health information systems discussion

I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course and I need some help to understand this question.

“Health Care Data and Information”

  • What do you think are the two (2) most important factors that health care leaders should consider when selecting a health information system?
  • Justify why you prioritize these two factors.
  • What is one (1) risk of using technology within a health care system?
  • Suggest one (1) way to mitigate the risk in question.
  • Provide a rationale to support your response.
  • Explain the importance of interoperability within a health care organization and with external organizations.
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I’m studying and need help with a Computer Science question to help me learn.

Many historical events are part of the evolution of data. From your readings and the lecture, which of the historical figures and/or their inventions do you feel had the most contributory influence to database technology today? Potential to influence blockchain technology? Why do you feel this way?

Explain why in a detailed 1-2 paragraph well-written response.

Spelling, citation, and grammar count towards your grade. Feedback to peer responses is also an integral part of your weekly participation)

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Need help with assignment

I don’t know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.

This assignment is a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes. To prepare for this assignment, access and view the following tutorials: Microsoft PowerPoint Help Also view Speaker’s notes

Please note your PowerPoint presentation needs to have two separate parts.

  1. First, you will examine the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (SOX), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Foreign Corruptions Practices Act (FCPA). In your presentation
    • Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures.
    • Describe the impact these laws have had on business ethics.
    • Illustrate your understanding by including examples in your presentation to support your points.
  2. For the second part of the assignment, use the Ashford University Library to choose an article that describes how one of the laws: FSGO, SOX, CFPB, or FCPA affected an organization. Be sure to choose an article that describes how the chosen law has a positive or negative effect on the organization.
    • Summarize the article
    • Describe the effects on the organization.

The presentation:

Must be 15 to 20 slides in length (not including the title slide and references slide) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
  • Title of presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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All the instructions is there

I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

2 pages..


The purpose of this assignment is for you to share an ethical challenge related to workplace behavior that is present in the music industry

External sources are probably not relevant; it is anticipated that your primary post will be based on personal recall and industry knowledge.

You may choose to either:

Option 1: Discuss ethical challenges that are often present in your industry, and offer methods to prevent or diffuse these challenges for ethical outcomes.

Option 2: Summarize a questionably or surely unethical situation that you have experienced or know of in a workplace environment (preferably in your industry), and explain the perceived implications of this situation, and how it could have been handled differently for a more ethical outcome.

APA formatting, proper in-text citations, and references are required as applicable.

Readings & Resources

Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2017). Reframing Organizations. (6th ed.) San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 19: Reframing Ethics and Spirit

This chapter highlights real world examples of ethical challenges, and how they might be viewed through the perspective of each organizational frame.

Optional Resources:

The text below is only supplemental and the readings in this book are completely optional. This book is helpful if you have been away from the world of organizational behavior for a long time and need a refresher on terms, concepts, etc… These chapters explain how structure, culture, and change contribute to organizational behavior.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. (14th ed.). New York, Pearson.

  • Chapter 15: Foundations of Organizational Structure
  • Chapter 16: Organizational Culture
  • Chapter 17: Organizational Change and Stress Management
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Culture Journal

Help me study for my Communications class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

For full credit each question must include:

  • quote from the reading and thoughtful response to that quote. Highlight in blue
  • An example related to the question and the reading that relates to your personal life. Highlight in Yellow
  • An example related to the question and the reading that comes from an outside source (movie, TV, Magazine, previous courses, etc.) Highlight in Green
  • Through completion of all elements of the question
  • A question you had about the reading, your answer and one outside source you used to find the answer cited in APA formatting Highlighted in purple

Most answers are from 5-10 sentences depending on question and your personal interaction with the reading.


Question 1

Tell me about code switching (Be sue to include elements in the Rubric)

How did students in the clip use “code switching”?Have you ever experienced “code switching”? Describe your experience.

Question 2

Tell me about Face Therory (Be sue to include elements in the Rubric)

Create your own definition of “face” based off of Ting-Toomey’s explanations. What does it mean to “lose face”? In what situation might you “lose face”?

Have you ever been in a “sojourner” position? Describe your experience.

How might you design an intercultural adjustment training? What do you think is most important for foreigners to know about the US?

Question 3

Tell me about Geert Hofstede’s intercultural scales. (Be sure to include elements in the rubric)

Where do you think you fall on each of Geert Hofstede’s Intercultural Dimensions? Why?

What is cultural appropriation? What is the difference (in your opinion) between misappropriation and cultural exchange? Which of the podcast’s examples stood out to you the most as misappropriation? Which as a cultural exchange? How does appropriation hurt marginalized groups? How does power influence appropriation?

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Introduction To Juvenile Justice

I’m working on a Law question and need guidance to help me study.

***The minimum word count for the entire is 1300 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources does not count toward word count! You must use correct APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count)***

1. Case Summary

Use your text and the internet to research the case of In re Gault. In a narrative format, outline the case. Give the facts, issue, and court holding.

2. Case Analysis

What rights did the court find Gault had been denied? What constitutional provisions provided those rights to Gerald Gault?

3. Case Analysis

Discuss in detail the 14th amendment and Gault’s confinement to an Industrial School. What are the purposes of juvenile courts?

4.Executive Decisions

Your state’s governor has appointed you to a task force on juvenile justice reform. Outline at least ten key issues facing juvenile justice. Then offer ten proactive approaches to combat the problems.

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identify some kind of social norm and then examine that norm based on the criteria

I need an explanation for this Sociology question to help me study.

This writing assignment asks you to identify some kind of social norm
and then examine that norm based on the criteria we talked about during
lecture. Here are those criteria:

1. To what extent is the norm known and recognized?
2. What is the mode of transmission? How do we learn about the norm?
3. How much and how often do we conform to the norm?
4. Does the norm apply equally to all groups?
5. Is the norm severely or lightly enforced?
6. What is the mode and consistency of enforcement?

Please be clear about what specific norm you have identified and then
examine that norm along each of those six criteria. Your write up should
be between 800-900 words.

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Please see that both the following are 2 separate questions.

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

Please see that both the following are 2 separate questions.

Question 1) Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.

275 words, citations and references plz no plagiarism.


Question 2) What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations?

300 words, citations and references plz no plagiarism.

Plz upload both the answers in a Microsoft word document, thank you.

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Discussion Board Responses

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

  • Find the attachment
  • Respond to each post
  • Use reliable and different reference from the original post
  • Respond DO NOT summarize.
  • Very important: you have to include your thoughts in a critical thinking
  • APA style
  • 6 responses in total
  • At least 150 words each
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Response Assignment 1

I need help with a History question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Response Assignment 1

Tecumseh to William Henry Harrison, 1810

Your response should be up to two pages double spaced long. It should include a clear thesis and a set of arguments that responds to the questions below.

Part I: Essay – Questions to be answered:

  • What is the significance of this document for understanding America at the beginning of the 19th Century?
  • Why does Tecumseh believe that U.S. policies toward Native Americans are flawed?
  • What does Tecumseh believe that Native Americans should do to protect tribes that inhabit North America?
  • What does Tecumseh’s letter tell us about Native American resistance?
  • Discuss the relationship of Tecumseh’s letter to the letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Henry Harrison regarding policies toward the Native Americans. How does Jefferson’s letter influence your interpretation of Tecumseh’s plan for resistance?

Part II: Discussion Question – please add this below your essay (not as part of it). You can put it on the same page as your essay, but in a separate section.

  • Please pose one discussion question about this reading. What do you think is important to talk about with regard to this source? What is a question that you could ask to deepen your understanding by relating it to other readings, class themes, or issues in American history?

Responses will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Does the response address all the questions posed?
  • Does the response demonstrate that the student has done a close and careful reading of the text?
  • Does the response offer a thoughtful engagement with the text?
  • Does the response demonstrate a concerted effort to think about the significance of the text and its relationship to course topics and other readings in the class, specifically the letter from Thomas Jefferson to Harrison?
  • Does the response make sense? Are the ideas within it clearly communicated?
  • Is the response written in essay form, with a thesis, a set of paragraphs that each address a distinct argument in support of the thesis, and a conclusion?
  • Have you included one question, separate from the essay, that engages the source?
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