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Abnormal Psychology/DB 2
I dont know how to handle this Psychology question and need guidance.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:
Select 1 the following disorders:
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Hoarding Disorder
Focus your discussion of the disorder on the following:
- What are some of the symptoms? What would this disorder look like in person? Make sure you relate this back to the DSM criteria.
- Based on your research, do you think the media has portrayed the disorder you selected in an unbiased manner or is it sensationalized? Support your answer.
In the DSM-IV Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Trichotillomania were in separate chapters.
- Why do you think the DSM-5 has placed Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Trichotillomania into a chapter called Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders? Support your answer with research.
You may also research the psychological disorders, by reviewing an electronic version of the DSM-5 in CTU’s library. For more information on accessing the DSM-5 in the library please review How to Access DSM-5 and/or watch this video.
How active is each threat agent? How might a successful attack serve a particular threat agents goals?
Im stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.
Minimum of 700 words
How active is each threat agent? How might a successful attack serve a particular threat agents goals?
Minimum of 600 words
Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
According to the author of this book, there are three key attributes of human attackers, as follows:
What are your thoughts on this topic? Also, please explain the three key attributes related to this subject.
Discussion Board Question
Im working on a Health & Medical exercise and need support.
Please provide in depth answer to a discussion board question regarding Hospitals Incident Command System, Critical thinking should be applied as well. Here’s the question!
- How difficult is it to operationalize HICS? What are some of the challenges associated with HICS implementation? What are some solutions to the identified challenges?
- Who needs to be trained in HICS and why?
- Should different staff receive different levels of training in HICS?
Reilly, M., &Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health Care Emergency Management: Principles and Practice
- Chapter 2: Introduction to Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management
- Chapter 9: Functional Roles of Hospital Workers in Disasters and Public Health Emergencies
Reilly, M., &Markenson, D. S. (2009). Education and training of hospital workers: Who are essential personnel during a disaster?Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 24(3), 239-245.
Jensen, J. and Waugh, W. L. (2014), The United States’ Experience with the Incident Command System: What We Think We Know and What We Need to Know More About. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 22: 517. doi: 10.1111/1468-5973.12034
How to write this
I dont know how to handle this History question and need guidance.
The submitted assignment consists of the topic, a tentative title,The thesis (what you intend to prove in the paper), and a short summary (200-300 words) of how you intend to prove your thesis For example, a paper about the travels of Marco Polo to China in the 1200s would be acceptable. However, a paper about the rise, decline, and fall of Rome would not be as historians have written 300 to 1000 word books about this topic. I will also return the assignment for a redo if the submission is not in the approved format:
Format for assignment:
General topic of the paper:
Tentative title:
Tentative thesis (what you intend to prove in the paper):
Summary of the proposed paper (250-300-words)
Discussion 1
Im working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.
View the video extract from the movie Fast times at Ridgemont High (Also youtube – see link below) (Uhl, 2013 – opens in new tab, runs 1:43) and discuss the following:
1. Identify the Four Principal Functions of a manager discussed in the Ch. 1 of the text.
2. Discuss how the manager could have achieved the best outcome for the organization.
3. Consider all stakeholders, and discuss earlier actions that could have avoided the incident, (alternatives/different ways to resolve the issue at various stages during the movie clip).
Directions: Provide an initial response of 300 word
Hazardous Materials Management System – Case Study
I dont understand this Management question and need help to study.
1. Develop a case study using the Eight step process and NFPA 7.2 as guides. Starting at incident initiation and ending with incident termination. Discuss as the occupational, environmental, and public health implications and concerns along the journey. In addition, compare and contrast these stages against one another…. What I am seeking is thought process along this journey. Do the response personnel have more challenging issues compared to EMS personnel or hospital personnel? Is the risk for the response personnel greater than that of the community, why or how? Do we have “defined” knowns for arriving firefighting companies and emergency personnel? 2. This incident involves Ethylene Oxide – substitute Chlorine as the substance and compare and contrast the differences with occupational, environmental, and public health impacts to responders, the community, and any water/air/land issues. |
I attached a file contains most of the steps. There are “Information management and resource coordination” and ” Implement response objectives” from the 8 steps. Review the file and add what are missing.
I attached useful documents also.
Reference to appropriate authoritative resources and official websites. Must be accessible online. Use New Times Roman 12 font with 1 margins and APA style.
Discussion question and peer reviews
I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.
Do you have free will? Or does your brain chemistry make decisions for you?
This week youre learning about the electrochemical reactions that happen every time you think, feel, sense, or act. So does that mean you are not in charge? Does body chemistry direct your choices and eliminate your control?
- Watch the TED-Ed video How Does Caffeine Keep Us Awake? that explains the specific ways caffeine affects your mood, alertness, and performance, all through your nervous system.
- Then, write a post offering your opinion: Free will, or brain chemistry? Or is there some way to reconcile the two?
Support your post with information from the video or the weekly Webtext.
Note – please write more than your preferences about caffeine. Be sure to answer the question about free will or brain chemistry. Thanks!
I believe my brain chemistry makes the decisions for me, but my free will makes sure those decisions will positively affect my life. Does that make my answer.. both? I have ADHD, so my brain chemistry isn’t balanced to begin with; this means my immediate reactions are always going to be fueled by my brain chemistry. Over the years, I’ve learned techniques to curb the knee-jerk reactions to other people’s comments, decisions, and many situations that could arise at any given time; this ensures I don’t say or do anything that will have a negative impact on my career or relationships.
For example, if I see a controversial news article on social media, you can bet I will read the article and get all of the juicy gossip from the comments section. When I see someone’s opinion that I don’t necessarily agree with, my first reaction is to type up a response that goes against anything someone has said. However, my free will & ability to think ahead keeps me from ever posting the comment, because as a government employee I know I am held to a certain standard. It also allows me to use the knowledge I’ve gained thus far: whether or not I post my views, my life isn’t going to be genuinely and permanently affected. What will I gain from “winning” an argument on Facebook? Why would I be so fixated on changing someone’s opinion, especially if I don’t hold my current views for the rest of my life? If I’m actually wrong in my opinion, and I change what someone else believes to align with myself, I’ve potentially ruined something for that person.
I believe that by letting both your brain chemistry and your free will work together, you become the best version of yourself. Sometimes, my knee-jerk reactions (again, fueled by my brain chemistry) are genuinely the best reactions to certain situations. Other times, my free will & forward thinking are what will save the day. Using both has positively impacted me as a daughter, sister, mother, friend, and employee.
Hello Everyone,
At times I feel like I have free will on certain days. I have to say that because I was not always like that. But i remember when my brain chemistry used to make decisions for me. I used to drink a lot of coffee and eat chocolate. Boy oh boy do I love love love chocolate. Well, it came a time where I couldn’t live without it. I was beginning to feel the withdrawal that was happening to my body and that was not a good feeling. I would think about caffeine until my body was able to consume it. I would literally go to the store and I would alway come back with coffee in my hand, As for the chocolates, I always have to hide a bar away from everyone at my house. If I happened to go to the closet and found out that someone had ate my chocolate I would feel very sad and depress. Yessss, it was that bad. I knew that I had to get myself out of the addiction that I was deeply in. It was not a good feeling to go through the body withdrawal and feel the headaches i used to feel ever so often. It was a very had task to get where I am today. Now i can honestly say that I have free will, but let me tell you, it was not always like that! for me.
TElecommunications and Network Security Assessment
Im trying to learn for my Computer Science class and Im stuck. Can you help?
This assignment is a summative assessment of the following question sets. A minimum of 200 words for each answer is required and a minimum of one reference per response. An introduction is not necessary but would be appreciated. Questions to be answered are as follows:
1. Describe traditional telephony and network layouts.
2. Discuss mobile telephony and cellular service.
3. What is GSM, and how does it work?
4. Do digital signals from phone to towers utilize low bandwidth or high bandwidth usage? Expand on the answer.
5. Are GSM specifications hardware-specific? Why or why not?
6. Describe FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA. Differentiate their subtle applicability. Then an example of a provider for each of these technologies.
7. Enumerate IP Telephony Network issues and vulnerabilities, and briefly describe each issue or vulnerability. List some frequent attacks on IP Telephony.
8. Define “rogue” and “softphone.”
9. List IP Phone countermeasures (at least 5).
address flagging revenue
Help me study for my Economics class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Additional Information: The board of directors at AutoEdge is actively discussing several options to address flagging revenue. One option continues to surface during each board meeting; that is, relocating the manufacturing operation back to the United States. Longtime Chief Financial Officer, Ingrid Adams, leads the group that is in favor of this option.
Ingrid Adams approaches you in the company break room.
“Hello,” she says. “I’m glad I saw you.”
“Hi,” you say. “What can I do for you?”
“I have a question about economics,” she says. “I think you can help me explain something to some shareholders on the board.”
“Economics! My favorite subject,” you say. “What’s your question?”
“If AutoEdge decided to increase its prices and return to the United States,” she says, “how would this action affect consumer demand? I want to know your opinion about elasticity.”
“Sure,” you say. “So you want to know if the elasticity for auto parts is considered to be relatively inelastic, relatively elastic, unitary elastic, perfectly elastic, or perfectly inelastic. Right?”
“Exactly,” she says.
“I have an opinion,” you say. “Do you want to talk about it now, or do you want something in writing?”
“Something in writing would be best,” she says. “Would you explain your opinion so that I can respond to questions from other members of the board, too?”
“I’d be glad to,” you say. “I’ll put something together this afternoon and get it to you before I leave today. Is that soon enough?”
“Perfect,” she says. “Thanks for your help.”
Student Loan Essay
Im working on a Sociology exercise and need support.
On Friday during class, we watched the documentary, “Default: The Student Loan Documentary.” What did you think about the documentary? After watching the documentary, do you believe that taking out student loans to finance a college education is a wise decision? Yes or no? Justify your answer.
Your written response must be between 500-600 words. Please make sure to integrate lecture content and course readings into your answer.
Watching the video by clicking on the link.
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