Compensation and Benefits

I don’t understand this Business question and need help to study.

Use the first chapter of the Milkovich book as a source of information for addressing these questions. Be sure, however, to add your own thoughts and ideas as well.

This first assignment is due on or before SUNDAY at 11:59 pm EST. Please attempt to keep your answers to a paragraph or two.

  1. Explain with examples the “total returns” people receive from work.
  2. Compensation for many people is an inherently personal and emotional issue. Express your opinion and give an example of how “taking compensation personally,” can play-out on the job.
  3. Explain the key elements of The Pay Model and how it can be used to develop an organization’s pay strategy.
  4. Can pay systems be effectively tailored to support differing business strategies? Explain your answer and give an example.


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giving and taking feedback

I’m trying to learn for my Writing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Giving and Taking Feedback
  • Review the peer response comments in the Model Peer Response Paper Click for more options (Morasch, 2014).
  • Read the Questions for Peer Response Click for more options handout (Morasch, 2014) and the chapters from Lamott (1994) and Murray and Moore (2006).
  • View the videos: No One Writes Alone and Peer Review.
  • Respond to the following questions:
    • What are your previous experiences with peer response?
    • What are you hoping to learn from having other people read your writing this year?
    • What actions, beliefs, and attitudes do you want to be part of the peer response process in this class?

Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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I need help with 2 discussion questions each 175 words

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

#1 please include references

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How has the development of the internet affected the way companies forecast in support of their supply chain planning process?
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful forecast
  • Discussion 2 below.
  • Why is it important for firms to focus on forecasting models?
  • Compare and contrast the various types of forecasting models.
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NRSE4530 family Nursing Discussion Board

I’m trying to learn for my Nursing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


For this discussion, consider a family you have encountered in your nursing practice. Discuss from page 6 Box 1-1 in the textbook, what traits of a healthy family they exhibited and what roles you used as a family nurse caring for the patient and family.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


  • Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.
  • Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)
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Answer two questions

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Please answer the following questions:

  1. Can we say that people have true preferences, or do most choices in fact show revealed preferences that depend on the context of the decision, our ability to remember past experiences when deciding, and even the way the various options are presented to us?
  2. How can an understanding of decision science (utilizing the evidence-based model) be applied to understand or influence real-world decisions in domains ranging from marketing and healthcare to public policy and disaster preparedness?

this should be 150 – 350 words

Course Materials:

• Latham, G. P. (2018). Becoming the evidence-based manager: Making the Science of Management Work for You. Hachette UK. ISBN: 978-1-4736-7697-8

• Marr, B. (2010). The Intelligent Company: Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-68595-2

• Harvard Business Review On Making Smart Decisions, (2013), Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, ISBN: 978-1-4221-8989-4

Cite in all posts, the preferred method is APA. In addition, please note the terms utilized in the Textbooks, please include 2- 3 terms in post.

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Literary Analysis of Modernist Literature

I don’t understand this Literature question and need help to study.

Write a 1-2 page literary analysis of one of the short stories from the assigned readings (attached), explaining how the author used characteristics of modernist literature or dystopian elements to create the dominant theme of the short story. You should include two of the terms used in your literary terms exercise (Dadaism, Anti-Hero, Nihilism, Surrealism, Stream of Consciousness, Utopian, Didactic, Modernism, Dystopian, Primitivism), and highlight the unique elements utilized in either modernist or dystopian fiction from your reading this week. Consider the following:

  • What was the main theme of your chosen story? (This is the main idea or message of the story). Examples of theme might be man vs. technology, man vs. nature, love, death, coming of age, freedom, the hero or heroine’s quest, etc.
  • If you chose a dystopian story, what vision of the future did the reading reflect?
  • Which of the literary terms or characteristics of modernist fiction did you find in your chosen story?

Focus as much as you can on how this short story exemplified the genre you have selected. You will also find it helpful to research the selected work online and in our library. You may use more than one article for your paper. Research includes at least one outside library article on the work selected.

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Need help with my Psychology question – I’m studying for my class.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 150 words:

Discuss the role of nature and nurture in one of the following cases:

  • An individual with borderline personality disorder who experiences regular episodes of clinical depression
  • A child suffering from malnutrition who is having trouble learning basic skills in school
  • An adult with type II diabetes who suffers from insomnia and depression
  • A young adult who regularly drinks to excess in order to unwind and relieve stress
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Advance Technical Writting

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Writing Assignment #1

Set of Instructions for a Website

Summary of the Assignment:

  • Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how to accomplish a task on a website.
  • Length:There is no minimum or maximum word count.However, your instructions must have 6 or more steps.More information on the number of steps is provided below.
  • Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step.
    • at least 6 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions
    • all graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating
    • all graphics should be labeled

Brief Description and Strategies to Follow:

Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment:

  • You must provide instructions on how to accomplish a task on a website.
  • You must have at least 6 steps.
  • Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in the class indicate.
  • Every step will include a picture or graphic to help the reader follow the instructions.

Some examples of topics are the following.(Keep in mind that you may select your own topic.These are just examples to help you consider various topics.)

Sections to Include in Your Set of Instructions:

The set of instructions will include the following sections:

  • Title Page
  • Overview or Introduction with background information about why a user would want to accomplish the task you are describing.
  • Instructions
    • number all of the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate
    • provide a graphic for steps of the instructions that need a graphic
      • all graphics will be screen captures of the website.
      • all graphics should be labeled

Helpful Guides and Resources:

  • Chapter 10 from Tebeaux and Dragga, which is available in the e-reserves section of the class, is a helpful document to review as you begin this assignment.
  • The Tech Writing Handbook by Dozuki, which is one of the resources listed in our class, has an appendix that provides tips in writing instructions and incorporating graphics into instructions.
  • The Mayfield Handbook, which is also one of the resources listed in our class, features excellent tips on writing instructions.
  • Some sample sets of instructions written by previous students in WRTG 393 are provided in our class in LEO.

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Wk 1 Discussion

I’m working on a Philosophy question and need guidance to help me study.

1.Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Our readings this week informs us that our emotional intelligence begins its development during the period of attachment as an infant and that “Physical and emotional expression is what draws people to us or makes them avoid us . . .” (Segal, 2008, p. 25). Even though emotional intelligence begins to develop in infancy, it continues to develop well into adulthood. This week’s reading assignment suggests that we are able to improve our emotional awareness and emotional intelligence in order to improve our ability to communicate and build relationships with others.

  • What are some ways in which emotional intelligence is involved in effective communication? Why is it important?
  • What might make improving our emotional intelligence difficult?
  • What recommendations would you give a co-worker who wants to improve their emotional intelligence?

2. Respond to the following classmates:


37 minutes ago, at 7:37 PM


Some ways in which emotional Intelligence is involved in effective communication are when making rash decision without thinking through because one emotion such as anger triggers the negative responses. It also is involved when making presentations or in a leadership position. It is also involved in when trying to convey your point o view to others that may not see it that way. It is very important because it can show how well you communicate in a work environment and in relationships. Things that may make our improvements in emotional Intelligence difficult, is letting anger and sadness could damage relationships, lives and missions. Depending on what emotions are effecting improvement in their emotional intelligence there are books and programs to help them out better in their journey. For anything to get better in any they are trying to accomplish, it takes time and energy or will to want to improve. That is one hard thing to do now because a lot of people now let their emotions get in the way in improvement in their careers or in their personal relationships.

3. Respond to the following classmates:

Brittany P.

2 hours ago, at 5:50 PM


Emotional intelligence is essential to communicating effectively because it exhibits maturity . To be able to utilize your emotions effective by being attentive to the tone and pace while speaking is imperative to be able to get the message across to that person. “a type of intelligence that involves the ability to process emotional information and use it in reasoning and other cognitive activities”(, 2018). Gaining emotional intelligence can be difficult if an individual isn’t skilled in comprehending emotions. Having the ability to identify and understand emotions displays being aware and sensitive to others emotions. The recommendation I would have for a co-worker would be to facilitate thought using emotions but in order to that to be accomplished, detecting and identifying emotions is key. Later, that co-worker will be able to be effective in emotional management which is essential to communication. Overall, emotional intelligence requires social skills, empathy, and emotional self-awareness.

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Need 6 questions related to business answered

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.


  • A recent new hire has joined Fig Technologies. The individual is of a cultural background that is perceived as very different from the mainstream workplace environment. As a manager, how would you integrate this individual into the organizational culture and address any existing perceptions? 350 word minimum
  • Fig Technologies has acquired a network services firm that has several Native American workers. The events team in the local office is putting together the calendar of events for the next year. How do you educate, inform, and assimilate Native American culture and traditions into a self-described White Anglo-Saxon Protestant workplace environment? 350 word minimum


  • As a business manager or owner, once you or your team have made decisions, how would you make sure that future decisions are good ones and not an escalation of commitment? Be sure to include a discussion of sunk costs versus future costs and benefits. 100 word minimum
  • Considering how motivations and emotions can play a significant part in business decisions, outline the steps you would take as a business manager or owner to minimize the effects of these two factors on decision-making to help ensure more long-term benefits from decisions made by your team(s). 100 word minimum
  • In this unit, you learned that when emotions collide with cognition, we face conflicts between what we want to do versus what we should do. Describe in some detail what this means and be sure to include the multiple-selves theory as part of your explanation. Provide some examples that exemplify this dilemma. 100 word minimum
  • Describe the competitive escalation paradigm and how it can be detrimental to financial decisions. Be sure to include in your discussion what competitive traps are and how to avoid them. Provide some examples of both competitive escalation and competitive traps. 100 word minimum

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