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Financial management challenge
Im trying to study for my Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.
Financial Management Challenges
The following video discusses the four types of markets: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.
Given the market structures as described in the video, identify at least two articles from the ProQuest database that highlight and discuss two of the biggest challenges facing financial managers today in these varied market structures. In a three- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages), summarize your findings from the articles. Include how market liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency impact financial managers. The paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to properly cite your two required articles resources using APA style.
Financial Management Challenges
The following video discusses the four types of markets: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.
Given the market structures as described in the video,
Discussion 1: Headaches
I need an explanation for this Health & Medical question to help me study.
Discussion 1: Headaches
Think back to the last commercial or advertisement you saw for a headache reliever. Who was suffering from the headache? Most likely, that person was neither a child nor an adolescent. Often the media portrays adults with headaches, such as a mother struggling through her daily activities or a businessman working in the office late at night. Yet, headaches afflict children and adolescents at a high rate. Children and adolescents may experience many types of headaches, such as tension, migraine, mixed (tension and migraine), cluster, and sinus headaches. Some possible causes of these types of headaches include illness, lack of sleep, and watching television for long periods of time. Although children and adolescents experience headaches, adolescents tend to experience greater impacts. For many illnesses that affect adolescents, a non-medical treatment may be preferred. Psychologists and clinicians continue to search for non-medical treatments for adolescents that experience headaches.
For this Discussion, select a type of headache common to adolescents. Think about how that type of headache might impact various areas of an adolescents life and consider non-medical treatments that may be effective.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 3 a brief description of the type of headache you selected. Then explain possible impacts of this type of headache on adolescents educational experience, social functioning, and families. Finally, describe one type of non-medical treatment that might be recommended for adolescents experiencing the type of headache you selected and explain why that treatment might be effective. Support your responses with the Learning Resources and current literature.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
250- 300 words discussion. after watching 3 minutes video and reading an article attached.
Can you help me understand this History question?
Step 1: Watch
Step 2: Read The Introduction and Chapter One from the
book Lies My Teacher Told Me
Step 3: Complete the Discussion Board
Discussion Prompt:
Well…here we are…Many of you have written that you feel lied to and betrayed by past teachers, textbooks and schools…led down a path of misdirection, smoke-and-mirrors, and “genuine faux” history. =)
No longer can we use the words “imagine” or “feel” in our textbooks. All of you, according to textbook companies (Betrayal of History), aren’t smart enough to decipher words like “sharpen” in textbooks, and thus shorten words such as these by a couple of letters to make them miraculously understandable. History texts must now pass a battery of tests given by special interest groups before being put into the hands of our children, rather than allowing professional historians write and edit them. You’ve learned not only some horrifying things about one of America’s great “founders”–Christopher Columbus, but also that he was not even the “first” to come to America, but the LAST in a long line of explorers and adventurers.
Many of you have stopped to ponder: “Is this just the tip of the iceberg? If the story of Columbus and the Native Americans could be so distorted, what other stories have been twisted and contorted into something palatable for the masses?”
And you’re right…this is just the beginning…. For example, just out of curiosity, how many of you know that our CIA, beginning in the 1950s, have participated in (and sometimes orchestrated) the assassinations and over- throws of foreign leaders? Ever heard of Patrice Lumumba? I would bet you probably haven’t….
So……Loewen asks the question: “What has gone wrong?” Indeed, something appears to have gone terribly wrong. What do you think has happened? And, what effect have the issues of ethnocentrism, eurocentrism, racism, nationalism, and “heroification” had on the stories we tell ourselves about the beginnings of this place we call home?
What are your thoughts about all of this? What other issues came up for you in your readings?
You have gathered client and user requirements for the new spa website.
Im stuck on a Website Design question and need an explanation.
You have gathered client and user requirements for the new spa website. You have also developed several design deliverables that you will now resubmit after incorporating your instructors feedback. You will now create a high-fidelity prototype using Adobe XD. The prototype must incorporate user-centered design best practices and principles. It should also be visually appealing and easy to use and should conform to the client and user requirements. In addition, you will write a report justifying your choices and providing a plan for usability testing.
Review Annotated Bibliographies
Im studying and need help with a Literature question to help me learn.
2 references and APA
Review Annotated Bibliographies
Annotations in an annotated bibliography help you identify the resources you have consulted, describe those resources, and evaluate them. An annotation is more than just a summary or abstract as it should give sufficient critical information for you to determine its usefulness and effectiveness in your research. It should, therefore, be both descriptive and analytical.
For this Discussion, you will share with your colleagues a draft of an annotated bibliography based only on one article you chose for this weeks Assignment. The article must be one you selected in the Week 4 Discussion that is relevant to the research gap you identified. You will review one anothers annotations to offer suggestions for improvement.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Read the Assignment of this week first.
- Identify one article that you selected in the Week 4 Discussion and that you are also including in this weeks Annotated Bibliography.
- Review Chapter 4, General Guidelines for Analyzing Literature (pp. 3142), in the Galvan text.
- Review Chapter 9, Dissertation Chapter 2: Literature Review (pp. 8991), in the Stadtlander text.
- Download the Components of an Annotated Entry: Annotated Bibliography Sample Document.
- Review the following web resources:
- How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography: The Annotated Bibliography
- Annotated Bibliography Samples
- Review thefollowing webinars:
- Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography Basics
- Annotated Bibliographies
Post by Day 3 an annotated bibliography from this weeks Assignment. The article must be one you selected in the Week 4 Discussion that is relevant to the gap you identified.
These the references I used on week 4
Andersen, L. B., Bjørnholt, B., Bro, L. L., & Holm-Petersen, C. (2018). Leadership and motivation: A qualitative study of transformational leadership and public service motivation. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 84(4), 675-691.
Deschamps, C., Rinfret, N., Lagacé, M. C., & Privé, C. (2016). Transformational leadership and change: How leaders influence their followers motivation through organizational justice. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(3), 194-213.
Arasli, H., & Alphun, C. (2019, July). The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation in the Relationship between Transcendental Leadership and Work Engagement: Evidence from Hotel Industry. In 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference Proceedings (P. 389).
Stadtlander, L. M. (2015). Finding your way to a PhD: Advice from the dissertation mentor. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Your Leadership Growth
Im working on a Social Science question and need guidance to help me study.
As shared in the introduction, a key component of a leader’s developmental process is being able to reflect on leadership behavior, outcomes, and the inherent influence on followers.
Describe how your views of leadership have changed since starting this course.
identify two resources that will be most complementary to your leadership growth at this juncture.
Discuss the two resources you identified.
APA format and two resources
Starting the Scenario Planning Process
I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Starting the Scenario Planning Process
In this weeks Learning Resources, you were introduced to the four interdependent stages of the scenario process called QUEST (questions, environments, scenarios, and transformations). In stage one, you develop framing questions in order to identify the purpose of your scenario planning process. The SWOT analysis you completed in Week 3 can be used as a way of identifying a purpose and agenda to your scenario planning process and helping to identify areas in the environment that will need greater focus over the next 510 years.
For this Assignment, review the Learning Resources for this week.
Create interview questions for a leader or subject matter expert in the nonprofit or government organization you have selected for your Final Project, and provide the following: The Organization is Red Cross of America.
- Provide the position of the leader or subject matter expert you interviewed and explain why you chose this person.
- Describe other key players you would interview in your organization and/or community as part of a scenario planning process, and explain why.
- Provide a list of 58 questions that you asked this individual and the answers you obtained during the interview.
- Describe the driving forces you observed in the leader or subject matter expert you interviewed.
Sample questions can be taken from this weeks Learning Resources and may look something like those below:
- When you look 10 years ahead, what do you consider most uncertain about where we are heading with local government?
- What would you consider a good outcome or a favorable scenario from these uncertainties?
- What would you consider a bad outcome or nightmare scenario?
- What are the major lessons learned in local government in the past 5 years that should carry us into the future?
- What are the big decisions that need to be taken in the immediate future that will steer us away from the nightmare scenario?
- What are the main constraints standing in the way of the favorable scenario?
The Assignment should follow APA 6th edition guidelines:
- Title page
- Running head
- Introduction and Conclusion
- Level 1 headings to define sections
- 35 pages in length, double spaced, 12 pt Times Roman font
- 35 references cited in the text and a reference list
Developing a change project
I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Developing a Change Project
Expanding on your identified change project and the elements completed in the first three parts, devise an implementation plan that addresses the following points:
- The change you wish to initiate
- The rationale for the change, using supporting data
- The outcomes desired from the change
- The audience you need to convince
- The benefits to the institution
- Allocation of resources and potential budget requirements
- The group to lead the initiative why these members
- The proposed timeline
- Measures of success
*Note: you will not implement the change project for this competency.
All submissions must have a minimum of two scholarly references to support your work.
Examples of work to show mastery:
- 9-10 page paper – APA format
- 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation – APA format
Complete Decision Making Tasks (SLP TRIDENT)
I dont understand this Business question and need help to study.
For the Session Long Project for this class, you will be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own experiences in the workplace. More specifically, you will be examining the decisions and decision-making processes of the leadership of the organization you currently work for or one that you have worked for in the past.
For this first SLP assignment, think about some major and minor decisions made by your managers that you were involved with or impacted by. Review the background material concepts, and think carefully about how you have personally observed some of these concepts. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:
- Give some specific examples of strategic and operational decisions that you have observed in your workplace. Give at least one example of each type of decision, and explain why you think this decision falls into this category with references to the background materials.
- Give some specific examples of both programmed and non-programmed decisions that you have observed. Give at least one example of each type of decision, and explain why you think this decision falls into this category with references to the background materials.
- Discuss the specific decision-making style of a supervisor you have worked closely with, and discuss whether this supervisors style is rational or intuitive. Give specific examples to explain your reasoning as to why you think this supervisor is rational or intuitive.
Need help with my lab
Im trying to learn for my Chemistry class and Im stuck. Can you help?
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