Client uploads
Uncovering the existence of a problem can be achieved through monitoring and analyzing of the organization’s productivity level. The derived measurements of productivity are based on real data.
Im trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.
Select 3 topic’s and write
topic 1 should be 150- 250 words
topic 2 should be 100+ word
topic 3 should be 100+ word
1. Group communication and collaboration.
2. Improved data management
3. Managing giant data warehouses and big data
4. Analytical support
5. Overcoming cognitive limits in processing and storing information
6. knowledge management
7. Anywhere, any time support
GEO101 (MOD3 Peer discussion response)
Im trying to learn for my Geology class and Im stuck. Can you help?
Please respond to both POST1 and POST2 in at least 200 words.
- Chapter 5 Weathering, Erosion, and Sedimentary Rocks (Sections 5.1 & 5.2 only) in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Chapter 10 Mass Wasting in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Chapter 13 Deserts in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Chapter 14 Glaciers in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Iverson, R. M., George, D. L., Allstadt, K., Reid, M. E., Collins, B. D., Vallance, J. W., …, & Baum, R. L. (2015). Landslide mobility and hazards: Implications of the 2014 Oso disaster. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412, 197-208.
- National Park Service. (2019, September 11). Mass wasting. Retrieved from
- Omosanya, K. O., Harishidayat, D., Marheni L., Johansen, S. E., Felix, M., & Abrahamson, P. (2017). Recurrent mass-wasting in the Sorvestsnaget Basin Southwestern Barents Sea: A test of multiple hypotheses. Marine Geology, 376(2016), 175-193. doi:gor/10.1016/j.margeo.2016.03.003
Using your text and the library or internet resources, research one of the many varieties of mass wasting. Explain how it works, what type of material is involved, and that type of movement. In which regions might we find this type of mass wasting? Provide a real-life example of an event of this type. Once again, make sure that you come up with an example that hasn’t been discussed already.
Mass wasting is when there is a downhill movement due to gravity that consists of soil or rock material and refers to all fast-moving material. Debris flow is a common type of mass wasting that consists of rapid movement. Flows are rapidly moving mass-wasting events in which the loose material is typically mixed with abundant water, creating long run-outs at the slope base (Johnson, Affolter, Inkenbrandt, & Mosher, 2017). There are two types of flows: debris flow which is made up of coarse material, and earth flow which is made up of finer material.
Debris flow commonly occurs from heavy rains with falls before flowing downhill and creating sections with a surface broken by ridges and channels. Hilly areas that are subject to long, heavy rainfalls are more susceptible to experiencing debris flow. In the United States, examples of these areas include Hawaii, northern California, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon on the West, and the Appalachian Mountains on the Central and East.
An example of debris flow in the United States actually occurred twice in the same location! In 1995, La Conchita, California experienced moving earth flow that damaged nine homes. A short week later, debris flow occurred in the same exact location damaging five more homes. The top of this slide actually had early warning signs with its tension cracks that eventually grew larger with the heavy rainfall during the winter of 1994/1995. This was likely the trigger that caused the earth flow and debris flow events in 1995. Again in 2005, ten years later, a rapid-debris flow occurred after the end of a 15-day rainfall. Vegetation remained relatively intact as it was rafted on the surface of the rapid flow, indicating that much of the landslide mass simply was being carried on a presumably much more saturated and fluidized layer beneath (Johnson, Affolter, Inkenbrandt, & Mosher, 2017). This event damaged 36 homes and killed 10 people.
Johnson, C., Affolter, M., Inkenbrandt, P., & Mosher, C. (2017). An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource. Retrieved from
Debris flow is a type of mass wasting. A debris flow is a moving mass of loose mud, sand, soil, rock, water, and air that travels down a slope under the influence of gravity. To be considered a debris flow, the moving material must be loose and capable of flowing down the slope. Usually, the flow is not fast and it creeps down the slopes. However, the fast ones are the ones that attract attention and become very dangerous. The speed and volume of debris flows make them very dangerous. Every year, worldwide, many people are killed by debris flows. This hazard can be reduced by identifying areas that can potentially produce debris flows, educating people who live in those areas and govern them, limiting development in debris flow hazard areas, and developing a debris flow mitigation plan.
Highly destructive debris flows occur in many areas across the United States. Hilly areas subject to prolonged, intense rainfall are particularly susceptible. Areas throughout southern California and San Francisco Bay Area, where I live, are frequently beset by debris flow problems, and public agencies have expended vast resources on massive debris-protection systems. Montecito, a city in California, has been a victim of one of the deadliest debris flow. In January of 2018, Montecito experienced heavy rainfall in a short period of time, causing water, mud, trees, rocks, and boulders from the Santa Ynez Mountains to flow down creeks and streams into the Montecito area.
writing a Biography
Can you help me understand this Business question?
I need a Biography written with the provided information below as a third person:
My name is Amina
I am a health coach, I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition*, where I studied a variety of dietary theories and practical lifestyle coaching methods. With my knowledge, I help co-create completely personalized actions based on people’s goals to move them towards their ideal vision of health within their unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and resources.
I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship(s) cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.
I work with my clients to get in touch with their bodys needs because I understand that life happens and your needs will change. I want to equip you with the self-awareness to make the best decisions for yourself in any given circumstance. I believe each person is fully capable of making well-informed decisions as their own expert, not the latest magazine article or fad diet book.
Lets define what you value most from your well-being. Well use these visions to motivate specific goals that bring you closer to where you want to be. As your coach, I will not dictate a diet for you, but together we will explore why some foods make you feel better than others and how to strategically use that feedback. Together well co-create your health goals within reasonable time frames and actionable objectives so you know exactly what youre working toward.
My purpose for sharing is to raise awareness about how nature was intended to be beneificial to human body. The sickcare in today’s society is at peak, bysharing my knowledge, I would love to contribute to the society.
My passion for Young Living Essential Oils started in 2015 because I was highly intuitive towards holistic lifestyle to better help my daughter support her respiratory and skin health due to many food and environmental allergies. Young Living helped me understand the difference in quality over quantity. It is vital to know what goes into the products that you are using on a regular basis. Young Living monitors the process in their plant-based products from seed all the way to seal. These therapuetic grade essential oils and the oil infused products have made my home a safe place for my children.
Project: Final Project
Can you help me understand this Sociology question?
What is your vision for social change? What outcomes would you like to see regarding the social issue on which you have focused during this course? What might you be able to contribute to the realization of those outcomes? This Assignment provides an opportunity for synthesizing the information you have researched and the ideas you have formulated regarding your social issue.
- Review the Final Project section of the Course Project Overview and Guidelines located in this weeks Learning Resources.
- Determine the format you would like to use for your presentation: PowerPoint or essay.
- Consider the scope of what you have learned regarding your social issue. What insights have resonated? What inspiration have you drawn from examples in the Learning Resources? What can one person do to make a difference on this issue? What can many people do?
- With all of this in mind, consider actions you can take that might impact this issue. What is the objective of each action? What might be gained?
Develop a Final Presentation in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (a minimum of 10 slides, not including title page or references) or essay (35 pages, not including cover page or references).
Include the following:
- Introduction
- Summary of the problem
- Potential solutions
- Key actions that you as an individual can take
- Objectives/desired outcomes of each action
- Expected objectives for the immediate future and 510 years from now
- Conclusion
The following should be evident in the Final Project:
- Research (using sources to formulate the presentation)
- Explanation (articulating the issue or problem to be addressed)
- Analysis (looking at the connections between the facts and assumptions when discussing your issue)
- Stance (taking a definitive perspective and calling for specific goals)
- Understanding (acknowledging any counter perspectives or problems related to proposed solutions)
- Implementation (listing concrete stepsboth personal and collectivethat might be taken to solve the problem)
For both the PowerPoint presentation and essay format, be sure to support your statements with APA Style in-text citations.
Your Soft Skills
I need support with this Communications question so I can learn better.
Communication skills are learned over time through interactions with others. In this course, you have had several opportunities to learn about yourself and others. This course has offered a general Communication Skills Assessment, a Listening Skills Assessment, an Emotional Intelligence Assessment, and a Conflict Management Assessment. Each assessment provided you with results on strengths and opportunities for improvement.
In this Discussion, you will examine those four assessments as you bring it all together and consider how they relate to your current and/or future communication goals.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Read the Communication Program Discussion Guidelines.
- Take the Soft Skill Conflict Style Assessment.
- Review the previous assessments you have taken in this course for soft skills. This includes the Week 1 Interpersonal Communication Skills Assessment, the Week 4 Listening Skill Assessment, and the Week 4 Emotional Intelligence Assessment.
- Think about the skills you scored well on and those on which you could use improvement.
By Day 4
Post a response that addresses the following:
- Describe two soft skills on which you have room for improvement.
- Tell us how you plan to develop each of the skills that you chose.
- Explain how each of your chosen skills will help you in either your personal or professional life?
Discussion: Think about its
I dont know how to handle this Psychology question and need guidance.
You will be responsible for posting a response to one of the Think About Its at the end of the covered chapters. You will need to summarize each chapter and generate a critical opinion of your own based on the assigned readings for class discussion. You will also need to make at least one comment on another students response.
Please do Chapters 6
And responds this one: In todays lecture, I was able to learn about long term memory and its structure. In particular, long term memory has a long duration, no limitations to remembering, and a large capacity. With this information in mind, four things I remember about the last 5 minutes are I was watching the lectures on a patient who had damage to his hippocampus, the patient was not able to remember events after having damage to his hippocampus, the Levels of Processing Model only contains one store where an input is followed by a working memory, and I remember thinking about what time it is because I needed to go to bed soon. I think most of what I was remembering was in my STM while I was remembering it. Based on the fact that short term memory is storing small amounts of information for a brief period of time, I think my memory of wondering what time it is and the Levels of Processing Model are apart of my short term memory (137). I believe these two aspects are part of my short term memory because they only lasted in my thoughts for about 15 to 20 seconds for I later forgot these thoughts. Moreover, as emphasized in the lecture, STM has a short duration that last about 18 seconds and a small capacity. In contrast, I believe the knowledge I learned from the patient who experienced damage to his hippocampus was in my long term memory. I believe this memory is part of my LTM because I was able to store this information for it stretches from just a few moments ago to as far back as I can remember. When thinking about the struggles the patient went through from the lecture, I did not hesitate to look back at my notes which supports I was able to remember this information.
Policy Proposals
Im working on a Social Science exercise and need support.
In your reading for this week, you meet Jose and Iris, two individuals who are in situations that require assistance and guidance from a professional social worker and policy advocate.
In this Discussion, create a policy proposal that will impact the situations faced by either Jose or Iris. Describe the trade-offs you used to develop your proposal.
To prepare: In your text, review “Trade-Offs: Systematically Comparing Policy Options in Step 3” in Chapter 8.
Post a brief summary of the policy proposal and its purpose that you created based on either Jose’s or Iris’s situation and the trade-offs you used to develop your proposal.
Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.
Plummer, S.-B, Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration year.Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
- “Working with Clients with Addictions: The Case of Jose” (pp. 6568)
- “Working with the Aging: The Case of Iris” (pp. 6869)
Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.
- Chapter 8, “Placing Policy Proposals in Policy Briefs in the Second, Third, and Fourth Steps of Policy Analysis (pp. 246-283)
Reflecting on Your Educational Specialist Journey
I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.
Write a 3- to 5-page paper with the following five sections:
Section 1: Influence of Course Work and Specialization Outcomes
In this section, explain the following:
- The influence of the coursework in your program of study and specialization outcomes on you as a scholar, professional, and leader in your field. Support your explanation with reference to specific learning experiences and resources.
Section 2: Professional Standards of Your Field
In this section, explain the following:
- How your approach to your specialization has changed throughout your Educational Specialist journey in relation to the professional standards of your field. Be sure to reference specific standards related to your specialization area.
- How you have evolved as a scholar-practitioner in your field and how you intend to stay committed to continuous professional develop and lifelong learning in your specialization
Section 3: Waldens Professional Dispositions
In this section, explain the following:
- How your thinking has changed with regard to your role as a leader and agent of change in your field since the beginning of your program of study
- How Waldens Professional Dispositions align with your thinking regarding your role as leader and agent of change today and in the future
Section 4: Waldens Technology and Diversity Proficiencies
In this section, explain the following:
- The Technology Proficiencies you have developed more fully as a result of your coursework and learning experiences in your specialization and program of study
- The Diversity Proficiencies you have developed more fully as a result of your coursework and learning experiences in your specialization and program of study
- How your development in these proficiencies supports you further in becoming a leader in your specialization field and an agent of change
Section 5: Leader of Change and Professional Goals
In this section, explain the following:
- How you will apply the knowledge and insights gained in this course and others to create and support effective educational practices
- The 23 professional goals you will set for yourself to become a leader of educational change in your field and an agent of positive social change in your community
Paradigm Shifts
Im working on a Sociology exercise and need support.
In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, philosopher Thomas Kuhn argues that breakthrough advancements in science often occur within the context of what he called paradigm shifts, where one predominant way of thinking is displaced by another new way of thinking.
One such example of a paradigm shift can be found in our reading for this week, in which the germ theory of disease displaced the miasma theory of disease. For your assignment this week, you will write about paradigm shifts as they pertain to the idea or innovation you chose in Week 1.
Begin by researching the idea or innovation that you chose in Week 1. Focus specifically on how that idea or innovation lead to significant changes in the way that we see or do things. You will then write an essay explaining the nature of the paradigm shift.
Paragraph one should be a summary of the status quo prior to the advent of your chosen idea or innovation.
Paragraph two should explain how your chosen idea or innovation can challenge the status quo.
Paragraph three should introduce your chose idea or innovation and how it is superior to the prevailing way of thinking.
Paragraph four should apply your idea or innovation to a problem that needs to be solved.
Finally, paragraph five should summarize your findings. You should include an analysis on future lessons to be learned from this hypothesized paradigm shift.
Your essay must be written following APA Guidelines. It should be 2-3 pages in length, not including your title page and references.
Complete Short Writing Class Discussion (WARREN) ONLY 150 WORDS
Im studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.
Take a look at this site:
Do you notice any differences from a site like NINR or WHO?
Are there pejoratives (
Review the references. Are there any peer-reviewed research studies to support the assertions or are there informal anecdotal ( references?
Explore a variety of web sites.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
- Find a minimum of three internet web sites/organizations
- Analyze the sites for rigor of research and valid resources
- Determine if they would provide sufficient support for your academic papers
- Discuss with peers the findings and conclusions
Use Promo Code: FIRST15