Pick Your Pathogen

Project Parameters: For this assignment, you will identify a pathogen in a newspaper article or publication of your choice, apply principles learned in BIOS 242, and research the pathogen for its connection to nursing/health care. You must get approval for your chosen article and pathogen. You will then write a paper on their chosen pathogen/topic. […]

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Pelagic Filter Feeding Megafauna Literature Review

Instructors instructions: For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review in support of my ongoing research. I will post some suggestions of useful search terms that you may use inside a google scholar search or library search. All sources described in the paper should be more recent than 2015 (coincidentally the year of my […]

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Origins and Epidemiology of HIV

The first article is a transcript of an interview on NPR news entitled, “Origin of AIDS linked to colonial practices in Africa.” It gives some insight into the epidemiology of HIV and how it was discovered. The second link is to a Radiolab podcast over the same information.   Is there anything in the article that […]

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Make Up Virus

A report on a fictional science virus called flotus virus , over view of viral host ,symptoms, attachment and penetration ,synthesis of viral protein, assembly and release, discussion

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Our Body Microbial Garden

How do our microflora affect us? Be sure to do the following before starting your discussion: Go  to http://commonfund.nih.gov/hmp/index and learn about Human Microbiome Project. Go to https://www.bbc.com/news/health-18422288 and listen to the BBC radio program on Human Microbiomes. Read these articles: Based what you have learned from the website, article, and chapter 14 (from the textbook Microbiology: […]

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Trigeminal Nerve Damage

Students are required to write a paper on the topic of trigeminal nerve damage. The content of the paper should include a section describing the function of the trigeminal nerves (V?, V?, V?), potential nerve damage and related side effects, and treatment of the Trigeminal nerve.  The written report should be 3 pages (paragraph form), […]

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Sight Restoration with Modern Medicine

Modern medical science has allowed people who have been blind for their entire life to have their sight restored. When sight is restored do you think that these people will immediately see in the same way as someone who has never lost their sight? What components of the visual system would affect what the person sees in this situation and how they interpret it?

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Aquatic or Terrestrial Ecosystem Biodiversity

Choose an aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem that is in your region or of particular interest. Write a 750-1050 word paper about the ecosystem and two species (one plant species and one animal species) that inhabit the ecosystem. Introduction Discuss the ecosystem and the degree of biodiversity that is present. Identify and discuss any interrelated ecosystems in close proximity that directly impact your topic ecosystem. Provide a brief description of two species (one plant and one animal) that inhabit your ecosystem. One of these species must be classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List, or by a government wildlife of natural resource agency. Discuss each of these species in relation to their instrumental and uniqueness value. Explain how this species became endangered, and discuss efforts currently underway to help protect and/or preserve this species. Conclusion The paper should be in APA format with an APA title and reference page. Four separate instances of cited material are required in the paper with corresponding references. There must be one instance in which material from our course textbook is cited and referenced.

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Metabolic Processes

Describe one of the following processes: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, or the Calvin Cycle. The paper should be 400- 500 word

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Microbiology Osmotic Pressure

please answer the following using information about microbiology and results from attatched photo 1. Describe the effect of increasing salt concentration on bacterial growth observed in this investigation. How did each species respond to salt concentration? 2. Is either of the two bacterial species you tested a halophile? Explain your answer. 3. Some strains of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are able to cause food poisoning if the food in which they are growing is consumed. All strains of E. coli grow in similar environmental circumstances. Likewise, S. aureus grows in similar conditions as its close relative S. epidermidis. Which species would be more likely to cause food poisoning by growing in deli meats such as ham: E. coli or S. aureus? Explain your answer.

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