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GEO101 (MOD3 Discussion Post 250 words APA cited reference
I dont understand this Geology question and need help to study.
Please respond to the below post in at least 250 words and APA cited reference
- Chapter 5 Weathering, Erosion, and Sedimentary Rocks (Sections 5.1 & 5.2 only) in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Chapter 10 Mass Wasting in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Chapter 13 Deserts in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Chapter 14 Glaciers in An introduction to geology. Salt Lake Community College. Open Educational Resource
- Iverson, R. M., George, D. L., Allstadt, K., Reid, M. E., Collins, B. D., Vallance, J. W., …, & Baum, R. L. (2015). Landslide mobility and hazards: Implications of the 2014 Oso disaster. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412, 197-208.
- National Park Service. (2019, September 11). Mass wasting. Retrieved from
- Omosanya, K. O., Harishidayat, D., Marheni L., Johansen, S. E., Felix, M., & Abrahamson, P. (2017). Recurrent mass-wasting in the Sorvestsnaget Basin Southwestern Barents Sea: A test of multiple hypotheses. Marine Geology, 376(2016), 175-193. doi:gor/10.1016/j.margeo.2016.03.003
Using your text and the library or internet resources, research one of the many varieties of mass wasting. Explain how it works, what type of material is involved, and that type of movement. In which regions might we find this type of mass wasting? Provide a real-life example of an event of this type. Once again, make sure that you come up with an example that hasn’t been discussed already.
Business Report on Lean Systems thinking for an organization
Im working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.
Need help with my assignment, the requirements are listed below.
For this Assignment, you will write a business report, including an executive summary, on lean systems thinking and how to incorporate it into an organizational strategy that includes sustainability and positive social change.
You work as an Operations consultant at XYZ Corporation, and your VP, Yuki Tanaka, has asked that your team write a report for a client company. The company offers both products and services, and company leaders need some information about lean systems thinking as they consider options for their organization. Your manager asks you to deliver the report and demonstrate to the company leaders how they might benefit from utilizing lean thinking in their organizational strategy. The report should first include an executive summary and then consist of two partsone that describes what lean thinking is and offers some general examples of its use, and a second part that demonstrates how to incorporate lean systems into an organizational culture and strategy.
Submit your report, which includes the following information.
- Executive Summary (1 page)
- Part 1: What is Lean Thinking? (58 paragraphs)
- Describe what lean thinking is and what its key elements are. Provide some examples of how different organizations use it, as well as an explanation of what challenges organizations may encounter when implementing lean thinking. (150300 words, or 24 paragraphs)
- Explain how lean thinking is applied to product systems. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
- Explain how lean thinking is applied to service systems. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
- Describe what a lean layout is, including a relevant example of its use in an organization, and explain how a lean layout can help an organization achieve its business outcomes. (12 paragraphs)
- Part 2: How to Incorporate Lean Systems (59 paragraphs)
- Explain how organizations can create and sustain a lean culture. What, if any, differences exist in creating and sustaining lean cultures in product versus service organizations? What about in domestic versus global environments? (75150 words, or 12 paragraphs)
- In what ways can lean methods create sustainable supply chains? Explain your answer. (75150 words, or 12 paragraphs)
- Explain how sustainable supply chains can promote positive social change. (75150 words, or 12 paragraphs)
- What is performance measurement and continuous improvement? How should organizations incorporate both of these concepts into their lean systems strategy? Explain your answers. (150225 words, or 23 paragraphs)
Note: Your report should adhere to the template provided. Be sure to incorporate properly formatted references to a minimum of five scholarly sources to support your work. Use the Week 4 Assignment Template, provided in this weeks Learning Resources, to complete this Assignment.
Sexually Transmitted Infections Research Paper & Powerpoint
I dont know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.
Research Paper:
Write a 5 APA page paper based on the topic you have picked for your Human Sexuality power point presentation. Your target audience for the presentation is a group of people that need more information about certain a human sexuality topic. In this paper explain why you choose this topic and why it is important to this group. Include citations from journal articles, our book, or other scholastic sources. Be sure to view course rubric for details
Identify a significant sexual health issue from an ecological/environmental perspective: Significance is based on criteria used to describe and understand health issues: Occurrence, distribution, frequency, morbidity, mortality.
Be sure to include:
- Thesis: your original thoughts regarding this sexual health issue
- Introduction to the problem and its significance
- Description of the sexual health issue (occurrence, distribution, etc.) and how specific environments affect that issue
- Any future recommendations
- Conclusion: recapitulation of the thesis
- Reference page
These presentations are to contain up to 10 PowerPoint slides. They can be as creative as you want them to be as long as they relate to the topic. Develop a 7-10 slide PPT lecture titled Human Sexuality.
Be sure to include video clips, graphics, a quiz, anything to make the lecture interesting. Be sure to view course
shell for details and rubric.
** Complete Research and powerpoint with the same topic: Sexually Transmitted Infections **
Discussion about Cash Flows
Im studying for my Business class and need an explanation.
Identifying and estimating pertinent project cash flows is conceivably the most challenging phase of economic analysis. Cash flows may be ordered into one of three groups: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words each:
- Explain four problematic situations that will make determining incremental cash flows difficult. (provide an example)
- Explain two incremental cash flows that will occur at the investment outlay. (provide an example)
please make sure you use your own words for answering the discussion questions.
NOTE: Instructor will find out if you use someone else’s words even if you re-word them.
List all references used if you use a source to answer the questions.
ED593 Equal Opportunity and Dignity
Im working on a Management exercise and need support.
Post a reply with just your name to a group discussion thread (Group A, Group B, etc.) to join a group. Pay attention to the number of students in each group to ensure equal distribution among groups. The threads you select will be the only ones you will participate in.For your discussion post:
- Make sure you use people first language (The Arc, n.d.).
- Briefly describe two scenarios, either from personal experience or from recent news stories that resonate with you (please provide a link to the story if it came from an online source)one scenario should relate to issues of equal opportunity and the other should relate to issues of ethic dignity.
- In addition to your brief description, explain your understanding of
- the issue(s) at stake
- the voices expressing various perspectives
- How were the issues dealt with? Briefly explain the course of action, then, based on course reading and/or other research, analyze the actions and outcome from a consequentialist ethics and distributive justice standpoint.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
The Arc. (n.d.). What is people first language? Retrieved from…
What does it mean to be an American? While each of us may have our own specific answer to that question, we likely can agree on the basic principles of America: freedom, equal opportunity, and rights accompanied by responsibilities.
Ben Nelson
Equal Opportunity and Democratic Community
The Declaration of Independence famously says, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. All people are created equal, yet all people are not the same. Some are better at math, some at writing. Some struggle to learn from lectures, while others struggle in group projects. Some students have disabilities or special needs, and some students are categorized as gifted. All of these differences suggest that different people need different resources and support to pursue happiness.This week introduces the challenge of balancing equality with helping every individual student rise to full potential. On the one hand, educators do not deny opportunity to students on the basis of race or certain other factors. On the other hand, honors courses are reserved for those deemed to have the capacity and motivation to succeed in them. Furthermore, schools dedicate extra resources to serving students with special needs to ensure they receive an appropriate education and are not denied equal opportunity. The core question at hand is knowing how to determine characteristics relevant for differentiated treatment and knowing when all should be treated equally.Practically, you will consider how schools are bound by the principles of opportunity and community, and how they promote these values through school-based interventions. While interventions are commonly understood to apply to special education, you should also consider how interventions may be used in general education.Along with this weeks required studies you will find some extra recommended resources. While these articles are not required, you are encouraged to take some time to read them since they are particularly applicable to your discussion posts and assignments.
Weekly Objectives
Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:
- Review and discuss the levels of acting ethically: as individuals, within organizations and governments, and throughout the society. (9f, 9i, 9m, 10q)
- Equal Opportunity and Equal Dignity
- Study and analyze the latest research and professional literature related to law and ethics in educational practice. (9f, 9m, 9o)
- Ethics and Law in Special Education
- Analyze current legal standards and their association with contemporary ethical practice. (9f, 9m, 9o)
- Equal Opportunity and Equal Dignity
- Develop an understanding of ethical-legal issues in school-based interventions, including the general education classroom. (9j, 9o, 10q)
- Equal Opportunity and Equal Dignity
- School-Based Interventions
- Review and discuss the levels of acting ethically: as individuals, within organizations and governments, and throughout the society. (9f, 9i, 9m, 10q)
Textbook Reading
The Ethics of Teaching (Strike & Soltis, 2009/2015)
- Chapter 4: Equal Opportunity and Democratic Community
Teachers and the Law (Schimmel, Stellman, Conlon, & Fischer, 2015)
- Chapter 7: How Should I Deal with Child Abuse and Neglect?
- Chapter 11: When Can Schools Limit Religious Freedom?
- Chapter 15: Are Teachers and Students Protected Against Racial Discrimination?
- Chapter 16: Are Teachers and Students Protected against Sex Discrimination?
- Chapter 17: Are there Special Rights for Students with Disabilities and Non-English Speaking Students? (Review from Week 1)
- What is People First Language? (The Arc, n.d.) [Web page]
- All Together Now: Special and Regular Educators Prosper in PLCs (Many & Schmidt, 2013) [Web page]
- The Difference Between Accommodations and Modifications (Strom, n.d.) [Web page]
- “Inclusion: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions from the NEA” (U. S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS), 1994) [Web page]
- What is RTI? (National Center for Learning Disabilities, n.d.) [Web page]
- What Is a “Professional Learning Community”? (DuFour, 2004) [Web page]
- Is Equality Enough? (Chapman, 2017) [Video] [Closed captioned]
- How does RTI differ from previous approaches to providing interventions? (Center on Response to Intervention at American Institutes for Research, 2016) [Video] [Transcript]
Recommended Studies
These resources are provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For a deeper understanding of the weekly concepts, review these optional resources.Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions, Child Development, 82(1), 405-432. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01564.xHord, S. M. (1997). Professional learning communities: What are they and why are they important? Issues about Change, 6(1), 1-8. Retrieved from, J. H., & Adreasen, J. B. (2011). Making the most of universal design for learning. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 17(3), 166-172. Retrieved from, T. G. (2009, January/February). IEP facilitation. Teaching Exceptional Children, 41(3), 60-67. Retrieved from, K. R. (2011). Federal and state response to the gifted and talented. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 27(4), 306-318. Retrieved from
Assignment & SPSS Data File Apa sUMMARY and data will be provide
Im studying for my Statistics class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Attached to this post is an SPSS data file containing two variables: SAT-Math group, and Fall-to-Fall Persistence outcomes of first year college students. The dichotomized SAT-Math variable has two levels coded 0 or 1. Students that scored below the mean on the SAT-Math were assigned a code of 0, and students that scores above the mean were assigned a code or 1. The binary Persistence variable is coded 0 for dropout, and 1 for persistence. That is, students that did not persist into the second year of college (dropped out) were given a code of 0, and students that did persist into the second were given a code of 1. The research question is, are SAT-Math levels (the IV) predictive of year-to-year persistence (the DV) among 1st year college students. The assignment is to conduct a simple logistical regression to determine or SAT-performance is related to term-to-term persistence among college students.
Summarize the results for the logistical regression using correct APA style. Use my sample summary as a model for you summary.
Be sure to:
Report and interpret for the
1) findings for the significance of the overall model
2) The Conditional Probabilities and the Risk Ratio
3) The Conditional Odds and the Odds Ratio
4) The slope and the intercept.
The Chi-square test is optional but I would encourage you to conduct it, and to summarize the results for it. See my sample summary. In the Week 1 Review discussion board I provided a sample summary and spss data file for the Chi-square test. I instructed students to reproduce the findings and to post questions on the the analysis or summary. If you didn’t post a question, that I had to assume that you understand the Chi-square test. What else should I think?
Please do not post the solutions or interpretations for the assignment data/problems. Each student is responsible for analyzing, interpreting, and summarizing the data. It must be their own original work. Students should not consult with one another or their tutors on the assignment problems. I’ve created the in-class problems for all students and their tutors to work on together.
You should not use my footnotes and references in your summaries.
Precalculus- Multiple Transformations of Functions Portfolio-Animations
Im studying and need help with a Calculus question to help me learn.
Animation design is something that is used in every cartoon film youve seen, every flip-book youve thumbed through, and every picture youve zoomed in on with your phone. Mathematics plays a key role in these things you enjoy on a regular basis.
For full credit on this portfolio, please fill in parts 1, 2, and 3. Make sure that the following are included in your response:
1. All tables are complete, and mathematical calculations are accurate.
2. The answers to each question are filled in completely..
i have organizational behavior assignment, Can you help?
I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.
this is a wiki question writing an essay about the article attached.
Edgar Schein is Sloan Professor of Management Emeritus at the Sloan School of Management at the MIT. With this book, Organization Culture and Leadership (4th Edition), the author has published a summary of his life long experience (born in 1928, PhD in Harvard of Social Psychology in 1952) of organizations.
For a blog writing about organizational cultures in the 21st century, this book is some kind of Holy Grail. There are many subjects this blog has tried to address that this book enlightens with wonderful ideas and tools, drawn on vast experience in big organizations such as DEC, Apple, Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis) or Amoco : the tight relationship between leadership and culture, the Doing / Being culture, the alignment of subcultures, the 3 levels, Survival Vs Learning anxiety, the roadmap for the organization to self assess its own values and assumptions etc
It aims at explaining what culture is, how it affects the organization, how to understand and decipher it and how to act on it with culture change. And it does succeed, providing excellent material, shedding direct light to one of the most misunderstood dimension of organizations.
I will resist copying the full book in this article (I may run into some legal and muscular problem if I try anyway) and limit to some quotes such as this one, which explains the raison dêtre of #hypertextual :
With the changes in technological complexity, the leadership task has changed. Leadership in a networked organization is a fundamentally different thing from leadership in a traditional hierarchy.
As usual for #hypertextual classic book reviews, this is more of a summary of the main ideas than a proper review. It has proved to be very difficult to curate contents out of this article as the book abounds with wisdom so Im afraid it is a very long one (about 2500 words)
Culture : definitions
What is culture ? This is the definition Schein gives :
A pattern of shared basic assumptions learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration ( ) A product of joint learning.
According to Schein, there are 4 categories of culture : Macrocultures (nations, occupations that exists globally, ), Organizational Cultures, subcultures (groups within organizations, and microcultures (microsystems with or within organizations).
Schein identifies 3 levels of culture : artifacts (visible), espoused beliefs and values (may appear through surveys) and basic underlying assumptions (unconscious taken for granted beliefs and values : these are not visible). The latest being the more important since as Schein puts it Human minds needs cognitive stability and any challenge of a basic assumption will release anxiety and defensiveness. Many change programs fails for that very reason.
According to the Emeritus professor, Leadership is the source of the beliefs and values and the most central issue for leaders is to understand the deeper levels of a culture ( ) and to deal with the anxiety that is unleashed when those assumptions are challenged.
Check out this great diagram by Chad Renando describing these levels and corresponding assumptions in a telling post.
Aligning Subculture
Inside organizations, there may be different subcultures. Schein identifies three of them : operators (based on human interaction, high levels of communication, trust and teamwork), engineers (elegant solution, abstract solutions to problems, automation and systems) and executives (financial focus, lone hero, sense of rightness and omniscience).
Schein is adamant that in any organization, the alignment between these three subcultures is critical : Many problems that are attributed to bureaucracy, environmental factors or personality conflicts among managers are in fact the result of the lack of alignment between these subcultures.
For more information check out #hypertextual blog post dedicated on this topic : 21st century management and the virtues of operator subculture
External adaptation and Internal Integration
This are the core problems groups and organizations are faced with : survival in and adaptation to the external environment and integration of the internal processes to ensure the capacity to continue to survive and adapt.
Ultimately, all organizations are socio-technical systems in which the manner of external adaptation and the solution of internal integration problems are interdependent
For long range growth, the author shows that the key is to keep the needs of the major stakeholders of the organization : investors, suppliers, managers and employees, the community and government and the customers.
For external adaptation, the main challenge companies face is to obtain a shared understanding and consensus on 1/Mission and Strategy, 2/Goals, 3/Means, 4/Measurement and 5/ Correction (repair strategies).
For internal integration the main problems according to the author are : 1/ Creating a common language, 2/ Defining group boundaries and criteria for inclusion and exclusion 3/ Distributing power authority and status 4/ Developing norms of trust, intimacy, friendship and love 5/ defining awards and punishment and 6/ explaining the unexplainable. All groups develop norms around these categories and if these norms get external tasks done while leaving the group reasonably free of anxiety, the norms become critical genetic elements of the culture DNA.
Reality and Truth
All kinds of society are based on deeper assumptions on general abstract issues.This is how people relates to reality and truth, time and space, human nature and how people should relate to each other. Reaching consensus for instance is a process of building a shared social reality. There are many different criteria for determining truth, from belief and morality (pure dogma and right / wrong dichotomy) to pragmatism (scientific method).
This does not only relate to how truth is defined but also to uncertainty avoidance (refer to Geert Hoftede Work). The ability to embrace uncertainty is a genuine advantage as, how Schein puts it, Organizational Cultures that can embrace uncertainty more easily will be inherently more adaptive. A key advantage in todays economy.
Time and Space
This is the second axis along which the structure of a culture is built. Anthropologists have noted that every culture make assumption about time. Schein identifies three types of organization depending on their time orientation : past, present and future. Hofstede again has found that economic development was correlated with a future orientation.
A second dimension for how we relate to time is the notion of monochronic and polychronic. Monochronic is a view of linear time that ca be split, wasted, spent etc This is typical of the western rational cultures. Some culture in Southern Europe or Middle East view time as polychronic, a kind of medium defined more by what is accomplished than by a clock, within which several things can be done simultaneously. In polychronic cultures, relationships are viewed as more important than short-run efficiency and may leave monochronic managers frustrated and impatient.
Besides, there may be different relation to time depending on the organisation subcultures. For instance, operators time frame is the present, while Engineering subculture (R&D) has a much longer and different time horizon.
Space has both a physical and a social meaning and feeling about distance have biological roots. This ends up in different levels of distance (intimacy, personal, social, public) whose length may differ depending on the culture. Also space includes a symbolic value through different allocations (executives at the top of the building, managers with dedicated office etc ). This is one of the reason why the introduction of new communication technologies (email, collaborative spaces, social networks) causes anxiety : it forces to the surface assumptions that have been taken for granted in terms of relation to space.
Human nature, activity and relationships
This set of issues and dimensions reviewed constitute a kind of grid against which to map a given organizational culture.
Douglas Mc Gregor has a well-known framework on this subject known as Theory X (managers believe people are lazy and must be motivated and controlled) and Theory Y (people are basically self-motivated and need to be channelled and challenged). The latter assume it is possible to design organizations that enable employee needs to be congruent with organizational needs. This is the dimension of organizations seeking to grow and to dominate their market.
A second useful framework is the one about orientation. There is the Doing orientation whereby nature can be controlled and manipulated, there is a pragmatic orientation toward the nature of reality and a belief in human perfectibility. On the other hand, the Being orientation where nature is powerful and human is subservient to it, an orientation that implies fatalism and enjoying what we have, here and now. This is the orientation of organizations looking for a niche, trying to adapt to external realities rather than creating markets.
In between both there is the Being-In-Becoming organization where the focus is on development rather than on a static condition. It is more on what the person is and can become rather than what the person can accomplish.
This human related dimension is critical in making the organization safe for all.
Culture Typologies
Typologies are abstract construct that are derived from factor analyzing perceptual data. These construct help in providing some order out of observed phenomena and predicting some new phenomena that may arise. These are abstract and therefore do not reflect adequately the reality. Yet they help in comparing different organizations.
Gathering data on an organization can be achieved by asking employees how they perceive their organisation in terms of purpose, strategy or mission.
There are different types of organizations : coercive (prisons, military camp ), utilitarians (private companies), and normative (political parties, non profit ). Some type of organizations fit the culture and in Asian or Latin countries for instance, Business cannot be effective unless they are coercive.
Another axis of culture typology is the variation of authority. It can range either be : autocratic, paternalistic, consultative, participative, delegative and abdicative. The search for the universally correct leadership is doomed to failure because of cultural variation, organization history and the actual task to be performed.
There are four types of organisation depending on their orientation : power (autocratic founders), achievement (results), roles (bureaucracies) and support.
Another typologie can be carried out along 2 dimensions : solidarity (like-minded) and sociability (friendly). Low on both is Fragmented, High on solidarity alone is Mercenary, High on Sociability alone is Communal and High on both is Networked.
Leadership and culture
Cultures basically spring from three sources : 1/ beliefs, values and assumptions of founders 2/learning experience of group members and 3/new beliefs brought in by new members/leaders. The first one is by far the most important. Leadership is highly sought by group members to reduce the groups anxiety.
Again, if the way to do things allow to get task completed while keeping group anxiety at a low level, this will become organizational culture. But if the environment changes and those assumptions become dysfunctional, the organization must find a way to change its culture. This is the role of the leader as John Kotter reported in his book What Leaders Do.
There are embedding mechanisms a leader defines that will define the culture. What leaders measures, how he reacts to critical incidents, how he allocates resources, how he allocates rewards and status, how he recruits, promotes and excommuniates. Then there are the structural mechanisms (organization structure, procedures, rituals, physical spaces, stories, statements. Through the way leaders handle these mechanisms (embedded and structural) they communicate both explicitly and implicitly on their assumptions. If they are conflicted, these conflicts become part of the culture.
Deciphering and assessing cultures
Before acting on a culture it is strongly recommended to decipher it to define the change strategy and/or to understand what is wrong. Deciphering a culture can be carried out using the following pattern :
- Visit and observe
- identify artifacts and processes that puzzle you
- Ask insiders why are things done that way
- identify espoused values tha appeal to you and ask how they are implemented
- Look for inconsistencies and ask about them
- Figure out from the above the deeper assumptions that determine the observed behavior.
However, deciphering a culture requires the analyst to understand the potential consequences of an investigation and clearly communicates this to executives : the members of the organization may not want to know or may not be able to handle the insights into their own culture.
Schein also proposes a framework for a company to assess its own culture rapidly. This is one day workshop, bringing together one or more representative groups (with an external consultant to manage the workshop) : culture is a group phenomenon so its best assessed in a group context. Here are the steps :
- obtaining leadership commitment : leader should also emphasizes that openness and candor are needed and that culture is not good or bad).
- Selecting groups for self assessment
- explaining the purpose of the workshop
- selecting an appropriate setting for the workshop
- a short lecture on how to think about culture (with the 3 levels of culture)
- identifying artifacts (what is going on here)
- identify espoused values (why are we doing things our way ?)
- identify shared underlying assumptions (do the espoused values explain the artifacts or is there anything more ?) this is the most important step : once assumptions are made conscious, it triggers a whole new set of insights and begins to make sense of things that werent making any sense before.
- identify cultural aids or hindrance (within artifacts, values and assumptions which are the ones that help / hinder the goal). It is much easier to draw on the strengths of the culture than to overcome the constraints by changing the culture.
- decide on next step
Managing Culture Change
Edgar Schein proposes a conceptual model for culture change (chapter 17). The most important takeaway is this : change creates learning anxiety (leaving what we know to something we dont). This learning anxiety can be fueled by any of the following (valid) reasons : fear of loss of power/position, fear of temporary incompetence, fear of subsequent punishment, fear of loss of personal identity and fear of loss of group membership. The higher the learning anxiety, the stronger the resistance and the defensiveness.
Change agents must draw on Survival Anxiety (what will happen if we dont do anything) to unfreeze the situation and make sure that Survival Anxiety is greater than Learning Anxiety. This is similar to the Burning Platform of Darryl Conner or the Sense of Urgency of John Kotter. In order to achieve this, it is strongly recommended to lower Learning Anxiety in a view to create psychological safety, doing the following : communicating a compelling vision, formal training, involvement of the learner, informal training of groups, practice fields coaches and feedback, positive role model, support groups in which learning problems are discussed and consistent systems and structures with the new way of thinking and working. The only way to overcome resistance is to reduce the learning anxiety by making the learner feel psychologically safe.
The change goal must be defined concretely in terms of the specific problem you are trying to fix, not as culture change. The change may not be possible without cognitive redefinition whereby people will have to unlearn the former way of working to learn the new one. This unlearning period is psychologically painful. These new cultural elements can only be learned if the new behavior leads to success and satisfaction.
Organizational Culture and Leadership
This is a wonderful book moulded with wisdom and experience and it provides unvaluable scientific hindsight to something we generally are quite uncomfortable and clumsy with. No doubt #hypertextual will relentlessly come back to it.
If youre interested in going into even deeper details, check out the 2 sequels of these reviews on #hypertextual :
SCRUM Project, Part 3: Building a Product Backlog
Need help with my Computer Science question – Im studying for my class.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment read Chapter 5 of your textbook and review the Product Backlog (Links to an external site.) video.
Last week, you developed a business case for your SCRUM project. This week, define the scope and the requirements of your project. Then, enter them as product backlog features and user stories (or work items) in the Visual Studio Online (VSO) project that you created in Week 1. Your product backlog must include at least 3 backlog features and 10 user stories (or work items) in a nested, hierarchical order. The backlog work items must also be arranged based on the value they provide to the customer.
Once you have completed your product backlog in MS excel, take a screenshot of it for your assignment submission.
In addition to your screenshot, include a 750- to 1250-word (3-5 page) paper with the following:
- Summary of the backlog features and their associated user stories, and how they contribute toward the successful completion of the project
- Explanation of your approach to this assignment and the decisions you made
- Reflection on this learning experience and lessons learned
The assignment
- Must be 750-1250 words (3-5 pages) in length (not including title and references pages, or the screenshot of your product backlog) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Students name
- Course name and number
- Instructors name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least 1 credible source in addition to the course text.
- Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- (NO rewrites)
Leadership Style Interview for a Companys Newsletter
Im trying to learn for my Business class and Im stuck. Can you help?
Select someone in a leadership position at your organization or at a local company where you might seek employment. This individual could be a director, manager, supervisor, or CEO of the organization.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word profile of the individual that you interviewed for your company’s newsletter, and include the following:
- Identify the individual and their position within the company, and briefly describe the organization.
- Interpret the individual’s leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and offer one or more examples of the management and leadership roles of this individual.
- Explain one incident where this individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation because things did not go as planned.
- Describe the lessons that she/he learned from being able to problem solve, even when what she/he had been taught did not work.
Format your profile in the form of a newsletter (the final format may vary depending upon the company’s style; please feel free to use either the provided template or to check the Internet or Microsoft® Word for additional newsletter templates).
Submit your assignment.
Use Promo Code: FIRST15