Stem Rust

Stem Rust

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Acoustic Monitoring

1. Read the following paper in detail: Monczak, A., Berry A., Kehrer C., Montie E.W. (2017). Long-term acoustic monitoring of fish calling provides baseline estimates of reproductive timelines in the May River estuary, southeastern USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 581, 1-19. (FEATURE ARTICLE). 2. Write a one to two pages typed synopsis (single-spaced, 12-point font, times new roman, 1-inch margins) that answers the following questions: a. Why was the research done? What were the major objectives? b. How was it done? Explain the methods. c. What were the major findings? d. Why are the findings important? What are the future directions? Where is the research headed?

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Genetic Testing

Explain the benefits and consequences of genetic testing? What is your personal stance on genetic testing?

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Reviewing and Updating Job Descriptions

Reviewing and Updating Job Descriptions

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Plant Physiology

Plant Physiology

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Graphing Practice

Graphing Practice

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Rainforest Conservation

Rainforest Conservation

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