Healthcare professionals face ethical questions every day. This is particularly true for those whose scriptural worldview may seem unfamiliar, or even antagonistic, to the secular scientific community. This assignment asks you to research and analyze the

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

The Collins text explores a number of current healthcare topics that present bioethical issues, especially when viewed from a biblical worldview perspective Medical Genetics-Select 1 of these topics and provide critical analysis of (i) the ethical issues for society, (ii) the ethical issues for a Christian healthcare professional, and (iii) whether and how a Christian should participate in such efforts. This assignment asks you to research and analyze the ethical issues involved in a healthcare environment that poses such ethical challenges. MEDICAL GENETICS is the topic. At least 1,000 words. Include 3 scholarly sources other than textbook and citations must follow current APA (including both in-text citations and reference list). WILL BE SUBMITTED TO SAFEASSIGN!!!!

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NUR2180 Section Q2 Physical Assessment

I’m studying and need help with a Nursing question to help me learn.

You will perform a history of a musculoskeletal problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced, and perform an assessment of the musculoskeletal system. You will document your subjective and objective findings, note any abnormal findings, and submit this in a Word document to the drop box provided. Your subjective portion of the documentation should briefly describe your “client”. For example, “This client is a 23-year-old white female complaining of a painful, swollen ankle. States that she stepped ‘funny’ off a step two days ago and thinks she heard a ripping sound. She takes no medications and has no allergies. The client reports pain as 5/10 with sharp twinges when trying to walk, resting and ice decreases pain to 2/10 aching. Pain is primarily in the outer aspect of ankle and foot. Has no prior injury to this area. No significant past medical history.” In terms of your objective findings, remember to only record what you have assessed. Do not make a diagnosis or state the cause of a particular finding.You are not coming to any conclusions within your documentation. When your documentation is complete, you will note any findings that were abnormal.

You will submit this documentation as a Word document to the drop box provided.

Musculoskeletal Assignment

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.



Documentation of problem based assessment of the musculoskeletal system.

Purpose of Assignment:

Learning the required components of documenting a problem based subjective and objective assessment of musculoskeletal system. Identify abnormal findings.

Course Competency:

Demonstrate physical examination skills of the skin, hair, nails, and musculoskeletal system.



  • Use of three sections: Subjective, Objective, and Abnormal Findings
  • Short descriptive paragraph of findings for each section


  • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)


Chapter 5: SOAP Notes: The subjective and objective portion only

Sullivan, D. D. (2012). Guide to clinical documentation. [E-Book]. Retrieved from

Smith, L. S. (2001, September). Documentation do’s and don’ts. Nursing, 31(9), 30. Retrieved from

Documentation Grading Rubric- 10 possible points

Levels of Achievement







(4 Pts)

Missing components such as biographic data, medications, or allergies. Symptoms analysis is incomplete. May contain objective data.

Basic biographic data provided. Medications and allergies included. Symptoms analysis incomplete. Lacking detail. No objective data.

Basic biographic data provided. Included list of medications and allergies. Symptoms analysis: PQRSTU completed. Lacking detail. No objective data. Information is solely what “client” provided.

Basic biographic data provided. Included list of medications and allergies. Symptoms analysis: PQRSTU completed. Detailed. No objective data. Information is solely what “client” provided.

Points: 0.5


Points: 2

Points: 4


(4 Pts)

Missing components of assessment for particular system. May contain subjective data. May have signs of bias or explanation of findings. May have included words such as “normal”, “appropriate”,
“okay”, and “good”.

Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Lacks detail. Uses words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”.Contains all objective information. May have signs of bias or explanation of findings.

Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Avoided use of words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”.No bias or explanation for findings evident Contains all objective information

Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Detailed information provided.Avoided use of words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”.No bias or explanation for findings evident. All objective information

Points: 1

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Strength and Weakness

(2 Pts)

Lists one strength and one weakness with no description or reason for selection of them. Failure to provide both one strength and weakness will result in zero points for this criteria.

Provides brief description of one strength and one weakness with no reason for identification of the strength and weakness.

Provides description of one strength and one weakness noted on assessment. Gives reason for identification of the strength and weakness.

Detailed description of one strength and one weakness noted during assessment. Detailed reason provided for identifying the strength and weakness.

Points: 0.5

Points: 1

Points: 1.5

Points: 2

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Tele Comm & Network Security Virtual Lab assesment

Need help with my jQuery / Prototype question – I’m studying for my class.

Complete Lab 4(Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs – Lab 4) from the Lab Manual. Complete the Lab Worksheet provided in the Content section of this course and include your discussion and screen captures withina Word document. You should review but you do not need to respond to the end-of-lab Challenge Questions.

Complete Lab 5 ( Penetration Testing a pfSense firewall)from the Lab Manual. Complete the Lab Worksheet provided in the Content section of this course and include your discussion and screen captures withina Word document. You should review but you do not need to respond to the end-of-lab Challenge Questions.

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assignment paper on nursing informatic

I need help with a Nursing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

  • Using the definitions of Nursing Informatics in this chapter or from other resources, create your own nursing informatics definition that applies to clinical practice.
  • Discuss essential informatics skills every nurse should have. Be prepared to discuss which skill(s) you believe is most important and why.
  • Investigate forces outside healthcare that are driving a move toward greater use of healthcare informatics. Be prepared to discuss which force(s) are having the greatest impact.
  • Conduct an internet search for examples of software piracy. Write up the talking points of the findings.
  • Investigate one type of informatics used in healthcare and analyze its effect on nurses and patients. Be prepared to discuss the positive and/or negative effects.
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the law of evidence/DB 2

I don’t know how to handle this Law question and need guidance.

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Technology and its impact on the admission of evidence

Facial recognition software has come a long way in a short period of time, and is believed by many to provide a technological boost to law enforcement’s ability to identify potential suspects. One of the problems law enforcement often faces today is the availability of photo or video images from a crime, but no way to effectively identify an individual shown on the photo or video.

  • For this discussion board, research facial recognition software, its reliability, effectiveness, and admissibility.
  • Share with your classmates what you’ve learned about facial recognition software.
  • In addition to your general discussion on facial recognition software, please answer the following questions:
    • Is there a consensus in the scientific community on the reliability of facial recognition software?
    • Are there any courts that have admitted evidence based on facial recognition software?
    • How have courts traditionally dealt with new technologies and their evidentiary impact on the criminal trial?
    • What, if any, barriers stand in the way of courts using facial recognition software?
    • Do you believe that the admission of evidence based on facial recognition software will ever become commonplace in our criminal justice system? Why or why not?
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The Kingdom of God

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.

The Kingdom of God

  • Mark 4
  • Matthew 13
  • Kingdom, Grace, Judgment (Capon, 2002)
  • Book 1, Chapter 8: The Weeds
  • Book 1, Chapter 9: The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
  • Book 1, Chapter 10: The Interpretation of the Weeds
  • Stories with Intent (Snodgrass, 2018)
  • Wheat and Weeds
  • The Mustard Seed
  • The Leaven

In the mustard seed, wheat and weeds, and leaven parables, we have different but similar depictions as to what the Kingdom of God is like. In four to five paragraphs, describe your understanding of the Kingdom of God in light of these parables and the associated reading.

  • What is the Kingdom of God like? Be sure to reference each parable and engage with each of its details (for example, what is the dichotomy between the wheat and the weeds? Why are the weeds left alone?).
  • Is the idea of a “Kingdom of God” as portrayed in these parables at all a relevant concept for today? If so, how?
  • If not, was it ever, and how was it relevant?

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research.

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History and Abuse of substance Abuse and Addiction Paper

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on the history and etiology of substance abuse and addiction. Include the following:

  • Describe the differences between substance use, abuse, and addiction.
  • Describe the different models and theories related to the etiology of addiction.
  • Explain how substance abuse has evolved over time.
  • Describe the effects of substance abuse and addiction on the criminal justice system.

Two sources

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analyse theories related to the concepts of Supranational Governance and Multi-level Governance

Help me study for my Political Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Students are requested to analyse theories related to the concepts of Supranational Governance and Multi-level Governance, covered in the attached supporting reading documents using the matrix from the lecture: sum up the assumptions that lay at the core of a theory, describe in brief the logic and the role of supranational institutions in the European Integration process. Papers should be of no less than 10 000 and no more than 15 000 characters (excluding cover page and bibliography).

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Deliverable 1 – How the AIS Can Facilitate Organizational Growth

I’m studying for my Accounting class and need an explanation.


Value the importance of information technology to accountants.

Scenario Information

BeGood Baking Supply is a small bakery supply company formed as a closely held corporation. The company supplies raw baking materials, paper goods, and equipment to restaurants and bakeries in three states in the upper mid-west. Most of its business, however, is located in a large metropolitan area. BeGood wants to increase its presence in the region and serve five states. In fact, the owners of BeGood would like 75% of their business to come from throughout the region rather than the current metropolitan area.

Currently, BeGood has a phone center where customer orders are taken; these orders are then sent to shipping where the order is filled in its large warehouse and shipped within four days. BeGood outsources its shipping to a local trucking company. Once the order ships, all paperwork goes to the accounting department where it is entered into the accounting system. BeGood still uses the same accounting system it has used since the inception of the company. All aging of receivables and other analysis is done using Excel spreadsheets. Purchasing and tracking of inventory are done solely by the warehouse manager.

The owners at BeGood are wondering how they can utilize an online presence and further automate its systems in order to facilitate its growth. The owners would also like to expand into the retail business.

You have been hired as a full-time staff accountant at BeGood Baking Supply and have been given the task of evaluating and recommending a viable accounting information system for the accounting and financial data of BeGood in order to facilitate expansion. As you begin your research, you realize that many departments are involved in the information system, and communication is key.

Your task is to write a memo to management on the value of an AIS and how it will impact the business processes at BeGood facilitating its growth.


Prepare a memorandum for the owners/management of BeGood outlining the following:

  • The value of an AIS and how it can be used to facilitate growth at BeGood
  • Current state of the AIS and its viability
  • Needed changes to the current AIS in order to support desired growth

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
Not Submitted No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not outline the value of an AIS. Gives a minimal outline of the value of an AIS. Gives a basic outline of the value of an AIS. Gives a complete and robust outline of the value of an AIS.
Not Submitted Gives no address as to how AIS can be used to facilitate growth. Gives a minimal address as to how AIS can be used to facilitate growth. Gives a basic address as to how AIS can be used to facilitate growth. Gives a full address as to how AIS can be used to facilitate growth.
Not Submitted Does not outline the current state of the AIS. Minimal outline of the current state of the AIS given. Basic outline of the current state of the AIS given. Full outline of the current state of the AIS.
Not Submitted No outline of the viability of current AIS. Minimally outlines the viability of the current AIS. Basic outline of the viability of current AIS. Fully outlines the viability of current AIS.
Not Submitted Does not outline needed changes to the current AIS in order to support growth. Minimal outline of the current AIS in order to support growth. Basic outline of current AIS in order to support growth. Outlines needed changes to current AIS in order to support growth fully.
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Watch the video below. Think about how we get information and deal with technology.

I’m trying to learn for my Article Writing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

This is a funny, little video that I hope you enjoy and don’t take too seriously. However, I do want you to think seriously about how you learn? How do you deal with new knowledge and technologies? How and where do you seek help to solve problems or collect information? Have you ever thought about the fact that writing and books are technological developments?

Write up about 200 words in answer to those questions.

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