Client uploads
complete an SPSS data analysis report using t-test output for assigned variables
I dont know how to handle this Statistics question and need guidance.
complete an SPSS data analysis report using t-test output for assigned variables.
You will review the theory, logic, and application of t tests. The t test is a basic inferential statistic often reported in psychological research. You will discover that t tests, as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA), compare group means on some quantitative outcome variable.
USE Assessment Template and Output Instructions
I will also upload data in excel to input in SPSS
Accounting Workshop
Im stuck on a Accounting question and need an explanation.
You have the opportunity to begin professional involvement this semester by attending two tax, accounting or business functions or webcasts that are a minimum of 50 minutes (or one academic hour) . You may earn twenty points for each of the two functions attended. Accounting functions include, but are not limited to: Career Education workshops, MSCPA student events, presentations by outside speakers (including employment related) and IRS webinars. Submit a write-up as if you were summarizing the event for co-workers, describing the event touching on the most beneficial or intriguing points that enhanced you personally and professionally.
It is a case study and APA Format is Required and about 3 pages is good enough.
Im stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.
“Lauren is assigned manager of a project with a cross-functional team. Lauren has reviewed the profiles of her six team members her boss gave her. Lauren is both intrigued and anxious when she sees that team members are geographically dispersed.
Lauren works from the Atlanta office. One team member is in India; another is in Germany; and the rest live in the United States, but in different time zones. Two staff members are in the eastern time zone (Virginia and North Carolina) and two staff members are in the central time zone (Texas and Louisiana).
Lauren has never managed a virtual team and is unsure what special skills it will take to be successful. What competencies are necessary for virtual team leaders and members? She studies the team member profiles and creates a matrix to evaluate each members strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of working virtually. She includes herself because she realizes she needs to evaluate her own strengths and weaknesses. Lauren thinks about the challenges and opportunities she will face managing this virtual team.”
© 2008 SHRM. Frankie S. Jones, Ph.D.
Write a 2-4 page summary of the case study including your input on:
1. The challenges you see in this scenario?
2. The opportunities you see in this scenario?
NOTE: It is a case study and APA Format is Required and about 3 pages is good enough.
Assignment: Application of Crisis Theory and Resiliency Theory to a Case Study
Im working on a Subject Major question and need guidance to help me study.
It is common for social workers to be presented with a crisis situation brought forth by clients, families, communities, and/or organizations. The ultimate goal is to restore the client to equilibrium. The five stages of the crisis are (1) the hazardous event, (2) the vulnerable stage, (3) the precipitating factor, (4) the state of active crisis, and (5) the reintegration or crisis resolution phase.
There are times when a social worker will use more than one theory to assist in conceptualizing the problem and intervention, particularly if the theories complement each other. For example, resiliency theory can be used alongside crisis theory.
To prepare: Review and focus on the same case study that you chose in Week 2. (The case of Tiffani Bradley)
Submit a 1- to 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:
- Map the clients crisis using the five stages of the crisis.
- Describe the clients assets and resources (in order to understand the clients resilience).
- Describe how you, the social worker, will intervene to assist the client to reach the reintegration stage of the crisis. Be sure that the intervention promotes resiliency.
- Evaluate how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help in working with a client.
Be sure to:
- Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
- Use literature to support your claims.
- Use APA formatting and style.
- Remember to double-space your paper.
Complete Short Social Work Discussion (BIA)
Can you help me understand this Sociology question?
Social workers strive to make informed decisions about the interventions they implement. These decisions should be driven by what the research data say. As a result, social workers have been called to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions they implement. A common way to evaluate interventions is to use a single-subject design. This involves monitoring an outcome for an intervention implemented for one client. After a social worker works with the client to determine the outcome to be measured, the following steps to the evaluation might look like this:
- Administer the instrument before the intervention is implemented
- Implement the intervention
- Administer the same instrument, after a specified time period
- Monitor to determine if there have been any changes in the outcome
In this Discussion, you use the lens of resiliency theory when reflecting on a case from your fieldwork, and then you consider how to measure the effectiveness of a possible intervention.
To prepare, read this article listed in the Learning Resources:
- Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton K. (2013). Assessing resilience: A review of measures across the life course. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 10(2), 111126. doi:10.1080/15433714.2011.597305
By Day 3
- Reflect on your fieldwork experience, and identify a case where it would have been beneficial to employ resiliency theory. Describe the case in 2 sentences.
- Describe the presenting problem in one concise sentence.
- Describe an intervention you would implement to promote resiliency.
- Identify an instrument from the Smith-Osborne and Whitehill Boltons article that would be appropriate when employing a single-subject design to evaluate how effective the intervention is in increasing the clients level of resiliency.
- Explain why you selected the instrument.
- In other words, why would the instrument be appropriate? (Consider the age of the client and for whom the instrument was designed, how feasible it would be to administer the instrument such as cost, time to administer it, etc.).
Evaluate the accuracy of the Kingdon model of policymaking.
I need support with this Social Science question so I can learn better.
Review Chapter 6 in your text, paying special attention to the section entitled “Three Challenges in Agenda Building.”
- Discuss the three streams Kingdon has identified where problems originate, and provide your opinion on which one most accurately reflects how and why policies come about.
- Discuss the assertion that certain kinds of issues receive preferential treatment in problem solution and political streams.
- Discuss tactics that policy practitioners use within each of the three streams to increase the odds that a specific issue will be placed on decision agendas.
Re-write narrative to show highllight “inpact–explain why the action mattered and made a difference. (Work Compleity, Level of Supperivision, Working Relationships, Level of Responsibility, and Scope/Impact of Decisions)
Help me study for my Writing class. Im stuck and dont understand.
- Work Complexity
- Level of Supervision (Given or Received)
- Working Relationships
- Level of Responsibility
- Scope/Impact of Decisions
Re-writecharacterization of the nature and variety of the tasks, methods, functions, or projects carried out da-to-day. Ability of the employee to seek out, develop, and implement new courses of action and refine methods or develop new techniques, concepts, theories, processes, or programs to solve multi-variable problems. [2200 characters limit] Highlight Impact-explain why the action mattered and made a difference.
Problem solvercracked the code on moving DoDs 87,550 pounds SCIF VAULT to Korea; expertly coordinated with Air Mobility Command/commercial vendor to synchronize arrival of vault to Koreasaved government over $20,000 in transportation cost! Air Transportation Manage/Logistics Officer/Superintendent for past 25 years. Established notification from USTRANSCOM to be forward to DoD…value HAZMAT information critical to DIA global logistics mission; streamline and improving DoD Transportations Fusion Center (TFC). Created an Air Mobility Command channel to be notify of critical data to be disseminated for safety of flight and in- transit visibility (ITV) of cargo; improving TFC capabilities, DoD, and NATO. Provided complete logistics and supply chain management for IC assets; moving 2 million tons of cargo from transportation preparation to final customers all over the global; cradle t to grave. Managed and oversee over 200 transportation Control numbers, satellite tracking Devices and Radio Frequency Identification; these devices are mission essential information system in support of Joint Operation, coalition partners, and warfighters in the areas of operations (AOR). Processed and monitored 3 million ton updated IT equipment for the IC global networking systems; preventing adversaries on breaching our transportation and supply chain system. Served as DoD s focal point for all Air Mobility Command airlift issuesensured timely and accurate submission of all airlift requests and coordinated directly with major U.S. Air Forces aerial ports. Appointed as transportation officer to gather information on flight following tracking and in-transit visibility of DoDs cargo in the Department of Defenserecommendation will enable the IC to account for IC valuable assets. Developed action plan to cope with required TFC mission statement; paving way to improve DoDs supply chain. Procured and coordinated $35K from LOG funds for TFCs forklift critical to DoDs mission by alleviating potential showstopper problemsalso ensuring critical timelines were met. Managed and coordinated short notice shipment of weapons to Bagram, Afghanistan in support of operations in theaterhis expertise was key in communicating with global reach partners.
Re-writeAmount of supervision required to successfully perform duties. Ability to act upon opportunities to enhance mission success. At higher grades, employee develops, manages, and leads employees to find creative solutions to effectively support the DIA mission. [1025 characters limit] Highlight Impact-explain why the action mattered and made a difference.
Through my multiple assignments, learned to recognized and analyzed problems, collected data, summarized results, drew conclusions, and devised solutions to complex and interrelated War-planning problems. Leader of Squadrons 24/7 nerve center; provided crucial guidance for 450 personnel-achieved 98% departure rate. Request acceptance into Logistics Management Masters Program-would afford increased depth/breadth and enhance his overall knowledge on logistics processes with providing the agencys extensive logistics experiences from deployed/garrison duty sites. Improved Polands interoperability with other NATO allies; paved way for delivery of 48 f-16 fighter aircraft. Lead 64 members/5 sections; Air Terminal Operations Center/Command Post Aerial Port Control/Data Records and Reports/Airlift Management/Computer Operations. Calculated and submitted air shipping cost to HQ mission critical cargo destined to Korea cost comparison vital to Intelligence Community setup.
Re-writeseeks out relationships to build expertise and minimize unnecessary conflict. Behaves in a professional manner that creates trust and transparency. Demonstrates that ability to work effectively as a team player while establishing positive relationships and gaining the confidence of others. Able to motivate others to participate in the activity he/she is leading. [1025 characters limit] Highlight Impact-explain why the action mattered and made a difference.
Coordinates with customers, reviews documentation/physical assets, to determine transportation requirements based on shipment characteristics. Superb protocol: coordinated sensitive/timely movement of 35 DVs; ensured stress free travel for DVs to destination. Cultivated relationships with Aerial Port, IC, and base facilities to ensure movement up-armored vehicles: increased Force Protection in CENTCOM AOR. Coordination with customers to locate misplaced assets/resolving materiel denials within the storage warehouse; coordination resolve issues quickly. Built a network of peers and seniors to monitor the adequate storage and safeguard of deployment assets, e.g. chemical gear, weapons, field survival equipment, IT refresh etc. Lead transporter with a 4-man team on major exercises in Romania; provided critical mission beddown support off-loading of over 100 tons from 25 aircraft. Conducted cantonment across organizations, arranged billet/workspace for 150 group personnel; key to startup operations.
Re-writeAbility to exercise judgment, make commitments, and take initiative within a position. [1025 characters limit] Highlight Impact-explain why the action mattered and made a difference.
Principal Advisor to senior-leadership on safe air/ground movement of all classes of hazardous Materials for DoD-Afghanistan. Collaborated the movement, process/delivery of over $2M in IT equipment to IC customers. Established, developed/maintained working relationships with platform leads to reduce the use of BEAR Defense services for inter-theater movement; drastically reducing the usage by 20%; optimized the use of helos and MILAR saving DoD thousands of dollars towards its cost-share with the Intelligence Community (IC). Faced with possible extraction of the mission; lent expertise to the J4 planning team in support of Bagrams Combat Commander visit; outstanding effort lauded by the DFE. Coordinated on/off-load of 30 tons of cargo, and over 700 passengers eliminating the need for additional transportation personnel; outstanding achievement! Served as a Squadron level Air Operations Manager: responsible for the operational transportation control of the largest aerial port in the Department of Defense.
Re-writelevel of decision-making and accountability demonstrated by the employee, including how decisions and initiatives affect Directorate/Command, Agency, and Intelligence Community equities. [1025 characters limit] Highlight Impact-explain why the action mattered and made a difference.
Chosen by leadership to inspected/expedited two up-armored Land Cruisers with 48 hours on a Task Force fixed wing aircraft in support of SECDEFs clandestine mission to identify suspected Russian Federation (RF) in Afghanistan (AFG) vehicles were critical uses for Close Target Reconnaissance to accurately define RF facility in AFG-mission terminate Russian actions AFG. Supported 470+ multi-national NATO personnel training 2500+ Iraq military and police cadets. Coordinated a diplomatic meeting with Iraq President on the future of the NATO Training Mission in Iraq; planned/executed the safe movement of NATO Secretary General. Prime mover for Estonian forces leaving theater; award Estonian Peacekeeping operations medal by their Ministry of Defense; ensured coordination of activities with outside agencies interfacing with the processes of the Air Terminal facility. Effectively utilized Air Terminal resources/Material Handling Equipment worth 30 million to meet mission requirements that improved time to customers.
Negotiation Styles
I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.
For this assignment, you are asked to write a seven page paper addressing your approach to negotiation (the title and reference page will not count towards page count). Please ensure that you address each of the following sections. Each section will need to be labeled with the use of subtitles. You will need to be thorough in explaining your negotiation style.
- Introduction
- Define negotiation
- Attitudes regarding negotiation
- What is your attitude about negotiation?
- Approaches to negotiation
- What approaches do you take when negotiating?
- Differences in personal and professional approaches to negotiation
- Explain whether your approaches are the same or different in your personal and professional life.
i. Personal buying a car (this is just an example)
ii. Professional negotiating salary (this is just an example)
5. Enhancing negotiation strategies
1. Discuss whether you seek to enhance your negotiation strategies
6. Conclusion
Be sure to support and justify your positions and conclusions with references to relevant library resources or reputable sources outside of the library. All written assignments should follow APA requirements.
The inclusion of your textbook and two outside references (a total of three sources), retrieved from the university library, is required for the completion of this paper.
Assignment: Negotiation Styles | |||||
Objective: Negotiation is a concept that takes place quite often, in our daily lives. We use various skills to which we are accustomed, and whether we realize it or not, we determine ways to enhance these abilities.
For this assignment, you are asked to write a seven page paper addressing your approach to negotiation (the title and reference page will not count towards page count). Please ensure that you address each of the following sections. Each section will need to be labeled with the use of subtitles. You will need to be thorough in explaining your negotiation style. Be sure to support and justify your positions and conclusions with references to relevant library resources or reputable sources outside of the library. All written assignments should follow APA requirements.
Budgeting from Public Health Grant
I dont know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.
Attached is a reference of what the budget plan would focus on.
DiscussionYour Most Important Budget Asset The grant application process is all about money. Without money to accomplish your public health intervention, your plans are nothing but words on a piece of paper. The grant application process is all about convincing a person or entity to give you money to support your plan. Your primary goal in the budgeting process is to make a convincing argument that the money will be spent well.
There are many elements that make up a budget. Based on your research, respond to the following:
- Which element will generally make up the bulk of grant funds you will receive and why (particularly in a grant or contract that is a multi-year award)? Describe this element.
- Explain your answer with the help of examples.
Give reasons and examples in support of your responses. Be sure to cite any relevant resources.
Write your initial response in approximately 300 words.
By the due date assigned, post your response to the below Discussion Area.Through the end of the week, review and comment on at least two peers responses. Consider commenting on their opinion about the most important part of the budget that is integral to the grants management.
Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your peers as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your peers posts. Participate in the discussion by analyzing each response for completeness and accuracy and by suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Identified the element that generally makes up the bulk of grant funds you receive and why.
- Described the most important part of the budget integral to the grants management.
- Explained answers with relevant examples.
- Responses demonstrated in-depth research and analysis of issues associated with grant and contract budgets.
- Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.
Colonialism and Immigration
Can you help me understand this Sociology question?
The Zapatista revolt made worldwide headlines in 1994 immediately after the treaty of NAFTA went into effect. Do some more research on this event and explain how the conditions at that time in Mexico might be classified as an example of neo-colonialism or, as George Collier is cited as saying in the opening of the chapter, as an internal colony for Mexico. Why did the Zapatistas respond to these external events (such as NAFTA)?
Choose one of the options below for your assignment this week:
Option A: Colonialism Maps
Do a quick Google search of colonialism maps and choose several that depict how extensive colonial practices were across the globe. Choose maps from different time periods so that you can also see the duration of some of the colonial empires. Discuss the old adage that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Colonialism was a global force. What are its repercussions on our lives today?
Prepare a paper (750-1250 words) in which you describe how colonialism changed over the centuries. Highlight the political agreements that guided changes in colonialism. Include citations and references in your paper for at least 3 sources.
Option B: Refugees
Do internet research on the locations of various refugee camps currently in existence. What is life like in these camps? What does it mean to be a refugee? How would your life be different than it is if you were a refugee today?
Prepare a paper (750-1250 words) in which you describe refugee camps. Describe the locations, the status of the people who occupy the camps, and the outlook for their futures. Include citations and references in your paper for at least 3 sources.
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