Human Microbiome

Read and answer the following questions. Parasites and the treatment of asthma and allergic diseases.  A) Describe three different mechanisms, from mouse, human or in vitro studies, of how helminths can influence the severity or outcome of allergic airway inflammation (AAI). See the Bohnacker et al. review (Frontiers in Immunology, 2020).  B) From the Blank et al. paper (PLoS ONE, 2018), explain the strategy, or rationale, for their experiments targeting rheumatoid arthritis in a mouse model. Be sure to define CIA, TPC, and neuropilin-1.  C) In the data presented in the figures, 1 through 3, interpret the results for each of the three figures and how the differences between PBS, T, PC, PPC, and untreated controls, support their findings.

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Abnormal Electromyography

Myasthenia Gravis  Mandy VanBibber posted Dec 16, 2020 1:44 AM  Subscribe Previous   Next   This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll. Adjust automatic marking as read setting A 30 year old female presents with muscle weakness and fatigue. Abnormal electromyography testing and a positive increase in ACTH receptor test is reported. Her final diagnosis is Myasthenia Gravis. Myasthenia gravis is a type of autoimmune disorder.  Antibodies are proteins made by the body’s immune system when it finds harmful substances.  Antibodies in this case is produce when the immune system mistakes healthy tissues to be a harmful substance.   In people with myasthenia gravis, the body produces antibodies that block the muscle cells from receiving the neurotransmitters from the nerve cells.  Myasthenia gravis can affect people at any age but is most common in young women and older men (Myasthenia gravis, 2019).   Describe the normal synaptic transmission at the Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ). Neuromuscular transmission depends on the blend, storage, and release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic motor nerve ending at the neuromuscular junction, binding of acetylcholine to nicotinic receptors on the postsynaptic region of the muscle cell membrane, with simultaneously generating of the action potential and rapid influx of acetylcholine by the acetylcholinesterase enzyme present in the synaptic cleft (Naguib, 2007).             2.  Why is the ACTH level increased? If adrenal glands are healthy and functioning normally, cortisol level will rise in response to ACTH you are given in the ACTH receptor test.  This test was done to rule out primary adrenal insufficiency (Montes-Villarreal, 2020)   Explain why the patient with myasthenia gravis cannot generate consistent action potentials in the muscle fiber.    Acetylcholine receptor antibodies bind to the acetylcholine receptors and block many of the receptors, so the action or activity of this acetylcholine neurotransmitter results in a reduced movement of the voluntary muscle (Myasthenia gravis, 2019).   Treatment for the patient involves pyridostigmine—what does this drug do and how would it benefit our patient? Pyridostigmine inhibits acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft by competing with acetylcholine for attachment to acetylcholinesterase and slows down the hydrolysis of the acetylcholine effectively increasing the efficiency of the cholinergic transmission in the neuromuscular junction, prolonging the effects of acetylcholine (Apinyawasisuk, Chongpison, Thitisaksakul, & Jariyakosol,2020).   Reference Apinyawasisuk, S., Chongpison, Y., Thitisaksakul, C., & Jariyakosol, S. (2020). Factors Affecting Generalization of Ocular Myasthenia Gravis in Patients With Positive Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 209, 10-17.   Montes-Villarreal, J., Perez-Arredondo, L., Rodriguez-Gutierrez, R., Alejandro Diaz Gonzalez-Colmenero, Solis, R. C., González-González, J. G., & Mancillas-Adame, L. (2020). SERUM MORNING CORTISOL AS A SCREENING TEST FOR ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY. Endocrine Practice, 26(1), 30-35.   Myasthenia gravis (2019). Johns Creek: Ebix Inc. Retrieved from Naguib, M., W.B. Saunders, (2007). Complications in Anesthesia (Second Edition),Chapter 116 – Myasthenic Disorders, pages 448-449, )

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Gene Combinations

Explain how two crawfish have different traits from their parents and how did the gene combinations give them this as a result

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Amino Acid

Explain one paragraph (in your own words what are the following disease). NO COPY PASTE, I will submit it through turn it in for copyright. also, add your reference for each disease.What is it, which amino acid is not working, is it an (enzyme not working if so which enzyme), can the patient live with this disease, what are some of the clinical presentation patients will present, is there any treatment for these type of patient.HomocystinuriaPhenylketonuria (PKU) and Maternal PKUMaple Syrup DiseaseAlkaptonuriaHomocystinuriaCystinuriaTyrosinemia

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Eukaryotic Cell

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis form a critical cycle of energy and matter that supports the continued existence of life on earth. In a 2-3 page Word document, describe the stages of cellular respiration and photosynthesis and their interaction and interdependence including raw materials, products, and amount of ATP or glucose produced during each phase. How is each linked to specific organelles within the eukaryotic cell? What has been the importance and significance of these processes and their cyclic interaction to the evolution and diversity of life?

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Social Reproduction

Please answer each question in 1-2 pages of double-spaced prose. Be sure to reference relevant class readings in your answer. No bibliography required, but I do want in-text citations.   1. What is social reproduction, and how does this topic pull together many different ideas we’ve discussed around race, class, and gender? 2. Write about an instance of “white fragility” you’ve experienced. This could be your own experience as a white person or as a person of color. (By the way, i am an Asian, china) What happened? How might you have acted differently, if at all, based on what you’ve learned in this class?

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Adenosine Triphosphate

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) has been called the energy currency of the cell. Briefly outline the cycle by which energy is stored in and released from ATP. Discuss how ATP is critically important to cellular chemical processes. Enzymes are protein materials that control chemical processes. Describe the specific mechanisms of enzyme function. Pick a specific enzyme and describe its function and the importance of that function to life. Discuss how the loss of that enzyme would disrupt living processes. Make sure your explanation of enzymes is informed by the textbook.

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World Geography

What are the differences among renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible resources

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Keystone Species

Pick a biome and ecosystem and create a 500-700 word essay addressing the following: Refer to the infographic provided and chose a biome to describe with an example ecosystem.  Provide one example of a keystone species found in the biome/ecosystem.  Why is this keystone species important to the biome/ecosystem?  What defines it as a keystone species? Provide an example of an invasive species found in the biome/ecosystem.  What are some of the negative impacts this invasive species has on the ecosystem?  What is being done to mitigate impacts? Provide one example of an endangered species found in the biome/ecosystem.  Briefly discuss the causes of the decline in the species and what is being done to help.    Please include at least 3 academic sources and make sure all sources are cited in your essay.  Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Hydrogen Bonds

Instructions: Choose 4 topics from category A and 2 from category B. You must answer all parts of the question in order to receive full credit. Responses are expected to be about .5 – 1 page typed, single spaced, font size 12, times new roman font. Your grade will be determined by the quality of your response and how you support your answer. If you reference sources outside of the book, please simply list them at the end of the response. DO NOT PLAGERIZE. No copy and pasting, even in quotes. Everything must be in your own words and not just simply reworded from another text. Category A- Topics covered in class: Choose 4 of the following topics to answer. Explain cell theory. What are some current hypotheses of how the first cell could have come into existence? What is the evidence that supports these hypotheses? Describe ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds. Explain how the cell uses bonds to store energy and perform metabolic processes Explain the process of transcription and translation. Explain why the “RNA world” hypothesis is a plausible explanation of how genetic information was stored, replicated, and expressed before DNA, protein, and RNA were used. Many deadly genetic diseases exist in the human population. If these diseases are fatal, how do they still persist in the population? What can a person do to determine if they carry these genes? Explain the specific differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. Explain one disease that occurs when an error happens in each type of cell replication (2 diseases total). Can GMO or selective breading lead to the creation of new species? Explain. Category B- Exploratory topics: Choose 2 of the following topics to answer. Discuss any major outbreak of disease from the recent or distant past. Describe the pathogen that caused it and explain why this pathogen is, or is not, still a threat to humans. Choose any living species. Describe its lifecycle and explain its evolutionary history. We, as humans, are now able to consciously impact our own evolution. Is this good or bad? Why? Write about any one topic related to Biology. Please make it interesting.

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