Forum: Discussion 3 (Week 5): The Future of Offices

I’m studying for my Computer Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Given the growth in telecommuting and other mobile work arrangements, how might offices physically change in the coming years? Will offices as we think of them today exist in the next ten years? Why or why not?

Please make your initial post with 500 words and two response posts with at least 150 words substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

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The (Mis)measurement of Crime

I’m studying for my Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


In Chapter 1 of The Mismeasure of Crime, you read about the importance of reliability and validity of data in social research in the criminal justice context. Often, in an effort to measure crime and delinquency, for example, the result is a mismeasurement. To avoid this mismeasurement, it is important to consider constraints in research: what they are and why they are important for valid findings.

Whether measurement of social phenomena is accurate can depend on the time and context of the data being measured. As societal views change, the meaning of the data can change with it. Therefore, it is important to select precise indicators when measuring abstract concepts, such as when trying to operationalize social phenomena. Before completing the discussion, view Riverbend City: Crime Analyst in Action (attached) to meet a crime analyst who shares her career challenges and strategies and introduces the research process she uses in a recent assignment.

In your main post:

  1. Explain the necessary factors to consider before public opinion survey results can be trusted as a reputable criminal justice resource, based on the principles of survey research.
  2. Discuss how you could use public opinion research in your current or future career path based on its reliability as a resource.
  3. Examine the benefits public opinion research would bring to your sector of interest in the criminal justice field versus other more or less reputable research resources.

Use scholarly resources

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Hello there, I need help with this discussion board of my Journalism 101 class.

Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Who is a media figures whose image has shifted up and down and back and forth during their public careers?

One example could be John Travolta, who has gone from popular young sitcom actor and teenage sex symbol (Welcome Back, Kotter, 1975–1979); to TV actor (The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, 1976); to major Hollywood star (Saturday Night Fever, 1977; Urban Cowboy, 1980) and recording artist (Top 10 hit “Let Her In” in 1976 and two hits with Olivia Newton-John from Grease, 1978); to washed-up Hollywood star (the mid-1980s); to comeback star (Look Who’s Talking, 1989), cult star (Pulp Fiction, 1994), romantic leading man (Phenomenon, 1996), and top box-office action star (Broken Arrow, 1996; Face/Off, 1997); to yet another film star led astray by his own hubris (Battlefield Earth, 2000); and to risk-taking throwback in Hairspray (2007), where Travolta plays a woman in a genre he is most known for, the musical.

Consider the different ways we think about people who garner the most media attention, from the conventional, recognizable, stable, and comforting to the innovative, unfamiliar, unstable, and challenging. Include the following:

  • How has this person with a mass mediated career changed to improve their public image? When did they change, and what was the change in response to?
  • Are there other public figures who make a successful career out of maintaining the same image or meaning for long periods of their public life?
  • How important is it for public figures to change or maintain their image to succeed in different public arenas (e.g., the movies, television, sports, politics)? Is there a recipe for success?
  • Is it easier to think of these public figures and their meanings in terms of a high-low cultural hierarchy or as part of a cultural map of varying dimensions?

Note; 100 words are the requirement for answering the previous question.

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Business Plan Help

I don’t understand this Business question and need help to study.

I need help figuring out what to write for the Industry and Market Analysis part of a business plan for my class and I have to go based off of a paragraph description of the vision of the business/ Here is basically the gist of it.

The business is a swimming pool service in which customers can go on an app and find pool related products they would need or request installation for an additional cost and they would have the products delivered to them in a day because there would stock on demand provided.

This is what I would need help with.

  1. 1. Discuss strategic issues, such as ease of market entry and exit, ability to achieve economic of scale/scope, cyclical or seasonal trends.
  2. 2. Discuss the current industry trends and key success factors and future outlook of the industry. Is the industry growing, is the industry crowded, what opportunities or threats does the industry face?
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Project Proposal (3 sections only)

I don’t know how to handle this Engineering question and need guidance.

I just need help with

– Project summery

– Objectives

– Problem analysis


I’ll include all information. If you need any clarifications feel free to contact me.

Attached documents are as follows

1. request letter from the Customer

2. their web site (use this to gather information about their company)

3. Structure and further details word document

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have to write a technological aspect for a business plan

I need help with a Marketing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

  • business plan is food truck
  • echnological – How will you utilize technology in your marketing plan? Is the right technology available? How will you utilize the web-site? Each technological breakthrough influences the marketing mix. Issues faced by marketers in the technological environment includes: R & D expenditures, rapidly changing life styles and business operations, new forms of communications, automation, etc.
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G202/PSY2420 Module 2 Written Assignment

I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.

The readings in this module described several psychological disorders that are often first identified during childhood and adolescence. There are many more disorders that fit into this category which were not discussed.

Choose a childhood/adolescent psychological disorder to investigate. If you intend to research one of these for your Course Project, be sure to avoid duplication; you will need to research a different topic for the final project.

In a 2-3 page paper, written in APA format, using proper spelling and grammar, address the following:

  1. Provide a brief history of the disorder and diagnosis.
  2. Describe typical symptoms that need to be present for diagnosis.
  3. Explain common treatments and outcomes for the disorder.
  4. Cite at least one peer-reviewed journal as a reference.
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Emerging Threats & Countermeas

I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

Mobile devices (smartphones) are the number one Internet-connected device. Mobile devices are also a threat to organizations’ networks as these devices have storage mediums, Near Field Communication (NFC), and other technological advances that make them undeniable dangerous as an access point for malicious individuals. We carry them nearly everywhere we go. Android is an open-source that allows customization to the operating system and is considered static. While iOS is not open source and controlled by Apple, however, users can jailbreak them which lowers the security and expose the device to vulnerabilities.

What process do you propose to mitigate the threats towards mobile devices?

Response Guidelines

Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum. Post by the end of Wednesday to allow other students to read your threat and provide comments.

Your main post should be a minimum of 250 words. Make sure your peer discussion address some of the terms and concepts presented in the course with a minimum of 100 words.

Please respond to at least two learners. Your responses should be substantive (minimum of 100 words) and do at least one of the following:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Offer a suggestion.
  • Elaborate on a particular point.
  • Provide an alternative opinion.

Responses to peers such as “I agree with your point”, or responses that are not substantive and at the Graduate level will not receive maximum points.

In your responses, reference the assigned readings and other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature as needed to support your views and writing.

just provide some general 2 replies (100 words each)

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making economic graphs

I’m studying for my Economics class and need an explanation.

  • go to and making three graphs
  • Graph 1
  • • 3-monthTreasuryBill(secondarymarketrate)–daily,notseasonallyadjusted

• 10 year Treasury constant maturity rate – daily, not seasonally adjusted

• Graph 2:
• Dow Jones Composite Average• Nikkeistockaverage

• Graph 3:

  • M2 Money stock (% change from 1 year ago)
  • 3-monthTreasuryBill(secondarymarketrate)
  • Consumer price index (% change from 1 year ago)
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Ethics Course Paper

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to read and consider the following hypothetical scenario.

Assume that you are a mental health clinician who is working in a mental health center as a mental health caseworker. You are working with a client that verbally admitted to you during a session that she was physically abusing her children by smacking them with objects and hitting them on the face and arms to the point where bruising was present.

At the conclusion of the session, you attempt to contact your supervisor to report the information gathered in the session and seek guidance on what should be done. However, your supervisor just left for an unannounced vacation earlier in the day. You then talk to the person who is covering for your supervisor, and that person verbally informs you to report the incident to Child Protective Services. Based on this directive, you elect to make the report.

When your supervisor returns from vacation, she determines that you incorrectly made a report to another agency, and that the supervisor who was covering for her was in error. Your supervisor then informs you that you overstepped your boundaries as a mental health caseworker. When you inform your supervisor that Child Protective Services substantiated your report, your supervisor informs you that you engaged in a breech of client confidentiality and places you on employment probation as a consequence for your actions.

Based on this scenario, you will need to craft a three to five page double-spaced essay that answers each of the questions below. Make sure to carefully consider all of the aspects of this scenario before answering the following questions in your essay.

Question #1: How do the doctrines of Duty to Protect and Duty to Warn apply to this scenario?

Question #2: Does this scenario justify a report to Child Protective Services? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Question #3: What are your thoughts concerning supervisor competence in this scenario? In other words, was the supervisor correct or incorrect with respect to the sanction she imposed? Provide a logical argument to support your position.

Question #4: What could have been done differently in this scenario?

Technical Instructions for the Course Paper Assignment

The instructions for the paper assignment are as follows:

1) The paper must be word-processed in Microsoft Word or in a computer format that is compatible with Microsoft Word. No handwritten papers will be accepted. There should be no typing errors on the paper that you turn in to complete the assignment.

2) Your completed paper should be a minimum of three full pages, and no more than five full pages. A full page has original text all the way to the bottom of the page.

3) Your paper must be double-spaced. You may use only one of the following fonts: Times, Geneva, or Helvetica. Regardless of the font you use, it must be 12-point font. Your paper must have a one-inch margin at the top, bottom, and sides of each page. Your paper must have page numbers. Your paper must have your name on the paper. Please be aware that the title page does not count as part of your overall page count. You must strictly adhere to these formatting requirements, or you will lose points on your paper!

4) The paper should be free of all grammatical errors and spelling errors! Be sure to check grammar, punctuation, and spelling before turning in your final project. Because you will be word-processing your paper, you will have access to a spell checker, and you will most likely have access to a grammar checker. Therefore, make sure that there are no errors in grammar or spelling. If there are any grammatical errors and/or spelling errors, you will lose points on your paper! Also, because you will be saving your answers in a Word document or a file format that is compatible with Word, you should make sure to save your work often so that your work does not disappear.

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