The Major Components of Life

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic are the two major categories of cells making up life on earth. Both of these types require water and carbon. Describe the characteristics of water and carbon that make them important to living things in general, and to specific forms of life including plants, animals, and prokaryotes. Why is NASA looking for water on Mars? Describe the differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. How have the characteristics of each kind of cell put limitations and provided opportunities for the survival and divergence of modern living things? Why might both cell types be considered equally successful? Make sure to consider both Domains of Prokaryotes. The essay must be informed by the textbook.

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African Sleeping Sickness

Instructions:  For your pathogen of choice (African sleeping sickness) complete a minimum of 500 (not including citations) word paper covering the following topics: •Name your microbe that causes the disease of your choice and describe the type of microbe (bacteria, virus, etc.).  Include a physical description of the microbe and any other key identifying features. •Describe the type of microbe (bacteria, virus, etc.). •What is the natural reservoir for your microbe? •Are there certain lab techniques used to identify it? Explain. •What host/hosts can your microbe survive in? •Where can your microbe be found geographically? •Explain the disease, or diseases, caused by your pathogen.   Be sure to describe the signs/symptoms of the infection. •How is an infection caused by your microbe contracted?  Is it transmissible between people?  Is it vectored?  If so, what is the name of the vector and how does it transmit your microbe. •What is the time-line of infection with your microbe?  What is the length of the incubation period?  Is it a chronic or acute infection?  Do the symptoms change over the course of the infection? •What is the prognosis of an infection caused by your microbe?  Are there any long term effect after (sequelae) after the infection has passed? •What are some of the most common treatments for this pathogen? How can it be prevented?

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Streptococcus Pyogenes

1. Type Microorganism you have  2. Gram reaction (if any), shape, and arrangement 3. Virulence factors  4. How the organism evades the immune system 5. Disease your organism can cause 6. How your organism can spread to others 7. Ways to prevent infection 8. How your organism will be treated  9. What a nurse needs to know about your organism 10. Prepare APA format typed essay that documents YOUR understanding of the information and how it pertains to your assigned organism.  APA is 12 point font Times New Roman with one-inch margins. 11. Include at least 4 APA  style references from scholarly articles and resources.  For each reference, you will provide an in-text citation by providing a quote or paraphrasing the author’s information.

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Beginning of Life

Briefly explain the following concepts: a. Asexual – sexual reproduction b. Mitosis – Meiosis c. Diploid – Haploid d. Gametes e. Fertilization f. Zygote g. Syngamy h. Blastocyst i. Implantation j. Gastrulation k. Embryo – Fetus Describe the fertilization process from the cellular level to the fetus. According to what you learned about the fertilization process, when does human life begin? Your answer must be objective and based on scientific evidence. Personal opinions are not allowed. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. If references are used, please cite properly according to the current APA style.

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Genetic Regulation

Discuss the genetic regulation of amino acid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli, including details of both coarse and fine control mechanisms. Describe the role of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in these processes. Consider the importance of the close coupling of translation to transcription in your answer. Use self-generated diagrams where appropriate. plagiarism free

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Human Body

if you had a chance to recreate the human body, system to system, what would be changed, add or improve, would we change, add, or use bionics?  Please include systems below integumentary system, muscular system, Skelton system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system/immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system male-female, cranial areas/ senses brain, eye, ears, and mouth.

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Recreation of the Human Body

if you had a chance to recreate the human body, system to system, what would be changed, add, or improve, would we change? Add, or use bionics? Please include systems below integumentary system, muscular system, Skelton system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system/immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system male-female, cranial areas/ senses brain, eye, ears, and mouth. The style to write is double spaced. Note that APA I don’t know what that is.

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Polar and Non-polar Amino Acids

What are the differences between polar and non-polar amino acids and what is the role of polarity in amino acids? What are the two types of absorption involved in amino acid absorption? Provide a 3 paragraph response.

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Childhood Vaccinations

Please answer the following questions after listening to the recent episode of the Diane Rehm show from National Public Radio on childhood vaccinations. What is the argument against childhood vaccinations? What are the benefits of childhood vaccinations?  Are they outweighed by the negatives? What type of research is being performed to ensure the safety of vaccines? Do you believe that single-dose vaccines are better than administering vaccines in cocktails?

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Female & Male Reproductive Systems

Critically evaluate, analyze, and discuss the interdependence between both the Female & Male Reproductive Systems & the Nervous System. No more than 1 page (references NOT included), typed, single-spaced, 1-inch margins, 10-point type size, supported by peer-review journal articles. Minimum of 2 peer-review journal articles. Grammar and spelling will be a component of grading.  CITE ALL REFERENCES USED IN AMA format

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