alternative dispute resolution

I’m trying to study for my Business Law course and I need some help to understand this question.

This discussion has 3 parts:

Diplomacy attempts to reconcile the parties to a disagreement by negotiation, mediation, or inquiry. It formally applies only to disputes between states. In formal situations diplomacy is used between states. It informally also applies to disputes involving institutions and individuals. The informal application is commonly called “alternative dispute resolution.”

  1. Discuss your understanding of negotiation, mediation and inquiry. Provide an example of when each of these could be used in a formal and informal situation.
  2. What are the World Trade organization’s dispute procedures?
  3. What role does the ICSID play in settling international disputes?


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Biology assig 3

I’m working on a Biology exercise and need support.

1.Which do you think has more influence on a person’s weight: genetics, upbringing, or the environment? Why do you think this is so? Is a person’s weight a single genetic trait, a qualitative trait, or a quantitative trait? Discuss and support your response with examples.

Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.

2.Describe the difference between artificial selection of organisms and genetically modifying organisms. Include examples that support your response.

Your answer must be at least 75 words in length.

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ECN501 Managerial Economics – Economies of Scale

Help me study for my Economics class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Millennials are renting offices sharing costs to reduce their overhead expenditures and overall efficiency. What are the disadvantages and advantages of economies of scales? Give examples of your local establishments that use shared locations to decrease costs, i.e., Taco Bell and KFC. Include a minimum of one reference And minimum of 350 words.

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You are a nurse leader who serves on an ethics committee in your healthcare organization. You are tasked with writing an informative, scholarly, professional position paper about ethical challenges in nursing practice and procedural alignment with the org

I need support with this Nursing question so I can learn better.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the report provided when submitting your task as a guide.

Professional Communications is a required aspect to pass this task. Completion of a spell check and grammar check prior to submitting your final work is strongly recommended.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Develop an informative, scholarly, professional position paper for the ethics committee by doing the following:

A. Discuss two ethical challenges in nursing practice that are common to your organization, as well as the ethical principles involved in the American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Ethics.

1. For each ethical challenge, describe one potential legal implication.

2. Support your discussion with a minimum of two scholarly sources, published within the past five years, for each challenge. A minimum of one source of the two must be a course text or course resource.

B. Discuss the responsibility of a nurse with a master’s degree acting in a leadership role within the organization by doing the following:

1. Describe the role of the nurse leader in applying a published, ethical decision-making model to one of the ethical challenges in part A.

2. Discuss the actual or potential stakeholders involved in and affected by the outcome of the ethical decision-making process and the potential impact on each stakeholder.

3. Describe the role of interdisciplinary team members throughout the ethical decision-making process.

4. Describe a transformational leadership strategy that the nurse leader might use to promote interdisciplinary team collaboration during the ethical decision-making process.

C. Explain how the actions taken in part B align with your organization’s mission statement.

D. Submit your position paper in APA style and format, including but not limited to the title page and headers, in-text citations, and references.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions

File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z




A discussion of 2 ethical challenges in nursing practice and the ethical principles involved is not provided.


The discussion identifies 2 ethical challenges common to the organization, but it does not accurately discuss the applicable ethical principles or provisions of the American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of ethics for each ethical challenge.


The discussion identifies 2 ethical challenges that are common to the organization and accurately discusses the applicable ethical principles or provisions of the American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for each ethical challenge.



A description of 1 potential legal implication for each ethical challenge identified in part A is not provided.


The discussion demonstrates limited understanding of legal implications by inaccurately describing 1 potential legal implication that could result from each ethical challenge discussed in part A.


The discussion demonstrates understanding of legal implications by accurately describing 1 potential legal implication that could result from each ethical challenge discussed in part A.



The discussion is not supported by any scholarly sources.


The discussion is supported by only 1 scholarly source for each challenge. Or at least 1 of the scholarly sources was not published in the last five years. Or at least 1 of the citations is not a course text or resource.


The discussion is supported by at least 2 scholarly sources published within the past five years for each challenge. At least 1 of the sources is a course text or resource.



A description of the role of the nurse in a leadership role applying an ethical decision-making model to 1 of the ethical challenges in part A is not provided.


The description demonstrates limited understanding of the role of a nurse in a leadership role by inaccurately identifying a published ethical decision-making model or illogically applying the steps of the ethical decision-making model to 1 of the ethical challenges discussed in part A.


The description demonstrates understanding of the role of a nurse in a leadership role by accurately identifying a published ethical decision-making model and logically applying the steps of that ethical decision-making model to 1 of the ethical challenges discussed in part A.



A discussion of the actual or potential stakeholders involved in the ethical decision-making model and the potential impact of the outcome on each stakeholder is not provided.


The discussion inaccurately identifies actual or potential stakeholders involved and affected or does not logically describe the potential impact of the outcome of the ethical decision-making process on each stakeholder.


The discussion accurately identifies the actual or potential stakeholders involved and affected and logically describes the potential impact of the outcome of the ethical decision-making process on each stakeholder.



A description of the role of interdisciplinary team members throughout the ethical decision-making process is not provided.


The description demonstrates limited understanding of the role of the interdisciplinary team by not appropriately identifying potential team members or by not logically describing the role each team member will play throughout the ethical decision-making process.


The description demonstrates understanding of the role of the interdisciplinary team by appropriately identifying potential team members and by logically describing the role each team member will play throughout the ethical decision-making process.



A description of a transformational leadership strategy used to promote team collaboration during the ethical decision-making process is not provided.


The description demonstrates limited understanding of a transformational leadership strategy by not identifying or defining the strategy or by not describing how the strategy could be applied to facilitate team collaboration during the ethical decision-making process.


The description demonstrates understanding of a transformational leadership strategy by identifying and defining the strategy and describing how it can be applied to facilitate team collaboration during the ethical decision-making process.



An explanation of how the actions taken in part B align with the organization’s mission statement is not provided.


The explanation demonstrates limited understanding of alignment to the organization’s mission statement by not providing the mission statement or by not explaining how the specific actions taken in part B will align to the actual mission statement.


The explanation demonstrates understanding of alignment to the organization’s mission statement by providing the mission statement and by logically explaining how the specific actions taken in part B align to the actual mission statement.



The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, but it does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style and format.


The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style and format.



Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic.


Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective.


Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.

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Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation

I need support with this Social Science question so I can learn better.

Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation

A key function of leadership is to facilitate change that acknowledges the present and embraces the future. Behn (as cited by Van Wart, 2013, p. 558) offers a reminder that environments within organizations are constantly changing, meaning the roles of their leaders must also adjust to ensure changes will be instituted as they become necessary.

After observing and interacting with the Riverbend City: Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation scenario, and using the unit readings and media, address the following:

o Analyze two leadership styles and corresponding communication skills that drive innovation.

o Describe the communication strategies you would use to introduce the proposed changes to your work team.

o Describe the organizational culture and its readiness for team creativity and innovation.

o Explain the causes of resistance to the changes and the corresponding tactics you would use to address each cause.

o Describe the manner in which the changes will be implemented, applying the 8-Step Process for Leading Change (see pages 262–263 in Leading With Communication).


o APA formatting

o Use a minimum of three scholarly sources outside of the course text. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

o 4–6 pages, double spaced.

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Assignment: Evaluating Significance of Findings

I’m studying for my Statistics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

For this Assignment, you will examine statistical significance and meaningfulness based on sample statements.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Week 5 Scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and select two of the four scenarios for this Assignment.
  • For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Evaluating P Values and the Skill Builder: Statistical Power, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.

For this Assignment:

Critically evaluate the two scenarios you selected based upon the following points:

  • Critically evaluate the sample size.
  • Critically evaluate the statements for meaningfulness.
  • Critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance.
  • Based on your evaluation, provide an explanation of the implications for social change.
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After reading What Works: Healing the Healthcare Staffing Shortage, what is your reaction on the projected shortages? How will this impact the triangle of health care?

Can you help me understand this Health & Medical question?

Guidelines for Submission: Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements: 2–4 pages.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Main Elements Includes all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element Includes most of the main elements and requirements and cites many examples to illustrate each element Includes some of the main elements and requirements Does not include any of the main elements and requirements 25 Inquiry and Analysis Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of multiple concepts Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of some concepts Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of minimal concepts Does not provide in-depth analysis 20 Integration and Application All of the course concepts are correctly applied Most of the course concepts are correctly applied Some of the course concepts are correctly applied Does not correctly apply any of the course concepts 10 Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence Draws logical conclusions, but does not defend with evidence Does not draw logical conclusions 20 Research Incorporates many scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research Incorporates some scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research Incorporates very few scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research 15 Writing (Mechanics/Citations) No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations 10 Total 100%

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ECN501 Managerial Economics – Complex Pricing

I need help with a Economics question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

A synthesis helps individuals to identify and understand the main points of each selected source and how they relate to each other. Please analyze and contrast the Introduction and Literature Review of these articles on Friedman. Please provide a synthesis discussing his economic impact. All Articles can be found in EBSCO.

Ashford, R. (2010). Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: A Binary Economic Critique. Journal of Economic Issues (Taylor & Francis Ltd), 44(2), 533–541.

Hetzel, R. L. (2007). The Contributions of Milton Friedman to Economics. Economic Quarterly (10697225), 93(1), 1–30. Retrieved from…

Mulligan, T. (1986). A Critique of Milton Friedman’s Essay “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” Journal of Business Ethics, 5(4), 265–269.

Popov, G. (1990). The Rebellion Against Keynesianism: Milton Friedman. Problems of Economics, 33(5), 99.

The paper should be a minimum of 2700 words in APA format.

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Complete MASTERS NURSING Discussion (WALDEN)

I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

To prepare:

  • Consider the various uses of scorecards and dashboards presented in this week’s Learning Resources and media presentation.
  • Reflect on how these measurement systems and measurement methods impact organizational goal setting in the areas of overall performance and financial stability.
  • Explore the key indicators involved with scorecards and dashboards as well as the external quality standards to which they are compared.
  • Ask yourself: What do the metrics used in the balanced scorecard and dashboard mean to my organization and nursing practice? Has my organization established goals for these metrics and are they currently being met?

By Day 3

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

  • Select any setting and describe the extent to which the patient’s experience of care is measured, tracked, and set for improvement goals.
  • Evaluate whether goals at your organization are established for these metrics and whether or not they are currently being met.
  • Describe some of the provocative issues that have or will emerge. For example, what has been the impact of CAHPS or HCAHPS in the setting described (if applicable).
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I don’t understand this Health & Medical question and need help to study.

Directions: Access the assigned readings for the week.

After you complete the readings, complete this assignment.

Interview someone you know (e.g., friends, relatives, schoolmates, or customers) who is currently using—or will soon be using—biosensor technology for a health conditions. Some examples are the sensors that monitor blood glucose, pulse oximetry, or electrocardiographic (ECG) activity. Create a set of questions ahead of time to elicit relevant answers and then present a report (in a short paper) of your findings. If you cannot find anyone, find at least 3 relevant peer-reviewed papers from the library and write a review.

Try to find out from the biosensor users about these aspects and summarize in your report or review:

The nature of their condition;

How long they have used their biosensor (or how long they expect to use it);

What their concerns were (or are) before using it; and

What they perceive as positive and/or negative effects of the use of the biosensor on the quality of their health and their daily lifestyle.

Requirements of the paper:

  1. APA format
  2. Cover sheet
  3. 2-3 pages (excluding the cover sheet and reference page) typed on the subject.

Reference Page: with a minimum of 3 cited references published in the last 5 years.

Click here to view your assignment rubric.

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