Critical Thinking Essay

Is sexuality research as valid and reliable as other areas of research? Explain

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Nutritional Analysis Of Meals

Lipids and Protein Design a Meal Create a healthy and unhealthy meal from a specific fast food restaurant; make sure to include an entrée, side, drink and dessert. Nutritional Analysis Write a nutritional analysis of the meal you have created (include macronutrients, key vitamins, minerals and any other nutrient worth mentioning); make sure to touch on the major macronutrients like carbs, protein and fat but also include sugar, fiber, sodium, cholesterol and any vitamin and minerals your meals may have. Reflection Discuss your reaction to the analysis for each meal; what did you think about each meal? What surprised you with regard to the nutrient levels/amounts? In this section, it is imperative that you compare the nutrient levels to the standard RDA’s and make comments such as “in the unhealthy meal, 40% of the total calories come from fat and considering the diet is only supposed to contain between 20-30% fat for the entire day, this meal is quite unhealthy”. Make sure to do this for both meals. Critical Thinking How will the above information (the details from the analysis) affect your future food choices? Will you still go to the restaurant; will you change what you will eat; what steps will you take with regard to your health in light of the details you examined from the analysis?

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Properties Of Materials

please answer this question do properties of materials tell you how useful or harmful a product is? Explain your answer.

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Fake News

There is always something new in the media about brains and evolution. It is both important and interesting to keep up with these findings in this class. This also presents an opportunity to consider how science is interpreted by the media and communicated to the general public.  You will write a paper (4 pages, double-spaced) that critically analyzes a news story that covers a recent scientific report. What does the media story get right? What does it get wrong? How are the findings framed for a general readership? You will present your ‘fake news’ critique to your discussion section.

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Comparing Human Origin Accounts

Before posting, be sure to have read the 4 different origin stories provided in Module 2.  They reflect four different peoples’ explanations for the origin of the world and for humans in the world. To meet the standard for discussion postings, you must follow the instructions and answer all the questions below (completion criterion), substantiate your responses accurately (accuracy + substantiation), and be comparative (analysis).  By “substantiate” I mean that you relate your answer to the material you studied.  Give examples and make sure they are accurate examples.  Giving your opinion is not enough.  You must explain your views. For all discussions in this course that have multiple sections, be sure to label your discussion post with numbers to each of the sections/questions posed: 1. There are numerous themes that occur in more than one of these origin accounts.  Choose ONE theme and compare and contrast it across the different origin accounts.  (Hint: Recall that we social scientists look for patterns, so find something that is common in two or more accounts–not exactly the same but similar. Then describe what is similar [pattern] and what is also different about it [variation] in the accounts.) 2. Which account views human nature most negatively and why?  (Hint: are humans depicted as largely evil over good?  How and why?) 3. Which account is your favorite and why? Evaluation Criteria:  follow instructions/completion, substantiation, and analysis

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What Is Cloning

Cloning- Research cloning. Consider the following: How is the procedure done? What’s the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?  What are the pros? What are the cons? Should it be regulated? Are there currently clones in the market now? Would a clone of a dead relative or pet have the same personality?  List at least one source from your research.

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Biodiversity Loss of Grey Nurse Sharks

I am writing a report on the biodiversity loss of grey nurse sharks in QLD. I’m using the DPSIR structure, used to address environmental challenges, and I am focusing on the first two categories; driving forces and pressures. For this report, please research and write about the driving forces and pressures that result in the biodiversity loss of grey nurse sharks in QLD (specific to Australia). For example: what are the main human causes of the biodiversity loss aspect you are examining? (Driving forces) How has this biodiversity loss occurred?  What material flows have lead to this biodiversity  loss (pressures)?  You can integrate this aspect with the previous aspect (D) by  considering what are the main driving forces leading to the pressures on biodiversity.  Please refer to journal articles and other cited reports throughout the analysis.

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The Digestive Process

For this discussion, everyone will pick a macronutrient and explain the process of digestion and absorption for your nutrient. There are 3 macronutrients. Choose 1 and discuss the topic thoroughly following steps 1 and 2 below. For this discussion you will pick one of the Macronutrients (Carbohydrate, Protein or Fat) and explain the full process of digestion and absorption. You can get creative and post pictures or videos. Some additional things to consider for each nutrient. You do not have to answer all of these questions, they are just meant to get you thinking and researching a little more about your nutrient. You may need to do some outside research for these topics, be sure to include your reputable reference. You only need to comment on the nutrient you chose to explain the digestive process about (i.e. if you explain carbohydrate digestion, only comment on topic (a) below: (a)Carbohydrates: What is the difference in whole food digestion and processed foods. Think whole grain (oatmeal) vs white flours. How does added sugar digestion differ from other complex carbohydrates? What are the benefits of fiber? (b)Protein: What are the differences between animal vs vegetable protein in digestion and absorption? Do all the calories in protein get digested, some people feel that a high protein diet helps with weight loss. How would you explain from a digestive process the calories absorbed from protein vs carbohydrate? (c)Fat: What effect does fat have on satiety. Why might a higher fat content cause issues with someone who has gallstones? Is there a difference in the absorption of MCT oil? Many people feel coconut oil is a super food, is Coconut oil absorbed any differently that other fats?

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Bioinformatics And Genome

3. Lander and Waterman derived formulae for the expected completeness of an assembly as a function of coverage c = NL/G, where G = genome length, N = number of reads, L = read length. Then probability that a base is not sequenced = e-c total expected gap length = Ge-c total number of gaps = Ne-c (a) what fraction of a genome could you expect to assemble from eightfold coverage? Present your result as percentage. (b) What total gap length would you expect in an assembly of a 2 Mb target genome size from eightfold coverage? (c) How many gaps would you expect in an assembly of a 2 Mb target genome size from an eightfold coverage of fragments with a read length of 500? (d) You want to sequence to sequence a 4 Mb genome by the shotgun method, by assembling random fragments with read length 500. What coverage would you require, to expect no more than four gaps, assuming no complications arising from repetitive sequences or skewed base composition?

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The Functions Of Cellular Organelles

Please answer the following questions.  Carefully consider the function of the organelle and its overall impact on the cell.  Comment on each of the following to receive full credit:   Items to address: Points for each item: The function of the missing organelle 3 points Its overall impact on the cell 3 points Give 2 examples of limitations of the cell (i.e. What are some things the cell could no longer do?). 7 points Describe how this would impact the cell cycle (Could it still replicate DNA?  Could it still undergo mitosis?). 7 points Describe how this would impact the process of transcription and translation. 7 points  1. You have discovered a new cell that lacks mitochondria. Using the guidelines above, address what impact lack of mitochondria would have on the cell and its functions? (33 points) 2.   You have discovered a new cell that lacks ribosomes. Using the guidelines above, address what impact lack of mitochondria would have on the cell and its functions? (33 points) 3. You have discovered a new cell that lacks centrioles. Using the guidelines above, address what impact lack of mitochondria would have on the cell and its functions? (33 points)

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