Client uploads
Cloud Management
Im working on a Business exercise and need support.
Step 1: Review the Procurement Process
Procurement refers to the process of selecting vendors, establishing payment terms, strategic vetting, selection, the negotiation of contracts and actual purchasing of goods, services, and other work vital to an organization.
A request for proposals or RFP is part of the procurement cycle. It provides an overview and background of the company, the relevant financial information, the define the requirements section, including availability requirements and business requirements, and the administrative information about the bidding process. The RFP specifies the type of contract that you wish cloud vendors to respond with (firm-fixed-price, cost-plus, or cost-plus-award-fee).
A subset of the RFP, the statement of work (SOW), lays the groundwork for the project. It includes and defines all aspects of the project, such as activities, deliverables, and the timetable, and any relevant information on the existing technical environment.
Procurement 101
- Procurement Process
- Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Components of an RFP
- Sample IT RFP
- How to Write an RFP
- Cost Estimation
- Components of an RFP Response
Before moving to Step 2, take some time to become acquainted with the basics of the procurement process and discuss the elements of procurement with your colleagues in Discussion: Procurement Process Review.
Step 2: Review BallotOnline’s RFP for Web Services
For this stage of the procurement process, you will assume the role of the bid and proposal manager at a vendor providing cloud migration services for the AWS platform. Your final deliverable will be a proposal in response to the web application services RFP posted by BallotOnline.
Boilerplate language contains key legal provisions that can affect the enforceability of an RFP. It is important to have a basic understanding of boilerplate language and how it is used in an RFP.
You may want to review sample boilerplate language used in RFPs and RFP responses before moving on to the next step.
Take Note
Before beginning your proposal, fully examine the web services RFP posted by BallotOnline so you understand the project requirements, including security, financial, regulatory, and technical issues that will need to be considered in your proposal response.
Step 3: Identify the Key Components of the RFP Response
You have shared BallotOnline’s requirements with your colleagues, and your organization has decided to move forward with writing a proposal.
It is now time to identify the key components of an RFP response. Those components will include technical aspects as well as costs and personnel considerations. The financial proposal should outline all costs associated with implementing the technical proposal.
You should also keep the AWS features and offerings and cloud service provider (CSP) pricing issues in mind.
In the next step, you will start working on your draft RFP response.
Step 4: Mapping the RFP Requirements
It is important that your proposal addresses the specific details outlined in the RFP. You should create a two-column table breaking down your proposal to map to each component of the RFP.
Review the RFP from BallotOnline and prepare an RFP mapping document. Submit this document for review.
tep 5: Begin Drafting Your Individual RFP Response
Although you will not submit your response to the dropbox at this time, you should take time to organize your thoughts and begin writing the final proposal now, as you will discuss your proposed response with peers in the next step.
Use the RFP Response Template to write your draft RFP response.
Your RFP Response Proposal should include enough details to assure the reviewer that your proposal can address all aspects of the requirements. The most common reasons that a proposal is rejected include not addressing a specific requirement or not providing enough details on how the vendor can meet a requirement or plan to meet a requirement.
It is acceptable for the RFP response proposal to have a statement, “Proposed solution meets this requirement” when addressing specific requirements that are outside the scope of this course.
Step 6: Discuss Your Proposed RFP Response With Colleagues
With your draft now ready, the next step is to discuss your RFP response with your colleagues. Proposal writing is a process, and several iterations may be necessary to meet the client’s needs. Take a moment to discuss your proposed RFP response with your colleagues in the Discussion: Proposed RFP Response forum. However, do not share your actual RFP response in the discussion.
After the discussion, it’s time for the final step, in which you will put together your individual final RFP response.
Step 7: Submit the Final RFP Response
At this point, you should have a much better understanding of how vendors will respond to a cloud RFP and the type of information that you can expect to see in their proposals. As a professional in the cloud computing field, you will need to review and understand both technical and cost proposals, and make the best decision for your organization.
It is now time to put everything together in the final RFP response to submit to BallotOnline for review.
Complete your RFP response and submit it via the dropbox below.
Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work.
- 1.7: Create neat and professional looking documents appropriate for the project or presentation.
- 5.1: Evaluate the Business IT needs of an organization.
- 5.2: Propose strategies the organization can employ using cloud solutions to enhance organizational effectiveness.
- 6.1: Articulate the systems architecture of the cloud – cloud infrastructure, cloud service, cloud platform, and cloud storage.
- 6.8: Review, evaluate, and utilize emerging technologies related to cloud to support business needs.
- 7.2: Examine industry best-practices and standards.
- 9.4: Acquire cloud service / Manage cloud procurement project.
- 9.5: Design virtualized network infrastructure to meet business needs.
- 9.6: Design cloud storage infrastructure to meet business needs.
Data systems
I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.
You are a sales manager for a car dealership who wants to effectively target potential customers. Write a paper that details how you would create a data system to reach potential customers and addresses the following questions:
- What kind of data would you find helpful in populating your system?
- What sources would you find helpful in the selection process? What ethical considerations must be part of this process?
- What BI tools would you utilize to manipulate that data in order to establish trends and patterns that can help you target potential buyers? (Hint: If you suggest spreadsheet as a tool, you should provide snapshots of your activities, like tables, formulas, or other tools.)
Your paper should be two pages in length (excluding cover and reference pages), written according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.), and supported by a minimum of three academic sources. The Best Bet Databases for Information System Management (Links to an external site.) resource from the CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.
Complete Short Marketing Tasks (ASHWORTH)
I need help with a Marketing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
C16 Principles of Marketing
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double?spaced pages; refer to the Format Requirements? page located at the beginning of this learning guide for specific format requirements.
- Describe the core marketing functions within an organization.
- Discuss the goals and expected outcomes of this organizational function.
- Explain how companies create customer-centered businesses.
- Describe how customer-centered businesses impact the consumer decision-making process.
- Describe what tools are used to make effective marketing decisions.
PSY 645 Reflections on Treatment Options
I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.
Prior to beginning work on this journal, please read Chapter 13 in History and Philosophy of Psychology. This journal invites you to engage in creative thinking regarding the future potential for non-evidence-based treatments. Research one of the non-evidence-based treatments from the Chung (2012) e-book, summarize views of this treatment within its historical context, and relate these views to at least one modern theoretical perspective on psychopathology. Devise a strategy for transforming the non-evidence-based treatment into an evidence-based treatment by integrating a specific psychological theory with new or existing research.
There are no explicitly wrong or right answers for this journal entry. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provide a substantive and thoughtful supported by existing literature.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Wk 4 Team Assignment: Financial Planning
I need an explanation for this Health & Medical question to help me study.
Assignment Content
Trump Is No Closer to Solving Americas Iran Problem
Im working on a English exercise and need support.
This is a 3-4 page essay that needs to be written about the topic in this article. This needs to be in MLA format and have at least one in text citation in each of the body paragraphs. Also a work cited list and further directions will be in the rubric. This is the link for the article and no other sources can be used but this article. Thank you!
two expanded views with imageView inside (Java)
Need help with my App Development question – Im studying for my class.
//No Kotlin, Java only
Create two expanded cardViews under each other using relative layout, if you expand one card, the other one should collapse. make it possible to show one card, both, or hide both. add observable fields to monitor the state of the card: opened, visible etc.. the whole card should be clickable to expand not only when you press the arrow.
//All views should be native Android, not extra libraries
//default transition animation
example attached below
500 word discussion the role of law enforcement and corrections in the future. What does the role of state and local police or corrections look like in five year? What about in ten years?
Need help with my Political Science question – Im studying for my class.
Assess the role of law enforcement and corrections in the future. What does the role of state and local police or corrections look like in five year? What about in ten years? Support your statements with scholarly sources.
Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 500 words.
Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post, as well as an adjoining reference list. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria
The terms deep web and dark web are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Deep web simply refers to anything on the web that cant be found using a search engine like Google or Bing, or even DuckduckGo.
I need support with this Computer Science question so I can learn better.
Research Paper:
The terms deep web and dark web are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Deep web simply refers to anything on the web that cant be found using a search engine like Google or Bing, or even DuckduckGo.
This means anything behind a paywall, anything that is password protected, or anything that is dynamically generated and doesnt have a permanent URL all of these things are said to comprise the deep web because they dont exist at the surface of the web.
Conduct your own research on the DEEP WEB and the DARK WEB. Explain the differences and why they exist. Include the types of information that may be found on each.
choosing the right leader. All information that is needed is below.
Help me study for my Business class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Assignment: Choosing the Right Leader
In creating a positive organizational culture, good leaders need to understand how individual personalities fit into the workplace. When the right person is paired to the right job, productivity goes up! Read the scenario and the document provided and then address the checklist items.
The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:
MT302-2: Apply personality theory within a business environment.
Scenario (fictional): The Pilston family has been in the cookware or camping business (your choice) for over 60 years. They have always had a family member as president of the (your company name of choice). As the current president steps down, the founders remaining family members are not inclined or are unable to take over the business and have called you in as their consultant to perform the executive search. They know this will be a challenge based on several changes that may need to take place in the very near future in order to successfully continue their business.
The industry is beginning to change. The competition is beginning to change over to using Blockchain ledger technology that shares data within a network in sequential order with a timestamp like a database, but encrypted. They also have been increasingly automating their production line. Now with the increasing competition, they realize that without changing to these technologies, the business may not survive. This will mean laying off some personnel, and this will be the first time in its history that this company has had to contend with major layoffs; in the past layoffs were not necessary since growth outpaced the need to lay off workers. With no family member currently to lead the company, the company must do an intensive search for an individual suited not only to their industry with the right expertise and education, but the right personality to lead the company into a new era.
This company has a culture that has remained the same from its inception with a reputation for reliability within the industry. Most employees pass their jobs on to someone else residing in the local community by referring them for the job; so all employees really feel like one extended family. They expect little change now. Although their market has been predominantly in the United States (U.S.), with little or no diversity in the workforce, they are increasingly getting inquiries from Asian countries since competitors prices have increased substantially. Currently there are 300 employees in this small Western U.S. city though the salaries and benefits have always been on par with the industry salaries elsewhere in the country. Their belief in the customer first, taking the time to get things done in a precise manner, and honesty have been hallmarks of this family business.
In light of the possible future demands and needs of this company, and as this companys hired consultant to do the executive search, address the checklist items.
- Identify the industry and name of the company (your choice) based on your choice of either a cookware or camping equipment company, and identify the products the company provides.
- Summarize the problem, and the companys culture as presented in the scenario. Describe any changes that might be necessary and that will pertain to the type of personality the new president will need to have.
- Explain the traits and personality factors that should be considered when selecting the next president using the Reading from Chapter 5. Include the Big Five personality traits, Hollands typology, and at least one other personality theory in your response (you may use the Internet but provide the source URL).
- Explain how the personality you described previously of the new president would benefit the employees and the success of the company going forward.
? Submit your 810 slide PowerPoint® presentation with no more than five bulleted items per slide, in 24-point font, with either audio (or speaker notes below each slide) with additional title and reference slides to the Dropbox. The title of your presentation will be: Finding a New Leader for (your choice) Company.
Access the rubric
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