Critical reading response paper substance abuse

I’m stuck on a Social Science question and need an explanation.

Demonstrate an understanding of the different classes of substances commonly abused and their physical effects, such as stimulants, depressants, analgesics, THC, etc.; the role of psychotherapeutic medications associated with drug use and withdrawal; explain the following terminologies: therapeutic medications, antidipsotropic, agonist, and antagonist; and demonstrate an understanding of biochemical effects of addictive substances on people’s brains and behavior

the instructions and readings are linked.

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respond to the following questions

I’m trying to learn for my Computer Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Note:Answer for the following 4 question questions

After reading the Weekly articles on DATA BROKERS, respond to the following questions (see the attached document for the complete assignment).

1) Select THREE data brokers companies from the list mentioned in the articles you have read and search for information on those companies. Report on the type of information you found.

2) How do data brokers collect your data?

3) Have you ever considered how you might be tracked? Does it bother you?

4) In what ways are you able to keep your private information “private”? Explain your answer.




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Wk 5 – The Role of the Nurse Leader [due Mon]

I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

Assignment Content

  1. This week’s focus is the nurse leader’s role in this and similar projects.

    Consider and discuss the nurse . leader’s role at each stage of your project.

    Determine actions the nurse leader . needs to take to ensure project success. Discuss the leader’s actions for all of the following:· Communication· Training· Budget· Change management· Authority

    Format your assignment as one of the following:· 18- to 20-slide presentation with
    detailed speaker notes in APA format (total slide count does not include the title and reference slide)· 875 to 1000 -word paper in APA format (title and reference page not included in word count)

    Submit your assignment

    **Late assignments: Due to differing time zones for faculty and students, a courtesy time extension of 8 hours is allotted before assessing a late penalty. Your assignment may be marked late by the system, but penalties are only applied after the extension expires. Late assignments receive a
    10% deduction not posted/submitted by the end of the assignment submission extension. Assignments submitted more than four (4
    ) days after the posted due date will not be accepted.


    Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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Develop the Planning Phase of a Project Using Microsoft Project

I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.

This project requires me to develop the planning phase of a “playground building” project while utilizing Microsoft Project. I have attached a PowerPoint with most of the information needed regarding the playground. Some of the basic information needed is:

Project Start- December 1, 2019; Project End April 15, 2020 (grand opening April 28, 2020); Budget $25,000; Milestones:

December 2019- Early stages of the proposed playground model and equipment that will be utilized

January 2020- Apply for the necessary permits and frequent communication with the stakeholders

February 2020- Test soil, cut asphalt

March 2020- Excavate compacted gravel, import new soil, mulch, rocks

April 2020- Assemble the equipment and April 28th the grand opening of the playground.


Assignment Content:

Prepare a 7- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes that illustrates the Planning Phase project deliverables.

Include slides for the following elements in your presentation:

· Project Management Plan developed using Microsoft® Project with the following columns:

· Task

· Duration

· Start

· Finish

· Resource

· Cost

· Make sure that you turn on “Show Project Summary Task” in the “Advanced” menu under “File/Options” in MS Project.

· Project Schedule

· Project Budget

Describe in the speaker notes:

· The steps taken by the team throughout the Planning Phase of the project.

· The methods that the team used to plan the project schedule.

· The method(s) used to develop the project budget and timeline.

· An analysis of the preferred time and cost methods selected for the project.

  • Review the below grading rubric:

week 3 team presentation rubric.PNG

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Complete Short Computer Task (FORD)

I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

Computer Applications for Business – Week 7 Assignment

MS Excel: Querying (Web)

Week 7 Assignment

Start with a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel online or installed version of Microsoft Excel with no template applied. A template is not allowed for assignment.

A local company would like to be able to search their inventory in an easy manner. They have given you data in table above, then:

Create the table above in excel.

oAdd two more rows of inventory data of your choice.

oFormat the column headings to be bold.

oIn Cell A14 put your name and GID number

Save workbook before filters as CS155Week7LastnameFirstName.

oEnsure you use your own lastname and firstname in filename.

Perform the following filters.

oAll inventory items with more than 10 in stock.

§Save as CS155Week7ALastnameFirstName

oAll inventory items from the manufacturer, Boles.

§Save as CS155Week7BLastnameFirstName

oAll inventory items under $100.

§Save as CS155Week7CLastnameFirstName

oAll inventory items with 5 or less in stock and a list price of less than $300.

§Save as CS155Week7DLastnameFirstName

Five files will be attached and submitted in one submission

File one –Saved before beginning extractions. Save as CS155Week7LastnameFirstName

File two—Saved after Filter A. Save as CS155Week7ALastnameFirstName

File three— Saved after Filter B. Save as CS155Week7BLastnameFirstName

File four– Saved after Filter C. Save as CS155Week7CLastnameFirstName

File five– Saved after Filter D. Save as CS155Week7DLastnameFirstName

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Integrating Curriculum

I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

Directions: 1) Choose a science or sensory activity from the course readings or an outside source. 2) Write a one-page introductory paper in which you describe the age group and activity. Explain (1) why the activity is appropriate to the age group (2) the state or national standards to which the unit aligns, and (3) how you will use the activity as the catalyst for the development of an integrated curriculum unit. 3) Identify additional activities and resources to be used in conjunction with the activity to create an integrated unit addressing the following areas: science or sensory development, language and literacy, mathematics and number sense, cognition/logical reasoning, physical development, and social/emotional development. 4) Determine a format for your unit. More information and example templates can be found at 5) In a conclusion section of 2-3 paragraphs, explain how you will involve parents and families of students in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the unit. Course Objectives ? Apply state and national standards, principles, and guidelines for early childhood education across content areas in alignment with developmentally appropriate practices. ? Identify, describe, and implement teaching strategies to enhance cognition and logical reasoning for early childhood age children. ? Identify methods to ensure families of early childhood learners are collaboratively engaged and considerations are made for cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity when planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum, including individual educational programs (IEPs) and individualized family service plans (IFSPs). ? Develop an integrated early childhood teaching unit which promotes learning in contentspecific areas and early childhood development.

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Walden- Advocacy- response-week 5

I’m studying for my Nursing class and need an explanation.

Hi!! I need a need a response for my professor’s post

My Post

23 hours ago

Lenick Bermudez Beltran

RE: Discussion – Week 5

Discussion: Professional Nursing and State-Level Regulations

Mostly, the documents from the profession are the main foundation or the regulation policy and legislation which is critical in ensuring public safety. The practice of the APRN is governed by the nursing board and defined well in the nursing practice Act. However, the nursing practice is also affected by other policies and well as the role played by different boards in the nursing field. The APRN board of nursing is the jurisdictional government agencies which have the authority to regulate the practice of nursing in the state (Ca. Gov., 2019). They are supposed to guarantee high quality in the practice of nursing, which is essential for maximum public safety and welfare. In this regard, the board issues and renews the license of those practitioners and the institutions offering the nursing practitioners program. It sets the standards to be met by the practitioners as well as the institution offering the nursing practitioner programs. Once the board grants the license to the individual, it has the responsibility of monitoring and ensuring that those licensed complies with the laws of the state. It also has the responsibility of taking actions against practitioners who do not comply with the laws in their nursing practice.

I come from Florida and the two APRN board of nursing regulations are; the requirements to meet the set minimum hours for the continuous education and the approval of the Nursing programs. The APRN nursing board in Florida provide in the regulation for the continuing education for the nursing practitioners. This is meant to ensure that APRN practitioners are well informed on the emerging issues in the nursing practice. These regulations provide that the nursing license of practitioners once expired cannot be renewed unless the person has undergone continuous education (NCSBN, 2019). For example, one of the requirements for license approval is the submission of the statement to prove that one has experienced the required hours of continuing education. Secondly, on Florida APRN nursing board regulation on the accreditation of the nursing program, while seeking the approval of the program, the institution offering the program must provide evidence that it has complied with the board requirements. For instance, the institution must provide evidence that it is well equipped to offer high quality training to the APRN practitioners.

Comparison of APRN nursing board regulation in Florida and California

The APRN nursing board regulations in Florida differ with similar regulations in California in various ways. The Florida APRN nursing board regulation on the license renewal requires that if a practitioner wants to renew their licenses, they will be allowed to do so without any challenge if they have completed their continuing education hours. If they have not completed the required continuing education hours; they are required to do the remaining hours before they can have their licenses renewed. On the other hand, in the renewal of the APRN practitioner in California, one is required to provide a statement as evidence that they have met the continuing education hours (ANA, 2019). The regulation does not provide for the attendance of the remaining continuous education hours when one fall short of the required hours. This means that unlike in Florida, where one is required to complete the remaining continuous education hours, in California, one’s renewal application is outrightly rejected. For instance, in the license renewal in California, the nursing practitioner has to provide a statement as evidence that they have met the required continuing education hours. This is a proof of compliance with the board requirements.

In the case of the approval of the practitioner program, according to the APRN board of nursing in Florida and California, the institution is supposed to provide evidence of the compliance with the board requirements. While in California, the institution offering the program must be recognized by the department of education, in Florida, the interest is whether the practitioner program has met the standards set by the APRN board of nursing. In Florida, the APRN board is allowed to call for additional information before approving the practitioner programs and the time frame for licensing is provided as 7-10 days (Florida Board of Nursing, 2019). In California, there is no time frame under the regulation under which the approval application should be considered. The nursing program may not be offered if the board does not approve of it.

The above regulations can apply in the APRNs by ensuring that they study in the institutions whose programs are licensed by the board and ensuring that they meet the license renewal requirements prescribed by the board. For instance, the nursing practitioners should ensure that they study in the institutions which are recognized and have their program approved by the board. They should also ensure that they meet the required continuing education hours.


ANA. (2019). Lead the profession to shape the future of nursing and health care

Ca. Gov. (2019). Nursing Practice Act

Florida Board of Nursing. (2019).Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

NCSBN. (2019). License Verification (


My professor’s post to my Discussion


RE: Discussion – Week 5

Top of Form

Lenick, excellent post on the comparison of Florida and California. What are your thoughts surrounding the role the federal government should have regarding nursing regulations?

Dr. Dodson

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You are provided two problem settings below, along with the data that was collected to analyze each of the problem settings.

I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

For each of the settings and accompanying data sets, evaluate the data that was collected relative to the problem setting. Evaluate whether the data collected was appropriate and representative of the information that is required to analyze the problem presented in the problem setting.

Setting 1:

You are going to sell your house. You are determining what the price should be. To help you, you have collected information of houses that have sold in your neighborhood during the past eighteen months. You checked houses within a four mile radius and here is the information you collected. You are going to base your determination of the price of your house based on the following information. Evaluate and discuss whether the data collected was appropriate and representative of the information that is needed to analyze the problem presented in the problem setting.

House House Age Square Feet Selling Price
1 33 1812 $190,000
2 32 1915 $205,200
3 32 1840 $194,000
4 32 1832 $192,000
5 33 1851 $202,000
6 34 2032 $208,600
7 31 1755 $188,200
8 30 1805 $205,000
9 28 1900 $215,000
10 29 1485 $192,000
11 31 1525 $195,000
12 32 1515 $192,200
13 33 1685 $201,300
14 34 1600 $205,400
15 35 1650 $218,000

Setting 2:

You are going to set your budget for your utility (gas/water/sewer and electricity) expenses for the next year. You have recorded your utility expenses for the past year. That information is provided below. Evaluate and discuss whether the data collected was appropriate and representative of the information that is required to analyze the problem presented in the problem setting.

Utilities Utilities
Period Gas, Water, Sewer Electricity
Mar, 2011 125.47 65.68
Apr, 2011 70.89 61.5
May, 2011 72.58 59.93
Jun, 2011 80.91 72.17
Jul, 2011 66.08 101.35
Aug, 2011 84.58 118.04
Sep, 2011 80.39 80.07
Oct, 2011 88.12 60.76
Nov, 2011 86.5 58.7
Dec, 2011 130.06 70.22
Jan, 2012 131.34 65.5
Feb, 2012 121.2 67.71
Mar, 2012 98.96 67.99

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the battle of bunker hill

I need support with this History question so I can learn better.

After reading the source, write an analytical essay in which you summarize the main points of the article (this should take about 2/3 of your essay) and then analyze/critique the source (about 1/3 of your essay).

Try to answer at least some of the following questions in your essay(don’t have to include all questions below)

Who is the author of your chosen source? What is the time period of the source and what is the topic? What might this article tell a researcher about the time period? What is he/she trying to say? What is his/her point of view? Does he/she make a convincing case? Why or why not? What does the author leave out (if anything)? Does the author exhibit a particular bias? Is there anything in this source that might be relevant to the world today?

Citation doesn’t count as word amount

800 words MINIMUM with a cover first page

oYour essay should be double-spaced with #12 fonts and 1-inch margins.

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F1: Comparative Advantage

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

This is for a discussion board not need to be to long or elaborate the amount of words could be between 250 to 300.

Here is the information to discuss.

Research shows that after-school jobs are highly correlated with decreases in grade point averages. Those who work 1 to 10 hours get a 3.0 GPA and those who work 21 hours or more have a 2.7 GPA. Higher GPA are, however, highly correlated with higher lifetime earnings. Assume that a person earns $8,000 per year for working part-time in college, and that the return to 0.1 increase in GPA gives one a 10 percent increase in one’s lifetime earnings with a present value of $80,000.

a) What would be the argument for working rather than studying harder?

b) Is this assumption that there is a trade-off between working and grades reasonable?

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