citations. Plagiarism Warning: Copying and pasting information from outside sources is considered plagiarism and is a violation Academic Honesty. All submissions are checked for plagiarism and will receive a grade of 1%. Only sentence-long direct quotes (properly cited in APA) are permitted. For this essay , answer the following questions in one to two short paragraphs each. 1.Explain how human activities can cause an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling and lead to problems such as cultural eutrophication and fish kills. 2.Compare and contrast the traits and growth patterns of opportunistic versus equilibrium populations. Provide one example of each. 3.Compare and contrast indirect versus direct values of biodiversity, and provide examples. 4.Describe two traits that represent a sustainable society and two traits of a nonsustainable society.

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Elephant Population Research Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

There is a decline in the elephant population in a specific area in Africa. You are an activist trying increase the elephant population. You are required to present a proposed solution to this problem. Create a proposal to solve this elephant problem. Please include the following: Background Information. (Describe the main biome where elephants are located; describe an ecosystem, and describe 4 other types of biomes) Name and discuss how elephants are threatened in Africa. (Research) Discuss how biodiversity can affect the increase and decline of the elephant population. Differentiate between the types of population growth models that can increase or decrease the elephant population. Discuss how community populations relate to your proposal. IMPORTANT: Additional resources are welcomed for more support, but the grade associated with the information from the book designated for this class will be the measurement tool to assess your paper. Please review the “plagiarism” screencast below. This will assist with plagiarism flags from your writing assignments. Turnitin is a plagiarism tool used to detect word for word verbiage online. https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cFhn0fbrZ8 Per Ashworth College’s policy, a 70 is the highest grade received for a 2nd submission. Length/Formatting Instructions Length 1000 Words

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Human Anatomy and Physiology | Instant Homework Solutions

Define anatomy and physiology. Describe macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. Explain the relationship between structure and function. Describe various types of cells in the human body and explain the basic principles of the cell theory. Define histology. Identify the 11 organ systems, provide two functions for each system and two related organs in each system. Explain the concept of homeostasis. Describe the processes of negative feedback and positive feedback in maintaining homeostasis and provide examples of each. Use correct anatomical terms to describe superficial and regional anatomy.  Provide 3 examples. Use correct directional terms and sectional planes to describe relative positions and relationships among body parts.  Provide 4 examples. Identify the major body cavities and subdivisions of each.  Describe the membranes that divide the body cavities and subdivisions, the organs that they accommodate, and the organs that belong to each of the major body cavities.  Explain how the chemical properties of water affect the solubility of inorganic and organic molecules and how this is so important to live. Discuss the importance o pH and the role of buffers in body fluids and why this is such an important concept to understand for human life. List and discuss the four major macromolecules, their structure characteristics, their functions, and provide examples of each all pertaining to the human body.   (hint: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, ATP, DNA, RNA) What is an enzyme? Explain the importance of enzyme function within the body. List all structures of an animal cell, provide a function for each region/structure of a cell.  Points will be determined by the completeness of this answer. Describe the process of mitosis and the cell life cycle. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.  “This question may require you to look outside this chapter”

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Microscopy Essay Research | Instant Homework Solutions

A microscopy is a valuable tool that can be used to make observations about the microscopic world around us, and perform investigations that lead to amazing discoveries. There are many different kinds of microscopes and new types of microscopes and as well as modifications to old microscopy approaches are still being designed by scientists. Which type of microscope do you think is the “coolest” or in other words the most useful and efficient? Are there any limitations or setbacks using this kind of microscope? Provide evidence to support your choice. Additionally, investigate and share what kind of notable scientific discoveries were made using this kind of microscopic technique which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Make sure to share the references that you selected your evidence from.

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Functions of the Digestive System | Instant Homework Solutions

Highlight the major organs and functions of the digestive system and then explain how the digestive system support supports other body system?

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Biofilms Explanatory Study | Instant Homework Solutions

Biofilms are implicated in intractable urinary tract infections, in the lung infections (such as in Cystic fibrosis), on teeth, on implanted medical devices-to name a few scenarios. Nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. Biofilms contribute to the failure of antibiotic treatment, particularly in hospitalized patients.    In this assignment: Describe   the formation of biofilms, their persistence, and interactions with the host immune system.100 words and should include your explanation of how quorum sensing plays a role in the development of biofilms.  Describe the methods used for controlling medical biofilms.

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