Energy Balance

Energy Balance. Choose a “popular” diet to research and review. You can include The South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, etc. Thoroughly research this diet, using reputable sources including some that are not published by the creators of the diet you have chosen. Once you have researched the diet, answer the following: Describe the diet itself. For instance, what foods are included, are any foods prohibited, what is the macronutrient distribution, etc. What claims does the diet make? Are they sound? Why or why not? Use what you have learned in class up until this point to analyze the claims. Would you consider this a healthy diet overall? Why or why not? Consider possible drug interactions with components of the diet that are emphasized. Would this diet be appropriate for any certain populations (e g., athletes, elderly, etc.)? Would this diet be appropriate for all populations? Consider variables such as cost, cultural influences, and sustainability. Why or why not? When searching the topic of diets on the internet, you will come across more false information than accurate information, so be sure and assess your sources’ reputability prior to using them to support your post.

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Digestive System and the Nervous System

“critically evaluate and discuss the interdependence between the Digestive System & the Nervous System. No more than 1 page, typed, single-spaced, 1-inch margins, 10-point type size, supported by 2 peer-review journal articles. 

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Anaerobic Respiration

1. What is the maximum theoretical ATP yield from anaerobic respiration? Give a breakdown of where in anaerobic respiration this ATP comes from. 2. What is the maximum theoretical ATP yield from aerobic respiration? Give a breakdown of where in aerobic respiration this ATP comes from. 3. Overview of the breakdown of glycogen. Use diagrams as appropriate. 4. Micro-organisms employ three main pathways to breakdown glucose to pyruvate. Describe one of these in detail; outline the substrate, enzymes, and products for each step. Provide diagrams in your answer.

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Nutrition and Disease

There is a patient given with a disease process and it must talk about the process of disease, how it relates to the patient and caring for them as a nurse. Pseudo patient number 2 is who I am using that will be uploaded. This is a nutrition class for RN school.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma

– Note that these are two different forms of skin cancer.  Discuss why basal cell carcinoma is common, while squamous cell carcinoma arises in a fairly surprising layer of the skin.

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The Effects of Climate Change

discuss the effects of climate change

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Natural Selection and Patterns of Evolution

Complete the worksheet writing 100- to 200-word short answers for each question. Format your references consistent with APA guidelines. What is the direct evidence in support of the theory of natural selection? Include at least four examples. Humans shape their environment in ways that other organisms cannot. Are humans subject to the same pressures of natural selection as other organisms? Why? Provide an example of convergent and divergent evolution, adaptive radiation, and co-evolution. Then, choose one of the examples you provided. What implications might this example have for future humans? How does a new species evolve from a pre-existing species? Include a brief analysis of the factors affecting speciation

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Properly Identifying Bacteria for Antibiotic Treatment

This discussion board aims to explore proper microscopy and staining procedures to accurately identify microbiological organisms for the purpose of treatment with antimicrobial therapy.    Objectives: Identify the architecture of a prokaryotic cell and its associated structures for identification. Compare and contrast the unique characteristics of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Instructions: Step 1: Respond to the following prompt. Using your understanding of the structural differences between Gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, answer the following question: You have been diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumonia .  Are you dealing with a Gram-negative or Gram-positive microorganism?  In the doctors office they took a sputum sample and tested it using the gram stain to properly identify it.  What color did the gram stain produce?  Your doctor writes you a prescription for cetriaxone to treat the infection, and you note that you were given the same prescription last year.  Remembering that you have  some antibiotics left over from the previous prescription at home, you decide not to fill it.  Instead, you take the remainder of your previous prescription antibiotic.  How could that have been partially responsible for your condition now and why might taking the old antibiotic not be a good idea?  What should you do instead?

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Dominant vs. Recessive Alleles

Prompt: After attending the lecture on Mendelian inheritance your study group is having great difficulty understanding the mechanism of dominance. They seem to think that the dominant allele masks or overrides the recessive allele in some way, but you know that it’s all about the products that the alleles are or are not expressing. Prepare an essay that you can present to your study group to help them understand the concept of dominance. Use your understanding of molecular biology to explain that recessive alleles are expressed through transcription and translation, and that they may have functional gene products. Describe how the interaction of the products produced by each allele results in what we see as dominant or recessive traits. Your summary should be typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font and be one-and-a-half-spaced with 1” margins.

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Intro, body, and conclusion should include: – pathology – how does a pt get the dse.? – who – when – why – treatment PAGE 5 2 References (minimum) References must be a medical journal/ recognized medical website/ textbook – 12 font – double space – NO pics and NO bullet points Upload Essay here before JULY 31, 2020. Late submission August 1-9, 2020 (minus 15 points) Submitted August 10-16, 2020 (minus 30 points) etc…

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