individual essay

I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

Based on the group project you have done, write an individual essay consisting of 1000 words approximately to

describe your own experience. This can be done through answering some questions such as following:

1- How did you divide the tasks among your group?

2- What strategies did you follow to start and complete your project?

3- What was the method you have used to achieve your project requirements?

4- Did you get surprised by something during this experience? What was the specific thing that surprised


5- What tasks were assigned to you? What was your plan to complete them?

6- What did you learn from this experience?

7- How did you manage your time?

8- What do you need to change in order to improve your experience?

9- How does this experience modify the way you look towards the future?

My part is Coding

I attached my essay, that my Prof doesn’t accept it, because my essay not 1000 words.

Please make it 1000 words

Thank you

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economics evaluation

I’m working on a English question and need guidance to help me study.

1. What is the biggest factor that leads a country to specialize in certain products?

a. the needs of its citizens

b. the resources of the nation

c. the ability to trade with other nations
d. the demand for those products within the country

2. How does specialization affect employment patterns?

a. by creating specialized work for a few people
b. by changing job availability in a country or region

c. by making people produce only goods for which they have comparative advantage
d. by using the absolute advantage that many people have in production work

3. What is the law of comparative advantage?

a. A country is better off when it produces goods for which it has a comparative advantage.
b. A country has a comparative advantage if it exports more goods than it imports.

c. A country is better off if it imports goods for which it has a comparative advantage.
d. A country has a comparative advantage if it imports more goods than it exports.

4. What best describes the United States position in world trade?

a. It is largely self-sufficient.
b. It is primarily an exporter.

c. It is a major importer and exporter.
d. It is primarily an importer.

5. What is one reason some nations are concerned about multinational corporations?

a. Multinationals prevent host countries from engaging in free trade.
b. Multinationals can gain control over the host country’s exports.

c. Multinationals prevent citizens in the host country from getting jobs.
d. Multinationals can sometimes gain excessive political power.

6. What is an argument in favor of protectionism?

a. It helps protect jobs.
b. It lowers the price of goods.

c. It limits free trade.
d. It gives consumers fewer choices.

7. What is the purpose of NAFTA?

a. to create a free-trade zone linking the United States and Central America
b. to reduce trade restrictions within the European Union

c. to create a free-trade zone linking the United States, Canada, and Mexico
d. to enforce the trade rules agreed upon by the World Trade Organization

8. When a nation exports more than it imports, economists say it has

a. insufficient trade.
b. a trade surplus.

c. an unfavorable balance of payments.
d. a trade deficit.

9. When an economist says that a currency has become stronger, he or she means that

a. it can be exchanged for more of a foreign currency.
b. it will buy fewer foreign goods.

c. services, unlike goods, can be exported freely.
d. there are a few things that the currency cannot buy in a foreign market.

10. The use of technology such as computers, telephones, and the Internet means that money exchanges and other financial transactions can be

a. based on United States dollars all over the world.
b. converted to prices in any currency.

c. made instantaneously.
d. protected from variations in any currency.

11. What is one way to correct a trade deficit?

a. Reduce the value of exports.
b. Limit exports.

c. Limit imports.
d. Increase government spending.

12. What can be an advantage for consumers when their country participates in international agreements?

a. trade wars
b. higher wages

c. product uniformity
d. lower prices

13. What is the possible disadvantage in the use of trade barriers to help domestic companies compete?

a. Domestic manufacturers may lose the incentive to keep prices low.
b. Domestic manufacturers may cut jobs for both citizens and immigrants.

c. Domestic manufacturers may punish foreign manufacturers by imposing import quotas.
d. The line between imported and domestic goods may become harder and harder to draw.

14. Protectionists argue that United States steel, advanced technology, and energy industries need to be guarded from foreign competition in order to ensure that

a. the prices of goods produced by these industries remain low.
b. these infant industries can develop freely.

c. these industries have an incentive to become more efficient.
d. the goods produced by these industries will continue to be available during a crisis.

15. The Bretton Woods Conference led directly to

a. the creation of a fixed exchange-rate system tied to United States dollars.
b. the creation of flexible exchange-rate systems that boosted trade.

c. the adoption of the euro by the countries of western Europe.
d. the creation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

16. Isaac and Sherri need to earn extra money. They decide to make and sell coffee mugs and drawings at a local fair. Isaac can paint 6 mugs or draw 2 sketches per hour. Sherri can paint 8 mugs or make 3 sketches per hour. How would you describe the relative production?

a. Sherri has an absolute advantage in producing mugs but not sketches.
b. Sherri has an absolute advantage in producing both mugs and sketches.

c. Sherri has an absolute advantage in producing sketches but not mugs.
d. Isaac has an absolute advantage in producing mugs and sketches.

17. Refer to Figure 10.3 on page 399 in your textbook. Which statement best describes average United States tariff rates between 1980 and 2010?

a. They rose dramatically.
b. They fell dramatically.

c. They fell slightly.
d. They rose dramatically between 1980 and 1990; then leveled off.

18. What is one way that a host country can benefit from a multinational corporation?

a. higher protective tariffs
b. more jobs

c. greater political freedom
d. increased imports

19. The United States placed a limit on the number of cars that can be brought into the country for sale. What is this an example of?

a. import quota
b. import tax

c. customs duty
d. voluntary export restraint

20. American consumers buy canned salmon produced in the United States and in Japan. The United States decides to lower the tariff on canned salmon. What will the effect be on the canned salmon market?

a. decreased imports and decreased United States production
b. increased imports and increased United States production

c. decreased imports and increased United States production
d. increased imports and decreased United States production

21. What happens when a nation’s currency depreciates?

a. Its products become more expensive in other countries.
b. Its trade barriers increase.

c. Its products become cheaper in other countries.
d. Its volume of trade decreases.

22. Germany tries to keep the value of its currency constant against the currency of France. What is this called?

a. fixed-exchange rate system
b. flexible exchange-rate system

c. floating currency exchange
d. constant pricing system

23. How would depreciating the exchange rate affect the United States trade deficit?

a. It would increase the trade deficit by discouraging foreign companies from exporting as many goods.
b. It would decrease the trade deficit by making United States goods cheaper and foreign goods more expensive.

c. It would increase the trade deficit by making United States goods more expensive and foreign goods less expensive.
d. It would increase the balance of payments but have no effect on the trade deficit.

24. The International Monetary Fund was established by

a. the Bretton Woods Conference.

c. the United Nations.
d. the foreign exchange market.

25. Most major currencies have adopted the flexible exchange-rate system. How is the exchange rate determined under the system?

a. by the International Monetary Fund
b. by supply and demand

c. by the strength of the United States dollar
d. by a balance of payments

26. How does the infant mortality rate relate to a country’s level of development?

a. It is a predictor of the adult literacy rate.
b. It is low in most non-industrialized areas.

c. It is high in some very industrialized countries.
d. It is an indicator of nutrition and health care.

27. What is the difference between a country’s GDP and its per capita GDP?

a. A nation’s GDP is its per capita GDP adjusted for inflation.
b. A nation’s GDP is its per capita GDP divided by its population.

c. A nation’s per capita GDP is its GDP divided by its population.
d. A nation’s per capita GDP is its GDP adjusted for income levels.

28. What is usually a characteristic of developed countries?

a. high infant mortality
b. high literacy rate

c. low energy use
d. low productivity

29. What happens if a nation’s population grows faster than its gross domestic product?

a. There will be economic decline.
b. Population growth will stop.

c. The nation’s resources will decrease.
d. The nation’s GDP will increase.

30. Why is it sometimes hard for LDCs to use their natural resources efficiently?

a. LDCs cannot afford to buy technology to develop their resources.
b. Natural resources are not evenly distributed throughout the world.

c. LDCs do not want to use technology to develop their resources.
d. The climate is often too harsh to allow them to develop their resources.

31. What happened when Russian president Boris Yeltsin got rid of price controls in 1992?

a. More wealth became concentrated in rural areas.
b. People on fixed incomes had an easier time buying basic goods.

c. Corruption was reduced.
d. Prices rose drastically.

32. How did China’s economy change after the death of Mao Zedong?

a. It continued to produce food in large communes.
b. It used the production of steel and iron to its best advantage.

c. It adopted many of the practices of free enterprise.
d. It continued the rigid adherence to central manufacturing.

33. Which statement describes India’s economy today?

a. It is growing rapidly, particularly in the field of high technology.
b. It is not growing as rapidly as other poor nations.

c. The lack of a middle class has limited economic growth.
d. It is growing rapidly as a result of large oil deposits.

34. What is one result of increased interconnections among financial markets?

a. Global competition has decreased.
b. The influence of multinational corporations is more limited.

c. Migration to developing nations has increased.
d. Economic problems in one nation spread to other nations.

35. What is the Group of 20?

a. a group of environmental scientists from 20 countries
b. a group of 20 multinational corporations

c. a group of finance ministers from growing countries, the United States, and the EU
d. a group of international aid organizations

36. Which issue has led to conflict between developing nations and environmentalists?

a. offshoring
b. deforestation

c. innovation
d. migration

37. “Brain drain” occurs when

a. a student from an LDC goes to college in a developed nation and then returns home to work in his own country.
b. an engineer leaves her LDC to work in a developed nation.

c. a boy in an LDC decides to work on the family farm instead of attending college.
d. a young girl in an LDC stops attending school after eighth grade.

38. The World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, and the International Monetary Fund all perform what service?

a. offering loans to individual entrepreneurs in developed nations
b. promoting domestic investment by the wealthy of less developed countries

c. giving disaster relief, such as food aid, to nations in crisis
d. providing development assistance to less developed countries

39. After World War II, the American government granted money to needy countries in Europe in the hopes of promoting democracy. This program was an example of

a. debt rescheduling.
b. foreign direct investment.

c. foreign portfolio investment.
d. foreign aid.

40. In 1999, India did not have shopping malls. It now has more than 100 malls. Which of the following explains this rapid development?

a. The largest economic growth has taken place in construction.

b. Uneducated people in rural areas are demanding malls.

c. The middle class is increasing demand for consumer goods.
d. The gap between rich and poor is shrinking.

41. During the 1980s, the British government privatized a number of businesses, including the post office and the telephone company. This involved

a. selling these government-owned businesses to individuals.

b. increasing security in these businesses to protect the privacy of British citizens.

c. converting privately owned companies to state-owned businesses.
d. enforcing stricter regulations in these industries for health and safety reasons.

42. In a particular nation, most citizens can read, have at least a high school education, and buy consumer goods. This country is probably considered to be a

a. developed nation.

b. less developed country.

c. newly industrialized country.
d. transitional country.

43. Josefina has been a farm worker in Mexico for many years. How might Mexico’s increased economic diversification affect her?

a. She will have much more difficulty finding farm work.

b. She will be forced to work in the mine fields that are taking over farms.

c. She will have to travel farther to find agricultural work.
d. She will have more job opportunities outside of agriculture.

44. The population of less developed countries is expected to double in forty years. What is the most likely result?

a. These nations will have a high number of elders requiring more health care.

b. These countries’ per capita GDP will not increase faster than population.

c. These countries will keep up with the demand for a higher living standard.
d. Nearby nations will bear the burden of the migrating population.

45. Which type of production is common in LDCs?

a. manufacturing

b. high technology agriculture

c. commercial agriculture
d. subsistence agriculture

46. Which statement best summarizes the Russian economy between 1998 and 2012?

a. It was in crisis until the price of oil began to rise.

b. It remained stagnant and did not recover.

c. It was transitioned to a centrally planned system.
d. It collapsed as the Soviet Union broke apart.

47. Increasing jobs in which areas has most helped Mexico’s economy grow?

a. education

b. agriculture

c. manufacturing and service industries
d. healthcare

48. Which argument would an environmental scientist use in favor of sustainable development?

a. Education is a cause of poverty and hardship in many parts of the world.

b. Rapid development causes environmental problems for the whole world.

c. There is not enough wealth in the world to sustain development.
d. Less developed countries need to industrialize quickly to keep up.

49. Writer Thomas Friedman compared the new globalized economy to a race that competitors must run over and over again. What did he mean by this?

a. People will need to reinvent the same products over and over.

b. Companies will have to travel faster and farther than ever before.

c. The future world economy will be very fast-paced.
d. To be competitive, companies must continue to be innovative.

50. Ensuring that countries comply with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is a responsibility of

a. the Smoot-Hawley Act.

b. the European Union.

c. the World Trade Organization.
d. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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project literature

I’m working on a English exercise and need support.

Literature reflects culture. Reading literature from cultures that differ from our own allows us insight into those cultures. We can learn about the heritage, social customs, values, and other aspects of a culture that help to shape it and make it unique. Having knowledge of different cultures allows us to better understand and appreciate the diversity in our world. It provides us with information to better understand the roles of customs and social expectations in other societies. Reading literature from other cultures helps us to acquire new perspectives, which in turn should broaden our knowledge and create an appreciation for the literary heritage that comes from people of diverse backgrounds.

In this course, you will read a variety of short stories. These works express different views, and they are set in different times and places, and yet they will examine some common human issues. One of the central ideas in the course is theme. Theme is the main idea that an author expresses in a work of literature. You will learn to identify themes in literature across many different cultures.

There are two important areas of focus in Multicultural Literature. The course explores situations of different groups of people, and you will study how one’s heritage and background affect one’s sense of identity. At the same time, the course will look for themes that are common across cultures.

One such “universal” theme is the way in which social roles shape individuals. As you proceed through the course, you will explore different perspectives of social roles, evaluating both their negative and positive impacts. You will explore how the actions of the characters in the stories reflect social roles and expectations. You will also examine how an author’s background might reflect his or her perspective on the social issues in the stories. Social expectations do a great deal to define a person’s identity.

By learning about different groups and cultures, you should gain a better understanding of human diversity. At the same time, you should become more aware of your own identity. You should be able to appreciate cultures that differ from your own while understanding common human feelings and experiences.

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ECN501 Managerial Economics – China’s Global Economic Impact

Can you help me understand this Economics question?

China offers an interesting picture of a political and business environment. Its economic presence heavily depends on manufacturing and its inexpensive labor resources. As a result, this dependence has led to over-investment and overcapacity in certain industry segments such as oil, steel and cement. Also, China’s socialist banking tactic has complicated an already intense economy. As a result, the country’s veracious economic growth has sent inflationary and deflationary impacts across the world by raising prices of the globally traded commodities like oil, cement, steel and other metals. China’s old growth model, driven by infrastructure investment and driven by cheap credit, has run out of steam.

China has made leaps and bounds in the economic landscape of the global economy. Changes in policies enabled private sector and global competition that were previously monitored by the government to pick up steam as new laws in place to increase the number of children household to one plus and lastly, Xi Jinping’s (the leader of China) announcement to support a more sustainable consumer driven expansion in China (Silverstein, 2013). China’s mission in the era of Jinping is to have a technology driven economy high in quality and productivity performance. Their goal is to be the number one Superpower.

It has taken time to reboot the ideology of the political system which has provided optimism for economic growth. According to Fox (2013) China’s goal is not be a revolutionary power, yet, a revisionist power. Revisionists want more for themselves, whereas, revolutionists want to overturn the government.

As of 2018, there are 120 Chinese corporations on the Fortune Global 500 list. As far as brand recognition, the number is very low. To sustain a competitive advantage product branding in this region is a high priority. Huawei established in 1987 made its 2019 100 Best Global Brands debut, at sixty-eight. Huawei is a basic research organization focusing mainly on technological innovations and solutions that is fully owned by its employees.

It has been an uphill road for China to overcome the stigma of its production quality. To address a poor reputation, several areas must be addressed: having a more culturally diverse organization would help their leaders understand global needs and open channels of communication; China must shift from low quality, low value to high quality, high value; lastly, China must address country related political issues including cyberespionage, xenophobia and increased tariffs.

Historically, China’s gross domestic product (GDP) has shifted from the public sector to the private sector. This has enabled joint ventures which facilitates a smoother transfer of global communication, technological knowledge and cultural acceptance which is needed for growth. Studies posit China’s growth is largely due to its labor force (Yueh, 2015). China has been a high growth economy for over thirty years reaping a double-digit growth (Mangus. 2018). Today, the rate has slowed down to about six percent in the next twenty years.

Issues facing China today according to Mangus (2018) are: China needs to improve its financial misbehavior over the last twenty years; China also seeks to be a more prominent player in the global monetary system; also, there is a significant aging population and middle-income trap.

Looking at China, we can suggest that economic conditions, economic policies and the economic systems are the significant external factors that constitutes the economic environment of a business. The economic conditions of a country for example, the nature of the economy, the stage of development of the economy, economic resources, the level of income, the distribution of income and assets are very important determinants of business strategies. Because there is no universal strategy for all industries, only those strategies that are tailored to an industry and to the skills and assets of a firm succeed.

Discussion Questions:

1.What is an economic system? What are the basic problems of an economic system?

2.What are the features of a mixed economic system?

3.Explain the role of government in solving problems that arise from different economic systems.

4.Define privatization and trace the history of privatization.

5.Explain the different routes of privatization.

6.Give your arguments for and against privatization.

7.Why is China’s privatization different?

8.Bring out the nature and causes for globalization of business.

9.Explain the stages involved in the economic transition of globalization.

10.Evaluate the impact of globalization on China’s economy.

11.List the strategies used for globalizing a business.

12.Natural resources are the wealth of a country’s economy. Discuss China’s key resources.

13.Evaluate China’s government policies towards management of their natural resources.

14.Evaluate the impact of economic development on environmental issues.

Please prepare a 3200-minimum paper (not including the cover page, abstract, citations or the reference page) that includes the following information. Your paper should be in APA essay format which includes a Cover Page, Abstract, Citations and a Reference Page. There should be a minimum of five references. The questions listed above should be answered in the essay; however, not listed. Please no bullets or lists. Please use the Game Theory to discuss China’s strategy.


Fox , J. (November, 2013} The Chinese Steamroller is Already Sputtering. International Business. Harvard Business Review. Digital Article

Mangus, G. (2018) Red Flags: Why Xi’s China Is in Jeopardy. University Press.

Silverstein, M. J. (November 2013) Ten Predictions for China’s Economy in 2014. Economy, Harvard Business Review. Digital Article.

Yueh, L. (December 2015) China’s Growth: A Brief History. Business Economics. Harvard Business Review. Digital Article.

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Reference List

I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support.

The summative paper for this course requires you to select a contemporary government or non-profit sector leader and develop a critical review and research–supported position in which his or her leadership behaviors are discussed and his or her contributions to society/organization are explored.

This assignment also provides opportunities for you to continue to refine your scholarly toolkit in relation to the identification of and the application of sourcing of scholarly research and manuscript development using APA (6th) form and style.

First, identify a contemporary government or non-profit sector leader and provide a one paragraph biography for review. My leader is John Haydon which he does fundraisers for Habitat for Humanity.

In another document you will pick at least two of your scholarly references to share from this week’s Assignment.

Share at least two of your scholarly references and the location of the database in which you found them. Provide the APA citation for the article, and describe any challenges you experienced while searching for your references.

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New business

I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

This is my introduction:

(My name is leen kassas i am student in Meddle East college in ,Fall 2019 i am studying Course Fundamentals of business and organization and i would like to discuss about many things that i have been faced in the assignment that required from me to do it during this semester.)


Give a reflective about online course

The course talk about Fundemntal of project planning and management

1 How to start a project

2 steps and goal of the project

3 risks facing me

4 Delivery time

100 word only

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MHA 5101 Unit VI Case Study

I don’t understand this Business Law question and need help to study.


We have discussed privacy and patient rights at length. Consider the following scenario.

A celebrity patient is admitted to the hospital. Your friend Jennifer is a nurse on the floor where the male celebrity patient is staying. All of the nurses are going out of their way to work on that floor. The patient’s records and privacy must be treated like those of any other patient. The hospital has strict protocol, and only the nurses and staff involved in his care and treatment are permitted to work that floor and interact with that patient.

Jennifer has always been a big fan of the celebrity. The next time she is working her shift, she takes him his dinner. When she enters the room, he is sleeping. He is hooked up to an IV and standard monitoring machines. He is also bandaged due to his wounds from a car accident. He looks pretty beat up but is recovering nicely. Jennifer decides to take a picture with her personal cell phone that she snuck in. This is for her personal use. She does not intend to sell, post, or distribute the picture in any way.

After she takes the picture, she heads back to the nurses’ station, and she and the other nurses gather around the computer. She glimpses what looks like the celebrity’s medical records, but she is not sure. She does know that some of those nurses do not work on her floor and are not, therefore, authorized to view the records. She also remembers there was a note on the celebrity’s chart about an error on the medical history, but she knew the day shift would address it. She wraps up her shift and heads home.

She decides to stop at her local diner and have a late night coffee and snack. When she walks in, she sees the local diner is packed with entertainment reporters hanging out to get the scoop on the celebrity’s condition. She giggles to herself as she quietly drinks her coffee since she is involved in treating him, and no one there knows.

She pays for her coffee and snack and leaves the diner. The next day, she is getting ready for her noon shift and turns on the television. She is startled to see an update on the news about the celebrity and HER cell phone picture splashed on the TV. There are also private details about his injuries and medical records in the news story. When she goes to grab her phone from her purse, her stomach sinks when she finds her phone is gone. She must have left it at the diner by accident, and someone there picked it up and distributed her private photo.

When she goes to work, the hospital administrator is outraged and threatening to fire anyone involved in this violation. A full investigation is launched.

The celebrity is discharged within a week, and Jennifer thinks this horrible incident is behind her. The next month, she receives a summons for a lawsuit. The celebrity is suing her for distribution of the picture. The image was traced back to her cell phone, and he is alleging her photo of him while incapacitated has damaged his career because his attractive appearance is a large part of his brand. He is also suing her for defamation since the medical information given to the public was false. Jennifer is panic-stricken.

She goes into work to try to get her life back to normal and is immediately escorted to the administrator’s office. She is told she is fired for violating the hospital’s patient privacy regulations and the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act law. She is told that since she violated policy by distributing private medical details of a patient to the public, the hospital will not defend her in any civil lawsuit. Jennifer instantly tries to explain she had nothing to do with the leaking of information or distributing the photo, but the administrator will not listen. She is escorted out of the building.

In this assignment, you will describe the following issues:

§the legal obligation healthcare providers have to protect private health information and to maintain accurate medical records including information regarding the purpose of maintaining correct information within medical records and who is charged with ownership of medical records,

§the celebrity patient’s legal argument surrounding the release of his private health information and the inaccuracy of the information released, and

§a legal defense of Jennifer, who is being accused of mismanaging health information. Your defense should be based on legal theory and not just your opinion or feeling.

In order to respond to this case study, you will need to research at least two legal cases that demonstrate both the patient’s and the provider’s privacy rights and obligations regarding medical records and private health information. Briefly explain the issues of the two cases you cite, and describe their outcomes. How do the cases relate to the above scenario? Do you agree with the court’s decisions in the two cases? Why, or why not?

Your response should consist of at least two pages. Be sure to use proper APA formatting, citations, and references in your response to this assignment. You must use at least three outside sources as references for this assignment, and at least one of your sources must come from the CSU Online Library. The Health and Medical Collection database is a great place to begin your search.

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Complete Graduate Communications Task (UOP)

Help me study for my Communications class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Search the internet for additional information you may need about the research method used in the Stanford prison experiment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the research methods and ethical violations in the Stanford prison experiment in which you:

  • Identify one or two ethical issues that occurred in this experiment.
  • Explain the APA ethics guidelines that may have been violated.
  • Summarize what you would have done differently.
  • Determine the research method that was used and justify your choice.

Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines located on the APA Templates page in the Center for Writing Excellence.

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What we have to loose by Theodre Daryample

I’m working on a Philosophy question and need guidance to help me study.



Learning Objectives:

Students will demonstrate their ability to construct arguments about issues of both personal and universal significance. Their writing should demonstrate that they can construct cogent, concise, and logically coherent arguments.


Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument.

Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles located in the final chapter of the required textbook:

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’

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The Business and Economics of the Film

I’m working on a Communications question and need guidance to help me study.

Chose 2 of the following topics, write a 2-page, double-spaced essay for each with 1 inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font and 3 references. Address each question specifically and support your arguments with proof from our class materials, reading, and real life examples.


A. With the rise of new and increasing forms of entertainment, what can the movie industry do to remain competitive?

B. How are consumers’ tastes changing?

C. What has happened to the critical young teen audience?

D. What strategies can the industry take to lure back the teens?

C. Are there other neglected audience sectors that could be cultivated as theater goers?


  1. What are 6 ways to advertise a movie?
  2. Describe 3 key components to a marketing campaign?

C. What is the most effective advertising medium for film?Why?

D. What are 3 different theatrical release patterns for films?


As DVD revenues fall and eventually the revenue fades to nothing, PPV, VOD and Internet streaming and downloads are not enough to make up for the money that DVD used to bring in. What should distributors do to increase revenue from PPV, VOD and the Internet? Detail specific examples in distribution and marketing, making reference to 2 movie campaigns that are effective in their PPV, VOD, Internet strategy, and 2 that do not.

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