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Theories of Art Criticism
Help me study for my Art & Design class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Theories of Art Criticism
Choose one of the provided works and tell me why you think it is good art.Assess your reasons for the choices according to the theories of art criticism. These are the works we looked at before for the 6 functions of art. That may help you pick a theory. Tell me WHY your choices apply, by the due date. Then respond to 2 other posts by end of day and tell them if you agree or disagree with their conclusion and why?
One Page Color Code
I dont understand this Management question and need help to study.
Complete the Color Code Assessment, here is the link or address:
Find out more about your personality color from the Color Code PowerPoint videos. Write up a synopsis in a Word document about: what your color code personality color is, what you learned about the strengths and weaknesses of your color, and how this information can be useful when leading others. How would knowing the personality color of those you work with help you lead others? Attach the Word document to this assignment submission drop box.
I just need one page.
develop an integrated marketing plan
I dont know how to handle this Marketing question and need guidance.
Your hotel has decided to outsource space to a restaurant brand.The restaurant brand [of your choosing] should have a bistro feel, suit business travels, and local professionals for lunch and after hours.It should also welcome leisure travelers, and to a lesser extent, families.
Based on chapter 6, create an integrated marketing plan using a minimum of 3 online and 3 offline promotional tools.Explain how you are using these tools to:
- To make the target markets aware of the new restaurant.
- Build a database for each market to communicate with them.
- To increase revenue and profit.
Information Security
Help me study for my Tech Support class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Answer Below Questions in Paper Format
- How do exploits relate to vulnerabilities?
- Using the Internet, find and read the SANS/FBI Top 20 Vulnerabilities. Discuss at least 2 of the Top 20. Discuss the threat group, category and potential risks and steps to mitigate the vulnerability.
- Jailbreaking your iPhone is it ethical and/or legal?
Writing Requirements
- APA format
- 1 page minimum requirement
blog about the middleeast including 2 links to a newspaper jurnal articles or book chapters or video relevant.
Im trying to learn for my Political Science class and Im stuck. Can you help?
Blogs should include 2 links to newspaper, journal articles, book chapters, video relevant to the topic of study and the students commentary on the importance/significance of the articles.
Students will receive full credit by:
Including the links to news sources, major blogs, articles from academic journals or think tanks focused on the Middle East. A list of interesting or important cites has will be provided on Canvas.
Writing a commentary (summary, reflection) on each article of between 250 and 500 words.
Remember the goal is to build towards your presentation in the coming weeks, and to indicate how your sources are connecting to your overall project.
Create a Mission Statement answering the questions on page 85
I dont know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.
all wording should be in APA format and please plagiarism must be 20 %
Create a Mission Statement answering the questions on page 85 (attached below). Write the answers in the assignment in paragraph form, using complete sentences. This should be a total of 3 paragraphs, (i.e., questions 1-4, then 4-8, then your own mission statement), written in APA style writing (see Classroom Resources).
Writing Requirements
- 3-4 paragraphs, complete sentences, per question
- Prepare this assignment offline in a Microsoft Word document.
- APA writing style
“Contributed Capital & Treasury Stock”
Im working on a Accounting exercise and need support.
- The Contributed Capital section of Shareholders Equity of the financial statement usually includes the capital stock and additional paid in capital. Discuss the FASB rationale for requiring additional disclosures regarding capital stock and additional paid in capital
- Accounting for Treasury Stock: What are treasury stocks? Why would a Corporation want to buy back its stock? Discuss the Cost Method and the Par Value Method for accounting for Treasury Stock.
Complete Short IT Discussion Post (AIU)
I need help with a Computer Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
- Describe the digital investigation or security certification that you would choose to best supplement your education and support your career plans. Why did you choose this one?
- What qualifications do you need to take the certification?
- What is the importance of this certification to the field of computer forensics?
- Would you personally take the certification? Why or why not?
- How would this certification benefit you in your work? What IT certifications do you currently have, if any? Why did you choose these certifications?
- If you do not yet have any IT certifications, what will be the first certification you plan to pursue? Why? What are the benefits of this certification to your career plans?
- Are there any digital investigation or security certifications you are aware of that you feel would not be beneficial to an employees career? Why?
Article Discussion 1
Im trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and Im stuck. Can you help?
Article Discussion 1
22 unread replies.77 replies.
In the past few modules, you have learned about different types of data sources, along with how disease is measured in populations. This discussion gives you the opportunity to see these concepts at use in the real world and discuss them with your classmates.
Choose one of the following journal articles:
(The references listed below are hyperlinked to the full text version of the articles.)
After reviewing the article that you selected, please answer the following questions:
- Provide a brief summary of the article. (This should include which article you selected.)
- What was the source of the data?
- What type of study was it?
- What were the person variables included in the article?
- What epidemiologic measures were used to describe the disease?
- As a reader, is there information that was not included that you would like to have known?
- Reply to two of your classmates, one who read the same article as you and one who chose a different article. Provide additional insight to their post, ask a question, or provide an opposing view. Replies must be thoughtful and substantive (more than a couple sentences). I will not give full credit for short answers.
Be sure to use proper English including full sentences in all of your discussion posts for this course.
Just Answer each question because it’s a discussion so not a page format. Question answer that’s it.
identifying and discussing CURRENT events Leadership-related news reports
Need help with my Management question – Im studying for my class.
Current Events:
Students will be responsible for identifying and discussing Leadership-related news reports. Note: these must be CURRENT events, not something you find on a website that simply refers to a Leadership topic. Topics such as leading contemporary organizations, professional development assessment and planning, negotiating and managing conflict, leadership styles, appraising tasks to appropriately delegate and prioritize time, leading groups and teams, and many other Leadership related topics are frequently found in the business press. For these reports you are to tell us about the story and the source. This is one way that we will make the course very current and will explore the many Leadership related issues that are constantly in the news.
Please follow the instructions in the attachments below.
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