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Using yourself as an example, do you feel that one or more of the ideas or theories are particularly effective in motivating you, or is there a better way you can be motivated?
I dont know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.
Review the motivational ideas or theories addressed in the readings. Using yourself as an example, do you feel that one or more of the ideas or theories are particularly effective in motivating you, or is there a better way you can be motivated?
- Engage the reader in the topic with some form of creative hook (such as a story, quote, or example).
- Provide an example of a situation in which a leader used one of these theories to successfully motivate you.
- Next, provide an example of a situation where an attempted motivational tool did not work.
- What was it about the second example that did not work? Explain your answer.
Your essay submission must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. Your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA style.
Short assignment essay
I need support with this Business question so I can learn better.
How has the Third World debt crisis (and managing of this crisis by the First World)
altered the possibilities for meaningful development between the various regions of the
Developing World? How has the process of globalization altered the relationship between
Developed and Developing Nations (what remains constant and what, if anything, has
changed)? Make reference to specific nation-states and regions in addressing the
1500 words minimum 2 references
Research paper – Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
Help me study for my English class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Format your paper according to the guidelines that are given for your particular curricular division, that is, the curricular division in which the subject for your paper is located. You must choose one of the following documentation styles: APA.
Length: The research paper should be 9 to 10 pages in length. The page count does not include the Works Cited, Reference, or Bibliography page, or the title page or abstract if required by your documentation style. The page count refers only to the text of the paper itself. You will lose points on your final research project if you go over the 10 page limit by more than 250 words. Part of effective writing is being able to complete the assignment within the designated limits set.
Sources: Your final source page should contain at least 7 sources; you will lose points if you have fewer.
Word Paper
Im trying to learn for my Sociology class and Im stuck. Can you help?
1500 word paper should in APA format about mode of transportation and it advantages and disadvantages. The approach of the paper should be from a business logistics/supply chain using a managerial perspective. identify the topic/issue, provide a resolution/approach, examine the literature, give examples, and provide a conclusion. Please provide appropriate sources to back-up the work. Government websites, and GAO reports should be used when looking for sources.
This 1500 word paper should be in APA format. For example you should have a title page and reference page. Also include an Abstract page, Introduction, Literature Review, Conclusion and any other section appropriate to your paper such as Methodology and Results.
MEE 6501 AIR Quality J7
Im trying to study for my Environmental Science course and I need some help to understand this question.
Consider the looping plume form due to windy conditions, and recall that the Gaussian model presumes a normal curve distribution. What problems do you perceive that a Gaussian model might pose when attempting to exclusively use this model in variable wind areas? How do you think the shape of the looping plume could affect the statistical model assumptions inherent in the Gaussian model?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
Mod 2 DB LED560
I dont understand this Management question and need help to study.
Week 1:
Do some research in the library/ internet, and choose a Fortune 500 company that is of interest to you. Then, identify 3-4 key external environmental forces that you believe are most influential to your organization’s success. Why are the 3-4 forces youve identified most salient? Be specific.
Week 2:
How should your company respond to the environmental threats and opportunities you have identified? Be specific!
2 essays please follow all requirements
Im studying for my Law class and need an explanation.
Your original response to each essay question is to be between 500-700 words in length excluding direct quotes. You are to provide at least three (3) scholarly reference to support each response. The reference is to be in proper APA format.
Corresponding citations should be included in your response to document/support the facts you provide.
Essay 1:
Briefly, discuss the findings in a study conducted by Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016) pertaining to the relationship between self-control and police misconduct. In doing so, discuss Gottfredson and Hirschis (1990) general theory of crime as it is relative to self-control theory and police misconduct.
Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.
Essay 2:
Briefly, discuss the effectiveness of consent degrees and Section 14141 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. In doing so, describe the legal provision which allowed the Department of Justice DOJ to intervene in instances where allegations are made that constitutional policing is not followed as a matter of patterns and practices.
Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.
Alpert, G. P., McLean, K., & Wolfe, S. (2017). Consent decrees: An approach to police accountability and reform. Police Quarterly, 20(3), 239-249.
Policy Agendas
Can you help me understand this Social Science question?
Post your responses to the following questions presented for Small Group Discussion:
- Many social issues do not receive the necessary attention from decision makers. Why might these issues be cast aside?
- Some issues lack sufficient support to ensure that they are added to decision-makers’ agendas. Why might this be?
- Some issues receive significant attention from decision makers. Why might these issues easily find their way onto decision makers’ agendas?
Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.
Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.
- Chapter 6, “Committing to an Issue: Building Agendas” (pp. 176-203)…
Marketing Reflection Paper
Help me study for my Business class. Im stuck and dont understand.
For this activity, prepare a reflection paper, and consider the concepts that you have learned during your readings. Think about what you understand completely and what did not quite make sense. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the material you have read and to expand on it. This is not a summary.
In the Unit I introduction to this course, Theodore Levitts remarks about the contrasting needs of the seller and the marketer were shared. Levitt described how satisfying the needs of the customer is now the pathway to marketing success. This concept and others related to the four Ps of product, price, promotion, and place were further explored throughout the units. For this reflection paper, respond to these three prompts:
- Reflect on how this introductory marketing course has changed your view of how the field of marketing works.
- What was the most surprising thing you learned? What do you need to learn more about?
- Do you see the rise of consumer power through evolving changes in technology? If so, how? If not, why not?
Your reflection paper must be at least four pages in length and formatted according to APA guidelines. If you use any paraphrased or quoted material, you must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.
complete the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It will be ran thru a plagiarism checker, thanks.
I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.
Evidence-Based Analytics and Change
Case Study: Closing a Plant
Aaron De Smet et al. (2012, pp. 45) describe the following example of a change manager faced with a particularly difficult challenge. What is your assessment of his approach? Could you use this open and authentic style in your own organization? Or would you consider this to be difficult and risky?
Pierre, as well call him, was managing a plant in France during the darkest days of the global financial crisis. His plant was soon to close as demand from several of its core customers went into a massive and seemingly irreversible tailspin. The company was in a tricky spot: it needed the know-how of its French workers to help transfer operations to a new production location in another country, and despite its customers problems it still had 20 million worth of orders to fulfill before the plant closed. Meanwhile, tensions were running high in France: other companies plant closures had sparked protests that in some cases led to violent reactions from employees. Given the charged situation, most companies were not telling workers about plant closures until the last minute.
Pierre was understandably nervous as he went through leadership training, where he focused intently on topics such as finding the courage to use honesty when having difficult conversations, as well as the value of empathic engagement. After a lengthy debate among company executives, Pierre decided to approach the situation with those values in mind. He announced the plant closing nine months before it would take place and was open with employees about his own fears. Pierres authenticity struck a chord by giving voice to everyones thoughts and feelings. Moreover, throughout the process of closing the plant, Pierre recounts, he spent giving voice to everyones thoughts and feelings. Moreover, throughout the process of closing the plant, Pierre recounts, he spent some 60 percent of his time on personal issues, most notably working with his subordinates to assist the displaced workers in finding new jobs and providing them with individual support and mentoring (something other companies werent doing). He spent only about 40 percent on business issues related to the closure.
This honest engagement worked: over the next nine months, the plant stayed open and fulfilled its orders, even as its workers ensured that their replacements in the new plant had the information they needed to carry on. It was the only plant in the industry to avoid violence and lockouts.
Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:
- Describe the use of evidence-based (data-based) analytics in Mr. De Smets approach to decision making regarding the future of the plant.
- Distinguish between managing change as versus leading sustainable change as illustrated in this case study.
- Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.APA Requirements for assignments in this class:
Title page with name, course number, faculty name and date· Page numbers in the header on the right-hand side starting on the first page. Running head is not required.· Double spacing in 12-point font· An introduction that will say what the paper is about.· A conclusion that “wraps” up the points in your paper.· Paper should be written in first person (I, we) and should not use the 2nd person “you” · At least two references. The reference is not valid unless there is at least one citation to go with it.· Each paragraph is indented 5 spaces.· Direct quotations should be used sparingly when writing a paper. If a direct quotation is used, it should have “quotation marks” at the beginning and end and a citation with the author, year, and page/paragraph #. Every citation must have a reference listed to go with it.· Paraphrasing means taking someone else’s ideas and putting them in your own words. The originator of the ideas must be giving credit. To cite ideas that are paraphrased, use the author and the year of publication. Every citation must have a reference listed to go with it.
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