The Molecular Diagnosis of Human Disease

write a research paper on “the molecular diagnosis of a human disease related to rickettsia”. The sources must be used from biomedical literature scientifically published articles, please use

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Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Activation

Parasympathetic and sympathetic activation are two competing effects of the autonomic nervous system. Many organs have dual innervation, allowing changes in a split second through chemical messengers. Your task is to discuss how the autonomic nervous system responds to changes in homeostasis and provide a comparison between autonomic and somatic nerves. You are making your way to your car when suddenly your overly friendly neighbor pops out from behind a bush and yells “Surprise!” Focusing on one organ with dual innervation -What physiological events are happening in your chosen organ as you are going about your normal morning routine? -How does being frightened by your neighbor alter the biological processes in your chosen organ? Be sure to include chemical messengers involved in inducing this change in the physiological state. -How do the two branches of the autonomic nervous system maintain homeostasis in your chosen organ? -Provide a brief comparison between autonomic and somatic peripheral nerve action.

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Eye Problems

Today, many of us have jobs that require us to stare at computer screens for hours at a time. That can put a real strain on the eyes. Adults aren’t the only ones affected. Children who stare at tablets or use computers at home and school can have eye issues, too. Write a one-page paper about eye problems caused by working with computers. Consider the following when researching this topic: How do computers affect vision? Can computers cause permanent damage to the eyes? What are the symptoms of computer eye strain? What changes can be made to the work environment to alleviate eye strain? Once complete, follow the instructions below on Saving Documents to Build Your Portfolio.

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Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Objective: The purpose of this project is to become familiar with reading and analyzing primary scientific journal articles. This project is also an opportunity to become more familiar with some of the major issues surrounding the field of microbiology. Description: Students will research a microbiological organism (e.g., P. aeruginosa), and present their findings to the class in a PowerPoint presentation format. The organism/pathogen may be bacterial, fungal, viral, protozoan, or helminthic in nature. I prefer that no two students research the same organism. Therefore, email me your choice as early as possible so that you can research your organism of choice. Project Paper Instructions: 1. Find four primary source articles from peer-reviewed scientific journals related to one of the topics covered in class (e.g., microbial metabolism) about your organism of choice. Any topic will do, but it should be a topic that is directly related to your microbe of choice. Anything other than a primary source will not be counted. 2. Read the articles and write a one-page summary of each article (i.e., four pages. Your one-page summaries should include, but not be limited to, a paragraph in which you discuss the relevance to current issues in microbiology (i.e., why does the research matter? What it means to you and to the world? – In other words, why should we care about this topic and the research that has been done?). You should also include other relevant information from the articles (e.g., why was the research performed, what are the hypotheses, what were the findings, etc.) 3. Compile your summaries into a single document. Each summary should be typed and double-spaced using Times New Roman 12 pt. font (APA or MLA) rather than handwritten. In addition to the four summaries, please include an overarching conclusion that ties your review of the primary literature together. Finally, please include a reference page with live links to the articles. Articles to be used:

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Darwin’s Theory

The minimum length for this assignment is 1,200 words. Darwin was not the first to consider evolution as a process but he did come up with the first effective explanation for how it happens. Describe Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Explain how this theory was a major advance over prior ideas as to how organisms changed over time. Give evidence in support of evolution and describe the driving forces for evolutionary change.

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Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic are the two major categories of cells making up life on earth. Both of these types require water and carbon. Describe the characteristics of water and carbon that make them important to living things in general, and to specific forms of life including plants, animals, and prokaryotes. Why is NASA looking for water on Mars? Describe the differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. How have the characteristics of each kind of cell put limitations and provided opportunities for the survival and divergence of modern living things? Why might both cell types be considered equally successful? Make sure to consider both Domains of Prokaryotes.

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Mycobacteria Tuberculosis

History and prevalence of the microbe. Characteristics of the microbe including the environment of where the bacteria grows, what are the growth requirements (will it only grow on a certain medium? Is it a halophile? Is it a thermophile?) How is the microbe currently treated in hospitals? What about countries who may not have as well-equipped facilities as the United States? What is the current research on the microbe? Are there any interesting current advancements? Any other interesting facts about the pathogen. The paper must have the following to be considered complete: You must write at least 1000 The paper must be double spaced You must use a standard font, Times New Roman. Citations must include a Reference section and In-text citations. This is a research paper—you’ll have a lot of in-text citations. APA is preferred.

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Disease System

For your final lab assignment, I would like you to pick a clinical condition (disease, syndrome etc) that interests you. First, explain what you know about the condition and the organ system(s) that are affected by this condition. Then explain how this condition is a departure from homeostasis. By studying Human Physiology over the past few weeks, what did you learn that allows you to better understand this condition?

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Use of a Dichotomous Key

Classification is often done through the use of a dichotomous key, a series of binary decisions (yes/no, true/false, blue/green, rod/circle, etc) based on features of what is being classified, whether it is bacteria or candy. The attached files show two ways that a dichotomous key can be constructed for the classification of candy. In both forms, the largest distinction is placed at the top and is followed by further distinctions until all items are classified. The flow chart version is often easier to understand so start with that. The tabular format at first is more difficult to understand but works the same way except that instead of lines connecting from higher to lower keys, a series of jumps (go to’s) are used. For this assignment you will need to produce a dichotomous key for the following organisms Bacillus megaterium Corynebacterium hofmanni Klebsiella pneumonia Micrococcus luteus Mycobacterium smegmatis Proteus vulgaris Rhodospirillum rubrum Spirillum serpens Staphylococcus auerus based on their morphology and staining (use any or all of the stains used/observed in lab – simple, gram, acid-fast, spore, flagella and capsule). To construct your dichotomous key, begin by creating a table listing the organisms across the columns and their morphology and staining down the rows. Once constructed, find the row that provides the most complete division into two groups (hint: it will be what can be considered THE microbiology stain). Then move rows to sort by increasing refinement. Your first row will be the first pair in the tabular construction or the first box in the flow chart. Since the flow chart is easier to visualize, you may find it useful to create it in its entirety to check your key then convert to tabular format. If you can generate the flowchart in digital form, it can be submitted instead.

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Genetics and Mutation

Watch and take notes on Dr John Sanford’s November 2018 45 min. presentation to the National Institute of Health on, plus the 20+ questions and answers that follow. Answer the following questions: Name 2 famous geneticists who expressed grave concerns about the effects of mutation accumulation on human fitness. According to Haldane, what is the theoretical maximum rate of mutations we can sustain and still survive indefinitely? What did Kimura’s graduate student convince Dr Kimura about the true nature of “neutral mutations”? What software did Dr Sanford use to simulate the effects of mutation and natural selection upon human fitness? What evidence did Dr Sanford provide that indicates mutation accumulation is driving the human race toward extinction? What did Dr Sanford suggest to be our best plan at slowing the rate of loss of human fitness? In the Q & A session, Dr Sanford’s claim that mutation accumulation is rapidly leading the human race toward extinction. What observation and assumption did they base their claim on? In your opinion, which do you think is more reliable: (A) Dr Sanford’s evidence that mutation accumulation is degenerating the human race or (B) mutation + natural selection has given rise to and sustained complex life forms for hundreds of millions of years?

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