Discussion board 2 homework Texas government class

I need an explanation for this Political Science question to help me study.

Discussion Board

The national government is often referred to as the federal government. That leads to some issues when we discuss federalism – because federalism is not referring to the national government alone. Federalism is the relationship between the national and state/local governments. When we talk about federal programs, most of the time we are really talking about a national government policy that is administered at the state level. This is what federalism is: the national government passes a law that establishes a program and then (most of the time) provides funding to the states to carry out that program. I say most of the time, because there are different forms of federalism, as described in your textbook.

A great example of federalism that your book discusses is voting rights. There are national level laws that require the states to allow access to voting to protecting groups within our population (think about African-Americans historically being denied the right to vote in the United States). Even though states are in charge of voting, the states must abide by the national voting laws. In return for following the national voting laws, the national government will provide money to the states to help fund the cost of national elections (congressional and/or presidential). However, if the states do not abide by the national voting laws, the national government can force the states to follow the law. Sometimes, the states do not agree with parts of the national law and might try to fight against it in the court system, as explained in You Decide: Voices of Texas, Voting and Redistricting Rights (Champagne, Harpham, and Casellas 103).

Information to help you answer this question will be found in Chapter 3 of your textbook.

In your original post you must:

  1. Identify a federal program that is administered at the state government and/or local government level.
  2. Describe how the federal program is administered by the Texas state government or a local government.
  3. Identify what type of federalism is demonstrated in the federal program you chose.
  4. Explain why your chosen federal program fits the above identified type of federalism.

Post must also include:

  • Works Cited at least 2 sources—MUST BE credible sources. To determine if your source is credible, you can visit: http://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32400
  • 250 original-content words (this means quotes do not count towards word count)
  • Post must be written in paragraph format. Do NOT use numbering or bullet points. There is no need to include the original questions in your post.


Response Posts are DUE: Sunday 12/29/2019 by 11:59 pm .

In your response you must:

  1. Provide an argument as to whether or not the original poster was correct in their categorization of the type of federalism their chosen federal program falls under.
    1. If they are correct: provide a different example and brief explanation of a program that falls into the same type of federalism category.
    2. If they are incorrect: provide an explanation as to why they are incorrect, along with a correct example of a federal program that falls into the type of federalism category they identified in their post.

Post must also include:

  • Works Cited at least 1 source—MUST BE credible sources. To determine if your source is reliable, you can visit: http://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32400
  • 100 original-content words (this means quotes do not count towards word count)


You must provide a properly formatted MLA citation. Please visit https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html to learn how to do so properly. NOTE: There is an ad-based citation generator at the top of the page this link takes you to – it does not format your citations properly.

Tips From https://www.unr.edu/Documents/liberal-arts/writing-center/Creating%20a%20Successful%20Discussion%20Board%20Thread.pdf

  • Strive to always bring up new, interesting comments. There is no point reiterating a remark that has already been made. You should always try to further the discussion—be provocative! Even if you have a similar opinion as the previous respondent, bring up an additional example or resource. The second poster in the above example includes many comments for the next student—or even the previous poster—to agree or disagree with.
  • Good discussion threads should be substantial but concise: convey only the information that is most meaningful and accessible to your classmates. Make sure to always re-read your response! A good habit is to copy and paste your thread into a Word document prior to posing to check for errors in spelling and grammar.
  • Don’t just state that you agree or disagree with the poster—make sure you offer an inventive reason why (avoid things like “You go girl, I totally agree!”) Always be professional and respectful to your classmates and avoid ad hominem attacks (criticism against the person, not his/her comments.)
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300 minimum word paper on morals

I need help with a Sociology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

This week we read about character and making moral choices. One form of moral decision making is utilitarianism, and another is Kant’s ethical imperative. Historical exposés find that many who are held up as role models were in reality as fallible as the rest of us including Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King.

For your assignment, this week, reconcile the reality that often moral leaders were also flawed. Should we set aside their moral failings and focus on the immense positive contributions they made?

Operational Assignment Details:

Each journal entry should be a minimum of 300 words. Your journal entry narrative is subjective and can be written in the first person.

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TLMT311 Effective transport systems in developed countries.

I don’t know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.

Effective transportation is vital role in any country as it is a huge part of the economy. The transportation industry is very diverse, there are many different modes to choose from and it may differ depending on the place. There are different modes of transportation such as air, water, and land. In places such as German, British, or Danish cities what are the most effective forms of transportation and how have they developed over time?

4 numbered pages of text, and a reference page. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Provide a minimum of 3 in text citations with an APA Reference List.

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Laws and Regulations in Health Care

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.

In this Benchmark Assignment you will research a law or regulation and discuss the impact that law or regulation has on the health care industry. As a manager, it is important to understand the requirements of laws and regulations as well as the role accreditation and regulatory agencies play in the health care industry.

Research the following health care regulations, and select one law or regulation to focus on for this assignment:

  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
  • HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • HITECH Act
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
  • False Claims Act
  • Anti-Kickback Statute
  • Stark Law (Physician Self-Referral Law)
  • Human Research Protections

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you:

  • Evaluate the impact the law or regulation selected has on the health care industry.
  • Evaluate what impact the legal and regulatory requirements of the law or regulation you selected has on the health care industry.
  • Analyze the role accreditation and regulatory agencies play in the law or regulation you selected.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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CHFD308 Week 8 Discussion

I’m working on a Psychology exercise and need support.

Our last forum will look at social development. Please answer the following three questions in your initial posting.

1-How is social learning linked to academic learning?

2-How are schools providing for social development for children?

3-What are notable issues on gender-role development in society today and how are we as a family and society reacting?


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Discuss how best to forecast the required investment and operating capital that will be required

I’m working on a Marketing exercise and need support.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Discuss how best to forecast the required investment and operating capital that will be required. What steps should be followed for that purpose? What documents and analyse swill be required to establish forecast credibility? How would you attract needed investors? What provision will or should one make regarding the attracting investors, and any related or required compliance? What would be the best or least disruptive investor exit strategy for the business to follow, and why?

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RSCH Week 4

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.

To prepare

  • Review the datasets provided.
  • Construct a research question based on one of those datasets.
  • Use one independent variable and one dependent variable to conduct your simple logistic regression analysis.
  • Remember that your dependent variable must be dichotomous/binary.
  • Think about how you might use the odds ratio in your analysis to simplify the interpretation of your results.

By Day 7

The Assignment

Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Then, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis in APA format including discussion of if the predictive relationship is statistically significant and the odds ratio and what it means.

Be sure to include your data output with your analysis. See page 1032 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of a binary logistic regression analysis.

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answer 15 question

Can you help me understand this Political Science question?

please open the file and follow it

  • Browse different reliable sources and select 4 different political cartoons that catch your attention.
  • The cartoons must be political in nature and current (maximum 3 years old).
  • Each cartoon must be related to different political topics and characters. The cartoons cannot portray the same political figure(s), even if they are about different topics.
  • Each answer must be between 3 to 5 college-level COMPLETE sentences (Arial font, size 12, double-spaced). Separate and number each question and write the answer. No essay format is needed. Do not put everything in one paragraph!
  • Copy and paste the image of the cartoon before you answer the questions so I can see it while I’m grading.
  • The analysis of the 4 cartoons must be put together in ONE paper (one attachment submission only, not 4 separate ones).
  • You must use Microsoft Word.
  • You must include your sources.

Suggestion: The more elaborated the cartoon is, the easier it will be to complete this assignment. Read the questions below before you start your search.

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Discussion of Linear Programming

I’m trying to study for my Excel course and I need some help to understand this question.

Linear Programming Models

Please refer to this example for a real world application of LP model by FedEx Company. Can you find another good real world application of LP model and discuss the similarities between them (target functions, constraints, etc.)? Must include one reference and minimum of 350 words

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If you were the recipient of a driverless car, would this technology be advantageous for you? Why, or why not? Which advantage would benefit you the most?

I’m working on a Software Development exercise and need support.

Self-driving or driverless cars are quickly becoming a reality. In the readings for Chapter 4, four advantages to driverless cars were presented. If you were the recipient of a driverless car, would this technology be advantageous for you? Why, or why not? Which advantage would benefit you the most?

Only a paragraph is needed.

Chapter 4 Below

Imagine how a self-driving car will change the lives of a typical family. A self-driving car could allow Dad to review sales reports while “driving” to work. He’s much less stressed out—and more productive—during his commute than he was with his old car. The self-driving car could then drop off the kids at school—without Dad in the car—and return home to take Mom to work.

After work the family goes shopping and is dropped off curbside at the store. No need to park anymore. It’s safer too. While shopping, Dad gets a message from his college-aged daughter that she needs the car sent to pick her up from the airport. Dad’s glad he won’t have to drive all the way out there.

Dad remembers when he had to drive himself. It was a long and painful process. Now the car plans the route for him, fills itself up with gas, communicates with intersections so he never gets a red light, and reroutes itself if there’s an accident or traffic. Most importantly, he doesn’t get mad at other drivers. Traveling is just easier now.Later the family plans a vacation to a distant locale. Taking the self-driving car is the way to go. No airport security lines, family members don’t have to get frisked by overzealous TSA agents, they get comfortable seats that face each other, they don’t have to pay for their bags, and they don’t have to rent a car when they get there. Plus, they can leave anytime they like.

Sometimes it’s nice to leave for vacation at night and sleep while you’re “driving.” Driving isn’t bad when you don’t actually drive.

Self-driving Cars Make Things Cheaper
You’ve seen how a self-driving car can make your life easier. But what about cost? Will it be more expensive or less expensive than the car you have now?

Self-driving cars will probably be much less expensive over time than your current car. Early adopters will pay a premium when self-driving cars first hit the market, but that’s true of most new products.

Cost savings will show up in several ways. In the above scenario, you may have noticed that the family had only one car. Self-driving cars will be used more effectively than cars are used now. Most cars sit dormant for 22 hours a day. Sharing a self-driving car could eliminate the need to have multiple cars. That’s a big cost savings.

You’ll see more cost savings because a self-driving car will drive better than you. You’ll save on fuel because it will drive more efficiently (less braking, revving the engine, and street racing!). You will avoid costly traffic tickets, parking tickets, and DUI citations.

Your car insurance will drop dramatically. It may be so low that you won’t even need it anymore. In a report about the effect of self-driving cars on the insurance industry KPMG estimated that accident frequency will drop by 80 percent by the year 2040. Subsequently, the personal automobile industry will shrink to 40 percent of its current size.15

They’re probably right. Self-driving cars will probably take a big chunk out of the $150B, paid each year in car insurance premiums. And they should. Your future self-driving car will be safer because its crash avoidance systems will apply the brakes before you’re even aware of a problem. It will be able to know the exact locations, velocities, and routes of all cars within the vicinity. Automobile accidents may become a thing of the past.

Self-driving Cars Will Make Things Safer
Yes, you read that right—safer. Currently, 90 percent of motor vehicle crashes are caused by human error.16 Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people ages 3 to 33. Spending time driving may be the most dangerous thing you do all day.

Your car will be able to see better than you, react more quickly than you, and have better information about your driving environment. It will be able to communicate with other cars around it, dynamically analyze traffic patterns, avoid construction sites, and contact emergency services if needed.

Self-driving cars will mean safer driving, fewer accidents, fewer drunk drivers, fewer road-rage incidents, and fewer auto–pedestrian accidents. Cars will be able to go faster with fewer accidents. In the future, manual driving may be a risky and expensive hobby.

Self-driving Cars Will Disrupt Businesses
Self-driving cars have the potential to disrupt well-established industries. Self-driving cars may mean fewer cars on the road. Fewer cars on the road may mean fewer cars sold (transportation), fewer auto loans written (finance), fewer automobile insurance policies underwritten (insurance), fewer auto parts sold due to fewer accidents (manufacturing), and fewer parking lots (real estate). If they didn’t have to drive, consumers might take more trips by car than by plane or train (transportation).

The production of self-driving cars will mean more jobs for engineers, programmers, and systems designers. There will be more computer hardware, sensors, and cameras in the vehicle. Corporations may not completely see the far-reaching effects of self-driving cars on existing industries.

How will self-driving cars disrupt your personal life? Suppose you get married in a few years and have a child. Will your child ever drive a car? Will driving a “manual” car be too costly? Your potential offspring may never learn how to drive a car. But that may not be too strange. Do you know how to ride a horse? Your ancestors did.

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