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Reflection Paper
Im working on a English exercise and need support.
I want from you to write a reflection paper based on reading this chapter ” (Apples and Oranges)” from Five Equations that Changed the World book that has been attached by answering the question on the question file has been attached.
and please tell me which pages did you get these information
And follow the ” Excellent ” rubric in the rubric file has been attached.
word count : 600-800 words
Business Statistics Assignment
Im studying and need help with a Statistics question to help me learn.
Week 6 Project Assignment
For these project assignments throughout the course you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadsheet.
Using the ROI data set:
- For each of the 2 majors test the hypothesis at the 5% significance level:
- The mean Cost for a college is $160,000. Be sure to interpret your results.
- For Business versus Engineering majors conduct a two sample test of the hypothesis at the 10% significance level (assume the variances are not equal):
The average 30-Year ROI for Business majors is less than for Engineering Majors. Be sure to interpret your results.
Please provide original work. No plagarizing.
Human Resource Management Assignment
I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.
Flexible Benefits Programs
Many organizations, both public and private, use flexible benefits programs to help attract and retain a motivated and high-performing workforce.
- Using this lead-in as a backdrop, conduct online research and choose an organization, public or private, that has gained popularity because of their flexible benefits program or lack thereof.
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
- Write between 750 1,250 words (approximately 3 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
- Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
- Include cover page and reference page.
- At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
- No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
- Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
- Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
Please provide original work. No plagarizing.
CS-4447-Systems Analysis and Design
Need help with my Computer Science question – Im studying for my class.
Mini Case:
At Bayside Financial, where you work as a project manager, you have been asked to conduct user training sessions for a new information system. You must develop a specific schedule for the tasks (the estimated task duration for each is shown in parentheses):
- First, confirm arrangements for the training facility you plan to use (3 days).
- After you have confirmed the training facility, two tasks can begin at the same time: you need to send an e-mail message to all department managers announcing the training sessions (1 day) and you can develop the training material (5 days).
- As soon as the training material is complete, you can work on two tasks at once: arrange to have copies of handout material printed (2 days) and develop a set of PowerPoint slides (5 days).
- When the PowerPoint slides are ready, you conduct a practice training session with the instructor who will assist you (2 days).
- Finally, when the practice session is over and the handout material is ready, you can conduct the user training sessions (4 days).
- (5 pts) What is the correct total time?
- (35 pts) Create a Gantt chart that shows the WBS. (You don’t have to use any special software, you may create your diagram in powerpoint or word)
- (15 pts) Analyze the fact situation carefully to determine which tasks are concurrent and which ones are dependent on other tasks.
- (35 pts) Create a PERT chart that shows the project. Use a format similar to Figure 3-18 on page 82. (You don’t have to use any special software, you may create your diagram in powerpoint or word)
- (10 pts) What is the critical path for this project? How do you know?
10 mins ago
Discussion Response
I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.
1 2 page response explain how a policy or practice that they presented might impact function within the music label industry
The purpose of this discussion assignment is for you to identify and explain any industry (or regulating body) policies or practices that might affect organizational function.
Use any relevant sources (industry or other) to identify specific policies and/or practices in your industry that might impact organizational function.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) contains a division that designs, develops, administers, and maintains professional personnel certification programs. Examples of these certifications include; Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS), Certified Fire Inspector (CFI), and several more fire, life, and electrical safety programs. By definition, the NFPA is the certifying body for these professional certification programs. Many certifying bodies design and develop similar certification programs, some of which are approved by accrediting agencies such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), and others (Miller, 2012). The NFPA chose to use ANSI as the accrediting agency for the CFPS certification program. ANSI, like other accrediting agencies, maintains a very strict set of policies and practices that the NFPA must abide by in order to remain accredited. The set of ANSI policies and practices is known as the ISO/ANSI 17024 general requirements for bodies operating certification of persons (ANSI, 2020).
There are many reasons why certifying authorities seek out accreditation for their certification programs, most aimed at creating benefits for the people wishing to become certified. Accreditation is important to certification candidates because, at a minimum, it indicates that a program is managed properly, is granted by a credible organization, contains exams that are fair and valid, provides a competitive advantage for certificants seeking jobs within the field of practice, and shows the program meets a standardized set of practices (Increasing Value in Your Certification, 2012). The ISO/ANSI 17024 standards policies and practices have a direct impact on the NFPAs organizational function. Three of the ISO/ANSI 17024 policies are listed below, along with the impact each has on organizational functions (Editorial Note: As the ANSI standard is a copyright-protected document, viewable only to ANSI clients, the actual ANSI standard cannot be shared as an attachment. Abridged language within the three policies is shown below):
17024 Section 5.2 Structure of the Certification Body in Relation to Training. ANSI is concerned that the NFPAs certification team might share exam content with the training team, constituting a threat to impartiality (NFPA cannot require certification candidates to complete NFPA offered training in order to become certified). This impacts HR and team managers as they must ensure department structure and information policies keep the people who develop certification exams separated from the training developers, both physically and by content area. This particular requirement is seen as having a negative impact on organizational function for several reasons: 1) It requires the creation and management of two distinct teams (negative structural design and higher HR expenses), 2) It creates frustration for certification preparatory training developers (tougher to develop certification training if they do not know what is on the final examination), and 3) It causes frustration with consumers of NFPA training and the associated certifications (they expect that if they complete NFPA training, then they will pass the certification exam). The only viable alternative to this policy is for management to understand exactly what is permissible and when. For example, ANSI now allows the certification team to share the examination blueprint (a document containing a list of the domains or sections within the exam, the topics covered within each domain, and the number of exam questions for each domain) with the training team. This alternative was approved by ANSI auditors, resulting in less frustration for certification and training developers. The hope is that the courses will become more closely aligned to the exams and customers who purchase NFPA training will be more prepared to pass certification exams.
17024 Section 9 Certification Process Requirements. ANSI has very specific policies involving how the certification process is managed. This part of the 17024 standard describes how candidates apply for the program, how applicant information is collected and secured, the process by which the candidate is approved to sit for the examination, the examination process, the score reporting, and the ongoing recertification requirements. This set of policies impact NFPA organizational function in a positive manner for several reasons: 1) They provide a clear road map for handling customer information, as well as for systems planning and development for the certification and Information Systems (IS) teams, 2) They prescribe how third-party testing vendors implement testing and manage their testing centers, and 3) They provide the certification team with tools to handle appeals and complaints.
17024 Section 10 Management System Requirements. ANSI enforces strict rules involving documenting all policies and procedures related to the management of NFPA certifications. This section describes exactly what is to be documented and how. Policies specific to the development and management of the certifying board (in NFPAs case, the Certification Advisory Groups CAGs) is very important and has a positive impact on NFPA organizational function for several reasons: 1) They dictate who is responsible for every task in the design, development, and administration of the certification programs (for NFPA as well as members of the CAG), 2) Determine the role of NFPA legal counsel in all matters (CAG NDA agreements, contract negotiations, CAG and consumer complaints and other issues), 3) Determine how related policies and procedures are documented, stored, and updated over time, and 4) Dictate program audit process and reporting functions.
In summary, the ISO/ANSI 17024 standard provides a robust set of policies and procedures that must be followed to maintain NFPA accreditation. The NFPA management team believes that the few negatives associated with this standard are outweighed by the numerous positive impacts on organizational function, internal team collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Adhering to an accreditation standard is not for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of work and takes many hours each year to ensure that the standards are met and audits are completed successfully. In the end, meeting customer demands for high quality, fair, and valid programs along with the honor of placing the ANSI 17024 seal on program certificates, makes it all worthwhile (Bunch, Bohan, & Senn, 2017).
ANSI 17024:2012 Standard (2020). Retrieved from
Bunch, A. W., Bohan, T., & Senn, D. (2017). Accreditation of Forensic Specialty Certification
Bodies. Forensic Science Policy & Management, 8(1/2), 2225. Retrieved from…
INCREASING VALUE in Your Certification! (2012). Annals of Psychotherapy & Integrative
Health, 15(2), 6263. Retrieved from…
Miller, K. (2012). From the Certification Board Nurse Life Care Planning: Licensure, Specialty
Designation, Certification, and Accreditation. Journal of Nurse Life Care Planning, 12(4), 735737. Retrieved from
Reference Video
Readings & Resources
Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2017). Reframing Organizations. (6th ed.) San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
- Chapter 6: People and Organizations
- Chapter 7: Improving Human Resource Management
- Chapter 8: Interpersonal and Group Dynamics
- Chapter 17: Reframing Leadership
Answer the following
Im trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) — Main Topic
Sub topics :
-Build and Maintain a Secure Network and Systems
-Protect Cardholder Data
-Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
-Implement Strong Access Control Measures
-Regularly monitor and test networks -buddha ppt and 300 words
-Maintain an Information Security Policy
-Report the Compliance Process
APA format, references needed, 3000 words, 18 references needed
answer below question
I dont know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.
Go to the company investor relations websites for ExxonMobil (, Pfizer (, and Intel ( to find examples of strategic and financial objectives. List four objectives for each company and indicate which of these are strategic and which are financial
Only 1 paragraph
Politics and the Law. The Health Care System. Economics of Health Care.
I dont know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.
1.Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process.
2. Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy.
3.Describe the organization of the public healthcare subsystem at the federal, state, and local levels.
4. Discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care.
As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12. A minimum of 2 replies to any of your peers are required sustained with the proper references. Answers should be presented in an essay style format and a minimum of 700 words without counting the first, last page (reference) and the running head is required.
Strategic Management
Im working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.
Read Case #1, Mystic Monk Coffee (Attached Below) and Answer the following questions:
Videos also attached for reference.
- Has Father Daniel Mary established a future direction for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming? What is his vision for the monastery? What is his vision for Mystic Monk Coffee? What is the mission of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming?
- Does it appear that Father Daniel Mary has set definite objectives and performance targets for achieving his vision?
- What is Father Prior’s strategy for achieving his vision? What competitive advantage might Mystic Monk Coffee’s strategy produce?
- Is Mystic Monk Coffee’s strategy a money-maker? What is MMC’s business model? What is your assessment of Mystic Monk Coffee’s customer value proposition? Its profit formula? Its resources that enable it to create and deliver value to customers?
- Does the strategy qualify as a winning strategy? Why or why not?
- What recommendations would you make to Father Daniel Mary in terms of crafting and executing strategy for the monastery’s coffee operations? Are changed needed in its long-term direction? its objectives? its strategy? its approach to strategy execution? Explain.
Writing Requirements
- APA format,
- 3 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
- Research and cite and reference at least 3 peer reviewed journal articles
Please see instructions below.
Can you help me understand this Social Science question?
For this Assignment, watch the Bradley video.
In a 2- to 4-page paper, identify two opening exercises that you might recommend for a group of adolescent girls who were victims of human trafficking.
- Describe the exercises in detail so that another social worker would be able to implement them.
- Explain ways these exercises might be effective in creating a comfortable environment for these teenage girls.
- Support your rationale with the literature. For example, what does the literature say about teenage girls who have been arrested for prostitution/human trafficking and who openly discuss their experiences?
- How do these exercises promote group cohesion and encourage these teens to talk openly?
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