Developmental Observation

Developmental Observation Project Guidelines for Projects: All projects must be typed unless otherwise noted by the instructor.  Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation must be used.  Grammar will be considered when grading.  Projects should be neat and professionally presented.  Projects will be graded on completeness, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness. Developmental Observation Project: Objective:  To observe the development of young children birth through age 5. This project will consist of an extensive observation of 3 children: an infant, a toddler, and a preschooler.   Part I: For each of the 3 children, you will describe their development in the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional domains.  The textbooks should be used as a guide for specific aspects to observe.  For instance, when observing an infant, you might describe the physical characteristics of the child including height, weight, body control as well as small motor control.  You may also talk to the parents and ask them questions about development to include in your report.  You should have at least one page for each developmental domain.  The descriptions should be comprehensive and detailed.    Part II: Choose one theory of development discussed in the beginning of class.  For each child, write a page summary about each child’s development in terms of the theory.    For instance, according to Piaget, at what stage of development would the child be?  What led you to this conclusion?  What aspect about the child’s behaviors made this evident?  Provide examples.    The project will be evaluated on the following: Neatness, Inclusion of all aspects of each developmental domain included in the textbook, Comprehensiveness

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Neurological Markers

Attached are previously written papers on this subject you can review Based on what you have learned and the article “The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel” that you read earlier, answer the following question:   What importance does the topic of your news story and the question that you developed have to you and to society as a whole?   Article: “The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel”   My Subject Article:   My Question: Which of the brain’s neurological markers determine if there are any hereditary indicators leading to Alzheimer’s disease?   Critical Elements: Importance to them Explains the importance of the topic of their news story and the question that was developed in Project 2 has to them Importance to Society Explains the importance of the topic of their news story and the question that was developed in Project 2 has to society as a whole Communicates Clearly Clearly communicates key ideas and thoughts in a short-answer response

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High Cholesterol Intake

What risk are associated with high cholesterol intake? The RDA for protein intake is 0.8 grams per 1 kilogram (kg) of body weight. Calculate body weight in kilograms then multiply that by 0.8 to obtain the recommended grams of protein Body weight is 160.

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Stem Cell

7. Defend or refute this statement “Stem cell biotechnologically has the potential to produce revolutionary therapies for the treatment of some human diseases”. (Clearly explain biotechnological concepts and techniques, inclusive of legal and ethical constraints)

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Viable Transmission For Zoonoses

What other animal materials harvested or purchased by humans besides meat/blood may serve as viable transmission for zoonoses? That is my question.  I have already picked what I want to look into which is animal skin are viable transmission    I just can’t find scholarly articles from a database, I will need a database for the rationale in the introduction and the background. The methods part I have the section done. Provide articles for me to provide in my final.

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Muscle Fascicle

Pick a region of the body (e.g., pectoral girdle, hand, neck, thigh, etc.) and prepare a written paper of at least 1000 words on the following bullet points: Describe the type(s) of muscle, patterns of fascicle organization, actions, and attachment points for the muscles present in your chosen region. Trace the pathways by which the presence of a sensory stimulus (e.g., a bug crawling across your skin) in your chosen region is processed and the subsequent motor behavior that carried out. Be sure to identify the initiation and termination points of the tracts, where the cell bodies of the neurons present in the pathway are located, along with locations of any synapses that occur along the tract. Focusing on one specific movement performed by muscles in your chosen region, identify the prime mover, synergists, and antagonists. Predict how a stroke in the primary somatosensory cortex would affect both the anatomy and function of your chosen region differently than a stroke in the primary motor cortex.

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Asexual Reproduction

Fungi tend to reproduce sexually when nutrients are limited or other conditions are unfavorable, but they reproduce asexually in more ideal conditions. Why is this strategy successful?

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The Scientific Methods

The critique must include the following points: You will be graded for each of these points. I will pay particular attention to G)   A)     Brief introduction of the scientific process being investigated   B)     Objective of the Study-  What was the goal of the study? What question(s) did the author(s) ask?   C)     What was their hypothesis?   D)     Key observations:  What were their most important findings?   E)      What techniques were used: Materials and Methods.   F)      How did this work help advance our understanding of the topic?   G)     What is the conclusion?   H)     Your own perspective – were the data convincing? What other experiments would you have done?   Formatting     •      Double space, using Times New Roman or Arial font   •      Font size should be 12   Structure the critique using the points I have given (A through G). Please separate them out under headings.

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Body Immune System

I. Please answer 2 questions. II. Write a short paper describing the differences between the body’s immune responses to bacterial vs. viral infections.( 1-2 pages) III. Write a paper in which you address the following: (It is done below and I need rewording for the similarity score to be< 30%)

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Natural History Information

^The Assignment topic above, not the paper’s title. Instructions below -2 peer reviewed journal articles (Articles don’t need to be abut species and the trait, can include articles on other species in the genus or family or other species that have a similar trait) -TITLE: should be a research question -INTRO: Strong case for why the hypothesis should be tested, evidence from natural history information and published research will help the reader to understand the significant of your hypothesis. 1. a description of a trait of your species (Grapsus Grapsus) that you think could be an adaptation. Be sure to address the variation in the trait 2. Any natural history information that is relevant to the trait you have chosen (i.e. where does it live, what other species does it interact with, what does it eat and how does it feed) – why does this hypothesized adaptation make sense, given its natural history and ecology 3.What is known? Include the results from at least one experiment or observational study that relates to your hypothesis. These results must be reported in a peer reviewed journal article 4. What is not known? Include explanation of what is still unknown, or some aspect of the research you cite that could be improved. 5. A clear hypothesis stating how this trait may be an adaptation. The hypothesis you propose should build on what is not known about your species and/or trait. METHODS: Must write the experimental design in your own words and cite the article,1. State your independent variable and describe how you will manipulate or control it. 2. Identify any controls you may need to include in your experiment to ensure that your experiment tests your hypothesis 3. State your dependent variable and describe how you will measure it PREDICTIONS: State all possible results of your experiment, do NOT use this section to state what you expect will happen, nor provide any explanations for the results. 1. state null hypothesis 2.identify possible results of your experiment that would not reject the null hypothesis 3. identify possible results of your experiment that would reject the null hypothesis DISCUSSION: This is where you draw conclusions of your potential results and explore the implications of your experiment. Support the ideas in your discussion by citing at least one peer reviewed journal article. 1. What does it mean if the results of your experiment reject your null hypothesis? Explain the relationship between trait and fitness 2. What does it mean if the results of your experiment do not reject your null hypothesis? Why else might your species have this trait? LITERATURE CITED: 1. Your literature cited section should include every source you cite 2. CSE style 3. Must cite at least two peer reviewed journal articles 4. DO NOT SITE WEBSITES 5. DO NOT USE QUOTATIONS ANYWHERE IN YOUR PROPOSAL.

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