Understanding your Community

I need an explanation for this Social Science question to help me study.

This assignment has three parts: Part I Understanding Your Community, where you will consider the current demographics of the community and analyze how that has changed over the past 20 years; Part II Community Assessment, where you assess your community and a problem within your community; and Part III Community Action Plan, where you develop a specific action plan to address the problem you identified. As you reflect on the learning resources and concepts from Weeks 1-4, be sure to explain what you have learned about the policy’s effect on various groups. Consider how will this knowledge assist you with your community action plan.

Submit a 4-6 page paper. The paper needs to be well-researched and written using APA guidelines. Data should come from at least five sources.

Part I: Understanding your Community
  • Analyze how your community has changed over the past 20 years. Use policy and community concepts and theories from the learning resources to support your analysis.
  • Describe your community, using research and statistics to describe socio-demographic make-up. (For example: How many persons live in the city and/or in the town? What were/are their cultural/racial characteristics? What were/are their incomes, ages, political affiliations, etc.?)
Part II: Community Assessment
  • Describe a problem that the community is currently experiencing.
    • Assess the duration, intensity, and frequency of the problem.
    • Analyze the probable etiology of the problem, supporting your analysis with resources.
  • Analyze the key elements and characteristics of the community that make it vulnerable to this problem.
  • Analyze the key strengths of the community that give the community resilience and the potential for overcoming the problem.
  • Identify major institutions (e.g., schools, factories, churches, attraction sites, etc.) and explain how these institutions contribute to or inhibit the community’s ability to address the problem?
  • Explain which groups are most affected by the problem.
Part III: Community & Policy Action Plan
  • Describe your proposed plan for community change.
  • Explain the strategies and tactics you would you use to bring about change. Consider if you would need multiple strategies, and if so, explain which strategy would be used for each target.
  • Explain any policies that may influence the ability, either supportive or prohibitive, to influence proposed community change.
  • Explain what policies would need to be in place to ensure proposed plans are sustainable.
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Answer the questions about Chicago’s history and geography.

Can you help me understand this Geography question?

The Question:

While native-born Chicagoans came to tolerate the Germans, what group retained their contempt and why? Explain how and why this group’s experience may be comparable to other groups who have arrived more recently to the United States.

  1. How was this group perceived and treated?
  2. What did the editor of the Chicago Tribune suggest should be done with them?
  3. In your own words, define and provide an example of a social construct.

If you are confused about these questions, you can watch the video on youtube: ” Chicago: city of the century” and find answer from it. You don’t need to write too much, 5-6 sentences for each question is enough!

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Human Resource Management-Employment Laws

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

The initial post should be a minimum of 150 words


In what ways do employment laws differ in a global environment?

In your discussion provide an example of a country with different employment laws.

Also answer the following questions:

  • Is there a reason for the difference?
  • Do you agree with the difference?
  • Why or why not?

Note: A good starting point might be China. It’s not uncommon for employees to work 60 to 100 hours each week.

Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

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issc361 term paper

I don’t know how to handle this Programming question and need guidance.

attached is the outline for the paper


Details of Project Paper (15%): You must include at least 3 references.
Prepare a 10-15 page paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 15% of the final grade) in APA format (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (350 words per page).

1. At a minimum include the following:

    • Detailed description of the area researched
    • Technology involved in the area
    • Future trends in the area
    • Example companies involved in the area
    • Regulatory issues surrounding the area
    • Global implications for the area
    • References (minimum of 3)
  1. You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must by at least 10 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black12 point fonts (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources, (pictures, graphics, etc… are extra – allowed but extra for the minimum page count). The title page and references are also required but don’t count in the minimum page count. A minimum of 10 references are needed.
  2. The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max total, and 2% per individual source match are allowed).

Here are the originality report requirements:

  1. The originality report must be less than 15% match
  2. No single source shall be above 2%
  3. You will submit the paper though the TII link in the assignment tab.
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6-10 page paper double spaced on the Hong Kong Protests (Media Coverage Comparison essay)

I need help with a Social Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Write a 6-10 page paper on the media coverage of the Hong Kong protests. Compare a big name media source like the NY times or the Wall Street Journal to Chinese state controlled media on their coverage of the protests.

1) Take the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or any 2 other major newspaper for one week, (Choose any articles written in these dates to analyze: 9 June 2019- 26 Oct 2019) highlight and cut all articles which mention the Hong Kong protests.

2) Make a list of the articles, their main topics and claims.

3) Compare the NY Times or Wall Street Journal (Big name Media source) to any China state controlled media sources in terms of a) overall frequency, b) substantive content, and c) predominant perspectives.

4) Based on these and additional sources write an interpretation of the current public perception of and the public debates on socio-economic inequalities.

**** Attached is a sample paper to use as a guide for this assignment ***


1. Introductory Overview

2. Selection of the Media

3. Period Covered

4. Hypothesis

5. Conceptual Grid

6. Unit of Analysis / Process

7. Analysis

8. Interpretation

9. Appendix

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need a reply to my professor’s question

Help me study for my Nursing class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Professional nursing organizations that am currently participating in and organizations that I might think about participating in for the future.

I started volunteering at a children’s home near my home when I have some free time. I help in serving and helping the children who need medical assistance or care and manage different conditions they are in.

When am done with my degree I would like to participate in the World Health Organization(WHO), in Red Cross and other Non-governmental organizations. I would like to help in disasters and communicable diseases. I will also consider working together with other health care professionals in my community and participate in helping the sick as a way of giving back to the community.

Nursing certifications that am considering

I am looking forward to earning a Certified Pediatric Nurse Credential (CPN). Applicants of this certificate must hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree. To qualify for this certification, nurses also need 1800 pediatric clinical hours completed within the last two years or 3000 hours of pediatric experience in the past five years. Before approval, nurses must take a 3 hours’ exam which includes 175 multiple choice questions and an introductory session. Pediatric nursing refers to the medical care of neonates and children up to adolescent. Due to my determination in the field of nursing, I am excited about completing my bachelor degree and I will be able to practice in the pediatric field and later apply for certification of CPN. My love for practicing in the pediatric field has driven me to work so hard so that I may get the certification (Writers, 2019).

How considering continuing my education to pursue a graduate degree fits into my plan

I have a great passion for Nursing because it is a lifetime career. So, continuing my education is part of my plan. In fact, I am starting my Masters degree class this coming semester; which I am so happy about.


Writers, S. (2019). Nursing Programs, Scholarships, and Careers – 2019 NurseJournal.org. Retrieved 18 December 2019, from https://nursejournal.org.

American Nurse Associate (2016) Pediatric nursing: scope and standards of practice. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=tru…

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Scavenger Hunt

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

The instructions are fairly straightforward. This assignment is about organizational problems or failures. Feel free to be creative and outrageous in what you express (but don’t cuss; be critical, but civil).You have to do 4 (four) reports that are fairly short. All are on the Document attached. Each of the Reports/ Articles are numbered as well.

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Week 3 Discussion: (1-2 references)

I’m stuck on a Social Science question and need an explanation.

Document Analysis

Read the document Hezbollah: Financing Terror Through Criminal Enterprise. Address the following questions:

  • That report was compiled in 2005. Discuss whether the issues presented are still of concern for homeland security.
  • Is Hezbollah still active within the U.S.?
  • Has any action been taken to combat the financing techniques discussed in the report?
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Paradigm Constraints

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

Review the case studies for the week and select one for this Assignment.

For this Assignment, prepare the first draft of a systems diagram, identifying the primary system archetypes that the case describes. Identify the key paradigm-based constraints that prevent subjects in the case study from seeing other options.

For the case you selected, complete the following:

  • Develop robust systems diagrams that capture the system behaviors and outcomes for your client’s organization. Include a 5-Why effect-cause-effect analysis, and a causal loop diagram (CLD) that identifies appropriate system constraints and delays and that also identifies the key system archetypes described in the case. (1 page for the 5-Whys diagram, 1 page for the full CLD).
  • Write a persuasive, detailed, prioritized description of your findings and make specific recommendations that integrates the analyses you have performed. (1-2 pages, single-spaced)
  • Describe the lessons you learned from the case study and explain how you might apply them in the future.

Case Studies:

Deshpande, R., Grossman, A. S., & Johnson, R. (2011). The American Repertory Theater [Case study]. HBS Case 9-512-026. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/85bfffd5

Grossman, A., & Greckol-Herlich, N. (2011). Year up: A social entrepreneur builds high performance [Case study]. HBS Case 9-308-032. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/40f63f3e

Klassen, R. D., Leitch, K., & Hora, M. (2010). Paediatric Orthopaedic Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario [Case study]. HBS Case 908D01. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/b530e619

Rubin, J. R., & Carmichael, B. (2008). UPS and corporate sustainability: Proactively managing risk [Case study]. Darden Case UV0938. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Business Publishing. Retrieved from https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/cea4d698

Wells, L. T. (2010). Japan: The miracle years [Case study]. HBS Case 9-702-014. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/f7c5a931

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issc351 term paper

I’m trying to study for my Programming course and I need some help to understand this question.

attached is the term paper outline to go off of.

Specific Instructions for the Term Paper:

  1. 1. Include a title page for your own paper. This includes the “Running Head” in the page header, the title of your paper, and your name. If you don’t know how to edit a header in Word, Google for instructions on how to edit a header in the version of Word you are using and follow the instructions. Also add the university and class info as well as the date authoring the paper.
  2. Write a 150-250 word abstract for your the paper (on p. 2 of the Term Paper). The abstract should be a brief summary of your paper.
  3. Next you need a Table of contents page.
  4. Next you will start the paper. The 4-6 page starts counting from this page. All prior pages are pages for “metadata” information about the paper – and not part of the body of the paper.
  5. For each major section of the paper, you will need to add sub-headings. You may need as many subheading as needed, but each section must have a minimum of three sub-headings. Be sure to be descriptive in your sub-heading names, so that the content following the subheading is informative.
  6. More info on the body of the paper: Write the introductory paragraphs of your term paper (following the table of contents page) underneath the title of your paper. The introductory paragraphs should be at least one page long. These paragraphs should provide the reader with an overview of what you are covering. Your full 4-6 page term paper is due at the end of Week 7. In addition to the 4-6 pages of the paper itself, you must include a title page (abstract and table of contents pages) and a references page. Your title page must include the title of your paper, the date, the name of this course, your name, and your instructor’s name, as well as the university info and the date paper was written.
  7. Your paper must be on a computer related crime which can be solved by using computer forensics. You must detail the procedures used in discovering and investigating the evidence. Discuss the case, the investigation process, data recovery, securing the evidence and chain of custody. Remember to explain the types of software you would use to complete the case. You may use the cases noted in the book for guidance or may use one of your own.
  8. The last section of your paper is the list of references in APA Style format. Name the header “References” then list the references in alphabetical order of the authors’ last name. Include a minimum of 3-5 outside sources cited and referenced in the paper. Your references page must be written in APA citation style..


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