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Essay – Idea of autonomous cars
Can you help me understand this English question?
Objective: In a well-organized, thesis-driven essay of 4-5 pages, you will be exploring the idea of autonomous cars.
Imagine that autonomous vehicles are incorporated into our society, and they are capable of the things that they are designed for.
What issues will we face as a society because of their use? Do the rewards outweigh the risks? Use the articles posted to Canvas to help aid your argument.
1250-words minimum. The Works Cited page does not count towards the word count. (Times New Roman 12 point font)
You must incorporate three sources. (Two quotes per article minimum)
Please use the MLA format when you are citing your sources.
A Works Cited page is required. Plagiarism of any kind will result in immediate failure (see syllabus).
Do not use contractions.
Do not use I, me, or you. (or any variation of these first-person personal pronouns).
My paper is on Benjamin Bannker
I dont know how to handle this History question and need guidance.
The paper will be a 5-page essay covering a person, place or event covered during US History from its earliest beginnings to 1877. Inregards to the paper format, I prefer either APA or MLA. Your paper is 5-pages, which does not include your cover page and bibliography. Your Microsoft Power Point Project will be along the same lines as your paper (i.e. covering a person, place, or event), but MUST be a different topic than your paper. It will need to be at least 10 slides minimum (exclusive of your cover slide and bibliography.
Essay Writing
I) Introduction
A) Write a complete thesis B)The thesis can be written by restating the question in paragraph form
II)Body (These three parts are essential every time you answer the questions)
A) Name your answer or the topic you will discuss
B) Explain your answer. Define any new terms. Write as if you are explaining your answer to someone
who knows nothing about the subject.
C) Use a specific example from our class notes to prove that your answer and is correct and to clarify your explanation.
III) Conclusion
A) Briefly explain how your essay addressed your thesis.
B) Briefly discuss an original idea or opinion (a conclusion) that can be drawn from the information in your essay. (Here are two possible ways that you can do this)
1) Compare the points that you made in your essay (what is most or least important, etc.).
2) Compare the historical event in your essay to something that is happening today.
Assignment: 7
I need an explanation for this Nursing question to help me study.
Your assignment this week will be an APA paper to include
- Case Study
The hospice nurse sat with Ann’s husband, Ben. Ann was resting quietly as the increased dosage of IV pain medication gradually reached its therapeutic level. Ben turned his head and slowly turned, looking out the room’s only window. As he glanced up, a small flicker of light caught his breath. It was a shooting star. A tear fell from the corner of his eye and he turned to Ann. The nurse sensed that something significant to Ann and Ben was unfolding. Shuffling to Ann’s bedside, he took her small fragile hand in his. These hands had rocked cradles, burped babies, and groomed the horses she loved to ride. Gently holding her hand, he turned to the nurse. “She would ride like the wind was chasing her.” Looking back to Ann his voice broke; choking back tears “Ann, Ann I saw Jessie Jessie is calling.” Ben turned “Jessie was our daughter. She died having a baby that was too big. When she died it was a pitch-black night. Cold, so cold, the baby died too, a little boy, named him Abe, Jr. after Jessie’s husband. I took Ann outside so she could cry to God above and there in this dark sky we saw two falling stars together just falling. We knew it had to be Jessie and Abe two angels to light up the night.” Ben turned back as a deep sigh escaped from Ann’s lips. A soft smile remained as she joined Jessie and Abe.
- Based on this case study how would the nurse actualize Parse’s theory of Human Becoming?
- What are characteristics of a
nurse? What are strengths and weaknesses
human becoming
this theory of nursing?
- What challenges exist for healthcare institutions to switch to this nursing approach?
- How might Parse’s understanding of transcendence guide the nurse, as Ann’s death became a reality to Ben?
- From the nursing theories we have discussed, what additional theory would you apply to this case study? Develop a plan of care to include both nursing theories (be specific and provide reasons)
The APA formatted paper should include 2 outside references and your book. The essay should be between 1250 and 1500 words in length.
quality management plan
I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.
The course project requires you to create a quality management plan. To do this, you will:
- Identify various aspects of a quality management plan in a healthcare organization.
- Apply various processes and tools to enhance quality in a healthcare setting. Seek additional resources from
- Identify workflow processes in a healthcare setting.
- Identify quality parameters in a healthcare setting.
- Examine the effectiveness of a quality management plan in a given healthcare setting.
The project is modeled on the Shewhart Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). You will modify the Shewhart Cycle to make it applicable to your selected healthcare service or program.
Seek additional resources that will help you understand the process being studied as well as planning and quality improvement in general. You can visit the following link for more details on a quality process improvement plan:
Click Resources and then select Lean Six Sigma Tools. Review the steps in sequence; they provide direction to a quality process improvement plan. While you do not need to use the steps in sequence, they provide direction, as given below:
- Define: This step describes the importance of the problem within the organization.
- Measure: This step relates to the impact of the current condition and target goals for improvement.
- Analyze: This step relates to understanding work flow mapping and the value stream as well as understanding root cause analysis (RCA).
- Improve: This step identifies improvements to consider in the implementation of change.
- Control: This step is about sustainability of change.
- Complete a part of the Plan step of the cycle.
- Describe the environment, the organization, and the department or program within the organization that is the basis for your project. Describe the selected healthcare setting, specifically its service, staff, equipment, and patients. Identify and describe the scope and nature of the problem.
- Assess the environment using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Interview some stakeholders, such as managers, staff, or customers. Use the interview information to conduct the SWOT analysis. You may also summarize or quote any important or interesting information gathered during the interview.
- Select one of the weaknesses determined by the SWOT analysis to create a plan for improvement.
Human Resource Management-Level the Playing Field
Im studying for my Business class and need an explanation.
Level the Playing Field
The original intent of affirmative action was to level the playing field and ensure minority groups were treated fairly during the employment process.
Using the original goal of affirmative action as a framework, write a paper that analyzes the evolution of affirmative action over the last 40+ years.
You must draw conclusions based on research from outside resources and answer the following question in your paper, Has affirmative action been consistently and effectively used to create a more robust and productive workforce?
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
- Write between 750 1,250 words (approximately 3 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
- Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
- Include cover page and reference page.
- At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
- No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
- Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
- Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
Please provide original work. No plagarizing.
Literature Project
I dont understand this English question and need help to study.
This project consists of two parts, Part A and Part B, each worth 50 points for a total of 100 points. Note that grammar, spelling, and proper citation of sources are important for this project. It should be a total of 600 words for each.
For Part A. Consider this lesson to choose the work
This lesson will discuss a story called Whats in a Name? by Jialin Peng. Jialin was born in China in 1948. He grew up during a time of cultural instability and political upheaval. The Cultural Revolution in China had a strong impact on the life of Jialin, and those experiences are reflected in his writing. He tells his stories in a rather light hearted manner, but there is a deeper meaning behind his words. People who did not support the cause of revolution were social outcasts, and they were sometimes imprisoned and executed for holding the wrong political views. Many of these experiences are shared in Jialins book Wild Cat: Stories of the Cultural Revolution.
See attached file for more details
MOS 5425 Toxicology J3
I dont understand this Environmental Science question and need help to study.
In 2013, the FDA set limits for arsenic in apple juice. In 2016, the FDA proposed a limit for arsenic in infant rice cereal. Consider the toxicological effects of arsenic on the body. Do you think foods containing arsenic are a major concern? Reflect on if you would be concerned about consuming these foods or feeding them to a child. Do you think the FDA is sufficiently protecting the food supply in the United States from arsenic concerns? Why, or why not?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
Credit Assignment 4 Mini Case: Kelowna Microchips Inc.
Can you help me understand this Business question?
Below is Credit Assignment 4. Please answer the assignment questions as directed.
Mini Case: Kelowna Microchips Inc.
Page 693 in the text. Required: Complete the 5 questions
When submitting an assignment, be sure to prepare and submit the assignment electronically, preferably in Word or Excel format.
Fine Print:
Individual Submission
Submit by Drop box and clearly indicate name of student on the Cover page.
Presentation is important, make sure it flows and is easy to follow;
Show all calculations.
Minimum 500 word paper on someone you know to the fictitious, Engaged Citizenship Hall of Fame
I need help with a Sociology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Engaged Citizen Hall of Fame
Learning Objective: Applying American Values: You apply the values studied by nominating to the Values and Service Hall of Fame, an individual from your personal life who, in your opinion, exemplifies them.
Throughout history, there have been women and men who exhibited exemplary behavior. We often look to famous people as role models and build statues or post plaques in their honor. Life is, however, full of often unheralded lives that have demonstrated positive values and engaged citizenship. Whether its Miguel Keith, an 18-year-old Hispanic Marine from Omaha who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery in combat, or the Civil Rights leader and Nebraska Hall of Fame member, Standing Bear, or perhaps someone you know, there are many role models in society.
This weeks assignment is to nominate someone you know to the fictitious, Engaged Citizenship Hall of Fame.Compose an appropriate tribute arguing that this persons behavior exhibited one or more of the values examined in the course. Include a photograph or some other appropriate image to represent the person you are nominating. Avoid overly hyperbolic or emotive attributes.
Causes of Depression Unit5
I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.
Causes of Depression
Based on your preliminary exploration of the causes of depression using the Genes to Cognition Online (G2C) interactive Web site or an alternative resource of your choice, discuss the following:
- Summarize the expert’s perspective about the cause of depression.
- Analyze the significance of the expert’s perspective as it relates to the treatment of depression.
- What are the implications, both pro and con, of the information for treating depression?
APA Citations of the G2C Web Site
When citing and referencing work from the G2C Web site, use the following example.
In-text citation options:
- According to Lieberman (n.d.), three major subtypes of depression exist.
- Three major subtypes of depression exist (Lieberman, n.d.).
Lieberman, J. (n.d.). Depressionsubtypes [Video]. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Genes to cognition online. Retrieved from…
Response Guidelines
- After posting your main post, be sure to respond to at least two learners’ posts during the week. Please note that to earn full credit for your discussion, you must participate on two separate days and post a minimum of one reply on each of those two days. Comment on themes raised in the posts of other learners, and pose questions to move the discussion forward.
- What new information did you learn from reading your peers’ postings? How did the information relate to the information in the resource you summarized?
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