issc351/issc361 forum

I’m trying to study for my Programming course and I need some help to understand this question.

minimum of 250 words for each part. no plagiarism. apa style

part 1:


  1. Computer Forensics is a fast growing and ever changing field of study. Describe the qualities and skill-set to be looked for in an Incident Response Team.
  2. Discuss the future trends and directions that you see computer forensics headed.
  3. Using the Online Library, find an article, case study, or publication about your favorite topic covered in this computer forensics course – then summarize the article in a paragraph and submit your summary along with a copy of the article or the link of the article to this forum for sharing.

part 2:

For this assignment, create a new message and address the following items in your response.

  1. Identify cybersecurity risks and threat agents that apply particularly to information systems in government organizations.
  2. How is classified information different from other sensitive information?
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Discussion: Statistical Significance and Meaningfulness

I need help with a Statistics question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources related to hypothesis testing, meaningfulness, and statistical significance.
  • Review Magnusson’s web blog found in the Learning Resources to further your visualization and understanding of statistical power and significance testing.
  • Review the American Statistical Association’s press release and consider the misconceptions and misuse of p-values.
  • Consider the scenario:
    • A research paper claims a meaningful contribution to the literature based on finding statistically significant relationships between predictor and response variables. In the footnotes, you see the following statement, “given this research was exploratory in nature, traditional levels of significance to reject the null hypotheses were relaxed to the .10 level.”

Reading materials

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Complete Short Psych task (UOP)

I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.

Consider the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud and Rogers.

Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about Freud and Rogers that addresses the following:

  • Provide a summary of each article, highlighting the processes that contemporary psychologists use to develop the theories of Freud and Rogers.
  • Explain their views of human nature and their worldviews as expressed in their respective theories.
  • Which aspect of their theory do you think would be different if they were alive and working today?
  • Explain how social and cultural factors influenced the development of Freud’s and Rogers’ respective theories of personality.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Cite all references used (No papers will be accepted in this course without references and citations).

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Organizational Ethics

I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.

  1. What do you think about the notion presented by Terris that Lockheed’s ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches at the highest level of the organization?
  2. Are the efforts put forth—such as making sure higher level executives participate in training—enough to help executives navigate what Terris calls the ‘ethical minefield’ faced by leadership in such an organization?
  3. What are some things that could be done to address the issue related to ethics at higher executive levels of the organization?
  4. Terris points out that the company’s program is overly focused on individuals and that it doesn’t really address group dynamics that can impact ethical situations. For instance, there can be a tendency for groups to ‘go with the flow’ of the group decision making process and overlook ethical issues in the process. What would you recommend that Lockheed Martin do to address this situation?
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Literature Review for icloud

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

I have attached the Case Study and the newly revise SLP 1 you have done.

During Module 2, your project assignment is to develop a strategy for searching out key sources within the literature that will meet the needs you identified in your Module 1 SLP. By “strategy,” we mean a list of steps that you will take to identify the sources that you need. These sources may include professional writing such as journal articles or conference presentations, technical reports or other sources of technical data, analyses and opinions presented by knowledgeable experts regarding your problem, or any other kinds of information that you identified a need for in module 1. Hopefully, you will be able to identify a way of gathering information about everything that you identified as a need earlier.

Specifically, you are to prepare a short paper describing your information sources and the steps you will undertake to obtain what information you need. This might involve library research, consultation with other experts, online searching using a variety of tools, or other mechanisms. For each kind of information you seek, you should present here a set of steps by which you can obtain it and incorporated into your project.

This strategy description should be accompanied by two or three specific sources that you have been able to obtain thus far. These might be copies of journal articles or other sources. The point is to show that your strategy has at least begun to pay off in terms of providing the kind of source material you will need to develop your literature review overall.

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Quality Improvement

I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2011), “the leader’s role in promoting and developing quality improvement begins with creating and sustaining a personal and organizational focus on the needs of internal and external customers. Through actions, a leader demonstrates a clear commitment to the organizational mission, values, goals, and expectations that promote quality and performance excellence” (pg. 7).

For this discussion, identify external and internal customers and discuss why quality improvement should focus on customer needs.

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Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Hi everyone,

The type of candidate to search for high pay and expensive benefits would be the younger generation. I say this because when I was younger I was just looking for a good pay and did not really pay attention to the benefits portion. Now that I am older and have a family benefits are my first search. Good health care for example. However in reality when u get a good pay with expensive benefits- by the time you are done paying for taxes and benefits you are still left with a low salary. The middle class and even upper middle class individuals are still struggling same as low I come families. I can only speak for my experience but even with a school education; yes, I am going for bigger and better opportunities but I am still left with a forever debt for school. Any thoughts?

Thank you,


Latrica crawford

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

The type of candidate most attracted to an organization offering high salary and incentives are those that are highly aggressive with high expectations and drive. This type of candidate is motivated through benefits that bring about monetary values. The pros of such candidate would consist of achieving goals and targets easier. I am that type of candidate being that the only motivation for me would be anything that involves more money, incentives or benefits. Additional pros would be that those types of individuals are mostly highly skilled, so both the candidate and the organization can benefit from each other. Cons of this type of candidate is that if another organization offer better salary, incentives or benefits, that person will easily move on to the next organization. Another con would be the candidate will have high expectations of the business so they would expect the benefits or incentives to keep coming but in reality, this may not happen. These types of candidates are also stressed due to their drive to succeed to keep the incentives coming which may cause their performance to fail.

Compensation adjustments should be based on both market movement and meritorious performance.

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Training and Condtioning 5 page APA format research paper

I don’t understand this Health & Medical question and need help to study.

Training and Conditioning

Assignment Instructions

The midterm research paper asks that you explore various muscle building techniques using specific exercise. This assignment will require you to conduct online research and then write a paper that compares and contrasts various muscle building approaches. Your paper needs to be in scholarly format – including 1) cover Page 2) references in the body of the paper 3) a reference page. You must use APA format when writing this paper. The research paper should be, at a minimum, 5 pages in length not including cover page or reference page and should include at least 5 references. You must use a 12 point font.

Using a Online Library, the Internet and other scholarly resources, you are to write a research paper that provides detailed information on the following four advanced training methods.

1) Super Sets

2) Forced Reps

3) Pyramid System

4) Periodization

You should compare and contrast these four methods in the form of an essay and explain the perceived pros and cons of each approach. This assignment should be as rich in detail as possible. Finally, it must be submitted in Word Format. Copying and pasting text into the submission box will result in a 0.

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Management Behavior Discussion Week 1 and 2 Mod 3

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

Discussion: Week 1: Merger and Unit Integration Issues


As a leader/manager, one circumstance you may encounter is the necessity to integrate or merge two organizational units. This can be a stressful period which, if not properly managed, can cause a good deal of tension and/or conflict, often leading to decreased organizational performance.

Consider that senior management has dictated that your unit will merge with another manager’s unit over the next three months. You will be the leader of the newly merged group. The previous manager will remain on your staff. Senior management has asked you to submit a merger plan. (If you have previously been involved in an actual unit merger, please share the organizational dynamics you experienced as well as any lessons learned.)

(Bring in and cite at least one source of information from your background readings for each of your weekly initial posts.)

Week 1 Discussion Question:

What are the key issues/challenges/opportunities you face, both short- and long-term?

Remember, after you submit your answer each week to the Discussion Question itself, you also need to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

(In total for this module’s two-part Discussion Forum, you should have contributed at least two Discussion Question posts and four response posts to your classmates.)

You must participate in BOTH Week 1 and Week 2 Discussions to get credit for each module’s Discussion.

Posting early each week will allow for more opportunities for leading the discussions, making substantial contributions, and engaging in meaningful and mutual discussions with others.

Discussion: Week 2: Merger and Unit Integration Issues


Using the same scenario as Week 1 of this Discussion, answer the question in bold below:

In describing three key elements of your merger plan, explain the sources of power that will be available to you and upon which you will draw to help achieve a successful merger.

Remember, after you submit your answer each week to the Discussion Question itself, you also need to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

(In total for this module’s two-part Discussion Forum, you should have contributed at least two Discussion Question posts and four response posts to your classmates.)

You must participate in BOTH Week 1 and Week 2 Discussions to get credit for each module’s Discussion.

Posting early each week will allow for more opportunities for leading the discussions, making substantial contributions, and engaging in meaningful and mutual discussions with others.

Module 3

Required Sources

Commisceo Global. Country specific quizzes. Retrieved from

Commisceo Global. Cultural awareness quizzes. Retrieved from

Dean J., Cleavengera, D. J., and Munyonb, T. P. (2013). It’s how you frame it: Transformational leadership and the meaning of work. Business Horizons 56(3), 351-360

Eveland, J. D. (n.d.) Leadership. Trident University International.

Fiedler’s Contingency Theory (2016). Leadership-central. Retrieved from

French and Raven’s Five Forms of Power. Retrieved April 2017 from

Martin, R. (2012) “PathGoal Theory of Leadership.” Encyclopedia of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Ed. John M. Levine and Michael A. Hogg. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2009. 636-37. SAGE Reference Online . Web. 30 Jan. 2012.Retrieved April 2017 from

O’Reilly, C. (2013). Why is cultural intelligence important? Retrieved from

TED. (2010) Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. Retrieved from

Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-making Model of Leadership (2013). Leadership-central. Retrieved from

Optional Sources

Center for Creative Leadership Website. (2015) Retrieved from

McNamara, C. (1999) All about Leadership. In Free Management Library. Retrieved from

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the topic i picked for the previous module is .

I’m studying for my English class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


Think of a time you watched a panel debate regarding an issue on a primetime news program. Have you ever thought about the types of sources or evidence that worked to inform the different perspectives of the various panelists as they formulated their particular stances?

Individual opinions are formed from our various experiences. As you work to be thorough in investigating all sides of a topic you are researching, you will work to understand the various sides and perspectives of the topic you are researching. In this class we want you to understand that various types of sources will garner varying perspectives from popular opinions to more scholarly interpretations. All these views are helpful as they help clarify the complexity of the issue(s) you are researching.

The point of this discussion is to explore various types of sources as you research your theme and develop a preliminary topic proposal and bibliography.

Part 1: Initial Post


  1. As you develop your topic chosen in Module 2, (which is ) you will find that choice of theme will inform your research for the rest of the assignments and discussions in this class.
  2. Review this video on working with scholarly sources:
  3. Access the ENG102 Library Course Guide.
    • You will start your search by researching the library course guide for your theme. You should also go to the CSU-Global library databases to begin searching for sources. Try beginning your search in Academic Search Complete, as it is the widest searching, most complete database. However, you can search the more narrowly focused databases if you wish. For this discussion you will also need to search the internet for some sources, but please use the databases for as many as possible.
  4. Your goal is to find a wide variety of perspectives on your topic. For this discussion, you should find and read the following:


Consider the varying perspectives and the voices inherent in the writing. Does one voice seem more credible than the others. Be sure to address this as you move forward so you have a broad understanding of your topic.


This is a small-group discussion forum. Continue working in your assigned group as based on the theme you chose.

For your initial post, list the sources you researched and chose for your post and use the following format for each source:

  1. Title
  2. Author(s)
  3. Title and type of source
  4. Dates of publication
  5. As you write your post consider the following:
    • What is the rhetorical situation as related to the intended audience and purpose?
    • Note how the source adds to helping you better understand your research topic.
    • Note the value of the periodical or source discuss the credibility of the source.
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