Please see instructions below.

Can you help me understand this Social Science question?

For this Assignment, watch the “Bradley” video.

In a 2- to 4-page paper, identify two opening exercises that you might recommend for a group of adolescent girls who were victims of human trafficking.

  • Describe the exercises in detail so that another social worker would be able to implement them.
  • Explain ways these exercises might be effective in creating a comfortable environment for these teenage girls.
  • Support your rationale with the literature. For example, what does the literature say about teenage girls who have been arrested for prostitution/human trafficking and who openly discuss their experiences?
  • How do these exercises promote group cohesion and encourage these teens to talk openly?
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Security Architecture and Design – Replies

I’m trying to study for my Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.

Topic: Security Architecture and Design


What happens when we place the authentication system in our demilitarized zone (DMZ)—that is, in the layer closest to the Internet? What do we have to do to protect the authentication system? Does this placement facilitate authentication in some way? How about if we move the authentication system to a tier behind the DMZ, thus, a more trusted zone? What are the implications of doing so for authentication performance? For security?


  • Need only 3 Responses for other student posts
  • Minimum 150 words for each response (use uploaded document to see other student posts)
  • Textbook attached
  • No plagiarism please
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BCJ 530 Multicultural issues in law enforcement

I need support with this Law question so I can learn better.

  • 3. What are the five criteria widely accepted and recognized among researchers for classifying groups as gangs?
    Text must be cited:
  • Multicultural Law Enforcement:Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society6th Edition, 2015 ISBN: 9780133483307Text:Author(s): Publisher: PearsonRobert M. Shusta, Deena R. Levine, Herbert Z. Wong, Aaron T. Olson & Philip R. Harris
  • Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
  • Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
  • Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
  • The faculty will be evaluating you on your ability to present a well-organized and developed response that is clear in its presentation of the course material. Your presentation must be based on the course textbook. For maximum credit, you will also need to include outside sources.
  • Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall in the following ranges:

    Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words per question.


    All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles

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    Research Paper

    I don’t understand this Law question and need help to study.

    Assignment Instructions

    Assignment Instructions DUE 20 FEB THIS IS 25% OF MY GRADE.


    Research Paper Grading Rubric ~ Click Here

    Research Paper/Term Project:

    Each student is required to complete the term project, which is an 8-10 page research paper in APA Style. The project should have 8-10 pages not counting the cover, abstract and reference page.

    Assignment Instructions


    All work should be submitted in APA 6th Edition style, which includes (if sources are used) in-line citations and a References page. No exceptions. Review the APA publication manual. APUS APA Style (pdf)

    Note that references used for your research need to be peer-reviewed/scholarly journals. These journals typically have the following characteristics:

    1. articles are reviewed by a panel of experts before they are accepted for publication;
    2. articles are written by a scholar or specialist in the field;
    3. articles report on original research or experimentation;
    4. are often published by professional associations;
    5. utilize terminology associated with the discipline.

    Research Paper Instructions:

    Choose one of the topics listed below to write an 8-10 page research paper on. (8-10 pages excluding the title page, reference list, appendices) Your paper MUST be in APA Format.

    Do not include quotes in your work. I want to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed for a successful paper. At this point in your educational journey, you should have solid substance and proper academic formatting in your college-level writing assignments. Students will be graded on both so make sure you turn in your best work. Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality paper that highlights your criminal justice writing.

    This is a major assignment so please follow the instructions carefully.

    1. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that discusses one of the following 6 areas in which police departments have historically been found to be defective or deficient:

    a.) a constitutional issue b.) due process, C.) civil rights, d.) use of deadly force and police brutality, e.) abuse of discretion, f.) corruption and police-community relations.

    2. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that discusses illegal drug use, illegal prostitution, and money laundering.

    3. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that compares and contrasts the problems associated with defining and determining the frequency of corporate crime in the United States.

    4. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that examines one of the various theories that explain crime.

    5. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that critiques middle-class delinquency’s relationship to gangs.

    Use the APUS library to find at least five, peer-reviewed articles that cover your chosen topic from the list above. Again, you are required to use scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, in-text citations, and provide a reference page for this paper.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have submitted the assignment it is automatically run through (plagiarism checker). When you submit your paper into the “assignment” area (as a word doc only) it is processed by Turnitin for plagiarism detection. The paper should not contain any direct quotes. In other words, sources used in the paper should be paraphrased, cited in proper APA format and reflect critical thinking.

    In addition, it is important to note the following critical aspects for your paper that if not completed correctly could result in a 0% despite the paper’s content and other evaluation criteria as noted below:

    Your paper MUST be in proper APA format

    Your paper MUST utilize APPROPRIATE references

    You MUST avoid any form of Plagiarism at all costs

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    developing a shared vision

    I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.

    Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today’s health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics:

    1. Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services)
    2. Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services
    3. Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues
    4. Influx of Registry, Part-Time, and Temporary Contract Staff
    5. Poor Performance Outcomes Leading to a Reduction in Medicare Reimbursement Dollars
    6. Poor Job Satisfaction Rates Resulting in Turnover

    You are the manager of an ancillary service department at a large, 500+ bed hospital. Develop a proposal (750-1,200 words) that is directed toward your staff, in which you address the following:

    1. Inform the staff of the two issues (from the topics provided) your organization is facing.
    2. Describe the impact of these issues on your department.
    3. Describe how improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork can improve conditions in your department.
    4. Identify at least two examples from the required or recommended readings of techniques found to foster inclusion and improve communication and collaboration.
    5. A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

    Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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    I want a reply post to the below essay in 200 words using apa format and include at least a reference from journal articles

    I need help with a Article Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

    The Internet is indisputable while in travel to transforming into a fundamental gadget of business, correspondence, and standard culture in various parts of the world. PC Mediated Communications has a broad assortment of supporters and spoilers. A couple of individuals fight the Internet will change social affiliations, where others battle that the Internet will incite loss of assurance, predictable trades, and control. There are similarly the people who fight that the Internet is also being presented as an informative mechanical assembly to change how government financed preparing is passed on. We assume that the Internet is an impartial social helper instrument with a couple of positive possible results.

    Security is that the essential issue on the web if I even have mastered over the web I’d increase the affirmation over the net. We should look at a few reasons wherever security needs on the net. All through the earlier decade web has transformed into the far-reaching range approach of correspondence and advancement. It’s on the time bases that we tend to share our information, preparing, foundation, business et cetera. On the virtual approach. The web has opened new streets for correspondence. Email office has empowered individuals to converse with the slightest wastage of your chance. It’s by and by achievable to establish a connection on any a bit of the planet through a straightforward email address and in this way the message is passed on in the midst of a matter of seconds. And no more viable level, the online extended our effectively monster, triangulated framework to the bit the nerves and neural connections of a dynamic and glamorous world. It modified our aggregate ability to scavenge for the sustenance of our creative abilities and our interests. The libraries and documents that we have a tendency to claim alone longed for were by and by about readily available. the online carried with it the delight and conjointly the plenitude of outskirts less lodge at the part of the peevish and enervating force of de-customized debate in electronic exchange records. It incontestable the conceivable outcomes of unprecedented accomplishments of electronic liberality and unselfishness once of us shared great amounts of information on the distributed system and at a proceeding, with time it gave an early presentation to and admonitions concerning the tireless egotism of vainglory blogging. It changed the that} all through that the world turned into the blessing to u. s. also, conjointly the manners by which all through which we have a tendency to wind up the endowment of the world, until the end of time.

    The Internet grows the skyline of each vocalization or informative act to a likely planetary level. This makes it unfathomable to envision an entirely local setting or open for any esteem that anybody makes today. It mutually de-focuses the origination of the worldwide from any favored area. No place is any pretty much the center of the world than the inverse anymore. As those that once saw that they colonized the scholarly edges of the current just in light of the character of government courses of action, we tend to all perceive that nothing could likewise be very as enervating because of the steady generation of confirmation of one’s hugeness. the online has changed this one truth exhaustively. The significance, esteem or import of one’s announcements are no longer consequently fixing to the physical actualities of one’s area on a still unequal government delineate.

    While this does not imply that as craftsmen, scholarly people or imaginative specialists we have a tendency to forestall considering or going to our safe haven, in particular, facilitates of genuine physical areas, what it’ll mean is that we have a tendency to comprehend that the solid truth of our physical place among the planet is striated by the area’s transmission and accepting limits, that turns all that we tend to plan to compose into either a feeble or a solid flag. we have a tendency to tolerate as the main priority that these signs exist, not just to those see we tend to all recognize} and to individuals who know u. s., however to whatever is left of the world, through undoubtedly interminable transfers and circles.

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    Leadership Visions

    I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


    Kouzes and Posner state that leadership visions for an organization are inadequate if they are not shared with constituents. Communication is a key point of focus in this regard. Decisions pertaining to communication, on many levels, can have significant implications. That pertains, in part, to the manner in which the communication takes place, those receiving the communication, the nature and extent of the communication and the potential impact of the communication.


    1. Interpret what Kouzes and Posner were referring to regarding leadership visions for organizations being inadequate if not shared with constituents.
    2. Analyze the implications associated with sharing, or not sharing, a vision with constituents in a criminal justice organization context.
    3. Explain how communication skills impact communication of a vision in a criminal justice application based context.

    Special Instructions:

    Create a 1 page essay in APA format according to the instructions above. Use 2 scholarly sources for references. Be sure to utilize in-text citations.

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    Community Policing

    I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

    Community-Oriented Policing and Gangs

    Gang activity is perhaps the most destructive force in America. Community-oriented policing attempts to address some of the issues of gang life and how it impacts the quality of life in the community. For this week’s assignment locate a community-oriented policing program or a sub program within one that is attempting to deal with a gang problem. You might start by looking here for ideas: one of the community programs and evaluate its effectiveness. Analyze what has worked and what has not worked. Make suggestions as to what might be an improvement to the program.

    Write a 2 page APA style paper. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement (title page and references are in addition to the 2 pages)

    In your paper, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format for in-text citation.

    Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the library (this includes EBSCO Host and the Gale Criminal Justice Collection).

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    Economics for global manager

    I’m studying for my Economics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

    Select a U.S. multinational company, and respond to the following questions:

    • In terms of currency denomination, describe how the firm prices its revenues and costs.
    • For multinational enterprises (MNEs) with multiple foreign operations, consider any 2 of those operations and the contribution they are making to the parent firm’s profits.
    • What means do they use to hedge against exchange rate risk?
    • Using this information, what do you think would be the effect of increases or decreases in the dollar’s exchange value on the firm’s profitability?
    • Be sure to show all applicable work.

    Present your findings as a Word document of minimum FULL 7 pages double-spaced formatted in APA style. Include 5–7 academic, peer-reviewed references that are relevant to and support the deliverable.

    Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

    1. Title page: Remember the running head AND THE TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS.
    2. Abstract: This is a summary of your paper—not an introduction. Begin writing in third-person voice.
    3. Body: The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 3–4 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
    4. Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper- and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation. Tutor also needs to prepare an outline & Executive summary and have it to me on 01/25/20. Just make sure that it is apa style, in-text citation is used correctly please please make sure Times Roman New 10pt. Is used when typing up the assignment and must also include an abstract at beginning of the paper. Make sure spelling and punctuation is accurate and the final paper fully completed.

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    I don’t understand this Economics question and need help to study.

    Assignment 1:

    The directions for the homework include some really important information and perspective. In particular, here is an important passage for you to reflect on now that you have taken the first midterm exam:

    “As you will see, the midterm questions are similar to these homework questions. For this reason, it would be very beneficial for you to improve your ability to answer these questions correctly, and in a timely manner. To do this, you should pay close attention to the questions that you get wrong, and try to understand why you got it wrong and what you can change going forward to get similar questions correct. Here is some advice about how to do that:

    There are basically 2 types of questions. Some questions just require that you know a definition, while others require you to apply a theory we learned to a new situation and answer a question about it. When you miss a question, you should first note which type of question it is. If you miss a definition question, you need to spend more time memorizing the terms –that is a comparatively easy fix. If you miss the theory application questions, then you should try to figure out what approach you could have taken to get it right –a taller task. For these theory questions, I recommend first thinking about what part of the class covered this type of material… what did we talk about that could be applied to this situation? Once you have an idea about what type of theory you should apply, try to fit the specific facts of the question into the theory we learned to answer the question. You will see that knowing the definitions is a requirement to getting the theory questions right.”

    Please reflect on what you did for this class prior to taking the midterm, and answer these questions:

    • A) Have you given your best effort to master the material?
    • B) If not, what are you going to change to step it up for the next exam? If you did give it your best effort, do you need to make any adjustments to the activities in which you applied your efforts?

    Now please watchthis TED Talk by Angela Duckworth, (Links to an external site.)and answer these questions:

    • C) What did you think of what Ms. Duckworth had to say?
    • D) Do you believe that your brain can actually change shape and respond as you apply effort and try to learn? It is true, and it means that almost any academic setbacks you experience are just temporary, and that you can overcome your challenges with grit.

    After responding to these 4 questions, please comments on the response of at least 1 classmate.

    Assignment 2:

    Please read the following prompt and post your response:

    Unemployment can be a major social problem. In early 2019 the unemployment rate in Bosnia was 34%.

    By comparison, in 1933, the worst year of the great depression, the unemployment rate in the United States was 24.75%.

    Unemployment increases when the amount of work that needs to be done in an economy decreases. Businesses notice this first when they get fewer orders for goods and services. When firms have less work to do, they need fewer workers, and they typically layoff some of their employees. However, firing workers is not the only option; a firm could just trim everyone’s hours instead.

    For example, imagine a firm needs 20% fewer labor hours because a recession has decreased the demand for their product. The firm could achieve this 20% reduction by laying off 20% of its workforce, or it could achieve this by keeping everyone employed, but reducing everyone’s hours by 20%.

    From the business owners’ perspective, one point in favor of the “terminating jobs” approach is that, although recessions are bad for business, when businesses trim their work force, typically the least productive workers get laid off first, and often firms emerge from recessions stronger for having shed workers who shirk their duties. Even today, following the recession of 2008, unemployment remains high but much of Corporate America is as profitable as ever.

    From the employees’ perspective, there are some tradeoffs here. If the employer lays off 20% of the workers, those who remain may feel insecure about the stability of their job, although they maintain their full pay. On the other hand, if the employer doesn’t lay anyone off, and instead cuts everyone’s hours by 20%, all employees remain employed, but earn less money.

    1. Which type of firm would you rather work for?One who lays people off, or one that cuts everyone’s hours?Why?Think about the tradeoffs involved.Please use marginal analysis (ref. chapter 1) in your reasoning, and back up any claims you make with some documentation.
    2. If a law was passed that required all firms to cut hours instead of lay people off, so that everybody was guaranteed a job and only hours worked fluctuated (instead of experiencing joblessness), what do you think the economic consequences would be? Specifically:;
      1. Do you have any thoughts on how (and why) this might affect the duration and severity of recessions? This is a topic we’ll cover in coming chapters.
      2. What do you think the long-term implications on the health of the economy would be? Think about what effect this policy would have on workers’ effort level, and therefore productivity over time.
      3. Finally, would this sort of policy cause any other social problems or issues?

    Please use economic reasoning in your response, and include a link to a website or article that passes the CRAAP Test (Links to an external site.) as evidence to support your position. After you respond to the initial prompt, please respond to the post of at least one classmate, and try to convince the individual (and the class) that your position is reasonable.

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