Pathophysiology Explanatory Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

Compose a 1–2 paragraph response to ONE of the following questions. Choose the question you wish to answer.  Explain how you could incorporate parts of the framework for pathophysiology in patient charting (Chapter 1). Give an example of how the body adapts to stress (Chapter 2). Explain the mechanism of cell injury and give an example (Chapter 4). Using the website, pick a type of cancer and summarize the latest research about that cancer, using terms from Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 7 and the website. In all responses, be sure to paraphrase in your own words and cite your supporting sources in APA format. Supporting resources can be your textbook or another scholarly source. Your textbook is provided below as a reference and citation sample.

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DNA Saturation Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe how DNA saturation occurs and how you can overcome this underestimation of the genetic distance between taxa using specific mutation models.

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Plant Chemical Adaptations | Instant Homework Solutions

Plant Chemical Adaptations  Physical adaptations are one way plants have become well-adapted to specific environmental conditions. For example, cacti have spines in place of leaves to prevent water loss in the arid conditions of the desert, and deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall to survive cold weather conditions over the winter. Chemical adaptations are another means for plant protection. Many plants produce toxic or noxious compounds to protect themselves from insects or animals that would eat them, to reduce competition from other plants, or even to change the response of pollinators. Humans analyze and harvest these compounds for our own benefit. Choose ONE of the following compounds: Caffeine Cocaine Nicotine Artemisinin Answer these four questions: Describe the compound and in what plant(s) it is found.  Explain how this compound provides protection for the plant. Does the compound provide any other benefits for the plant, such as enhanced pollination? What effect does the compound have on humans? Follow these guidelines for your paper:  Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite appropriately within your paper, and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page.   Your paper should be 1–2 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page.

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Biological Physiology Questions | Instant Homework Solutions

part 1 Question 1 Consider that active transport allows for molecules to be forced into cells against their concentration or electrical gradient. Why would cells need to be able to do this? Discuss in a paragraph, listing some examples if you wish.  Question 2 What is the difference in DNA and RNA?  Question 3 Define in a short paragraph, the classification of carbohydrates.  Question 4 Describe in under 100 words the important to the body of triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, lipoproteins and eicosanoids.  Question 5 What is the difference between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats? part 2 Question 1  Examine and classify the categories of connective tissue and list up to 5 differences between each.  Question 2 Describe the beginning events of bone ossification using a diagram or sketch. Question 3  What is bone remodelling? Provide a 1-2 sentence definition and then list factors that can affect it. Question 4 Using the internet locate pictures and diagrams of epithelial tissue, both covering and lining and glandular epithelium, and note the different structures and functions. What are the functions of the basement membrane? Write up to ½ a page. Question 5 Describe the cause of muscle fatigue and define this term in under a 100 words. part3 Question 1 Name 4 structures that receive only sympathetic innervation.  Question 2 Using the internet, study and label 6 major sensory and motor pathways and tracts. Write 2-3 sentences explaining the function of each Question 3 Using the internet, study the structure of their ear. Explain how the ear plays a role in equilibrium and balance in one paragraph. Question 4 What are symptoms of an autonomic disorder and what may the disorder be? Question 5 Give two examples of controlled conditions in the body that are kept in a homeostatic balance by autonomic reflexes. Question 6 Why are the two main somatic motor pathways, called direct and indirect? Question 7 Write a paragraph of no more than 100 words on the importance of the cerebral cortex and its role in processing nerve impulses part 4 Question 1 Research and find information on ALD (adrenoleukodystrophy), its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. What happens with the myelin sheath in this condition? Write about ½ a page maximum. Question 2 Using the internet research what is happening in the field of nervous tissue regeneration. (Spending no more than one hour) What is the role of neurolemma in regeneration? What have contributed to the lack of success in neuronal regrowth in mammalian CNS? Question 3 Using the internet or resource materials list the 12 cranial nerves and their functions. Question 4 Stroke (CVA) is the most common brain disorder. What does CVA stand for? List the two principle types. Make a list of 6 risk factors. part5 Question 1 List 5 hormones, and the glands that make them. Then write 2-3 sentences each on their function.Question 2 Select three hormone-related diseases (other than diabetes) and write a paragraph on each, explaining how hormone levels/synthesis/recognition problems cause the illness. Question 3 There are two types of diabetes, name them and then list firstly 5 similarities, and secondly 5 differences between the two. Question 4 List the hormonal steps involved in the onset on puberty (FSH, LH, ACTH etc) Question 5 Give an overview of the endocrine system describing the general structure and function of this system. Question 6 Write a brief explanation of how negative feedback loops work, support your answer with an example part 6 Question 1 Draw a simple diagram of the heart and lungs, and label the associated major blood vessels, and the anatomical structures of the lungs. For each feature you label, write 1-2 sentences explaining their function in respiration.  Question 2 Using the internet or other research materials, define Starling’s law of the capillaries, Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Dalton’s law and Henry’s law and write 2-3 sentences for each, explaining their application in respiration.  Question 3 The negative feedback regulation of blood pressure is via the baroreceptor reflexes. Using the internet or other reference materials list the steps involved and what happens in these steps (1-2 sentences each). Question 4 Hypertension is called the silent killer. Why do you think it is it called this and what other diseases could it lead to? List 5-10. Question 5 What are possible outcomes of a myocardial infarction? Question 6 What does the EKG measure Question 7 What is cardiac output? part 7 Question 1 Using the internet or other research materials, research four diseases of the immune system other than HIV/AIDS. Write one paragraph on each – the pathogenesis and how it affects the immune system. Question 2 Using the internet or other reference materials, describe the three phases of phagocytosis using labelled diagrams. Question 3 Using the internet or other reference material, compare and contrast cell-mediated and antibody mediated immune responses. List the similarities and then the differences in dot point format. Question 4 Define immunity in 1-2 sentences. Question 5 Where do B and T cells form? Question 6 Research vaccinations. List the four different types of vaccines commonly available and describe them in 2-3 sentences each. Then list 2-3 specific vaccines (polio, Hepatitis B for example) for each. Finally, name the first vaccine, and the person who gave the first vaccination. part 8 Question 1 What are the basic differences between pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, and internal respiration? Write two to three paragraphs. Question 2 In your own words, describe the structure and function of respiratory epithelium. Write up to 300 words. Question 3 Why are the various kinds of modified respiratory movements necessary? List 5 reasons.  Question 4 Describe alveoli cell types and their functions. Use illustrations to support your answer. Write up to 300 words on this answer. part 9 Your report/presentation must include: PART A: Your report/presentation 1. A summary of the functions of the urinary system, 2. A summary of the functions of the kidneys, 3. Urinary pathologies and pathogenesis, PART B: Your reflective learning assessment A list of issues that arose during the project that you either could not deal with or that were not essential to the project. • A reflective account of any problem-solving process you experienced. • A list of resources used, including human resources. • A summary of what you learned about the urinary system. Your final PBL submission must include:

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Genetic Diversity versus Ecosystem Diversity | Instant Homework Solutions

Anne says that genetic diversity is not as important as species or ecosystem diversity when its comes to global biodiversity. Why is Anne wrong?

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The Heights of Macchu Picchu Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

After listening to and reading “The Heights of Macchu Picchu” write a short essay reading and listening.

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Pro and Cons Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

The general format of the paper must be: 1.            The body of the paper, not including the cover and reference pages, must be at least 3-5 pages long and include the following: a.            Intro paragraph: define your topic and summarize the main pro and con points that are coming up in the paper. b.            Next should be an in-depth background of the topic; either a history or explanation of procedures or whatever is needed. c.             Then you should have at least one pro and one con paragraph. Usually there is more than one for each.  i.              You must present and explain in detail at least 2-3 pros and 2-3 cons ii.             Support each pro and con with data and statistics that can show its strength or weakness iii.            Each pro and con should be presented, explained and supported in separate paragraphs d.            Conclusion: Here you should be stating what stance you agree with and why. Usually you can use a summary of points made in the paper to support how you feel and anything personal that goes with your topic. 3.            You MUST use IN-TEXT citations in APA format throughout your paper to show where your information came from. ALL information taken from your sources must be cited properly. 4.            Be sure the References are listed in proper APA format.

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Biology Question and Answer | Instant Homework Solutions

1. Name and describe all kinds of epithelial and connective tissues. 2. Name and describe all kinds of pathogens: Bacteria, viruses, viroids, prions, fungi, and multicellular pathogens, and then name 2 diseases caused by each. Are all of each organism such as bacteria pathogenic? Explain. 3. Name all kinds of bacteria and describe them. What are archea ? 4. Describe the formation of the primordial cell, in detail. What is the difference of formation of the primordial cell and spontaneous generation? 5. Describe the anatomy and physiology of urinary system.

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Blood Type Case | Instant Homework Solutions

Mary is blood type A. Her son, John, is blood type O. Mary claims that David is the father. David has blood type B. Is it possible for David to be the father? Explain your answer. The paper should be (~ 1 double-spaced, APA formatted page)

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Causes of Evolution | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe the four basic causes of evolution: natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow. The paper should be (~ 1 double-spaced, APA formatted page)

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