pH Scale Creation | Instant Homework Solutions

Content Requirements: Create a pH scale of common household items found in your house. What are the acidity levels of, for instance, coffee, tea, milk, eggs, oven cleaner or bleach. These are common household products found in most households. Use the internet to look up their acidity levels and then create a pH scale. Format Requirements Document Type: MS Word Paper Size: 8.5″ X 11″ Margins: 1″ Font: Times or Times New Roman, 12 pt. In-text Citations & Reference List Style: APA

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Stream Morphology Laboratory | Instant Homework Solutions

Prior to beginning work on this lab, read the Stream Morphology investigation manual (Attached). This lab enables you to construct a physical scale model of a stream system to help you understand how streams and rivers shape the landscape and how human actions can affect river ecosystems.  The Process Take the required photos and complete all parts of the lab assignment (calculations, data tables, etc.) **COMPLETED AND ATTACHED**. Use the Lab Worksheet (Attached) as a resource to complete the Lab Report Template(Attached). Transfer any answers and visual elements from the Lab Worksheet into the Lab Report Template. You will submit the Lab Report Template through Waypoint in the classroom.

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Tiger Salamander Research | Instant Homework Solutions

Objective:  Assess sources for your research for your final presentation (for credibility, reliability, and relevance) and list references in proper APA format. That means the sources you use for this assignment should be directly related to the species that you chose in Forum 1 of the class.  Assignment Instructions:  The Research Project/Presentation for this class is divided into three major Assignments, 1) annotated bibliography, 2) outline and 3) final presentation. The first part is the annotated bibliography. An annotation is a summary and evaluation, and your annotated bibliography will include a summary and evaluation of some of the sources (or references) you will use for your presentation. To prepare for this assignment, I recommend that you do the following: Read these directions carefully. Review the sample annotated bibliography provided to you below. Read the grading criteria below. The grading criteria is a detailed evaluation that I will use to assess your performance. It will also help you understand what is expected of you as you prepare your assignment.  Message me with any questions! The reason the annotated bibliography is included as part of the research project is that writing an annotated bibliography is important in that it provides excellent preparation for the final presentation. One of the issues regarding any type of research, especially in biology, is the credibility of the sources used, particularly those obtained from various websites. By forcing you to evaluate each of your potential sources carefully, the annotated bibliography helps you determine if in fact the source you chose is credible and helps you determine how relevant it is to your topic and understand the topic better which will help you develop your presentation. For this project, you will assess three sources to include: 1) a complete citation for each source, 2) a summary of each source, and 3) an evaluation of each source.  Three sources are required for this assignment (i.e., you are to write an annotation for each source).  However, you must use five or more sources in your final presentation.  Use this TEMPLATE to summarize and evaluate each of your three sources.    <------ REQUIRED Citation:           Written in APA reference list format. For more help with formatting, see APA handout. Summary: What is the purpose of the source, review article, original research? What topics are covered? This section is generally 4-6 sentences that summarize the author's main point.

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Cloning a Mammoth Writing | Instant Homework Solutions

What are the steps needed to clone a mammoth using a modern elephant as a surrogate?1” margins on all pages, including first page 12 pt font only, 14 pt for title. Single spaced lines, single space between sections, no section headings.  Following this format there should be about 500 words per page.  Students at FSCJ have access to MS Word, so we will use that as the standard format.  Minimum essay is 1500 words, independent of format, so about 3+ pages.  In MS Word go to File, Properties, Statistics and it will show the word count.

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Review of Psychological Disorders | Instant Homework Solutions

the paper should be a review of a specific psychological disorder studied in the field of biopsychology, along with a review and analysis of methods used in biopsychology to investigate the cause of the disorder and to treat the disorder. You will base your review on specific studies of different methodological approaches of biopsychology to understanding and treating the disorder. (Note: It is important that you choose methodological approaches that you understand and are comfortable discussing in detail. For example, you should not choose gene knockout technology in the study of alcohol abuse if you are weak in the area of genetics and molecular genetics.)

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Mutualism in Science Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

What is mutualism in science? explain the term facultative mutualism  What is the difference between obligate and facultative mutualism?

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Brain Chemistry of a Psychopath | Instant Homework Solutions

I need a paper about the brain chemistry of a psychopath it is for my biological psychology class. Meaning I need it to describe how the brain activity is damaged like the frontal lobe is the area damaged and less dopamine is processed in a psychopath. I need the reference to be from the book The Psychopath Inside by James Fallon.

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Cell Biology Article Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

Write a 2 page scientific article analyses paper on the article attached about the transplanting human glial cells into mice , mainly use this article as main source and you can use one more source from another article or website related to the topic. Use the scientific article analyses questions word document attached which has instructions of how to do the paper. Also, use the SAA rubric pdf attached that they will use to grade the paper. Thank you!

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Respiratory System Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

What are 5 examples of functions of the respiratory system and what are the associated organs involved?

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Evolution and Diversity Biology | Instant Homework Solutions

Please follow these instructions carefully. (1) Your presentation • You are required to provide, via Moodle, a PowerPoint file of a presentation of one of the topics given below. • If you are working alone your file should be made up of no more than 10 slides and no fewer than 7 slides. (This would be equivalent to a 15-minute talk.) (2) The slides in your PowerPoint file • Each slide should represent your topic as if you were presenting it orally. • The Notes section below each slide should summarise the points you wish to make for that slide in note form. (3) The content of your presentation You should aim to deal with a fair proportion of the issues listed below, and these will be a basis for marking the work. • The main issues and events as presented in the standard account of the subject • The main supporting evidence for this standard account (including research methods and their limitations) • Direct reference to data from at least 3 research papers • The temporal and geographical context of evidence, i.e. when and where • Pertinent evidence from non-hominin species • Significance of the topic for present-day human behaviour and sociality In summary, you should present a scientific account of your topic that is based directly on research and associated research methods – not the type of unsupported commentary that is available from the Internet. (4) The form of your presentation Pay detailed attention to the design, formatting and textual aspects of your slides. Your Turnitin similarity score for this work should be 10% or less. Topics Agreements and disagreements about hominin migration A review of one of the projects of the Evolution Institute and its background science Brain volume and hominin evolution – biological mechanisms Colour vision – evolution and diversity Cooking and its evolutionary significance Cooperation Early agriculture Evolution of part of the human body

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