Novel Vaccines

In this discussion, discuss government-mandated vaccines from a scientific perspective for a bioterrorism event:  Do the benefits outweigh the risks?  Have the side effects been well-documented for these novel vaccines?  What are the risks associated with vaccines approved via the FDA’s two animal rule?  Support your arguments with materials above and from outside sources. Focused on protecting a population from a bioterrorism event. APA format, in-text citation, 1 page, reference include

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Early-photosynthetic Organisms

Photosynthesis is a really cool process that was first used by the cyanobacteria.  These bacteria made oxygen available in the earth’s atmosphere millions of years ago and paved the way for the evolution of aerobic (oxygen-utilizing) organisms like us.  These early-photosynthetic organisms may have been engulfed by a non-photosynthetic single-celled organism to form the first plant-like eukaryotic organisms on the planet.  Plants are highly adapted organisms that use energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and water in a series of chemical reactions (utilizing enzymes and electron carriers) to generate sugars.  These sugars are their food source.  It also makes many of them very tasty to us and other organisms.  From the sugars they produce, they can make everything else (nucleic acids, amino acids, and fatty acids) they need to survive, grow, and reproduce. For this reason, plants are called autotrophs.   Auto means self and trophy means nourishing. Animals, on the other hand, have developed along a very different evolutionary line.  We move, hunt down our food, and ingest it to gain our source of many amino acids, sugars, and fatty acids.  We have an elaborate nervous system to sense our environment and transmit this information to a central processing station, the brain, that enables us to react.  We have muscles to move and find food and we often need a lot of food to sustain our activity. We are very social and often engage in battles for the right to mate, be a part of the group, and/or eat.  I wonder if our behavior would change if we became photosynthetic and just hung around in the sun all day like a plant?  I surely hope that wouldn’t mean our brains would become obsolete!  Below are some questions to consider as you write your post: If we were photosynthetic, could sugar alone sustain us?  Hint:  Can you survive on sugar alone now? Would we still need to eat?  If so what and why? How long would we need to stand out in the sun to make enough sugar to provide for our energy needs? How could our epidermis which is made of dead skin cells packed with a protein called keratin be changed back into living cells to sustain the process of photosynthesis?  If not could the underlying living-skin cells be changed into photosynthetic cells? How would carbon dioxide be provided?  For us, carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular respiration that we expel through the lungs.****Remember to focus your post on only one of the topics presented under the assignment details!****I just realized that the incredible hulk is green.  Maybe his color comes from photosynthesis! If photosynthesis could give me his strength, I might consider being turned green.  On the flip side, I hate insects and they might like to munch on me a bit too much if my skin becomes as tasty and nutrient-filled as the tissue of some plants!  Nevermind, I’ll keep my “omnivorous habits” and forgo the heat and the bugs!

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Altered Cellular & Tissue Biology Instructions – My topic is Hypoxia If you are assigned to a topic with another person, you will work independently to complete your own discussion posting (This is not a group assignment). 1. In your discussion post, respond to the following prompts about the topic you selected: 2. Explain the actual mechanism of injury. 3. How does the injury change the cellular structure? 4. What is the result of chronic cellular change secondary to this mechanism of injury? 5. What interventions are used to reverse or manage these changes?

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Supine and Prone

What is the difference between Supine and Prone in regard to the anatomical position?

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Pond Algae Reclaimed Water and Pond Water

What are the variables in your experiment? list the independent and dependent variables. list which group is the control and which is the experiment group.

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Acetic Acid Bacteria

What are the industrial applications of acetic acid bacteria? I want to write Ph.D. LITERATURE REVIEW about  industrial applications of acetic acid bacteria

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Medical Records

Then, locate the medical records laws in your state.  Use the following Findlaw site    I Live in Virginia (Links to an external site.)  Answer the following questions:1.  Can the patient access their own medical records? 2.  Are there any records the patient cannot access?  If so, what kind of medical records and why can’t the patient access them. 3.  How does the patient get a copy of the medical records? 4.  Once the health care provider receives the request for medical records, what must he or she do next?  Are there any time restrictions. 5.  Do any privileges apply to the medical records? 6. Are there any mandatory reporting requirements? 7. Is a patient consent or/and waiver needed? 8.  Do insurance companies provide medical information?  Are there any special requirements they must comply with? 9.  Are there any provisions related to HIV/AIDS?10.  Was there anything new you learned or found interesting?  Submit your assignment in a Word document.  Use the correct APA citations.

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Testable Hypothesis

Develop a testable hypothesis and experimental protocol that incorporates the elements listed in your scenario. Pond algae reclaimed water, pond water Part 1 – Hypotheses List a testable hypothesis and accompanying prediction that incorporates everything from your scenario. (Hint: your hypothesis should be directional and it should be something you will measure). Part 2 – Variables What are the variables in your experiment? List the independent and dependent variables. List which group is the control and which is the experimental group. Part 3 – Data What do you think your data will look like after you collect it? Write down a sample figure that shows what type of data you plan to collect. Make sure to label the axes and include a legend to indicate the control vs. treatment groups. You can sketch this out on paper and take a photo. You can either embed the photo within your MS Word file or you can upload two files: the MS Word file and a picture Part 4 – Conclusions What are the evidence-based conclusions that could be drawn from the data you will collect? Part 5 – Your own project ideas Do you have any ideas for what you could research for your own individual project? Each person should list 1-2 ideas. You only need to write 1-2 sentences. You can pick anything that related to topics covered in this class: plants, algae, fungi (including yeast), or ecology. You can grow things (e.g. studying the effect of fertilizer on plant growth) or measure things in the field (e.g. measure insect diversity in a vineyard vs. adjacent native woodland). You do not have to commit yourself to these ideas. This is just to get ideas flowing.

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Humans Impact on National Parks

This week we will understand our impact on National Parks, and what we should be doing to preserve them.  National parks can be a controversial topic, so make sure that you keep your post and your replies respectful. National Parks can be defined as an entity that: “preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world” (NPS, 2018). We all have probably enjoyed a National Park, and if you would like more information, take the time to look around: This Discussion: Find a National Park: Choose the state in which you reside. (I live in Virginia) Recall that this is a biology class, therefore please select a park that allows you to discuss the wildlife (plants and animals) and ecological advantages. Discuss: How large is the park? What types of wildlife are found there? What kind of recreation is present? Have you ever visited in person? What are the ecological advantages of the park? What are the economic advantages of the park? Additional Resources: Wida, E.C. (2018, Mar. 30). Unhappy campers continue to protest Yosemite National Park’s first Starbucks. Today Online. Retrieved from National Park Service. (2018). About Us. 

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Antidepressant Medications

It is estimated that more than 20% of the population of the United States suffers from some form of depression, which has its root cause in the nervous system (specifically neurotransmitters and their associated enzymes/activators/inhibitors).  In this paper, answer the following questions: What are the main types of antidepressant medications? What is are the main mechanisms of action of antidepressant medications? Are these medications over-prescribed in modern-day society? Are there alternative strategies to help treat depression? Short essay. (Minimum length of paper 500 words.)  Papers need to be referenced and follow APA formatting guidelines

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