Biome and Ecosystem Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

Pick a biome and ecosystem and create a 500-700 word essay addressing the following: Refer to the infographic provided and chose a biome to describe with an example ecosystem.  Provide one example of a keystone species found in the biome/ecosystem.  Why is this keystone species important to the biome/ecosystem?  What defines it as a keystone species? Provide an example of an invasive species found in the biome/ecosystem.  What are some of the negative impacts this invasive species has on the ecosystem?  What is being done to mitigate impacts? Provide one example of an endangered species found in the biome/ecosystem.  Briefly discuss the causes of the decline in the species and what is being done to help.    Please include at least 3 academic sources and make sure all sources are cited in your essay.

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Human Papillomavirus Description | Instant Homework Solutions

topic must be on HPV (general description of topic) how and what does it enter into ones body, how to prevent catching HPV, what does HPV actually do to ones body….. etc

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Huntington’s Disease Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

References must be using Lab Medicine (, ) format Should be less than 30% of similarities I.Background/overview/bullet points of the gene/gene products/disease II.Pathophysiology  III.Diagnosis  IV.Etiology (Genetics/Molecular bases) V.Management and treatments  VI.Other  Definition and the terminology – A guide in intensive-writing I.Overview/Background a.  Gene or chromosomal involvement b.  Gene profile: i.   Gene name ii.   Protein name iii.   Chromosomal location  iv.   Mutation types (del, ins, dup, trans, snp, etc) v.   Incidence rate, population  or age prevalence etc. II.Pathophysiology a.  The branch of science concerned with the functioning of organisms is physiology b.  The physiology of abnormal or diseased organisms or their parts; the functional changes associated with a disease or syndrome. III.Diagnosis a.  The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data. b. The opinion derived from such an evaluation. c. Classic diagnostics: enzyme assay, EIA, Histology assay, microscopic,  d. Molecular assays: PCR, array, Sequencing, Blotting etc IV.Etiology a.  The branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease. b.  Etiology is the study of causation, or origination. “giving a reason for”. c.   Describe  clearly the structural or number abnormality of chromosome, the base/sequence number  d.  Example: a three base-pair deletion in exon 10 of the CFTR gene results in the omission of phenylalanine at position 508 in the 1480 amino acid chain., Example 2: sickle cell anemia HbS/HbSS, a single nucleotide change from A to T in the globin gene B gene in chromosomal 11 etc.)  V.Management and prognosis a. Treatment: drug, surgery, genetic consoling, follow-up etc. b. A prediction of the course or outcome of a disease or disorderb. The chances of recovery from a disease IV. Etiology a. The branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease. 4 b. Etiology is the study of causation, or origination. “giving a reason for”. c. Describe clearly the structural or number abnormality of chromosome, the base/sequence number d. Example: a three base-pair deletion in exon 10 of the CFTR gene results in the omission of phenylalanine at position 508 in the 1480 amino acid chain., Example 2: sickle cell anemia HbS/HbSS, a single nucleotide change from A to T in the globin gene B gene in chromosomal 11 etc.

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Drug Effects on Neurotransmitters | Instant Homework Solutions

Pick 1 neurotransmitters out of this list (acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate, or GABA)  and discuss their functions, as well as the brain areas they originate in and/or affect. After describing this, talk about 1 drug that affects each of these neurotransmitters. You should describe how the drug affects the neurotransmitter and the effects it produces in the body. Be sure to use complete sentences when answering this question.

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Effect of Anthropogenic Activities | Instant Homework Solutions

The effects of anthropogenic activities on the biosphere including climate change and Ocean acidification The ocean absorbs around 30% of carbon dioxide (CO2) released to the atmosphere as a result of human activities. As CO2 dissolves in seawater, it forms carbonic acid, decreasing the ocean’s pH. This is called ocean acidification. The acidity of the ocean has increased by 26% since the beginning of the industrial era. In at least 2 pages , define anthropogenic activities, describe how such activities can have a negative effect on ocean acidification and climate change, and provide some solutions to overcome these issues. 25 – 30 points Met learning outcome 10:Understand the effects of anthropogenic activities on the biosphere including climate change and Ocean acidification and answered all the questions on the prompt and  properly cited from acceptable sources.

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Materials Transport in Plants and Animals | Instant Homework Solutions

Assignment 4 (Materials transport in plants and animals)Please answer the following questions:Q.1. Xylem, phloem and stomatic guard cells have related functions; describe these relationships and how does this allow for the plant to adapt to its environment?Q.2. Throughout the evolution of plants, the number of stomata has changed. Explain why stomata might increase or decrease in a plant species in relation to habitat?Q.3. As water and minerals are absorbed through the plants root hairs, what is the process that this solution must go through to get to the vascular cylinder?Q.4. What is the process by which phloem moves sugar form a source to a sink and what are the cells that are used in this transport? How is this different from water movement in xylem?Q.5. Discuss the processes of exchange of O2 and CO2 that occur at the alveoli of mammals. Include in your answer a description of the transport of these gases in the blood.Q.6. Vertebrates have chambered hearts and their number can vary among species. Describe this situation in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.Q.7. Describe the path of a drop of blood through a mammalian hear starting from vena cava to aorta?Q.8. Explain the pathway of an electrical impulse during the excitation of human heart?Q.9. What are the two main components of blood? Also describe how to differentiate between different types of blood cells?Q.10. Write a paragraph describing the mechanism of blood coagulation?

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Biopsychology and Behavioral Neuroscience | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe the 3 main divisions of the brain, AFTER the brain is developed. Pick 1 of these areas and talk about the structures AND functions of those structures in that brain area. Be sure to use complete sentences when answering this question. Full credit for this question will name the three divisions, choose 1 specific division, name the structures that make up the division, AND describe the functions of the structures for that division.

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Use of Vaccines Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

Type your submission, double-spaced, in a Times New Roman font, size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.) Use proper APA formatting. Include in-text citations and a reference page in APA style. On this page list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. Also include a cover page and in-text citations.  Describe the background and basic issue of your chosen topic. Describe the basic argument of opposing viewpoints. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both views. Choose which view you agree with. (Only in the conclusion) Explain why you agree with that view.

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Lymphatic System & Nervous System | Instant Homework Solutions

Relying on the most recent research findings, since 2014 and after, critically evaluate, analyze, and discuss the interdependence between the Lymphatic System & the Nervous System. No more than 1 page (references NOT included), typed, single spaced, 1-inch margins, 10-point type size, supported by(2) peer review journal articles.

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Biology Discussion Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

Notes: Although there is a minimum word count of 2,000 words for this exam, you will find that it is likely going to require more than the minimum to fully answer the question. You may not copy or quote from any source. All information must be re-written in your own words. Answer all questions. Point value: 100 points. Read the course Style Guide for detailed instructions of structure and format. Exams must be submitted by the due date and time. Late Exams are NOT accepted without prior approval. Submit early to Turnitin.comDo not include the questions on your essays and exams.Question 1: Fertilization and Nerve Conduction (25 points) Describe fertilization and nerve conduction in terms of the properties of membranes and membrane polarization. Include in your answer:a. the development of the “resting potential” in the egg and the neuron and the events occurring during fertilization and an”action potential”b. the events that lead to slow and fast blocks to polyspermyc. a description of the differences between the “wave of depolarization” that passes over the egg and the “action potential” that propagates along a neuron Question 2: Excretion and Osmoregulation (25 points) Describe nitrogenous waste removal and salt and water balance (osmoregulation) of birds. Include in your answer: a. a comparison of avian and mammalian kidneys with special reference to the structures and functions of nephrons b. the blood circulatory pattern of the avian kidney and the function of the renal portal valves c. the structure and function of salt glands and the advantage for birds of a non-pressure based compared to a pressure-based osmoregulatory mechanism Question 3: Animal Life Histories (25 points) Compare and contrast the life histories (life cycles) of invertebrate animals from different phyla using specific animal examples.Include in your answer:a. a description of fertilization, cleavage, and embryonic development of eggs with different amounts of yolkb. the many advantages of life histories that include a larval stage for marine animals and for insects c. a description of the life history of parasitic trematode worms and the features that increase reproductive success even thoughthe life histories are complex and must pass through multiple hosts d. the advantages of asexual reproduction and the advantages of sexual reproductionQuestion 4: Tides and Seasons (25 points)Compare and contrast seasons and tides in temperate and tropical areas with respect to the positions of Earth and Luna, Earth’s tilt relative to its orbital plane, and insolation. Include in your answer: a. a description for the reasons for seasons b. how tides are produced and the reasons that tides are more extreme in temperate latitudes compared to tropical latitudes c. how tides affect the vertical distribution (zonation) of marine animals d. descriptions of specific adaptations of animals for survival in splash, high tide, middle tide and low tide zones.References Immediately following the essay, two lines below the last line of your essay, list all sources used in writing your essay to answer the question. Do not use in-text citations and do not use footnotes. Simply list your sources in this “References” section. You must have a References section with at least five references which you have used in preparing your answers: the course textbook, and at least four additional sources. If you do not include a References section, you will lose 10 points (2 points for each missing source). Be sure to include the References section with your submission to Turnitin. If you forget, you are able to re-submit until the deadline, but not after.

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