Answer questions

I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

From the 6 questions below, please choose 3 questions to answer completely.

1.In what significant ways has globalization changed the competitive landscape?

2.How have “disruptive technologies” changed various industries. Name at least three of the industries and how they have been affected

3.Describe the relationship between resources and capabilities. How are both related to core competencies?

4.Discuss, in detail, the differences between vision and mission.

5.Name and explain each of the three classes of stakeholders in an organization.

6.Name and discuss each segment of the external environment in a company.

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How to write this?

Can you help me understand this History question?

Student will submit a summary (150-200 words in length each) of two document excerpt, listed in the week 2 assignments section, and your personal comments/reaction (150-200 words) for each document summary. Please read the instructions on how to complete the document summary assignment BEFORE posting the assignment so that you submit a complete assignment.

1.“The Creation of the World” from The Upanishands”

2.Herodotus, The Persian Wars: The Battle of Marathon,…

For example:

“Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789”

Summary: This document is a translation of the “Declaration of the Rights of Man (Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen).” It is a collection of articles that was passed by the French National Assembly in August of 1789 and served as the core of the popular revolution. The lede paragraph acts as an introduction to the philosophy of the authors, as well as a statement of the document’s intent. From there it moves to the declaration of seventeen articles. The first is a statement that all people are born equal, and that discrimination is abhorrent. The second article promises them safety, possession, and freedom. The third prevents non-government actors from making or enforcing law. The fourth through sixth articles state that law is of the people, and that law should not forbid actions that have no victim. The next three promises due process, the presumption of innocence, and fair treatment. Articles ten and eleven amount to a promise of free speech and safe critique of the government. Article twelve though fourteen establish a national military under the sole control of the government, who’s funding is controlled by the public through their representatives. The final three state that the government must remain transparent and accountable to the public. Moreover, that the government has the right to relieve a citizen of their property when such action is justified.

Comments: At first this statement would appear to be heavily influenced by the events and commentary unfolding in America. Many of the same standards and promises are echoed in the Declaration of Independence. However, our text smartly links the common thread between the two movements: The Enlightenment. All of these ideas are the evolution of realist and experimentalist philosophy. The pursuit of the New Sciences fostered several generations of results-oriented society. These people came to realize that the most successful society was the one that balanced respect and demands. They found humanism to be as much a tool of commerce as one of moral action. It did not take the average observer long to dissect the power moves made by the crown and church. That disenfranchisement drove them to embrace these articles that are almost the antithesis of a monarchy. I say “almost” because the royalty were not caricatures of authoritarianism. They still had to work with the population to some degree if they had any interest of keeping their heads. I had known the basic statements of the revolution previously, but this was the first time I have read them fully. Yet again, the French set about dragging the rest of Europe into the future.

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Health Care Ethics

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Ethical Controversy: Patient Rights

For this paper, read the following case study, watch the videos “Dax Cowart and Dax Cowart (2)” , and answer the questions following the case study.The link(s) will take you to you tube where you can view the videos.

Be sure to read the specific requirements for the paper at the bottom of this page. Many of the points students lose on these papers are due to APA formatting issues (see below) and grammar! If you have questions, ask.

Case Study – DAX

In 1973, Donald Cowart (“Dax”), age 25 was severely burned in a propane gas explosion. Rushed to the burn treatment unit of Parkland Hospital in Dallas, he was found to have severe burns over 65 percent of his body; his face and hands suffered third degree burns, and his eyes were severely damaged. Full burn therapy was instituted. After initial emergency treatment, Dax’s prognosis for survival was approximately 20 percent. After 6 months of intensive care, his prognosis for survival improved to almost 100 percent. In the early weeks of his hospitalization he was possibly mentally incapacitated at the time critical decisions had to be made, however, he was later found to be mentally competent by two different psychologists. After an initial period during which his survival was in doubt, he stabilized and underwent amputation of several fingers and removal of his right eye. During much of his 232-day hospitalization at Parkland Hospital, his few weeks’ stay at Texas Institute of Rehabilitation and Research at Houston, and his subsequent 6-month stay at University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, he insisted that treatment be discontinued, and that he be allowed to die. Dax’s mother, however, was opposed to termination of medical care for religious reasons. Thus, despite his demand that treatment be stopped, wound care was continued, skin grafts performed, and nutritional and fluid support provided. A question about his mental capacity came to the fore in the early days of his refusal of care. Had the physical and emotional shock of the accident undermined his ability to decide in his own best interests? Initially, it was assumed that he did not have capacity to make his own decisions, at least about refusing life-saving therapy. The doctors accepted the consent of Dax’s mother, rather than his rejection of treatment. He was discharged totally blind, without use of hands or arms, badly scarred, and dependent on others to assist in personal functions.

He was a popular, athletic young man, just discharged from the Air Force where he served in Vietnam. He worked in a real estate business with his father (who was also injured in the explosion that injured Dax and died on the way to the hospital). Thus, before his accident, Dax’s quality of life was excellent. During the course of medical care, he endured excruciating pain and profound depression. After the accident, even with the best of care, he was confronted with significant physical deficits, including notable disfigurement, blindness, and limitation of activity.

The cost of 16 months of intensive burn therapy is high. The distress caused to medical and nursing personnel by Dax’s refusal to cooperate with treatment might have influenced their attitudes towards him.


So you be the judge, should people like Dax be allowed to die?

If so, at what time should they be allowed to die and what should the benchmark for such issues be? How should he be allowed to die? What method would you employ?

If not, then why should people be allowed to go through painful and tortuous treatments and live a life of pain and disability, disfigurement and segregation?

What are the ethical issues involved in this debate?

What ethical principles are violated in this case?

Students are to write a 2-3 page research paper on the topic ***NOT INCLUDING REFERENCES***. Students are to cite research in answering the above questions for the paper.

The paper should be submitted in MS Word. You are expected to cite 2-3 references for this paper utilizing APA format (Refer to APA publication manual and sample paper listed in attachment). No title page, table of contents or abstract is needed for this assignment. Simply put your identifying information in the upper right hand corner of the first page. Remember this is a 2-3 page assignment (not including references)!

§ Standard paper size (8 ½ x 11 paper)

§ 12-pt. Times New Roman font

§ Double spaced

§ 1 inch margins on top, bottom, right, and left

§ Indent all paragraphs 5-7 spaces or ½ inch

§ Page numbers in upper right hand corner of page, use Arabic numerals

§ Reference in text using appropriate APA style and include reference page at the end of the paper. When citing internet resources, only web sites that end in “.edu”, “.org”, or “.gov” will be accepted as references. Also, Wikipedia in any form will NOT be accepted as a reference.



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Analyze a Representational Painting

I’m working on a Art & Design exercise and need support.

Now that we covered all the elements and principles of design put your expertise to use!

This lesson will help you analyze and explain the visual elements and principles in a work of art.You are essentially dissecting the art.Figuring out how the artist put the work together, will bring you further understanding of the work, the reasons behind the choices the artist made, how the elements and principles work together in that particular work, and insight into the concept of the piece. Discuss your analysis to broaden your understanding of the work. 20pts

**Remember art can range from aesthetically pleasing to commentary whether political, social, ecological, etc. Also we all take our own experiences and cultures with us when viewing artwork. This lends itself to some variation in interpretations. Try to be as objective as possible.

Here’s how to complete the assignment:

  1. Look up the image, The Ballad of the Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley by Thomas Hart Benton.
  2. Analyze the work, finding the elements of art and principles of design and functions of art that are used in the work.
  3. Decide what elements and principles to emphasize in mark ups (see example video on Birth of Venus) and what text to include to complete the presentation in google slides or powerpoint or any slide program.
  4. Make one slide just for the main shape analysis, as in video and Guernicaexample.png.pdf.
  5. Make another slide for a value pattern analysis (like the exercise we did in Chapter 3, example ValuePatternEx.pdf,
  6. Create 1 or 2 other slides to show any visual aides you need to make your point. Circling items, arrows to show directional forces…
  7. Import the images into a slide program and mark up. (it can also be done outside of the computer and photographed or scanned back in) Identify, show and discuss the main design elements and principles of composition- How they contribute to the composition, how it works to enhance the meaning of the piece and how does it move the viewer around the piece in an orchestrated way.
  8. Include text slides with main comments to take us successfully through your analysis of the piece. Do a thorough, concise job. You should have 5-8 slides.
  9. Save the slides as a .pdf, .jpg, .pptx, only.
  10. Post the presentation to the assignment.

Tools for the assignment if you need them.

  1. Google account to use google docs and google slides if you’re not using powerpoint.

Tutorials for google docs and slides:

Create a presentation:

presentations (Links to an external site.)

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Assignment 2: Article Critique

I’m studying for my Statistics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Assignment 2: Article Critique

The practice of quantitative research not only involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the understanding of statistical techniques related to real-world applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use statistical methods in your profession but as a consumer, citizen, and scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily news.

For this Assignment, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to ANCOVA.

To prepare

  • Review the Article Critique Assignment Guide in the Walden Library, listed in the Week 2 Learning Resources.
  • Search the Walden Library for a quantitative article that applies ANCOVA.

By Day 7

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page critique of the research you found in the Walden Library that includes responses to the following prompts:

  • Why did the authors select ANCOVA in the research?
  • Do you think this test was the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
  • Did the authors display the results in a figure or table?
  • Does the results table stand alone? In other words, are you able to interpret the study from it? Why or why not?
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Drawing Assignment and Critique

I’m studying for my Art & Design class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Drawing Assignment and Critique

146146 unread replies.146146 replies.

Drawing project– lines, textures, space, shapes and values-

Start with rubbings and add other elements, like lines or shapes, to create a non representational/non- objective image.See examples. RubbingTextEx.pdf

How to make rubbing textures:

(Put paper over an object or surface and rub with the side of a soft pencil or charcoal or crayon etc.Watch the texture emerge on the paper.Rub lightly at first to see how the texture comes through.Rub on a variety of surfaces to get desired composition.Then add other elements, like line, shapes, etc, to the page if you feel the composition needs it for balance.)

Photograph or scan your image to a jpeg and embed it to this assignment discussion by the due date and time. Here’s how to embed the image (Links to an external site.).

Then send a critique to one of the other student’s drawings that attracted you. You can view them on the discussion thread.Give them a critique according to the attached critique guide by end of day. CritGuide.pdf

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Final Paper

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

The research paper will be a thorough review and discussion of the topic you chose in Written Assignment Week Two. As described in Week Two, the paper should be a review of a specific psychological disorder studied in the field of biopsychology, along with a review and analysis of methods used in biopsychology to investigate the cause of the disorder and to treat the disorder. You will base your review on specific studies of different methodological approaches of biopsychology to understanding and treating the disorder. (Note: It is important that you choose methodological approaches that you understand and are comfortable discussing in detail. For example, you should not choose gene knockout technology in the study of alcohol abuse if you are weak in the area of genetics and molecular genetics.)

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Help with assignment

I’m working on a Statistics exercise and need support.

Statistics also play an important part in the tools and techniques of change management, which is why we are continuing to explore SPSS.

General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
• Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
• You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


  1. View the following:
    SPSS for Beginners 4: Regression
  2. Open SPSS and complete the following:
    Obtain an output with a simple linear regression and a scatterplot graph (as in the tutorial, with the values as seen below); highlight the model summary and coefficients table, and upload it into LC:

Caffeine Dose IQ Score
50 100
60 102
80 107
90 105
110 112
150 108
150 103
160 109
180 109
200 112
200 120
210 114
210 118
220 121
220 120
250 130
260 127
260 131
280 132
300 135

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Discussion question

I need an explanation for this Health & Medical question to help me study.

Research the following using your web browser:

  • Videos about the purpose of a health care business plan
  • Articles about the purpose of a health care business plan

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Summarize your findings.
  • What did you find the most useful?
  • How will you use the information you researched?

1 or 2 paragraphs would be sufficient.

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SWOT Analysis

I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.

Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state. You must analyze internal or external factors that could negatively affect or assist the organization with accomplishing their goals. Please begin the assignment by reviewing this week’s classroom lecture notes and locating a nearby hospital. After discovering a suitable hospital, you should research the social media accounts, accreditation reports, newspaper articles, or Joint Commission updates.

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