Client uploads
please pick one and answer thanks wk3
I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.
Option #1: Business Intelligence Solutions Requirements and Analysis
You are a BI analyst tasked with assisting stakeholders with the acquisition of Tableau to analyze big data. You are asked to create requirements and identify ways to analyze this data within this tool to make decisions. Your requirements document should include:
- The purpose of the requirement and analysis phase of a SDLC.
- Your approach to gathering and structuring data requirements for the BI tool. Be sure to include what roles in the organization you will interact with and approach to collect, verify, and display requirements that were gathered.
- Your approach to analyzing big data within the BI tool.
- Discussing alternatives and possible challenges you may encounter when handling big data within Tableau. Describe how requirements can be written to address these challenges.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
Option #2: Business Intelligence Solutions Modeling
For this assignment you are asked to differentiate between process models and data flow diagrams when gathering requirements for a business intelligence solution. Your document should include:
- The purpose of process models including elements
- The purpose of data flow diagrams including elements
- Explaining if data flow diagrams and process models are related or different during the requirements gathering phase.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
SOCW 6204 WEEK 5. Medical social work in an interdisciplinary team
Im stuck on a Social Science question and need an explanation.
Assignment: Medical Social Work in an Interdisciplinary Health Care Team
A team is a group with a specific task or tasks, the accomplishment of which requires the interdependent and collaborative efforts of its members (Wise, Beckhard, Rubin, & Kyte, 1974, p. 73). Grumbach and Bodenheimer (2004, p. 1249) identified five key elements of team building and explained that a cohesive, organized team must have clear goals with measurable outcomes, clinical and administrative systems, division of labor, training, and communication. Teamwork brings together diverse knowledge and skills and can result in professional collaboration and cost-effective quality service.
Despite evidence that teams may enhance patient care, working on an interdisciplinary health care team can be challenging. For example, a member may be threatened by the notion of giving up some of his or her professional autonomy to the group effort, or there may be a lack of confidence and trust in the opinions and decisions of individuals from other disciplines. It requires skill and flexibility to coordinate and collaborate with multiple professionals who possess different backgrounds and areas of expertise toward a common goal: improving the delivery of services to patients.
To prepare for this Assignment, select a discipline of medical social work of interest to you. Then, read the assigned case study and think about how a team would care for or provide service to the identified client.
Case study:
Claire is a 60-year-old Caucasian female. She has been married to her husband for 35 years and has two grown children. She has been admitted to the hospital for a double mastectomy due to her recent breast cancer diagnosis. Claire and her family remain unclear about her prognosis.
By Day 7
In a 4- to 6-page paper:
- Summarize the patient population (age, gender, ethnicity or race, medical condition or diagnosis) that the case study features.
- Describe the discipline of medical social work that you chose.
- Explain the primary roles and responsibilities of a social worker in the discipline that you chose.
- Devise an interdisciplinary team in the discipline you chose for the patient in the assigned case study.
- Define the roles of other members of the interdisciplinary health care team in that discipline.
- Explain how you might collaborate with the members of the health care team.
- Explain the essential values that are common to the members of an interdisciplinary team to patient care.
- Describe the challenges you might encounter while working with an interdisciplinary health care team. Then, explain strategies you would employ to address the challenges.
- Explain how the challenges you identified might negatively affect the patient and the patients family in the assigned case study. Finally, explain how you might work with the patient, the patients family, and other stakeholders in providing optimal health care. Cite your response using external scholarly resources.
- Provide examples of resources the social worker might use for patients in this area.
Required Readings
Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S., Webb, C. E., Von Kohorn, I. (2012). Core principles & values of effective team-based health care [Discussion paper]. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R. (2012, October). Core principles & values of effective team-based health care. Retrieved from the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences website:…
Discussion of Opportunity Cost
I dont know how to handle this Economics question and need guidance.
Opportunity Cost
Every decision has an Opportunity Cost due to the nature of scarcity, there is always a better alternative not chosen, therefore, there is always an opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of an alternative is what you give up to pursue it (Froeb, McCann,Shor & Ward, 2016). When you go to a Maroon 5 concert, you give up $100 of benefits you would have received if you had gone to a Beyoncé concert. Also, you would also avoid $80 of cost for the Beyoncé concert. According to the definition below, the opportunity cost of seeing Maroon 5 concert is $100 – $80 = $20. Please delve into the statement there are always opportunity costs. How can an individual make the best decision? Is there a best decision? Would one miss an opportunity not attending one of the concerts? Include a minimum of one reference. Minimum of 350 words
ECN501 Managerial Economics – Uncertainty
Im trying to study for my Economics course and I need some help to understand this question.
Please analyze and contrast the Introduction and Literature Review of the articles below. A synthesis discussing the economic impact of
Aerotropoli on economies should be submitted. All Articles can be found in EBSCO.
Flores-Fillol, R., Garcia-López, M.-Á., & Nicolini, R. (2016). Organization of Land Surrounding Airports: The Case of the Aerotropolis. Land Economics, 92(1), 5781.
LIOU, J. J. H., Chao-Che HSU, Chun-Sheng Joseph LI, Gudiel PINEDA, P. J., & Gin-Weng CHANG. (2018). Developing a Successful Aerotropolis by Using a Hybrid Model under Information Uncertainty. Technological & Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), 10801103.
Wium D, Coetzee M. Africas first aerotropolis in Ekurhuleni – will it foster economic growth? Civil Engineering (10212000). 2014;22(1):32-34.
The paper should be a minimum of 2700 words in APA format.
IS499 finale project
I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.
IS499 – Final Project
This project is a security assessment of a small group of systems. In this assessment, students will apply security tools and resources learned in labs to a set of unknown systems. They will synthesize the output of security tools and the results of research into a report evaluating the security of each unknown system.
This document is divided into the following sections:
- Scope of the Assessment (which resources are to be assessed)
- Rules of Engagement (specification of what actions are permitted during the assessment)
- Resources Required (security tools)
- References (information sources)
- Procedure
- Report Format
- Submission Details
1Scope of Assessment
The assessment is limited to the following IP addresses.
2Rules of Engagement
Students may use any security tools to perform a security evaluation of the systems listed in the Scope of Assessment. These tools should include but are not limited to those listed in the Resources Required. Security tools can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities and verify these potential vulnerabilities through the use of exploits.
However, no tools that are designed to crash a system or otherwise create a denial of service attack may be used.
Students may not port scan, vulnerability scan, or attempt to exploit any IP addresses outside those listed in the Scope of Assessment. In general, no security tool may be deployed against any IP addresses outside of the ones listed. Of course, students may contact other servers to search the web and perform research, such as by using the references below.
3Resources Required
Students will use the tools to test the environment from Lab 2 Performing Reconnaissance and Probing using Common Tools or Performing a Vulnerability Assessment.
Students may use the following references useful in performing the assessment and writing the assessment report.
- Kali Linux Documentation,
- CVE Details, provides information about reported vulnerabilities and can be searched by vendor, service, and vulnerability.
- Metasploit, provides information on how to use Metasploit to exploit systems.
- Nmap Documentation, will help to scan options and show how to best understand nmap output.
- Wireshark,
5.1Network Scanning and Enumeration
Scan each IP address listed in the Scope with nmap. Scans should verify that the systems are up before proceeding, then identify the operating systems of each system, and finally identify both the names and versions of the running services on each system. Students will need to scan all TCP and UDP ports as well as obtain all of the detailed data that nmap can can offer by using the A option.
5.2Vulnerability Research
First, lookup the operating system type and version that were reported by network scanning tools on CVE details. Next, lookup any services, such as IIS or Apache, whose names were identified in the previous step. Use service versions to determine which vulnerabilities apply to the system under assessment. Compare these lists of vulnerabilities with the ones found in the next step: vulnerability scanning.
5.3Vulnerability Scanning
OpenVAS setup process, but no other setup should be necessary. Create scan congurations for each of the targets. Be sure that you can ping a target before beginning an OpenVAS scan. If an OpenVAS scan reports zero vulnerabilities,
5.4Vulnerability Validation
With the exception of denial of service vulnerabilities, all reported vulnerabilities with a severity of high or medium must be validated.
Severity levels are the level reported by OpenVAS or the CVSS score shown on CVE details.
Students should first search OpenVAS to find exploits for validation. Search terms should include vulnerability identifiers like CVE numbers, service names like Apache or IIS, service versions, and text from the OpenVAS or CVE Details vulnerability description. If an exploit is successful against a system, then the reported vulnerability has been validated.
If an exploit cannot be found in OpenVAS, research the vulnerability in vulnerability databases, such as CVE Details. Use the vulnerability database to verify that the reported vulnerability affects the platform, service, and versions that the assessed system is running. If the vulnerability does affect the system according to the database, then the reported vulnerability has been validated.
6Resolving Problems
While students are not permitted to use tools that are designed to crash systems, it is possible for exploitation of vulnerabilities to crash target VMs.
If a target VM is not responding for more than 15 minutes, notify the instructor about the problem.
The report will need to be at least 5 pages single spaced using a 12-point font. The report must be divided into six sections: the summary, procedure, one section for each assessed system, conclusion, and references. Sections must be identified by a heading in boldface in the same manner that sections in this document are formatted. References should include the references mentioned in this document that were used, along with any additional references found via the Sites page on the class web site or through other sources.
The report must begin with a summary of findings of the security assessment.
For each system, describe its operating systems and services, speculate on what purposes it may serve in an organization, and describe how vulnerable it is to attack. The level of vulnerability depends not only on the number of vulnerabilities found, but also on the number of validated vulnerabilities and on the severity of each the vulnerabilities found. The summary must include a table of the following form, summarizing the findings at a high level:
IP Address |
MAC Address |
Operating System |
Number of Vulnerabilities |
The procedure section of the report describes the precise procedure followed based on the Procedure above. Do not include setup of OpenVAS, but do include the setup of any additional tools used.
Describe the order of steps and include the full command lines used with all arguments, except for OpenVAS. Details of OpenVAS commands will be included in the following sections.
Each of the following sections will describe one of the systems assessed. These sections must have names of the form Assessment of IPADDRESS, where IPADDRESS is replaced by the IP address of the system whose assessment is described in that section. Each section should include an overall assessment of the security of the system, which will expand on the summary above.
Following the summary, include a graph from CVE details showing vulnerabilities in the operating system type and version. Then create a table of the open ports, describing the services running on them, including their versions and vulnerabilities (if any). This table should summarize the results found via port scanning, vulnerability scanning, and vulnerability validation.
Port Number |
Service |
Version |
Reported Vulnerabilities |
Validated Vulnerabilities |
21/tcp |
ftp |
vsftp 1.3.2 |
CVE-2006 1418, BID-1215 |
CVE-2006-1418 |
22/tcp |
ssh |
openSSH 3.9 |
CVE-2005-2798, CVE-2006-5051, BID-1397 |
None |
Organize each section by service name, or port number if you were unable to identify the service running on the port. Under the service list the vulnerability details, including an identifier for the vulnerability, a one-line description, a detailed description, the results of validation, and how it was validated, in the format shown below. The best vulnerability identifier is a CVE number, but not all vulnerabilities will have those, and so another type of identifier, such as a BID or NVT number should be used.
For vulnerabilities with no exploits in OpenVAS, the validation section would indicate whether validation was successful or not, along with links to specific vulnerability reports and/or exploits that show that this particular service at the specified version was or was not vulnerable.
For example:
Verified that vulnerability a affects this service and version at and
The second to last section should summarize the findings of the assessment, repeating the information from the first section, and provide a short description of how to mitigate the discovered vulnerabilities through patching, upgrades, service changes (i.e., use ssh instead of telnet), or deployment of security devices like firewalls. Be specific about mitigations: include the version or service pack name to upgrade to, which vulnerabilities it would fix, specify which ports to block on a firewall to fix specified vulnerabilities, etc.
The final section should list references used.
The report must be turned in as a Word document in the formatted template provided.
I want statement of purpose to get scholarship from my university
Im stuck on a Academic question and need an explanation.
Write a statement explaining your interest in and objectives for pursing graduate study.
You may also include any extra information, such as undergraduate research experience or other experience you have acquired to demonstrate your preparedness for graduate study in your chosen field ( which is Teaching Methods and Curriculum )
The statement should not exceed 4000 characters
I want to study curriculum and teaching method for engli
I have high GPA
I have two years teaching experience in teaching English language for primary school
Week 8 research paper
I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
For this final assignment you will need to research one of the following companies listed below.
- Ikea
- Toyota
- Verizon
- Amazon
- FedEx
- 7-Eleven
- Apple
- Barnes & Noble
- Costco
- Home Depot
***You may select another company if you do not want to study one of the 10 above. HOWEVER, you must seek my approval first***
Write a 4-6 page formal research essay describing:
- A brief overview of your selected company.
- Why your companys customer relations philosophy is successful or not successful. Does the philosophy tie into the companys mission statement?
- Does the company meet the needs of their customers? Why or why not?
- Is there an opportunity for the company to increase their customer relations skills? Explain.
Your essay should be in APA format, contain at minimum 3 outside academic sources, a title page, and a reference page.
Format should follow:
- Title Page
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
- Reference page
Do not rewrite the questions into your essay!
First person is NOT allowed in this assignment. Page number does not include title and reference page.
answer all the questions in 3-4 pages each
I dont know how to handle this Law question and need guidance.
Assignment Instructions
You must use the attached template for your paper, failure to do so will result in a return of your paper for you to redo, a reduction in points, or both.
Answer each of the following questions. A 3-4 page response should be provided for each question. References (in APA format) are required.
- Of the documents reviewed in class (excluding the U.S. Constitution), which do you feel serves as the most important at this point in time? (Use Transportation Sector) Be sure to provide significant support for your argument.
- When examining critical infrastructure, which sector possesses the biggest risk and what legal and ethical issues must the U.S. government consider when attempting to harden the target?
- Discuss the challenges associated with protecting the homeland and balancing privacy and civil liberties. Is there a conflict that exists between the law, ethics, and politics and does this present challenges in homeland security?
- Critique the homeland security enterprises capability to meet emergent future challenges while balancing civil liberties.
Management Organizational Behavior SLP3
Can you help me understand this Business question?
Module 3 – SLP
Most of what is written about leadership has been written by western scholars and practitionersmostly from the United States. Thus, what we have studied in this module so far reflects western assumptions and values about how to improve leadership performance.
But leadership quality, we know, is mostly about perception. If the followers perceive that a person is a leader, that person will be treated with respect and the followers will grant him the power and authority to guide their actions. These perceptions can vary across cultures, and successful global leaders know that leadership is viewed differently in different cultures and modify their behaviors to align with culturally diverse expectations. This is what is called Cultural Intelligence.
Required Reading
The following reading discusses the importance of cultural awareness in increasing organizational effectiveness:
OReilly, C. (2013). Why is cultural intelligence important? Retrieved from
In this exercise, there are two sets of quizzes (A & B) that you will participate in.
- Select either the Cross Cultural Work Scenarios or Working Globally Across Cultures quiz from
- Choose any one of the country quizzes at that looks interesting to you.
After completing the quizzes, address the following questions in a 2- to 3-page essay:
- Which quizzes did you take?
- Include your actual results in an Appendix at the end of your paper.
- Were you surprised at your score?
- What strengths do you think you have in intercultural awareness?
- What weaknesses are you able to identify?
- If there were gaps between your assessment results and your own thoughts about your level of cultural awareness, why do these gaps exist?
- Create a plan of specific, concrete actions you can take to build on your strengths and improve areas of weakness so that you improve your cultural awareness.
- Why is it important for managers to increase their levels of cultural awareness?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated using the criteria on the SLP rubric (see the rubric for more detail): Assignment-Driven, Critical Thinking, Business Writing, Effective Use of Information, Citing Sources, and Timeliness.
Required Sources
Commisceo Global. Country specific quizzes. Retrieved from
Commisceo Global. Cultural awareness quizzes. Retrieved from
Dean J., Cleavengera, D. J., and Munyonb, T. P. (2013). It’s how you frame it: Transformational leadership and the meaning of work. Business Horizons 56(3), 351-360
Eveland, J. D. (n.d.) Leadership. Trident University International.
Fiedlers Contingency Theory (2016). Leadership-central. Retrieved from
French and Ravens Five Forms of Power. Retrieved April 2017 from
Martin, R. (2012) “PathGoal Theory of Leadership.” Encyclopedia of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Ed. John M. Levine and Michael A. Hogg. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2009. 636-37. SAGE Reference Online . Web. 30 Jan. 2012.Retrieved April 2017 from
OReilly, C. (2013). Why is cultural intelligence important? Retrieved from
TED. (2010) Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. Retrieved from
Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-making Model of Leadership (2013). Leadership-central. Retrieved from
Optional Sources
Center for Creative Leadership Website. (2015) Retrieved from
McNamara, C. (1999) All about Leadership. In Free Management Library. Retrieved from
Module 3 – Background
Required Sources
People have wondered about what makes a great leader since the beginning of recorded history and undoubtedly long before. The formal study of leadership dates back to the 1950s, and is probably one of the most researched topics in Organizational Behavior. Today, after decades of study, we believe that:
- Leaders are made, not born, and leadership can be taught.
- Leadership occurs in all kinds of organizations and at all levels.
- To be a great leader, one does not have to be charismatic.
- There is no one right way to lead that will fit all situations.
In this module, we will review the major theories of leadership that persist to this day. Although some are more complex than others, each seems to have a nugget of truth and adds to our overall understanding of how leadership works and what makes great leadership. The following chart summarizes the major approaches or models that we will cover.
Leadership Model |
Principles |
Trait Model |
Leaders have special innate qualities. Certain people are natural leaders. |
Behavioral Models |
Leaders are concerned primarily with task or relationships, though the best leaders are concerned with both. |
Contingency Models |
Different leader behaviors are effective for different types of followers and situations. |
Influence (Power) Models |
Leadership consists of influencing others. |
Transformational Models |
Leaders are visionaries who change organizations and peoples behavior. |
Lets begin with a PowerPoint presentation that will provide some background on these different models:
Eveland, J.D. (n.d.) Leadership. Trident University International.
The exercise of leadership, by definition, involves compelling people to do something they might not otherwise have done. The manner in which they carry out these tasks varies, however. The degree of motivation and enthusiasm with which a follower performs his or her work is related to the type of leadership that is used. Here are the most common reactions by followers:
- Commitment is characterized by the internalization of a leaders goal or request and the followers decision to carry it out effectively. Frequently, the follower will go beyond what the leader has asked or expects in other words, goes the extra mile.
- Compliance is an apathetic response where the follower does what the leader asks, but exerts no more than the required amount of effort.
- Resistance is a reaction where the follower opposed the leaders direction and avoids carrying it out (passively through avoidance or aggressively through rebellion).
Lets take a look at power, which is closely tied to leadership. Review the sources of power in the following video presentation:
Retrieved April 2017 from
Now, consider reactions to leaderships exercise of power (by type):
Type |
Most Common Reaction |
Reward |
Compliance |
Coercive |
Compliance or resistance |
Legitimate |
Compliance |
Referent |
Commitment |
Expert |
Commitment |
This chart would indicate that the most a leader can hope for if he relies on the power received from holding a position (legitimate, reward, coercive) is compliance with directives. If leaders rely too heavily on coercive power, they risk meeting resistance. If, instead, a leader needs to have the followers commitment (the knowledge that a follower will comply with directives regardless of whether or not the follower is being monitored or not), then the leader must rely on personal sources of power such as referent or expert power.
While commitment is very often the most desired reaction, sometimes compliance is enough to accomplish the leaders objectives. Resistance, however, is something all leaders should want to avoid as it could render them totally ineffective.
Contingency Models
The Eveland PowerPoint presentation also covered contingency models of leadership. Contingency models are based on the idea that the most effective leadership style is one that matches the demands of the situation. There are three basic models of contingency leadership that we will cover in this module. Each has a slightly different prescription as to the factors that a leader needs to consider when exercising the most successful leadership style.
- The Fiedler Model
- The Path-Goal Model and
- The Normative Decision Model
The Fiedler Model
Unlike the behavioral theorists who came before him, Fiedler did not believe that there was one best style of leadership. He agreed that individuals tend to possess either a task-oriented or relationship-oriented leadership style, but that to know the appropriate style for a given circumstance, you also needed to understand the situation:
Situational Factor |
Characteristics |
Leader-Member Relations |
Do the followers have trust and confidence in the leader? |
Task Structure |
Is the task structured or unstructured? |
Leaders position power |
Does the leader have the discretion to reward or punish? |
Read the following article to learn how these factors combine to indicate which leadership style would be most effective given specific situational constraints, and criticisms of the model:
Fiedlers Contingency Theory (2016). Leadership-central. Retrieved from
While Fiedler thought that different leadership styles worked better under different conditions, he did not think that people could change their preferred style. So the important task of management was to match the leader with the right style to the right situation. The next contingency theory of leadership we will examine does not hold that leadership style is static, and instead proffers the argument that leaders can change and adapt their style to fit the situation.
Path Goal Model
The path-goal model of leadership proposes four different leadership styles and considers two situational factors (the followers capabilities and motivation) to match the most effective leadership style with the characteristics of the situation as follows:
Appropriate Leadership Style |
Situation |
Directive |
Supportive |
Participative |
Achievement-oriented |
In other words, a leader does not use the same approach with hourly employees with limited skills the same way she would lead employees who are highly educated and highly skilled. Read more about this approach to leadership:
Martin, R. (2012) “PathGoal Theory of Leadership.” Encyclopedia of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Ed. John M. Levine and Michael A. Hogg. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2009. 636-37. SAGE Reference Online . Web. 30 Jan. 2012. Retrieved April 2017 from
Normative Decision Model: Vroom-Yetton-Jago decision tree
The last contingency model we will consider is the Normative Decision Model, so called because it gives leaders a tool to use to decide exactly which of five leadership styles is appropriate for a given circumstance to ensure that the highest quality alternative is selected and the followers have the greatest likelihood of acceptance of that alternative. By asking a series of questions and following the answers through a decision tree, the leader can select the style that is most likely to yield the response she desires. The five leadership styles are:
Decision style |
Characteristics |
A1: Autocratic |
Leader gathers information and decides alone. |
A2: Autocratic |
Leader gets information from followers but decides alone. |
C1: Consultative |
Leader shares problem with individual followers, asks for input, but decides alone. |
C2: Consultative |
Leader shares problem with group of follower, asks for input, but decides alone. |
G2: Group based |
Leader shares problem with group, seeks consensus on solution. |
Find out what the key questions are and see how the decision tree works by reading the following article. Be sure to try out the interactive tool that allows you to try out the decision tree for yourself!
Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-making Model of Leadership (2013). Leadership-central. Retrieved from
Transformational leadership
Transformational leaders are people who inspire followers to exert their greatest efforts toward achieving a vision for the future of the organization. To do this, the transformational leader needs to clearly communicate his vision for the organization and this vision must be linked to strong values that followers will find motivating. The transformational leader works hard to build trust with his followers so that his open area of the JoHari Window is maximized. (See Module 2 for an explanation of the JoHari Window.)
Although he does not use the term transformational, Leadership expert Simon Sinek is clearly describing what constitutes this type of leadership in the following TED talk:
TED (2010) Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. Retrieved from
Much of what is written about transformational leadership focuses on the role of top management particularly CEOs – as transformational. But what about the rest of us who lead people on a daily basis, but from the middle of the organization? Does the model of transformational leadership have anything to offer individuals who are not at the top of the leadership food chain?
The following article does just that by making clear how managers at all levels of the organization can become more effective leaders by infusing transformational principles into the meaning of work. Drawing on the Job Characteristics Model (remember this from module 1?), the authors show how transformational leaders promote (i.e., shape) subordinates perceptions of work by influencing their perceptions of key job characteristics. (p. 354)
Dean J., Cleavengera, D. J., and Munyonb, T. P. (2013). It’s how you frame it: Transformational leadership and the meaning of work. Business Horizons 56(3), 351-360.
You can find this article in the Trident Online Library.
Optional Sources
Center for Creative Leadership Website. (2015) Retrieved from
McNamara, C. (2017) All about Leadership. In Free Management Library. Retrieved from
case study strategic choices
I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.
case study
After reading the case study and other available information carefully, prepare a two page (double-spaced) essay addressing the following questions. When composing your essay, do not simply list the question and provide an answer, but rather compose a narrative essay that responds to the questions.
- What are the strategic choices available?
- What are the advantages to investing in businesses operating in Pakistan?
- What are the disadvantages to investing in businesses operating in Pakistan?
- What cultural dynamics impact the decision?
- How is this similar to and different from the political and cultural environment of your home country?
Cite references to material that you use in preparing the essay. OWN WORDS!
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