read and write a business letter

I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.

Final Draft Setup Requirement: • Polished, properly formatted, one-page letter • Single spaced • 11 or 12-point Times New Roman font WHAT: Write a 1-page business letter appropriate for the professional workplace. HOW: The business letter will be addressed to a classmate and will • capture the classmate’s attention; • describe (briefly) the steps of process writing; • present a persuasive argument to motivate the classmate to use steps in process writing in development of his/her written assignments throughout the semester; • demonstrate your knowledge of process writing, your ability to craft a professional letter, and your skill at persuading a reader to action.

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answer short forum question.

I’m studying for my Law class and need an explanation.

While a bunch of neighbors were finishing a late night dinner on the patio of a home, a man wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun visible to all leaped onto the patio and demanded money, threatening to shoot someone if his demand was denied. The man took off his ski mask and took some chicken wings. After eating a few of them he commented the food was very good. The neighbors offered him more food, and he put his gun in his belt. He apologized and told them he had come to the wrong house. The man left, stealing nothing and hurting no one.

Did the person commit the crime of attempted robbery or robbery under the MPC? Can he argue successfully that he abandoned his criminal activity before a crime was committed?

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Topic 7 DQ 2

I need support with this Business question so I can learn better.

Please, help with these two questions:

1. Explain the complexities of historic public personnel management (government by gentlemen to current). Think of an organization you are employed with or are a part of. How is diversity defined in your organization? Give examples of how diversity recruiting programs work. How is your organization using such recruiting tools?

2.Explain how an increasingly diverse workplace can influence human resource practices and decision making?

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After five years of stagnant or declining revenues, Domino’s Pizza did something practically unheard of in the business world. It asked customers for honest feedback and reinvented its product “from the crust up.” The Domino’s “Pizza Turnaround” campaign

Can you help me understand this Marketing question?

After five years of stagnant or declining revenues, Domino’s Pizza did something practically unheard of in the business world. It asked customers for honest feedback and reinvented its product “from the crust up.” The Domino’s “Pizza Turnaround” campaign began with marketing research to understand what customers thought and wanted. Industry research showed that although Domino’s was tops in service, convenience, and value for the money, it trailed far behind competitors in taste. To gain deeper insights into what consumers really thought, Domino’s turned to research using social media channels and focus groups. Rather than hiding from these stinging results or waving them off, Domino’s executives fessed up to the problems and faced them head on. The company began by completely reinventing its pizza recipes, and customers seemed to like it. To announce the changes and to turn around customer opinions, Domino’s launched a daring $75 million “Pizza Turnaround” promotion campaign. The startlingly honest campaign was fully integrated into the brand’s Facebook and Twitter pages, where the company posted all the bad along with the good and asked for continuing feedback. Since the Pizza Turnaround campaign began, Domino’s has seen revenues increase by 21 percent and profits increase by 31 percent, even as the pizza-delivery industry and restaurants in general of struggled. The lesson for marketers is that talking to customers, hearing what they have to say, and acting on the resulting insights can pay big dividends.

View the Domino’s Pizza Turnaround documentary at You can also explore the pizza turnaround from different perspectives by going to and entering the keywords “pizza turnaround.”

Answer the following questions:

  1. How is it possible that a large and successful corporation such as Domino’s drifted so far from what its customers thought about them and how their pizzas tasted? (Consider how companies can weaken their market position and lose their competitive edge when they fail to conduct continual market research, revisiting customer preferences, checking out the competition, and double-checking their assumptions. It is also possible that Domino’s had not yet developed a well-rounded strategy for monitoring social media channels, a key research avenue.)
  2. How Domino’s gain key customer insights into the underlying needs, emotions, and brand connections of its pizza customers? How did it apply these customer insights in The Pizza Turnaround campaign?


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One Interconnected Economy

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

“One Interconnected Economy” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, assuming you are currently a store manager at Walmart and due to your fluency in the Japanese language, the company has assigned you to manage one of their Seiyu-brand stores in Japan. Determine the skills, strengths, or qualities that you possess, relative to the seven (7) dimensions of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Model, that would help you successfully manage your store. Predict two (2) cultural differences that may challenge your current management style, and suggest the key actions that could help you address them.
  • Imagine that your friend Teresa have worked in several capacities in different departments within her present company. This week, her company has promoted her from department manager to CEO, just as it begins to participate in international business. Devise at least five (5) rules that address conflict of interest for Teresa within this new context.
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Make an article review

I don’t know how to handle this Political Science question and need guidance.

  • Explain what the article is about and what are the central thesis and arguments of the author.
  • Provide your own opinion on the core issue, eventually explaining on what you disagree with the author.
  • Conclude the value of the text as a source of knowledge, information, ideas, or what else you decide.
  • Recommend (or not to recommend) the article as a research source for the study of war and conflict in the contemporary world.

The review should be two pages in length (single line spacing).

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Please read, the following case.

I don’t understand this Law question and need help to study.

Please read, the following case:

Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. __ (2015).

Then listen to the oral argument available at:

.From a legal standpoint, do you agree or disagree with the ruling? Why or why not? Remember to support your answers. Cite all sources in The Bluebook format and remember to it is ok to disagree in a respectful manner. Remember that the point of this exercise is not to express your personal opinion, but instead to article legal arguments in support of your position.

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Introduce to Puppetry

I don’t know how to handle this Film question and need guidance.

Watch the resources that I uploaded, and then answer these questions.

1. In your own words define Shadow-mation, a technique that was used for characters like Luna from Bear in the Big Blue House.

2. War Horse – How did the Handspring Company impact the African community that built the puppets? How is “abstraction” involved in the construction? How did Adrian Kohler, co-founder of Handspring Puppet Company, research his designs? ?How long does it take to make a set of horses? How do the legs and head operate?

3. Walking with Dinosaurs and How to Train your Dragon –Describe some construction and manipulation details from the Resource clips. What is “voodoo” puppetry control?

4. Royal Deluxe Theatre-?Research some background about this French company and describe the type of performances they do. How do the puppets operate? (Watch the clip to describe how the puppeteers work them.)

5. How does the King Kong puppet from the recent Broadway production operate?

6. Aardman Studios- Why is stop-motion considered puppetry? Find a moment in the compilation video clip that you enjoyed (or didn’t like). Why or why not? What were the different workshops mentioned in the tour video? Did any of them impress you? Why?

7. Creature Shop –What was the “breakthrough” for using puppets on TV? What does the designer need to “keep in mind” when designing” a puppet? Describe the evolution of manipulation from cable to computer. Why does the speaker prefer 3d puppets to digital puppetry?

8. Describe the new trend of “bringing back the practical”. How does that concept apply to the new Star Wars movies?

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Write a paper of 800 – 1,000 words in APA format about The Information Age. Be sure to include the following in your assignment: Discuss why it is important to stay relevant in the information age. Explain a DBMS and how it helps us to stay current in th

I need help with a Computer Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Write a paper of 800 – 1,000 words in APA format about The Information Age. Be sure to include the following in your assignment:

  • Discuss why it is important to stay relevant in the information age.
  • Explain a DBMS and how it helps us to stay current in the information age.
  • Demonstrate the difference between data and information.
  • Explore anomalies (what they are, how to avoid them, and potential impacts.)
  • Discuss the significance of decision-making and the important part information plays.
  • Explore the impact of “The Cloud.”
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MKt 208 3c case study

I need an explanation for this Marketing question to help me study.

Read Company Case 4: Campbell Soup Company: Watching What You Eat starting on page 525 in your text

Answer the following questions: APA format, 500 word minimum

1. The case describes a set of market research initiatives taken by Campbells, Discuss the elements of a complete marketing information system that were not described in the case. If you were a marketing executive at Campbell, what information would you want to draw from the marketing information system before beginning the research effort? (30 Points)

2. The first step in any market research project is to define the objectives. What objectives does Campbell have for the marketing research efforts described in this case? Note: I am asking specifically for the market research goals, not the marketing goals, (20 Points)

3. Compare the effectiveness of Campbell’s biometric research with its deep dive research. (20 Points)

4. Describe how traditional marketing research could be integrated with Campbell’s research efforts from this case. Discuss the various traditional market research methods and whether they could be used to enhance or confirm the biometric and deep dive research methods described in the case. (30 Points)

I’ve attached the pages of the book and the book to cite.

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