Career Development Research Proposal | Instant Homework Solutions

Topic Where will my college degree lead me?  You are now on a path to answer this question.  Throughout your education, you have been exposed to various elements of your future career field. Your task is to write a comparative persuasive essay exploring the choices available to you when answering this question. As stated in your proposal, you will analyze either two career options you can enter upon completion of your degree at Bryant & Stratton College, or you can evaluate two career “ladder” options.   You will research two potential job titles of interest to you within your field as identified in your proposal and provide a research-based explanation as to why one of these career opportunities is the best option for you.   Assignment Requirements   Define two distinct career paths available to you upon degree completion.  Using the research, you completed for your Reflective Annotated Bibliography, interpret what components are the most important to you and the most appropriate to your skill set. The essay must contain a strong thesis statement indicating the two career paths you will be discussing as well as points of comparison between the two.  Included in this will be an indication of your preferred career choice.  The essay will provide support for this statement. Information to include in the comparison may contain: The responsibilities, tasks, growth trends, salaries, lifelong learning opportunities, and other relevant aspects the two careers in your field of interest? The areas from the listing above that draw you to this career field and are most important to you. Why is this? The content knowledge expertise required for success in your field of interest. A minimum of four sources and a maximum of six must be included in this piece of writing.  These sources will be chosen from your reflective bibliography. The essay will be approximately five pages following APA format learned throughout the term. APA (American Psychological Association) Citation methodology is also required for in-text citations and the reference page. Links for the documents needed are provided below:

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Memory Dump Savini and Adichie | Instant Homework Solutions

This is a memory dump for Savini’s “Looking for Trouble” and connections between Adichie’s “Danger of a Single Story” and Savini’s steps. For this assignment, reflect on Savini’s paper, summarize it, think about how Savini’s steps are related to Adichie’s talk and talk a little bit about this connection. This is a memory dump, so be at ease and look at it as a free-write. It doesn’t have to be long; a paragraph or a minimum 150 words is enough. However, as I have told you before, Savini’s paper (reinforced by Adichie’s talk) is an essential foundation for not only our work but also your academic career. So, I encourage you to take the time to think about and reflect on it.

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Marketing Job Criteria

1. What key criteria does your target company (Procter & Gamble) use in their recruitment process? 2. What gaps in your skillset will you need to develop to prepare for this career (Marketing field)?

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Impact Statement

“Impact Statement” The STEP area fosters interdisciplinary and community-engaged research, teaching, and action on human well-being, environmental sustainability, and social justice in a complex and diverse world. In no more than 500 words, discuss how you intend to bridge academic disciplines (particularly between science/engineering fields and social sciences) and engage communities to have broader impact […]

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Speech Language Pathologist

Prompt:  please write a short essay (no more than 300 words) explaining why you’d like to pursue a career as a speech-language pathologist.

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Career Kaleidoscope

Please review the Career Patterns chapter readings and create a PowerPoint presentation, with no more than five slides, demonstrating your Career Kaleidoscope.  It should incorporate the results of the assignments from weeks 9-12 activities.   This is not a paper it’s supposed to be in a powerpoint format. ATTENTION Your task is to prepare your Career […]

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Lesson Plan on Pythagoras Theorem

Lesson Plan on Pythagoras Theorem

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Creative Movement Assignment

Creative Movement Assignment

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LGBTQ LibGuide

LGBTQ LibGuide

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Memory Dump Savini and Adichie

Memory Dump Savini and Adichie

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