Respiratory Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions

Acid Base Case Study Henry was admitted to the emergency room with the following symptoms headache, nauseous, confused and extreme sleepiness. Labs were drawn and the following results were returned: Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) pH: 7.25 Pco2: 33 HCO3-: 15 mEq/L Answer the following questions, including detail and appropriate explanations: o What is an ABG? Why or when is it usually performed? What are the normal values for the labs listed above? Describe the 3 systems in the body that work together to regulate pH. What type of acid/base imbalance is present in Henry? Is Henry’s body compensating? If so is it partially or fully compensated? Explain your reasoning. Explain how the compensatory mechanism is going to affect this imbalance. Relate your answer to the following equation:  CO2 + H20 ? H2CO3 ? HCO3- + H+ What organ system is responsible for compensating in this case? What changes will be observable when the organ system compensates?  Explain 3 common causes of this type of acid/base imbalance.

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Biology Description | Instant Homework Solutions

Biology is a dynamic science in the sense that our understanding of biology may change as new information is gathered through its study. Describe how biology is a dynamic science and how that relates to your own personal career path. For example, if you plan to go into the medical field – what aspects of our understanding of biology are dynamic? You should reflect on your broad understanding of the biological sciences and how the study of biology must be flexible to change. Describe how that change persists in your field of choice and measures taken in that field to be amenable to change.  3-5 paragraphs Include references where relevant (e.g., direct quotations, data, principles/ideas not your own, etc.)

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Congestive Heart Failure | Instant Homework Solutions

Congestive Heart Failure Pathophysiology: How and Why Does it Happen? I need a reference page Please make sure it is SPECIFICALLY about congestive heart failure.  Use this website as one of the sources please:

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Microbiology Unknown Organism Assignment | Instant Homework Solutions

Microbiology Unknown Organism Assignment Unknown Organism: Salmonella typhimurium.   Must be APA format, more than one paragraph, references cited. Describe one disease or condition, human or veterinary, that the identified organism is a pathogen for. If the organism is non-pathogenic, describe in full one use of it as tool in biotechnology. (Infection does not count; you must be more specific). Your answer to this question should be in complete sentences and more than one paragraph, references should be provided. The research for this section should be complete and detailed. All sources must be cited using APA format.  Disease or condition: Full name of disease, mechanism of the disease (what does this organism do that causes a disease state in the host), toxins or cell damage description. Treatment of the disease both supportive and pharmaceutical. Include the prevalence of the disease in the United States and any programs or research that may be ongoing for the disease. Biotechnology Use: What field of biotechnology is the organism being used in. List the use, what it is being used to produce and what the purpose and function of that biotech product is. Describe if it is used for industrial or pharmaceutical purposes. List the company currently using the organism and of the product is already on the market or still in research.

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Immune Mechanisms Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

In this discussion, you will examine the body’s immune mechanisms. Objectives Describe the different types of immunity. Describe selected disorders of the immune system, including allergies and lupus. Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity. Instructions Step 1: Respond to the following: When the human body is invaded by foreign microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, it produces an immune response. Choose one example of a bacterium or virus to discuss. What actions does the body produce in its immune response to invasion by the particular bacterium or virus you selected? Explain your answer. Would active or passive immunity be more effective against this bacterium or virus? Why?

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Eye Problems and Diagnosis | Instant Homework Solutions

The Optic Disc, Refraction, Visual Acuity, and Astigmatism 1. Explain why vision is lost when light hits the blind spot. 2. Match the terms in column B with the descriptions in column A. Column AColumn B light bending 2. ability to focus for close (less than 20 feet) vision 3. normal vision 4. inability to focus well on close objects (farsightedness) 5. nearsightedness 6. blurred vision due to unequal curvatures of the lens or cornea 7. medial movement of the eyes during focusing on close objects a. accommodation b. astigmatism c. convergence d. emmetropia hyperopia f. myopia g. refraction 3. Complete the following statements: In farsightedness, the light is focused the retina. The lens required to treat myopia is a _2_ lens. The “near point” of vision increases with age because the _3_ of 1.1m image that is upside down and reversed from left to right. Such an image is called a A image. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Use terms from the key to complete the statements concerning near and distance vision. (Some choices will be used more than once.) a. contracted b. decreased c. increased d. loose e. relaxed f. taut During distance vision, the ciliary muscle is the ciliaryr zonule is the convexity of the lens is and light refraction is . During close vision, the ciliary muscle is the ciliary zonule is lens convexity is , and light refraction is 5. Using your Snellen eye test results, answer the following questions. Is your visual acuity normal, less than normal, or better than normal? Explain your answer. Explain why each eye is tested separately when an examiner is using the Snellen eye chart. Explain 20/40 vision. Explain 20/10 vision. 6. Define astigmatism. How can it be corrected? 7. Define presbyopia. What causes it? Rlinanpqq 8. To which wavelengths of light do the three cone types of the retina respond maximally? , and 9. How can you explain the fact that we see a great range of colors even though only three cone types exist? Binocular Vision 10. Explain the difference between binocular and panoramic vision. What is the advantage of binocular vision? What factor(s) are responsible for binocular vision? Eye Reflexes 11. In the experiment on the convergence reflex, what happened to the position of the eyeballs as the object was moved closer to the subject’s eyes? Which extrinsic eye muscles control the movement of the eyes during this reflex? What is the value of this reflex? 12. In the experiment on the photopupillary reflex, what happened to the pupil of the eye exposed to light? What happened to the pupil of the nonilluminated eye? Explanation? Ophthalmoscopic Examination 13. Why is the ophthalmoscopic examination an important diagnostic tool? 14. Many college students struggling through mountainous reading assignments are told that they need glasses for “eyestrain.” Why is it more of a strain on the extrinsic and intrinsic eye muscles to look at close objects than at far object

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Treatment of Sensorimotor Disorders | Instant Homework Solutions

Search the empirical research literature to find 2 or 3 articles on the treatment of a sensorimotor disorder. Describe the characteristics and origin of the disorder that you identified. Then compare and contrast the different approaches to treating the disorder in terms of technique and effectiveness. Be sure to discuss the challenges underlying the treatment of the disorder you chose. Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length, excluding title page and reference section.

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Flower Morphology and Reproduction | Instant Homework Solutions

Overview The objectives of this lab are to show you how much can be learned by “disassembling” a plant. The lab will give you an opportunity to learn about the structure of different flowers, how plants reproduce, and how different flowering plants have evolved different adaptations to attract pollinators. To achieve these objects, this lab consists of two primary activities: Activity 1: Flower dissection: You will dissect at least four flowers. You will document the different structures of each flower as well as compare these structures across your flowers. Activity 1 will introduce you to the major structures of a flower as well as illustrate how these structures vary across species. Activity 2: Flower dissection: You will use the data collected from Activity 1 to determine how each flower is pollinated. Activity 2 will introduce you to the role of floral morphology in the process of pollination. You will explore how different flower structures have evolved

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Metabolic Processes | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe one of the following processes: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, or the Calvin Cycle. The paper should be 400- 500 word

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Aquatic or Terrestrial Ecosystem Biodiversity | Instant Homework Solutions

Choose an aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem that is in your region or of particular interest. Write a 750-1050 word paper about the ecosystem and two species (one plant species and one animal species) that inhabit the ecosystem. Introduction Discuss the ecosystem and the degree of biodiversity that is present. Identify and discuss any interrelated ecosystems in close proximity that directly impact your topic ecosystem. Provide a brief description of two species (one plant and one animal) that inhabit your ecosystem. One of these species must be classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List, or by a government wildlife of natural resource agency. Discuss each of these species in relation to their instrumental and uniqueness value. Explain how this species became endangered, and discuss efforts currently underway to help protect and/or preserve this species. Conclusion The paper should be in APA format with an APA title and reference page. Four separate instances of cited material are required in the paper with corresponding references. There must be one instance in which material from our course textbook is cited and referenced.

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