Advancement in Biotechnology

Nominate a person or group of people who have, in your opinion, made a substantial contribution to biotechnology. The nominee(s) can come from any time period. They can be currently living, or dead. You must clearly explain the contribution your nominee(s) has made to the advancement of biotechnology, then explain the impact of this contribution. You must convince me and your TA why your nominee is a game-changer and deserves the prize. Use the Rubric to help you structure your assignment. Format • You must make your nomination in a minimum of three (3) pages and a maximum of five(5) single?sided pages, not including references or a title page. • Use the APA style guide to format your references (see the APA Style Guide on the BIOL 1010 cuLearn page) • Print must be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins all around. • Type size must be no smaller than 12 points. • Submit as an Adobe .pdf or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx file) document through the cuLearn Assignment page. The assignment is due before 11:59 pm (Eastern Time) on Thursday 16 July 2020 Checklist: (Not Rubric, but helpful) Is the choice of nominee appropriate (nominee made a significant contribution to biotechnology)? Is the nominee’s contribution to biotechnology clearly explained? Do you present coherent, logical, well-supported arguments in your nomination? Is the format correct? Is the title informative and appropriate? References [including URLs if you use websites]. Did you follow the APA Style Guide? Is the paper well written with no grammatical or spelling errors?

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Below is an actual two-week lunch menu for a senior centre. Evaluate the menu using the MyPlate recommendations (Figure 13-7) and the menu planning guidelines. List two evaluative comments below, and then change the menu to incorporate your suggestions. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Baked Tilapia Braised Pork Ribs Chicken Enchiladas Eggplant Parm Cabbage Roll Mango Salsa Sauerkraut & Apples Lettuce & Tomatoes Pasta Mashed Potatoes Rice Medley Peas & Pearl Onions Corn Confetti Zucchini Vegetable Medley Broccoli Salad Bar Salad Bar Salad Bar Salad Bar Salad Bar Peaches Bananas & Oranges Garlic Bread Saucy Fruit Salad Pecan Pie Frozen Vanilla Yogurt Oatmeal Cookie Cupcakes Chocolate Chip Cookie Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Baked Ham Lemon Chicken Beef Stuffed Peppers Chicken BBQ Chicken Garlic Mashers Baked Potato Rosemary Potatoes Dumplings Sweet Potato Fries Green Beans Spinach California Veggies Broccoli Tuscany Veggies Salad Bar Salad Bar Salad Bar Salad Bar Salad Bar Mandarin Oranges Chocolate Pudding Vanilla Yogurt with Strawberries Apricots Apple Blueberry Oatmeal Raisin Crisp Cookie All meals include white roll, butter, margarine, and assorted beverages, including milk, iced tea, apple juice, coffee, and tea. COMMENTS: WORKSHEET 13-2 Precompetition Meal For athletes, the most important meal is the one closest to the competition. The meal should consist of easily digestible carbohydrate-rich foods and be moderate in protein as well as low in fat and fibre. High-fat and high-fibre foods take longer to digest and can cause sluggishness. You are to plan a small precompetition meal for a men’s swim team that will be eaten two hours before competition. The meal should include about 300 to 500 kcalories and plenty of fluids. After you write your menu, use SuperTracker or another program to come up with an approximate number of calories for your meal. MENU: Approximate Number of Kcalories: ____________________ WORKSHEET 13-3 Evaluation of Elementary School Menu Below is a one-week lunch menu for an elementary school. Evaluate the menu using the MyPlate recommendations menu planning guidelines for school-age children. Keep in mind that many elementary school children need anywhere from 1,200 to 1,800 calories per day. List two evaluative comments below, and then change the menu to incorporate your suggestions. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mac & Cheese Oven Fried Chicken Burger on Wheat Bun Bean & Cheese Burrito Black Beans & Rice with Deli Turkey Ham & Cheese on Entrée Salad Salsa Wheat Bun Celery Sticks Tuna Salad on Crackers Entrée Salad Italian Blend Vegetables Entrée Salad Mixed Vegetable Medley Chilled Pears Banana Sweet Potato Fries Swirl Roll Strawberry Kiwi Juice Pineapple Chunks Thursday Friday 5” Personal Pan Cheese Pizza Golden Baked Chicken Nuggets Chicken Quesadilla Asian Egg Roll Entrée Salad Entrée Salad Baby Carrots Baked Au Gratin Potatoes Steamed Spinach Green Beans Seedless Red Grapes Grape Juice Chocolate Cupcake Fresh Fruit Low-fat or fat-free milk is offered at lunch. COMMENTS:

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Directional and Disruptive Selection

Compare and contrast directional selection and disruptive selection, and provide an example of each. Many pathogenic bacteria species are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Explain how such adaptations can develop through the process of natural selection. (Hint: Relate this example to the conditions that are necessary for natural selection to occur.) What are the major evolutionary trends that developed among major vertebrate groups, specifically those that allowed for the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life? Providing examples, explain how sexual reproduction in plants has evolved to become less dependent on water.

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Community Health Promotion

Imagine you are creating a community health promotion resource that addresses a disease of your choice. You are creating this resource for the general public.  Select a disease that aligns with the body systems covered in this course. Create an informational resource (350 to 700 words) formatted as one of the following: Podcast, News transcript, Brochure/pamphlet, Video, Interview, Other option approved by your instructor three days prior to the due date. Your informational resource should: Identify the disease. Identify the population affected by the disease selected. Describe specific cultural beliefs around the disease and how the treatment and management of the disease might be affected by cultural beliefs. Identify strategies that can be used to promote health and wellness to communities to reduce or prevent the disease from having an impact on the community. Describe how this disease and the management of it affect health care resources in the community Note: It is important that you complete your assignment early in the week. Cite at least 2 reputable references used to complete your resource. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

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Diagnostic Techniques

Pick any two diseases that require diagnostic tests to identify them from the body system. Use one of the body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, hepatobiliary, lymphatic, reproductive or nervous systems. For each of the diseases, explain: Why is a particular test recommended? How does the test work? What information is obtained from the diagnostic test regarding the disease? Does the diagnosis need confirmation with another diagnostic test? By the due date assigned, submit your initial response to the Discussion Area. Your response(s) should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Use correct medical terminology, spelling, and grammar.

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Magnolia Virginiana

Objective: Organize your thoughts and the main points of your research for your final presentation Assignment Instructions: To help you complete Assignment 3: The Presentation, you will first submit an outline to organize your thoughts and main points. Your outline should be formatted a specific way and must contain the following elements as described below. To prepare for this assignment, I recommend that you do the following: -Read these directions carefully. -Review the sample outline provided to you below. THIS SAMPLE IS MERELY TO SHOW FORMATTING; PLEASE SEE THE CRITERIA FOR THE OUTLINE BELOW TO ENSURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED THE FIVE REQUIRED CONTENT SECTIONS -Read the grading criteria. The grading criteria is a detailed evaluation that I will use to assess your performance. It also will help you understand what is expected of you as you prepare your assignment. -Message me with any questions! Be sure to add your name and course number to your outline. The outline format: Your outline must be formatted as described and exemplified in the example attached. Please note that this format will be assessed in your grade: -Use an alphanumeric sequence -Sections should be indented and aligned -Follow the suggested order of the required elements -Use brief but detailed and descriptive phrases. The required elements: Depending on the type of organism you have chosen you will address different sets of questions. Please see the category that responds to your selection. Your outline should contain the following elements in this order, and please note that some of these should be your personal observations. Also remember that your presentation (Assignment #3) should only be 10-15 slides, so you need to be concise and clear with your information. OUTLINE OF HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE: PLANTS/FUNGI: I. The Introduction Section A. Organism Introduction 1. The common and scientific name of your organism. Please see this link to help with scientific names if needed: How To Write Scientific Names 2. Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.) 3. A brief discussion on why you chose your organism 4. If possible, a picture and/or video of you safely observing your species in the field. If not possible, search the Internet for an image (and remember to cite your source for the image) in a typical habitat. II. The Body A. Description 1. You must include a brief physical description. You can use your personal observations. If you cannot safely observe your organism, you must research. a. Size, Coloring, Leaf arrangement, flower color, etc. B. Life Cycle and Reproduction 1. Life Cycle: describe the life cycle of your organism. The life cycle refers to the series of changes that happens from the beginning of life as your organism develops and grows into a mature organism. Please see here for some hints on the Life Cycle. Plants can be a bit more complicated, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask! 2. Reproduction: You must discuss the reproductive strategies of your organism. Are there any specific structure or cells involved in reproduction? Are the flowers specialized? C. Structure and Function 1. Please select one organ system of your organism that you find to be particularly interesting and describe both the anatomy and physiology of that system. 2. If your organism is a plant, here are a list of the general plant organ systems 3. If you have selected a fungus the concept can be more complex. Please contact me directly for more help if needed. D. Energy Ecology 1. If you can observe these, that is best. If not, research. 2. How does your plant harvest the energy from the sun? How does it store the energy? E. Habitat 1. Where your organism lives. This does not refer to a city or state, but rather the natural environment in which your organism lives. 2. You should consider abiotic factors, such as soil, water, etc., as well as biotic factors, such as predators, hosts, etc. III. The Conclusion Section A. This section should contain four to six points that sum up the main points from the body of the outline. B. Start your conclusive section with one sentence summarizing some basic information about your chosen organism (name and geographical distribution). C. Continue with a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the life cycle and any particular body structures. D. Include a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the ecological role of your chosen organism in its ecosystem. E. Wrap up the conclusive section with a closing note that provides brief information about a unique fact and/or behavior of your chosen organism. IV. The Reference Section: A. This is not just the reference page; rather, referencing should occur throughout the outline as it will in your presentation. Therefore, your outline should include both a separate reference page containing a minimum of five sources listed in proper APA reference list format AND internal citations throughout the outline where appropriate. Please be sure to see the resources below for assistance regarding in-text citations and reference list formatting, and/or ask me if you have any additional questions. Improperly cited and referenced work may not be accepted for credit.

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Importance of Wetland Conservation in Louisiana

Importance of Wetland Conservation in Louisiana

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Southern Blotting

Southern Blotting

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Kidney Dissection

Kidney Dissection

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The Origin of Species

The Origin of Species

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