Evolutionary Adaptations

Define and explain macro- and micro- evolution. Use evidence to discuss and defend several mechanisms of evolution. Distinguish between homeostatic and evolutionary adaptations. Describe the evolution of life on earth and include a description of unicellular, multicellular, plant and animal evolution.  Give examples of evolution in the form/function relationship in some of the adaptations of the animal circulatory, respiratory, and nervous and immune systems. Describe how a phylogenetic tree could be constructed with all living organisms in the tree.

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Beta Globin Polypeptide

Let’s discuss gene expression, using the human beta-globin (HBB) gene as an example. Recall that beta-globin is one of the polypeptide subunits of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells. Imagine that you are a wild-type (HbA) allele of the HBB gene located on human chromosome 11. Writing from the first-person perspective, how is the beta-globin polypeptide produced from your gene? In your response, be sure to describe the three main processes involved in eukaryotic gene expression: transcription, RNA processing, and translation. Conclude by discussing the mutation in the beta-globin gene that results in sickle cell anemia

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Organ System

Explain how this difference between the male and female described by your peer could affect disease processes associated with that organ system. Give examples of diseases that result from these differences. Try to select examples that are unique from those already described by other classmates. Discuss any advantageous reasons to having this difference that your peer described.

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Peer Evaluations

After you submit the final draft of the Data Analysis and Conclusions assignment, you will be assigned the Data Analysis and Conclusions document from a student in the other group (by the end of the day, Tuesday, 12/8). If you are in Exercise 6 Group 1, then you will be assigned a peer document from a student in Exercise 6 group 2 and vice versa. If the document assigned to you does not have data from the other group, or has incomplete information then you must send  Dr. Mohan an email (smohan12@umd.edu) requesting a new peer document assignment no later than Friday, 12/11. Due date extensions will not be granted because you waited too long to check the peer document assigned to you.  You will evaluate this peer document by filling out the rubric for the final draft of the Data Analysis and Conclusions document assigned to you by noon on Monday, 12/14. You will also use the information in the peer document assigned to you to complete the Data Summary assignment (see below for additional details), by noon on Monday, 12/14. To ensure that you are using accurate information to complete the data summary assignment an answer key for the data analysis and conclusions assignment assigned to the other group will be added to your Exercise 6 group page by Tuesday, 12/8. You should also use this answer key as a reference to complete the peer evaluation assignment.  Refer to the instructions outlined in “How do I submit a peer review to an assignment? ” for information on how to access the peer document assigned to you and fill out the rubric. Remember, the document you are evaluating is the final draft of the Data Analysis and Conclusions assignment.  In the data summary assignment, you will use the data generated for the research questions assigned to your Exercise 6 group and the Data Analysis and Conclusions document assigned to you for peer evaluation to address the two overall goals of Exercise 6:  Determine treatment options for MH1 infections Determine if MH1 is a strain of E. coli or salmonella. In addition to the experiments you and your peers analyzed for the Data Analysis and Conclusions assignment, you will analyze the results from two new experiments. These experiments were carried out to confirm the results from previous experiments conducted to determine the identity of MH1.  For this assignment, you will type up the answers to the questions  listed below in a separate document, using Word or GoogleDocs. Then, convert the document to a single pdf file and submit the assignment by uploading it here by noon on Monday, 12/14. Handwritten and/or scanned files will not be graded. Additionally, you must upload the Data Analysis and Conclusions peer document that was assigned to you for evaluation. Data Summary Assignment Questions: List your Group number. (1pt) Which of the antibiotics tested in this exercise (Ampicillin, Kanamycin, Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol), can be used to treat MH1 infections? Provide a rationale for your answer and indicate if your conclusion is based on results you analyzed or on results analyzed by a peer assigned to the other group. (2pts) In 1-2 sentences summarize how MH1 is resistant to the penicillin family of antibiotics. Provide a rationale for your answer and indicate if your conclusion is based on results you analyzed or on results analyzed by a peer assigned to the other group. (2pts) Based on the results from the beta – galactosidase assay and the GapA, ApeE, and InvA PCR experiments can you determine if MH1 is a strain of E. coli or Salmonella or is the overall conclusion about the identity of MH1 still inconclusive? Provide a rationale for your answer and indicate if your conclusion is based on results you analyzed or on results analyzed by a peer assigned to the other group. (2pts) To confirm the results from the beta-galactosidase assay, an additional PCR experiment was carried out using primers for the beta-galactosidase gene and DNA template from MH1, E. coli and Salmonella. After gel electrophoresis, a single band was observed in the lane with the E.coli sample and in the lane with the MH1 sample. Based on the results from the beta-galactosidase assay, are these results expected? Provide a brief rationale for your answer. (1pts) Do these results change your conclusion about the identity of MH1? Provide a brief rationale for your answer. (2pts) To confirm the results from the ApeE PCR experiment, the PCR product from the MH1 sample was sequenced. Follow these directions  to perform a BLAST analysis of the MH1/ApeE PCR product and then answer the questions listed below. Based on the top five matches from the BLAST analysis, what can you conclude about the identity about the DNA fragment that was amplified in the MH1/ApeE PCR reaction? Provide a rationale for your conclusion. (2pts) Do these results from BLAST analysis change your conclusion about the identity of MH1? Provide a brief rationale for your answer.

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Human Condition

Is the perfect baby perfect? Ethics and genetic modification:  With the advancement of medicine, the challenge for man is not to procreate but rather to create the perfect offspring. Thanks to modern technology humans can now genetically modify their babies in-vitro, but is this ethically justifiable, by modifying this baby would it not also influence its learning of virtue? Is an engineered baby morally justified or not justified by the natural deontology of life as we know it? Let’s explore this using different ethical theories (Deontology-Utilitarian-Virtue) watch the Human Condition on Netflix https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/comment/genetically-modified-babies-debate/ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-50460721 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28885275/ https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/commentary/just-because-we-can-create-genetically-modified-babies-doesnt-mean https://www.dw.com/en/genetically-edited-babies-an-ethical-transgression/a-51836243

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Seed Dispersal

1. What is seed dispersal? Why is it important? Describe seed adaptations that allow for dispersal. 2. According to the video, how do spider monkeys help with seed dispersal? 3. Research another example of an animal involved in seed dispersal. Write a paragraph summarizing the interaction. Remember to cite your sources (MLA format). https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/seed-dispersal-and-habitat-fragmentation

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Genetic Engineering Technology

Scientists are exploiting this new genetic engineering technology of CRISPR. Think about different ways scientists can use CRISPR to benefits humans. Create a thread and in few sentences elaborate on this subject. Please cite your sources.

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Importance Of Plants

This week we will investigate the importance of plants in our everyday lives – in ways other than just for oxygen. Photosynthesis is arguably one of the most important processes on Earth – essentially all life depends on it. Humans and other animals depend on plants to capture the energy of the sun and use that energy to manufacture carbohydrates – subsequently releasing the oxygen that we breathe. But plants are vital to our lives in other ways as well. Think about the pencil you write with (or used to), the toothpick you used last night, the cotton T-shirt you wore today or the maple syrup you had on your pancakes this morning. These all came from plants! Ethnobotany is the study of the relationship between plants and people – plants used for practical, ceremonial, spiritual, medicinal, decorative, edible, etc. purposes. You are to find a plant product that we use every day, and do not pick one that your classmates have already chosen. Make sure to include the product name in the title of your discussion post so that others can quickly see what you have chosen. Do some research and address the following: From what plant does your product come? Include the common and scientific name (properly formatted). What is the product? What does it do? How do we extract it from the plant. Describe in detail. What is the primary use: medicinal, ceremonial, etc.? Are there commercial fields for the plant? Where? Are there any substitutes for your product? If there is no information, feel free to take an educated guess and support it. What is the most fascinating thing you learned about your product? Follow the discussion grading criteria, guidelines and instructions for posting and replying to peers. For More Information: Missouri Botanical Garden: New York Botanical Garden: https://www.nybg.org/plant-research-and-conservation/explore/plants-and-people/ TEDX Video: 9 21 Unread for topic W6: Plants and People: (21) View profile card for Jarvis Johnson

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Air Quality

Final Research Proposal Guidelines I will attach my first paper & my outline in files. Please feel free to stray from it, I need an A paper. The proposal should contain well-developed sections (Put clear titles on the top of each section) of your outline that you submitted earlier. The proposal should have seven (7) major sections: Introduction: A brief overview of all your sections. Approx. one page A summary of the literature review. In this section, you would summarize the previous research (summarize at least 8-10 scholarly research articles), and also your field data collection results (if it was connected to your proposal topic). Also indicate the gaps in the previous research, including your pilot study, and the need for your research study. Please devote around three pages to reviewing the previous research and finding the gaps. Arising from the literature review, write the Purpose Statement of your research (purpose statement should have all its parts clearly written. Follow the examples from the textbook). Identify two to three main hypotheses or research questions (based on the quantitative/qualitative research design). Also, give some of your supporting research questions. Follow the examples from the textbook. Describe the research strategy of inquiry and methods that you would use and why. The method part should be the substantial part of your paper, around three Define your knowledge claims, strategies, and methods from the textbook (and cite), why you chose them, and how you will conduct the research in detail. One page on the significance of your study. A complete reference list of your sources in APA style on a separate page. The total length of the paper should be between 8-10 pages (excluding the reference and cover pages).

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Glucose Tolerance

Article has been attached (you may use another article of choice if you would like; this is just a suggestion) Prepare a Powerpoint presentation (15–20 slides) that explains the article following article: Engineering of ?-Glucosidase Bgl15 with Simultaneously Enhanced Glucose Tolerance and Thermostability To Improve Its Performance in High-Solid Cellulose Hydrolysis , as well as any prior study necessary to understand article. (you may use another article of choice if you would like; this is just a suggestion). Include, as necessary for understanding, information such as: –       Name of enzyme and EC number –       Cofactor required –       Substrate –       Kinetic parameters (kcat, KM) –       Reaction catalyzed and mechanism –       Reaction conditions (pH, T, solvent, etc.) –       Assay used to characterize enzyme –       Mutagenesis method and screening/selection assay –       Type of enzyme engineering (rational design vs directed evolution) –        Enzyme structure –       Type of biocatalytic transformation (e.g., fermentation, biotransformation, etc.) –       Biocatalytic process (e.g., deracemization, direct asymmetric synthesis, kinetic resolution, cofactor recycling, etc.) –       Use 3–5 bullet points on slides if necessary (except when showing figures). When showing figures, include short legend to understand the figure. SUGGESTION: use a sentence to provide take-home message, either as title of slide or as statement at the bottom of your slide (see example assignment). Guidelines: 1.     Introduction (5–7 slides) a.     Explain context and background needed to understand paper (i.e. what is the current state?of?the?art? why should we care about this study?) b.     Describe system under study (i.e., enzyme and/or method) c.     Clearly state the objective and hypothesis of the current study 2.      Methods and Results (8–12 slides) a.     Describe what the authors did and show results from article (i.e. copy/paste figures and tables, with appropriate legend so that reader can understand) b.      Explain important methods, especially if these are new engineering strategies 3.      Discussion and Conclusions (2–3 slides) a.     Put these findings in the context of the field (i.e. discussion, how does this compare to previous methods or previous work?) b.      Summarize what the findings of the paper were (i.e., what was achieved? Did it work?) c.     Future directions   Please ensure to answer all key points

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