issc471 term paper

I don’t know how to handle this Programming question and need guidance.

attached is the outline for the paper.


You are required to write an 8-10 page research paper on a topic of your choosing, related to the course concepts. Your final draft is due at the end of Week 7.

Submission Instructions:

Be sure your paper meets the following requirements:

You will be required to write one research paper this semester. The specifications are as follows:

  1. 8-10 pages (double-spaced).
  2. Choose any topic related to the course and write about the latest developments and issues.
  3. Use at least five references outside of your textbook (you may use your textbook too, but are not required to).
  4. In addition to the required number of pages for the assignment, you must also Include a reference page (bibliography), written in APA style, and a title page. Be sure to give all of your papers a descriptive title.
  5. You must get your topic approved by the end of Week 2.
  6. You must provide a 1-page outline of your paper by the end of Week 3. Your outline must include citations to three references (other than your textbook) and a brief summary of at least three references that you will use in your paper.
  7. At Week 6 you will be working on a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key points of the paper you are working on.
  8. Use APA Style formatting in Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
  9. Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations
  10. Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others’ work must include attributions to the authors. Limit quotations to an average of no more than 15% of the paper, and use quotations sparingly!

This assignment have embedded TurnItIn feature turned on. When you submit the paper, an originality report will be generated.

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Complete DQ/ response

Need help with my Health & Medical question – I’m studying for my class.

Watch the following sections of “Strategic Planning Foundations” from LinkedIn Learning:

  • “Organizing for Success”
  • “Conclusion”

Note: Use the link at the beginning of this week to access LinkedIn Learning.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following question:

  • How will the information you learned in the LinkedIn Learning course help you formulate your strategic plan? Provide examples.

Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 125 words each response.

1. The information that I have learned in the LinkedIn Learning course that will help me formulate my strategic plan is to have vision, mission, and strategic filters. Using these criteria, he shows how to prioritize competing initiatives, how to allocate resources to best support those initiatives, and how all of these factors combine to create a compelling strategic plan. Growing a business means taking many decisions about the way you want to expand your operations. Creating a strategic plan is a key component of planning for growth. It will help you prepare a realistic vision for the future of your business and in doing so can maximise your business’ potential for growth. The purpose of strategic planning is to set your overall goals for your business and to develop a plan to achieve them. It involves stepping back from your day-to-day operations and asking where your business is headed and what its priorities should be. Why strategic planning matters more to growing businesses. Taking the decision actively to grow a business means embracing the risks that come with growth. Spending time on identifying exactly where you want to take your business – and how you will get there – should help you reduce and manage those risks.

2.This video will help focus on achieving my goals and not just thinking about them. I always think about the resources that I don’t have instead of capitalizing on the resources that I can use.

Three Principles of Strategic Planning

  1. Set a clear direction
  2. Saying no to distractions
  3. Diversify bets (pursue different initiatives)

The three principles help the company stay on track and not get distracted by ideas. It is important to stay on budget and also have a clear directions of what needs to be done. Having a planning process helps the team to focus in on what is important and what may be a waste of time. Taking initiative may lead to a good outcome or bad, but the most important thing is try and see what works and what doesn’t. It is okay to get a negative result, but the key is to not having that result make the team take a step back. Ideas can evolve often and become greater. The strategic plan should also include updated threats like internet browsing. Online shopping is easier, faster, and sometimes cheaper. You can also find the store that sells a product with the cheapest price on google.

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Comparing Pipeline versus Rail Transportation of crude oil in the United States.

I don’t know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.

Paper topic

The market for domestic crude oil has continually grown in the united states, this requires reliable and safe methods of transportation. The objective of this paper is comparing safety and reliability between rail transport and pipeline transport. Is one mode of transportation safer and more reliable than the other? This is an important question for domestic companies as more and more crude oil is transported every year.

This paper should be 3-5 pages in length and is strictly adherent to APA formatting.

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Effective approaches in leadership and mangement

I need an explanation for this Nursing question to help me study.

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.
  2. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs.
  3. Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.
  4. Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
  5. Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.
  6. Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting.

Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles

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how to mobilise creativity and innovation to support continuous innovation in your organization.

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

As it was before, I am required to write about PDO (Petroleum Development Oman)

Assignment 1 feedback ;

“(A clearer introduction and executive summary would be better.

Try to integrate a wider range of academic opinion about creativity as a concept in business. Show more awareness of key academic debates on this subject, especially blocks, and discuss appropriate models in more detail.

Whilst there is some analysis of what happens at PDO, in places the depth of analysis could be greater.

The recommendations section is quite good and you have shown that you can develop your ideas. The conclusion could be expanded.)”

Assignment 2;

Building on your recommendations from Assignment 1, critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise how creativity and innovation might be mobilised and sustained in the context of your work organisation.

  • You are required to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesis how to mobilise creativity and innovation to support continuous innovation in your organization. For example, application of climate models, and creative leadership in taking ideas forward through strategies, processes and the development of innovation capabilities that are directly aligned to sustain continuous innovation.
  • You will then need to demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the process of creativity and innovation drawing on contemporary theories to support your evaluation and synthesis.
  • You will develop a plan to promote creativity and innovation in the context of your organisation supported by contemporary quality academic perspectives. You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations.
  • You will present your analysis and plan in report format of approximately 1500 words excluding references and appendices.

You are not permitted to use a case study of your own choice unless approved in advance by the UK tutor. Use of an unapproved alternative case study will result in failure of the assignment.

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Technology Changes Everything

I’m trying to learn for my Writing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

The powerpoimt you will use is in the attachment

This assignment provides another opportunity for you to evaluate a variety of digital and assistive technologies for supporting diverse learners. For this assignment, you will create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation software of your choice. To prepare for this assignment, it is recommended that in addition to reading Edyburn (2013) Chapter 1 that you also review the Week One Instructor Guidance. Additionally, be sure to view the TEDx Talks (2012) video Can Technology Change Education? Yes!: Raj Dhingra at TEDxBend (Links to an external site.). While you watch the video, pay particular attention to the story Dhingra tells about the Firefly Mobile Learning Bus utilized in Turkey and how students are connecting to technology for teaching and learning in rural parts of the world.

Next, watch the Conscious Educating (2011) video Microsoft Vision of the Classroom of the Future (Links to an external site.), which shows how technology might affect a classroom in the future while considering how much technology has changed in such a short period of time. Finally, watch the TED (2010) video The Child-Driven Education (Links to an external site.) in which Sugata Mitra discusses how the best teachers and the schools that need them the most can connect through effective use of technology.

The purpose of this assignment is to showcase how technology has evolved with regard to teaching and learning and to show the influence it has on supporting all learners and encouraging student independence. The videos listed above provide numerous examples to inform the presentation requirements. It is recommended that you take some time to consider what will occur in the Week Six Final Project and how the work completed in this assignment could inform the Final Project. Create your presentation using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your presentation before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week One Instructor Guidance and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications.

Refer to:

Week 1 Presentation Template

Content Instructions

  • Slide Length and Design (0.5 point): The presentation should be five to eight slides in length including title and references slides. Use relevant and appropriate graphics, sound, and/or animation that assist in presenting the overall main point but do not distract from the information presented. Slides should have a consistent theme, format, and font that augment the readability of the presentation.
  • Evolution of Technology (1 point): Discuss three ways the evolution of technology has impacted teaching and learning.
  • Technology Examples (2 points): Describes three examples of how digital and assistive technologies can be used to support diverse learners.
  • Technology Influence (2 points): Discusses three ways technology influences student independence.

Written Communication Instructions

  • Syntax and Mechanics (0.5 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
  • Source Requirement (0.5 point): Reference each of the featured videos as well as the Edyburn (2013) course text on the references slide and correctly cite all sources within the body of the presentation.
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Ethical Issues

Help me study for my Management class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

This assignment should focus on values, both social and personal. Identify the value systems you possess, to understand the world views from which they arise, and explore the practical implications of these value systems particularly in the area of business.

The paper must include the following criteria:

– Paper must be 15 or more pages in length

– Paper must be free of grammatical errors and typos

– Paper must not be formatted as a research paper

– Paper cannot be written in third person

– Paper must be written in individual experience only

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Reducing Saboteurs by paying attention to Common daily habits

I’m trying to study for my Engineering course and I need some help to understand this question.

Reducing Saboteurs by paying attention to Common daily habits

Write Journal paper that discuss how to Study of factors reducing the saboteurs based of of these factors(daily habits )

1.Attention to emotion (0-2, 4-6, 9-12) hr.

2.Daily Planer (No day, Half day, Full day)

3.Use of cellphone (0%?, 50%?, 80%?) per day

4.Appreciation ( 0-2, 4-6, 8-10) times a day

  • Explain how each FACTOR effect the happiness
  • HOW Taguchi design of experiment was attempt multiple factors and discover which one of these factors that have the most effective in the individual’s happiness. YOU CAN FIND EXCEL ATTACHMENT OF L-9 FORMAT Taguchi design of experiment
  • Appreciation is the most affective factor based on the analysis.
  • There are three types of analysis :
    • Standard Analysis – Average of results:
    • Standard Deviation Analysis
    • Signal to noise Ratio (S/N)
  • Results are attached in powerpoint file

Grading based on

  1. Rational of doing this project and objectives,
  2. Methodology: What did you do to generate data and analysis
  3. Analysis,
  4. Conclusion
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Session 1, you were asked to read CCU’s Strategic Priorities. Review the Strategic

I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

This course has several purposes, all of which are intended to prepare you to be as successful a student at Colorado Christian University as possible. The purpose of this course is to introduce you more deeply to Colorado Christian University, the beliefs that it holds as a faith-based institution, and how that will impact your experience here at CCU. Respond to the following questions:

  1. In Session 1, you were asked to read CCU’s Strategic Priorities. Review the Strategic Priorities again in light of what we have talked about thus far in the course. Identify two of the Strategic Priorities that reflect a biblical, or Christian, worldview and explain how you see the elements of the worldview exemplified.
  2. After you have identified how the Christian worldview is evident in two of the Strategic Priorities, reflect on what you have learned throughout this course by answering the following questions:
    • What did you discover about CCU that expanded your understanding of what it means to attend Colorado Christian University?
    • What did you discover that may have the greatest impact on your approach to your education at Colorado Christian University?

Please refer to the Session 1, 2, and 3 Assignments to see how to appropriately cite any references you make in your paper. You must incorporate references from the Biblical Perspectives and our textbook readings.

Click on the Session 5 Final Assignment link to submit your final assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.

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Eth501 slp2

I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Communication Climate

Communication is the grease which makes relationships in organizations run smoothly, and by extension, directly affects the effectiveness of the organization itself. Communication climate refers to the mood or tone of interpersonal communications and determines in great part how people feel about each other and how they carry out their work activities. Thus, communication climate has a great deal of influence over the organizational climate or general atmosphere of the work environment. Read the following blog about what it is like to work in a defensive climate:

Dukes, A.J. (2012). Defensive v Supportive Climates in the Workplace. Retrieved from

As you can see from this blog entry, defensive climates create a situation where employees do not raise work concerns or communicate their needs. They are careful about what they say and guard their opinions. Frequently they exhibit low motivation.

Supportive climates, on the other hand, encourage employee participation and engagement, an open exchange of information, and constructive conflict. Employees who work in supportive environments often exhibit greater organizational commitment, an attitude cited as highly desirable in Module 1.

The Communication Climate Inventory was developed as a means of measuring the degree of supportiveness and defensiveness in an organization. For this SLP, take the inventory and score your organization’s communication climate using the scale below. Take the Communication Climate Inventory.

Defensive Score

Defensive Score

Supportive Score

Supportive Score

SLP Assignment

Compose a 2- to 3-page blog like the one you read for this SLP, describing the climate in your organization, department, or team. Do not use the actual name of the organization – you can make up a pseudonym. Include the following in your description:

Is the climate supportive or defensive? Does this align with the results of your Communication Climate Inventory? Attach your Inventory results as an appendix. (Note: This appendix requirement will likely increase your paper’s Turnitin similarity score; your professor is aware of this.)

How does the communication climate affect motivation and organizational/team commitment?

How could you improve the communication climate in your organization, department, or team?

What communication skills would you like to learn or improve on in order to create a supportive communication climate?

Be sure to support your analysis with concepts and principles introduced in the background readings on communication as well as conflict and teams (if appropriate). You may also incorporate outside research to supplement the background material. Cite all sources properly.

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