Practical Exercise: Structure Chart

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.


Here is the assignment I told you about.


In this individual practice exercise activity, you will utilize physical process modeling techniques to develop a Structure Chart. A Structure Chart illustrates the organization and interactions of the different pieces of the program code. Structure Charts enable programmers to independently create programming code during an information system development process.

Create a Structure Chart using Microsoft Visio®. Refer to the Structure Chart example in the textbook. Base your Structure Chart on one of the two inventory management system DFD fragments that you created in Module 6.

If you choose to create a new Structure Chart from scratch, ensure that you select Categories (not Featured) from above the templates that are presented and then select General/Basic Diagram. Once you are open in a basic diagram, select Basic Shapes in the Shapes menu and utilize the Rectangle shape for your Structure Chart elements. Select the More Shapes/Visio Extras/Connectors menu and utilize the Flow Director 1 symbol to represent a Control Couple and the Flow Director 2 symbol to represent a Data Couple.

Your Structure Chart must address the following requirements:

  • Create your Structure Chart in a top-down modular approach.
  • Submit the following in your Structure Chart:
    • A minimum of ONE Control Module. Modules are verb-related.
    • A minimum of THREE Subordinate Modules. Modules are verb-related.
    • A minimum of THREE Data Couples. Couples are noun-related.
    • A minimum of ONE Control Couple. Couples are noun-related.
    • To locate premade arrow symbols for your couples, utilize the Dot & arrow connector for Control Couples and Flow Director 2 for Data Couples in the More Shapes / Visio Extras / Connectors menu.
  • Submit your Structure Chart in VSDX file format.
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Explain Qualitative Research Design used in peer review articles – Study the four common qualitative research designs

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Variations in qualitative research designs exist and new ones continue to be advanced and refined. However, there is a basic set of research designs used in most qualitative research uses one of the four common qualitative research designs. Write an introduction on the use of qualitative design for a literature review.

Narrative Research Designs

Case Study Research Designs

Ethnographic Research Designs

Grounded Theory Research

use the 10 articles i will provide or add additional references as needed.(must have 10) and Describe the research design used in each of the 10 articles. Evaluate the application of qualitative decision support tools and techniques used in each article. Identify and critique decision-making models and supporting concepts and theories used in each article.

Include an assessment (conclusion) of how the described research designs could be used to create the research design for a final literature review project in age discrimination in the business environment.

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Failing to Forgive

I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.

Failing to Forgive

  • Luke 7:41-43; 15
  • Matthew 18
  • Kingdom, Grace, Judgment (Capon, 2002)
  • Book 2, Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Book 2, Chapter 2: Death and Resurrection
  • Book 2, Chapter 4: Losing as the Mechanism of Grace
  • Book 2, Chapter 5: Death, Resurrection, and Forgiveness
  • Stories with Intent (Snodgrass, 2018)
  • Grace and Responsibility

The parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18) is a hard one to categorize in some ways, but many put it under the rubric of a parable depicting God’s grace. Even so, it has an undeniable interplay between grace and judgment. In four to five paragraphs, respond to the following:

  • What is the relationship between grace and judgment in this parable?
  • Does Jesus’ statement at the end regarding the necessity of forgiving another from heart negate the first half of the parable? That is, if one does not forgive another, is there no room for throwing yourself on the mercy of the king?
  • This sounds like a harsh law or rule. Does law trump grace here?
  • What makes a parable of grace a parable of grace?

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research.

Click here for information on course rubrics.

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Applying Counting Techniques to a Real-World Scenario

I’m trying to study for my Mathematics course and I need some help to understand this question.


I need some assistance solving this problem. There are two parts to this problem.

The Question is:

A random password generator is a computer program, hardware device, or online tool used to generate passwords using a set of parameters like length, letters, numbers, symbols, and strength (Nicholas, 2016).

Suppose that you want to create a password of four characters in length that can only include lower case letters and numbers from 0 to 9.

Part I: Answer the following questions:

  1. Assuming repetitions are allowed, how many passwords are possible?
  2. Assuming repetitions are not allowed, how many passwords are possible?
  3. Assuming repetitions are not allowed and there must be exactly two numbers, how many passwords are possible?
  4. Assuming repetitions are not allowed and there must be exactly two numbers, located at the end of the password, how many passwords are possible?
  5. Assuming repetitions are not allowed, there must be exactly two numbers, located at the end of the password, and that the letters can only be vowels, how many passwords are possible?

Part II: Based on your work in Part I, discuss the following:

  1. Explain your thought process to answer questions one through five in Part I. Identify which counting technique you used to answer each question.
  2. Could you have used any other counting technique to answer question one, Part I? Justify your answer.
  3. Could you have used any other counting technique to answer question two, Part I? Justify your answer.
  4. Compare your answers to questions one and two in Part I. Elaborate on what happens when repetitions are allowed versus not allowed.
  5. Compare your answers to questions three and four in Part I. Elaborate on what happens when you restrict the location of the two numbers.
  6. Explain how you can use a tree diagram to answer question five, Part I. Do not actually include the tree diagram.
  7. Compare your answers to questions one through five in Part I. Reflect about the security of passwords as more restrictions are added.
  8. Think of another scenario where you can apply counting techniques. Discuss the advantages of knowing how to use counting techniques in the context of the scenario you created.


Nicholas, M. (2016). Dashlane blog [web log comment]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


You must submit two files for this assignment. The first file should contain the computations, graphs, diagrams, etc., associated with the questions in Part I. This file may be formatted as a numbered list of answers. Unless stated in the problem, a narrative discussion is not required, but you must provide enough information to show how you arrived at the answer.

The second file should be a 2-3-page narrative paper, written in APA format, associated with the situation described in Part II.

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Learning Portfolio Here

I’m studying for my Economics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Assignment 1:

Please respond to the following prompt:

In chapter 4 we learn about price floors and price ceilings. In the labor market, the minimum wage is a price floor. Like every price floor, the minimum wage causes a surplus. A surplus in the labor market is called “unemployment”. Those who are unemployed as a result of the minimum wage are represented on the supply curve (workers are sellers in the labor market) just to the left of the equilibrium quantity. Because of the price ceiling, this equilibrium is never reached…

Like any price floor, the minimum wage benefits the sellers in the market (the workers in this case). This can be seen as increased producer’s surplus. The price floor is bad for the employers because they are required to pay a higher price for labor. Higher labor costs are then passed on to customers.

So it seems that there are some significant trade-offs associated with our minimum wage laws. Basically we are trading efficiency (losing surplus/ creating dead weight loss) for equity (higher wages for the working poor.) We know that optimal decisions are made at the margin (from chapter 1), so let’s do some marginal analysis:

Marginal Benefit of Minimum Wage Laws:

  • Low skilled workers get paid more than they otherwise would.

Marginal Costs of Minimum Wage Laws:

  • Additional unemployment is created because employers hire fewer people (due to increased labor costs.)
  • Consumers pay higher prices than they otherwise would (due to increased labor costs.)
  • Firm owners are clearly worse-off.

So, is it worth it? Should we have minimum wage laws? Please take a position on the issue and support it with internet research (post a link to at least one article or website that passes the (Links to an external site.)CRAAP Test (Links to an external site.)). Then, please respond to the position of at least two classmates, and use research evidence to try to convince the individual (and the class) that you are correct.

Assignment 2:

This class is not easy for a lot of people. The material can seem easy to follow when you are reading it or watching a lecture, but difficult to apply to new situations in the homework or on exams… and then there are the time management and motivational aspects that can also be challenging.

Please reflect on your experience so far in the course and tell us the following:

  1. What has been the hardest part(s) of the course for you?
  2. What could you do to make it easier on you, if anything?
  3. Is there some way that the class could be designed or run differently that you think would address this issue? Please don’t be shy here. I’ve put a ton of work into this class, and am very dedicated to making it the best it can be, but I can’t do that without your feedback. Please and thank you 🙂

Please also comment on the response of at least 1 classmate.

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MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS (MAO Inhibitors) Chart – Pharmacology II

I’m studying for my Nursing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


Application of material assignment.

Be creative and make an easy to access and use chart of foods, drinks, and medicines patients taking MAOI’s for depression should avoid and which are safe to use.

Include the symptoms the patient might have if they ingest foods and drinks that are not permitted and when to report to the doctor.

It should be something that is concise and could be hung on the refrigerator

Use reliable sources of information, including your Pharm book(p368)–not wikipedia. Make sure to include your resources/citations

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Help with my short assignment due i 4 hours kindly help me out

I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Additional Information:

Leroy Banks is the Director of Change Management for Red Carpet, a national hospitality and entertainment company. He has contracted you to be an OD Consultant because Red Carpet has recently acquired a movie theater company and needs to manage the change process. External forces for change are those that come from an organization’s outside environment. Internal forces for change are those that arise from employees within the organization. Leroy has asked you to begin by assessing forces for change.

Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course and with your classmates; discuss the following:

  • Identify and describe an example of an external force for change.
  • Identify and describe an example of an internal force for change.
  • In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges of being in the role of an OD Consultant at Red Carpet
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Discussion: Why Do We Need to Learn About Marketing?

I’m working on a Marketing question and need guidance to help me study.

Marketing has touched many aspects of our lives since childhood; we are consumers. As professionals, mastering marketing techniques makes us valuable in the workplace. Marketing plays a role across all industries.

Week 1 Discussion Post

First, we’ll research definitions of marketing from course readings and reference books. Then we’ll apply marketing to our career paths with a hands-on professional application.

Find three different resources that define marketing. Analyze these definitions. Rather than looking at the definitions, think about them and explain marketing using what you learned. If you are looking at the text or reference book entry and changing a few words here and there, you are NOT LEARNING anything and you are probably copying or editing. With your book closed and the definitions out of sight—that is when you start writing YOUR version.

Share your definition of marketing and cite the three sources used within the post. Do not copy or quote; explain marketing in a way that features your style of thinking and writing. End your post by providing an APA-formatted reference list for the three sources that helped develop your definition of Marketing.

This post should be 1 or 2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.

Week 2 Discussion Post

Select a product or service from the MKT301 Product List and research a company that sells this type of product or provides the service. Based on your definition from Week 1, analyze whether the company should be considered a good marketer or not.

The list is divided into categories that reflect career paths followed by many of Trident’s students. It allows you to pick a product that can work for your future profession. If you would like to choose a product or service not listed above, you must receive faculty approval early in Week 1. If you did not get approval prior to posting, you may need to redo the work.

This post should be 1 or 2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.

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the management team I would build would involve people that want to grow the business and see it be successful

I’m trying to study for my Marketing course and I need some help to understand this question.


the management team I would build would involve people that want to grow the business and see it be successful, on top of that each person would have skills in every aspect of business, ie one would be a financial expert, a marketing expert, HR, and so on. further more the team would be able to help each other out and come together to solve problems that are to complex for just one person. no one would be afraid to take someone under their “wing” and show teach them how to do their job. I see it more and more within companies they look at people like they are just a number on a spread sheet, no one takes stock in the knowledge or anything else that each individual might bring to the table. I’ll use my self as an example, prior to starting this degree path I have the knowledge and ability to be a manager or in a management role, however I get over looked because I dont have a degree or “real world” experience to really match what companies are looking for. as of this current moment the only text book I have really opened was the Math text book from the math class I have had to take. none of the concepts or topics in this degree path are new to me, but yet companies dont care unless you have the paper to show you were given the knowledge. my management team wouldnt look at it that way, everyone would get a fair shot and the team wouldnt be afraid to train someone jr to them on their job.

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Economics Help

Can you help me understand this Economics question?

I need a tutor to help me with my ECO2023 – Microeconomics class this semester from January through May of 2020. Also, i have an assignment that i need completed by today. Use the attached PDF of the Principles of Microeconomics book to help you with every assignment.

Today: Complete the entire 1.A.4.1 and 1.A.4.2 sections on the attached word document. Answer each question correctly with complete information and answer each sub-question that goes along with each question.

Use this link to get you to the Microeconomics book:

Watch these 4 videos to help you with the assignments:

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