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The Apportionment Problem
I dont understand this Management question and need help to study.
The Apportionment Problem
You are a census officer in a newly democratic nation and you have been charged with using the census data from the table below to determine how 100 congressional seats should be divided among the 10 states of the union.
Being a fan of United States history, you are familiar with the many methods of apportionment applied to this problem to achieve fair representation in the US House of Representatives. You decide that apportionment (chapter 11, sections 1-4 in your textbook) is the best approach to solving this problem, but need to compare several methods and then determine which is actually fair.
Using the Hamilton method of apportionment, determine the number of seats each state should receive.
Using the numbers you just calculated from applying the Hamilton method, determine the average constituency for each state. Explain your decision making process for allocating the remaining seats.
Calculate the absolute and relative unfairness of this apportionment.
Explain how changes in state boundaries or populations could affect the balance of representation in this congress. Provide an example using the results above.
How and why could an Alabama Paradox occur?
Explain how applying the Huntington-Hill apportionment method helps to avoid an Alabama Paradox.
Based upon your experience in solving this problem, do you feel apportionment is the best way to achieve fair representation? Be sure to support your answer.
Suggest another strategy that could be applied to achieve fair representation either using apportionment methods or a method of your choosing.
You may perform your own calculations or use either the Excel spreadsheet or the Excel 2013 Spreadsheet to assist you. You must show some calculations in your document to demonstrate that you know how to perform these tasks. Be sure to compile your work in a word document and submit in M5
Assignment Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Assignment Components
Application of Hamilton and Huntington-Hill formulas to determine number of seats for each state.
Analysis of those results to determine state average constituency.
Analysis of results from above to determine if Alabama paradox occurred.
Analysis of state boundaries and population effects on representational balance.
Evaluation of the apportionment methods.
Proposed solution to achieve fair representation.
Writing Components
Usage and MechanicsGrammar, Spelling, Sentence structure
APA ElementsAttribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations
StyleAudience, Word Choice
Power Elec
Im studying and need help with a Engineering question to help me learn.
1. A DC chopper has a resistive load of 20 ohms and input voltage Vs = 220V. When the chopper switch remains on, its voltage drop vch = 4V and the chopping frequency is f = 2kHz. If the duty cycle is 50%, determine the;
- Average output voltage, Va
- Rms output voltage, VO
- Chopper efficiency
- Effective input resistance of the chopper, Ri
- Rms value of the fundamental component of output harmonic voltage
2.A buck regulator has an input voltage of VS = 10V. The average output voltage , Va = 20V and the average load current, Ia = 0.8A. The switching frequency is 20kHz. If L= 200µH and C = 240µF, determine the;
- Duty cycle, k
- Ripple current of inductor, ?I
- Peak current of inductor, I2
- Ripple voltage of filter capacitor, Vc
3. A chopper is feeding an RL load with Vs = 220V, R = 15?, L = 10mH, f = 1.5kHz and E= 0V. Calculate the
- Minimum instantaneous current I1
- Peak instantaneous load current, I2
- Maximum peak-to-peak load ripple current
- Average value of load current, Ia
- Rms load current, Io
- Effective input resistance seen by the source, Ii
- Rms chopper current, IR
4. A chopper has a load resistance, R= 0.30?, VS = 500V, E= 0V. The average load current, Ia=150A, and chopping frequency, f= 500 Hz. Use the average output voltage to calculate the load inductance, L, which would limit the maximum load ripple current by20%
the Place of Democracy in Kenya
I dont know how to handle this Law question and need guidance.
write a paper about the Place of Democracy in Kenya
1300 words plus, zero plag, perfect grammar
Create reader interest in the topic and lay a broad foundation for the problem
Provide a brief history to the problem
Describe the context for the study
What do you want to find out?
What assumptions are you making?
What theories? ideas? frameworks? are you relying on
What has been said already about your particular problem? What hasnt been said? Who has said it?
Why do you want to write about this problem?
How will you conduct your research?
BUSN603 case study
Need help with my Business question – Im studying for my class.
Im struggling to finish this assignment. Majority of it is done, just need help answering number 2 and 3, and need an excel work sheet.
Review, analyze, and complete the Chase Manhattan Bank Case Study below.
The workload in many areas of bank operations has the characteristics of a nonuniform distribution with respect to time of day. For example, at Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, the number of domestic money transfer requests received from customers, if plotted against time of day, would appear to have the shape of an inverted U curve with the peak around 1 P.M. For efficient use of resources, the personnel available should, therefore, vary correspondingly. A variable capacity can be achieved effectively by employing part-time personnel. Because part-timers are not entitled to all the fringe benefits, they are often more economical than full-time employees. Other considerations, however, may limit the extent to which part-time people can be hired in a given department. The problem is to find an optimum workforce schedule that would meet personnel requirements at any given time and also be economical. Some of the factors affecting personnel assignment are listed here:
- By corporate policy, part-time personnel hours are limited to a maximum of 40% of the days total requirement.
- Full-time employees work for 8 hours (1 hour for lunch included) per day. Thus, a full-timers productive time is 35 hours per week.
- Part-timers work for at least 4 hours per day but less than 8 hours and are not allowed a lunch break.
- Fifty percent of the full-timers go to lunch between 11 A.M. and noon, and the remaining 50% go between noon and 1 P.M.
- The shift starts at 9 A.M. and ends at 7 P.M. (i.e., overtime is limited to 2 hours). Any work left over at 7 P.M. is considered holdover for the next day.
- A full-time employee is not allowed to work more than 5 hours overtime per week. He or she is paid at the normal rate for overtime hoursnot at one-and-a-half times the normal rate applicable to hours in excess of 40 per week. Fringe benefits are not applied to overtime hours.
In addition, the following costs are pertinent:
1. The average cost per full-time personnel hour (fringe benefits included) is $10.11.
2. The average cost per overtime personnel hour for full-timers (straight rate excluding fringe benefits) is $8.08.
3. The average cost per part-time personnel hour is $7.82.
The personnel hours required, by hour of day, are given in the following Table.
TABLE: Workforce Requirements
910 A.M. | 14 |
1011 | 25 |
1112 | 26 |
121 P.M. | 38 |
12 | 55 |
23 | 60 |
34 | 51 |
4-5 | 29 |
5-6 | 14 |
6-7 | 9 |
The banks goal is to achieve the minimum possible personnel cost subject to meeting or exceeding the hourly workforce requirements as well as the constraints on the workers listed earlier.
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the minimum-cost schedule for the bank?
2. What are the limitations of the model used to answer question 1?
3. Costs might be reduced by relaxing the constraint that no more than 40% of the days requirement be met by part-timers. Would changing the 40% to a higher value significantly reduce costs?
Source: Adapted from Shyam L. Moondra. An L. P. Model for Work Force Scheduling for Banks, Journal of Bank Research (Winter 1976): 299301.
Label your completed file CS1 – Your Team’s Name (Team A, B, or C) and upload it to Case Study 2 assignment. You do not need to write many words, but you do need to answer all the questions above. If you do not address those three questions in particular, points will be deducted. Question 1 has 50 points, Question 2 has 20 points and Question 3 has 30 points. Upload your file to this Case Study assignment.
Hint: For Question 3, please choose a hypothetical higher number, say 45% or 50%, to illustrate your analysis and conclusion. You also need to explain why. In some cases, you may use the “QM for Windows” software (rather than Excel QM) to obtain the LP diagram to support your finding. After solving your LP program, you may click on “Windows” and the select “Graphs” to get to the graph output. You may then copy and paste any graph into your word document. However, this option may not work in all cases. Please discuss why.
Here is a link that discuss the approach to solution for Chase Manhattan Bank Case Study…
Please copy, paste and explain your results in your paper, AND attach your Excel Worksheet, which is a must to receive credits for statistical analysis.
Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources
Can you help me understand this Management question?
- a list of what the organisation produces or the services that it offers to its customers
- an identification of the main customers
- the purpose and goals of the organisation
- an analysis of a minimum of 4 external factors and their impact on the business activities of an organisation
- the structure of the organisation that includes at least 4 functions
- an explanation of how these different functions work together within the organisation to optimise performance
- an identification of the culture of the organisation and 2 ways this affects operations
- how 3 HR activities support the organisations strategy
- 3 ways HR professionals support line managers and their staff
Module 4, Chapter 9 – Discussion 7 Topic – Group 1
I dont understand this Psychology question and need help to study.
Chapter 9: For your discussion for chapter 9, I want you to complete an Implicit Attitude Test (IAT). You can do this online at any time by going to (Links to an external site.) and follow the following steps:
A. Click on EITHER “Project Implicit Social Attitudes” OR “Project Implicit Mental Health”. The former will be more valuable in terms of our course, but you can do the mental health IAT if you prefer. For mental health IATs, you can do a test looking at anxiety, depression, self-esteem, mental illness, etc. For social attitudes (my preference), you have a larger range of topics (Native American Attitudes, Sexuality, Weapons, Skin-Tone, Race, etc.).
B. For the Social Attitudes test, click “PROJECT IMPLICIT SOCIAL ATTITUDES”. The page will show a brief description of IATs. Look at the menu at the top of the page and click “Take a Test”. This will give you some additional information and ask if you want to proceed. Click “I wish to proceed”. Find an IAT topic that interests you and complete it. Then report your results to your discussion group based on the discussion question below.
C. For the Mental Health test, click “PROJECT IMPLICIT MENTAL HEALTH”. You will see a link that will take you to the test, though you will have to click “I wish to proceed” after some preliminary instructions. Again, choose a topic you find interesting and complete the test. After, report the results to your discussion group based on the discussion question below.
Remember, you only have to do ONE test, but I encourage you to do a few different topics. They might give you an option to participate in a real ongoing study, which you are free to accept or decline as you see fit. The tests only take about 10 minutes each, and they might give you some valuable self-insight. Have fun with this one!
Your Discussion Question: At the end of the IAT, you should get a report regarding your score and some debriefing information. Once you get this information, share your experiences with your group members.
1). Do you think the results are accurate? Why or why not?
2). Why might an IAT be better for getting at peoples true thoughts and beliefs more than simply asking them for their thoughts and beliefs?
3). What kinds of psychological variables account for your results (cognitive or social psychological concepts mention at least ONE concept in this section). When responding to others, compare your results to those of another group member. If they did the same IAT, did your results look alike or did they differ. Why do you think they looked alike or differed? If they did a different IAT, try to think how you would have done had you taken theirs instead of the one you did take.
Discussion: Life in Extreme Environments
I need help with a Social Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Everything we know about life comes from studying our own planet. Recent
discoveries about life forms in extreme environments have renewed scientists’
interest in looking for life elsewhere.
Organisms that thrive in a wide variety of harsh conditions called
extremophilesare broadening scientists understanding of the diverse
environmental conditions life can withstand. Scientists have had to modify their
theories and expand their view of what types of environments are habitable based on
the new information presented by the existence of extremophiles.
Watch the following 1.5 minute NOVA video on extremophiles. Complete your initial
post by answering the questions below:
Lifes Extreme Environments
? What is an extremophile?
? What kinds of extreme environments can life thrive in?
? Explain why the study of extreme environments on Earth is important to the search
for life on other planets. Do you think this could change the way scientists view our
understanding of life? Why or why not?
300 words
Financial Reporting Standards with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
I dont understand this Business question and need help to study.
To read the case study below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the General OneFile database found in the CSU Online Library.
Read the case study indicated below, and answer the following questions:
James, M. L. (2010). Accounting for business combinations and the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: A case study. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 16(1), 95-108.
- What key financial ratios will be affected by the adoption of FAS 141R and FAS 160? What will be the likely effect?
- Could any of the recent and forthcoming changes affect the companys acquisition strategies and potentially its growth?
- What were FASBs primary reasons for issuing FAS 141R and FAS 160?
- What are qualifying SPEs? Do they exist under IFRS? What is the effect of FAS 166 eliminating the concept of qualifying SPEs on the convergence of accounting standards?
- If the company adopts IFRS, what changes should management be aware of?
- What are the principle differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP?
Your submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required. Be sure to cite and reference all quoted or paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.
PSYC300 Week 8 Discussion
Im trying to learn for my Psychology class and Im stuck. Can you help?
For the past seven weeks, we have been thinking about research methods in psychology and the important role they play in understanding the world around us. Reflect on what you have learned in responding to the following:
- What impact might research methods have on the future of the field of psychology?
- What is the most important concept you have learned in our time together in class?
- As you consider your personal narrative, what tools and insights can you apply from the course to become a more educated consumer of psychological research in your daily life?
Minimum 300 words
Classmate #1:
What impact might research methods have on the future of the field of psychology?
With the ever changing culture and continual advances in science and technology, society as a whole will change with the times. As this happens, new issues arise needing new research. If you look back say 100 years, the problems or even gains that trigger certain behavior has dramatically changed. For example, a study of gender roles from them would show something completely different now. Why would this be important? Well that is a broad question, but we can conclude that the ripple effects will drive questions and ideas in the field of psychology. Another example is the education platforms and treatment options for military members. Since 9-11, more Americans are injured by blast exposures which led to research gains with head trauma and neuroscience. That also can be tied into and linked to the same signs and symptoms found in NFL football players who have exposure to repeatedly hitting their head/TBIs which over time show similar to that of military members.
What is the most important concept you have learned in our time together in class?
I have learned that, I have A LOT to learn! But my key take away from this course is to have reliable and accurate research using both quantitative and qualitative data. Also, to be mindful not to go too far beyond the scope of the data as the information then becomes confusing/convoluted.
As you consider your personal narrative, what tools and insights can you apply from the course to become a more educated consumer of psychological research in your daily life?
Psychology in my words is the bridge between humanity and the science behind the control center which is our brains. If you really think about it, our brain is just physical matter which controls every single mechanical action in our body. However, it goes so far beyond this as a human being with emotions and all the areas of the mind that take part collectively to make an individual. No two people are the same. Even identical twins each have their own personality and are unique spiritual beings. The tools from this course can be applied to everyday life. As Kelly believed each person is like their own scientist.
Classmate #2:
Hi Class!
Research methods in psychology will continue to give us more insight into our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. We are all different therefore different methods are required depending on the situation or problem. As the world changes and evolves so will some of the research methods eventually leading to new methods. Understanding why or how we feel, think, and behave will always be of importance. Research methods can teach us how to possibly change things or thoughts that are not necessarily healthy for individuals or society as a whole. The future impact of research methods in psychology will definitely continue to advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the welfare of society.
The most important concept that I have learned in this class is research ethics. I now have a clear understanding of the concept of scientific research only being ethical if its risks are outweighed by its benefits. Moral principles in psychology involve weighing risks against benefits, acting responsibly and with integrity, seeking justice, and respecting people’s rights and dignity. Participants in studies are usually the ones taking the risks while the beneficiaries are usually the researchers. Participants need researchers to be transparent in what the study is about in order to trust them. There can be difficult tradeoffs because what is good for the scientific community could be bad for research participants. This is referred to as ethical conflict. In scientific research this is unavoidable because most times there will be conflict between risks and benefits.
One of the insights I can apply to become a more educated consumer of psychological research in my daily life is analyzing a situation by being able to examine and understand all the information involved. If I can understand the findings then I will be able to make an informed decision about the situation.
Classmate #3:
Good Morning Everyone,
We finally made it to our last week and it has been a difficult few weeks. Congratulations to everyone who has made it this far, and best of luck in the final week! I believe that research methods will have a positive effect on the future of psychology. Understanding and applying these methods will ensure that future generations, (the ones who will be here when we are gone) will have existing data and studies to further develop and support, just like building stairs or steps. As modern day turns into history, a new level of stairs will be built. Knowing how to properly create and apply questionnaires, surveys, and/or conducting studies in general, will help keep a set of established norms in place. This will further aid in supporting a theory or casting doubt on one.
The most interesting concept that I learned about this semester was primary and secondary sources. I have always looked for sources when reading news articles, but never thought about doing the same for research studies. The most important concept would have to be understanding quantitative data versus qualitative data. It is important to understand which type of study is best for a given topic, since both have advantages and disadvantages. Quantitative data represents numerical data which can sometimes lead to narrow findings and lead to errors in inferences. Qualitative data can be useful by allowing participants to give opinion-based responses. The downside to this is that the study may take longer to collect and may require a bigger budget.
In my own personal life, understanding where the information is coming from, and who is funding the research are two insights that were further expanded on these past eight weeks. Understanding researcher honesty, integrity, and motivation are important factors when trusting a source and applying it to my professional and personal life.
Minimum 150 words
Annotated Bibliography on Magical Realism-Specific instructions
I need an explanation for this English question to help me study.
Notes from professor:
An annotated bibliography is basically the same as any works cited or references page but, and there is one big difference: after each reference, there are a few brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography. The bibliography is still a list of sources in alphabetical order, but the difference is the summary of the article, book, or any other source appears immediately below the MLA reference–and this is called the annotation, hence an “annotated” bibliography.
Example from professor:
Student X
Annotated Bibliography
Troy University
Today’s Date
Annotated Bibliography
Subject: Artificial Intelligence
Bringsjord, S. (2011). Psychometric Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Experimental &
Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 23(3), 271-277. doi:10.1080/0952813x.2010.502314
This journal entry discusses the way artificial intelligence shall be measured. A machine might be able to perform a single task much better than a human, however it cannot be considered intelligent. The author shall be more interested in studying the psychometrics of himself, since there are many petty insults and comments pertaining to other researchers.
Hibbard, B. (2015). Ethical Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from….
This book reflects on the future of artificial intelligence and the ethical decisions that would have to be decided during creation. Despite being a self-published online book, Mr. Hibbard is well qualified and introduces many intelligent solutions towards artificial intelligence programming.
Krzywoszynska, A. (2012). Affect and Artificial Intelligence. Emotion, Space and Society, 5(4),
284. doi:10.1016/j.emospa.2012.05.002
This article is a review of book of the same title, written by Elizabeth A. Wilson. Ms. Wilson, who advertises herself as a feminist scholar, believes that emotions will play an important role in artificial intelligence. This article is one authors opinion about a book, and her conclusion was inconclusive.
Miranda, E. R., & Williams, D. (2015). Artificial Intelligence in Organised Sound. Organised
Sound, 20(1), 76-81doi:….
This article about how artificial intelligence will be able to make music that will be enjoyable to the human ear. Organised Sound is a peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to the addition of technology to music, so they certainly have an interest in developing this technology.
Nilsson, N. J. (2010). The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
This non-fiction book delves into the history of artificial intelligence, as well as projecting its future. From mechanical suits of armor to neural networks, this action-packed adventure through time is genuinely informative.
O’leary, D. E. (2013). Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. IEEE Intell. Syst. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 28(2),
96-99. doi:10.1109/mis.2013.39
This article is about the possibility of adding artificial intelligence in an enterprise in order to sort the large amount of data that flows through it. The accuracy of the artificial intelligence for this action would be in question. The article was published by the IEEE Computer Society, which is a well-respected group of engineers that has been around for 70 years.
Sheehan, J. J., & Sosna, M. (1991). The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
This book questions whether humans have the same mentality of animals. It also explores the possibility of giving artificial intelligence animal minds, versus a human one. This is a very complicated publication, so a thesaurus will most likely be required.
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