phi208 can acting out of a sense one’s duty be the wrong thing to do?

Help me study for my Philosophy class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

1) THE QUESTION: Can acting out of a sense of one’s duty be the wrong thing to do? Think of an example in which someone (perhaps you) acted out of a sense of duty, even though by doing so one caused greater harm than if one had not acted, one failed to prevent harm from occurring, or one failed to bring about greater happiness. Then, explain whether you think that (a) this person was right to do that despite the negative consequences; (b) it was wrong for this person to act in this way, despite the fact that it was their moral duty to do so; or (b) this person was mistaken about what their duty really was. Be sure to back up your answer with argument and references to the text. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of deontological theory as it relates to another of the theories you have encountered in this course. (300 words)


For Forum TWO of Week Three, the idea is the same as in all Forums; apply the ‘theory’ to one practical issue listed below. You can use any version of the Categorical Imperative to apply to an issue on the list.

As always, your contribution can include a) a statement of the theory (the Categorical Imperative in your chosen form); b) a concrete example, or a statement of the issue based on some genuine information; and c) a discussion of the theory as it applies to this case. Three basic parts to your contribution, in other words, namely: the version of the C.I., the example, the application.

Here is the list of topics for this round. Again, use ONE topic in conjunction with ‘at least’ one of the versions of the C.I.

Here is the list of topics for your discussion:

a) Justice in courts: The sentencing disparity between blue-collar or minority and white-collar crimes.

b) Refugee rights

c) Cruelty to animals

d) Equal rights without regard to race, gender, or sexual orientation

e) Democracy as based on the Categorical Imperative

f) Rights of the disabled

g) Racial discrimination in hiring and/or mortgage lending

Think about which version of the Categorical Imperative might apply!

Again, there is no need to write a research paper! But it helps to do just a bit of some ‘side research’ for the issue; you don’t have to write a paper, but you should have at least some solid information available, rather than simply writing a ‘quick blog’.

P.S. Reminders of the C.I.: The first version states that one should always act in such a way that the maxim (the ‘rule’) of one’s own actions could become a universal law without contradiction, if everyone followed it. The second version is to treat other human beings always as ends in themselves (the law of ‘respect,’ we might say); and the third version is to recognize in oneself and in other human being the capacity of lawgiver, i.e., that one freely determines the ethical principles according to which one will act, as long as those principles do not impinge on the freedom of others. Hence, ‘law’ must be universal, and laws must be just, i.e., equally applicable to everyone. (300 words)

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ipad user for this assignment

I’m trying to study for my Article Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to categorize and understand the 4 essential elements of family literacy programs as established by the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL).


  1. For this assignment, you will need to create an account for or download the Popplet Lite app on your iPad.
  2. Once you have your account set up, create a new popplet. Place in the main popplet “The 4 Essential Components of Family Literacy”.
  3. Then, create other 4 popplets around the main one that explain each of the components.

Learn how to install and use Popplet Lite.

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I need help please.

I’m stuck on a English question and need an explanation.

I need help resounding to this in at least 50 words questions can be even asked.

The Odyssey Chapter 1-4

Starting the Odyssey with Telemachus is a very interesting choice. In a book that is about the journey of Odysseus, his son Telemachus is introduced first. This action gives Telemachus an important role in the story. If the Odyssey began with Odysseus, Telemachus’s role in the epic would be overshadowed. We are almost forced to worry about Telemachus and his mother, Penelope because we were introduced to them and the problems they face without Odysseus early on. If the epic began with Odysseus, the reader’s main concern may be for him, and not his life back home. Although Odysseus is the main character, introducing the novel with Telemachus gives him the voice he deserves. He was given the time he needed to transform for the boy Odysseus left, to a man, unafraid to find his father and protect his mother from the suitors. In the beginning, all we know is from Telemachus’ point of view. We learn about his father from his perspective and what has happened up until this point. This is an interesting way to give the reader information because the main character has no say in his description. Everything we know about Odysseus could be completely different from how Odysseus would describe himself. As readers, we are in the dark as much as Telemachus, unaware if Odysseus is alive or dead. We are able to take this blind journey with him as he begins his search for answers. Telemachus’ start also grows anticipation for Odysseus’ arrival. As readers, we have been hearing about this mysterious man, that we know little information about, and Telemachus’s introduction gets readers excited to meet Odysseus. This builds up suspense that will keep the reader intrigued and making Odysseus’ appearance a big deal. Telemachus’ start is important because it creates the base work for all that is to come in this exciting epic.

I think the Odyssey starts where it does because it is designed to confuse the reader. We are just starting the novel, but somehow we are already lost. As humans, we hate the unknown, so we keep reading to find out what is going on. The Odyssey challenges the normal narrative of beginning, middle, and end. It starts in the middle of the story and then will later fill in the background information we might need to know. The reader is hooked right off the bat because they have questions and won’t stop reading until they are answered. It is exciting to start in the middle of things because we are already involved in the action. Often the beginning of a novel can drag on and readers get bored. But the Odyssey avoids this by sticking the reader right in the middle of the story. In a sense, we are on a journey to the end and lost just like Odysseus. The start also gives me a sense of urgency, like there is no time to waste, Odysseus must be found and returned home before everything comes crashing down. I am often discouraged by large books and if it doesn’t grab my attention from the start, I find it hard to continue. However, the Odyssey intrigues me and I am excited to read the next few chapters. I think the Odyssey does a great job with where it started. I feel like if not done correctly, a reader could be too overwhelmed and confused that they don’t want to continue. But the Odyssey gives the reader the right amount of information and still that mystery that keeps the reader wanting more.

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NUR4244LL Health Promotion and Maintenance

I need support with this Nursing question so I can learn better.

Core Clinical Objective

  • Integrate knowledge of expected growth and development, health promotion and prevention strategies to achieve optimal health.

Activity Statements

  • Assess needs of the client or community related to health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Plan and/or participate in community health education.
  • Participate in population focused health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
  • Assess the impact of client behaviors on the promotion of health and well-being among the community.

Reflective Questions

  • How could you utilize community health data to focus on health promotion and disease prevention strategies in your practice?
  • How would you adapt health education materials for the needs of your clients?
  • What recommendations would you make regarding changing health behaviors to your clients?


Please review the grading rubric before beginning your reflection on the above core clinical objective. Make sure to answer the reflective questions thoroughly with substantial reference to your practicum experience.

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FIN 534: Financial Management

Need help with my Business question – I’m studying for my class.

Homework Set #1 Submission

Homework Set #1

Due Week 2 and worth 75 points

Directions: Answer the following questions in a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link above.

  1. In your own words, identify two different stock exchanges in the United States. Describe the similarities and differences between the two stock exchanges. Identify one stock from each of the two stock exchanges.
  2. Using the two stocks you identified, determine the free cash flow from 2015 and 2016. What inference can you draw from the companies’ free cash flow?
  3. Using the 2017 and 2018 financial statements for both stocks, prepare two financial ratios for each of the following categories: liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, and profitability ratios. You should have a total of six ratios for each stock, per year. What challenges, strengths, or weaknesses do you see? Please be articulate.
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Write a cover letter

I need help with a Article Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Goldman Sachs 2020 Firmwide Strategy Group Summer Analyst

What we look for:

– Penultimate year students who are available for 10-weeks during end of June to end of August 2020

– Strong interest in the financial markets

– Ability to work well under pressure and to multi-task effectively

– Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Mandarin

– Good team player

– Strong critical thinking and problem solving skills

– Immense interest in the financial markets

– Proficient in Microsoft Excel

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Ethics of the mind- Case Study Analysis

I don’t know how to handle this Writing question and need guidance.

Collaborative Activity: Ethics of the Mind—Case Study Analysis

During Weeks 2?4 you will complete three collaborative projects with your Book Study Group members. Use a communication tool to connect with group members on these collaborations (e.g., email, Blackboard Collaborate, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Team, and so on).

This week’s collaborative project is an ethics case study analysis assignment. Before starting this collaborative activity, read Case 1 and Case 3 (Schage, 1997), which deal with deception in social science research. For this case study analysis, you will develop the following components:

Case Study Analysis Components (See Ethics of the Mind—Case Study Analysis Template):
  1. Determine which case the group will discuss and analyze (Case 1 or Case 3).
  2. Discuss the case using the practical and theoretical ethics ideas you have studied in this week’s resources.
  3. Each group member will locate and review an ethics decision-making model that can be applied to the case. (Resources can be found below and in the project template).
  4. Discuss the case using the decision-making models that the group members locate.
  5. Each group member will record their decision-making model on their individual Case Study Analysis template. Complete segments A?D of the template at the end of the group discussions.
  6. The group may collaborate on searching for articles but each group member should find one “choice” empirical research study that can inform the case study analysis. Individual members will list their article on the LR matrix template they submit.
Additional Resources on Ethical Decision-Making

Click here for information on course rubrics.


BBC. (2014). About consequentialism. Ethics guide. Retrieved from…

BBC. (2014). Duty-based ethics. Ethics guide. Retrieved from…

Hamilton, J. B. (2012). Justice test. Ethics Ops. Retrieved from

Schrag, J. (1997). Do the ends justify the means: The ethics of deception in social science research. In B. Schrag (Ed.), Graduate research ethics: Cases and commentaries – Volume 1, 1997. Retrieved from…

Woiceshyn, J. (2011). A model for ethical decision making in business: Reasoning, intuition, and rational moral principles. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(3), 311?323. Retrieved from…

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an article review

I don’t know how to handle this Political Science question and need guidance.

Explain what the article is about and what are the central thesis and arguments of the author.

Provide your own opinion on the core issue, eventually explaining on what you disagree with the author.

Conclude the value of the text as a source of knowledge, information, ideas, or what else you decide.

Recommend (or not to recommend) the article as a research source for the study of war and conflict in the contemporary world.

The review should be two pages in length (single line spacing).

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Adolescent Male Eating Disorders

Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Adolescent Male Eating Disorders

Although less commonly discussed, males also suffer from eating disorders, and the disorders are clinically similar to those of females. It is estimated that approximately 10–15% of people with anorexia nervosa or bulimia are male, but they are less likely to seek treatment because of the perception that eating disorders are female diseases (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc., n.d.). Eating disorders are universal diseases that know no boundaries of age, race, or religion. They are psychological disorders that create disturbances to proper diets, causing people to eat very small amounts of food or excessively overeat. Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and a binge-eating disorder. A binge-eating disorder is in a category defined as eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). EDNOS involve disturbances in behavior such as restricting diet, excessive exercising, using diet pills or laxatives, and vomiting (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011).

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 your position on which disorder (anorexia, bulimia, or a binge-eating disorder) is more likely to occur in adolescent males. Justify your position using the Learning Resources and current literature. Then explain how media, peer pressure, or sports participation might increase the risk of developing an eating disorder in adolescent males. Finally, suggest one strategy a family or school may use to support an adolescent male with an eating disorder to improve his overall health.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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PSYC101 Research methods

I don’t understand this Psychology question and need help to study.

300 Words

the link will help you with the research methods.

Imagine you are going to conduct research investigating a human behavior that you would be interested in learning more about.

1. Based on your readings and learning this week describe what research method you would use for investigating it.

2. What drew you to this method? Why would it be well suited for your hypothetical research?

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this type of research?

4. When responding to your classmates for the reply posts requirement, take their research topic of interest and recommend a different type of research approach to the study of the topic they chose (Ex: “Another method that might also work is _______” or “Have you thought of the _________ method?” – we want to be respectful and professional and not criticize a classmate’s method choice) and explain why you would recommend that alternative method.

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