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Taxing and Business Structures
I dont understand this Business question and need help to study.
Each type of business entity is affected by taxation. However, tax rates vary among the many different types of company structures, such as traditional C corporations, S Corporations, partnerships, and LLC. For example, corporations are generally taxed at higher tax rates than sole proprietors.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Explain the differences in taxing of four different types of organizations.
- If you were going into business and had a choice of business structures to select from that would minimize your taxes, while yielding the highest profits, which would you choose and why?
essay-comment on an academic article
Im stuck on a Political Science question and need an explanation.
1. Browse the internet or the electronic databases that the University gives access to,…, for example Jstor (or search the internet cites which give access to academic content) and find an academic article in a referred academic journal with at least 10 citations (the number of citations is presented by google just under the articleâstitle in a google search)on one of the following topics or key-words : bureaucracy, organizations, institutions, rationality, values, ideology, norms, anomie, conformity/deviance, functionalanalysis(functionalism), classical sociology. A lot of PDF full text articles are freely available on the Internet, but you will have a far more rich choice using the databases.
Give the correct references of the article.
2. Please read carefully the article and try first to well summarize its main idea and research question, before doing anything else.
3. Using font âTimes new Romanâ, line spacing 1single, and font size 12 please prepare a 1200-word essay (around 3 pages) trying to fulfill the following requirements:
⢠What is the main idea and research question that the author/authors are trying to answer/prove? (300 words)
⢠What is his/hers theoretical framework (300 words)?
⢠What are the principle methods of argumentation? (research techniques, logical argumentation, types of evidence provided etc.) (200 words)
⢠Is the author critique towards some theoretical perspectives or other authors and whichone? (200 words)
⢠Conclusion (200 words) Was the author convincing in his argumentation and what is the overall usefulness of his article? What is the main conclusion from your own perspective ?
4. Please do refer to the presentation âHow to write a sociological essayâ (topic 4 in the moodle system) and reference and cite correctly.
5. The essay is due on January 20–that noon. Upload the PDF of the article and the file of your essay converted in word.doc format.
6. If two students submit the same articles and strongly resembling essays they will be left without a note.
7. Those of you who have not submitted the first assignment, or are left without a note, could not be exempt of final exam (4,50 GPA for the two assignments) and their work will benefit them only as a training and writing exercises. Everybody is welcome to take the second assignment.
very short discussion post for my spanish class
Can you help me understand this Spanish question?
This is a very short discussion post for my Spanish class. All I need is for you to translate this for me and then i’ll give you the answers for it in english and you just have to write a short little essay about my answers in Spanish. The vocabulary for this chapter are attached below.
Discussion Board #1 – Tu lugar favorito en la naturaleza
Tu lugar favorito en la naturaleza
¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito en la naturaleza? Piensa en tu lugar favorito y descríbelo.
¿Dónde es? ¿Vas con frecuencia a ese lugar? ¿Que tipo de animales y vegetación hay? ¿Por qué te gusta? ¿Qué actividades haces allí? ¿Existe algún peligro para la naturaleza en este lugar?
Escribe un mínimo de 100 palabras para describir el lugar y utiliza el vocabulario nuevo de la lección 13. ¡Pon alguna foto de tu lugar favorito en la naturaleza!
Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Can you help me understand this Science question?
For your Assignment, your Instructor will assign you one of the decision tree interactive media pieces provided in the Resources. As you examine the patient case studies in this modules Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting symptoms of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF
To Prepare
· Review the interactive media piece assigned by your Instructor.
· Reflect on the patients symptoms and aspects of the disorder presented in the interactive media piece.
· Consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with the symptoms of the patient case study you were assigned.
· You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this patient. Reflect on potential co-morbid physical as well as patient factors that might impact the patients diagnosis and treatment.
Write a 1- to 2-page summary paper that addresses the following:
· Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented.
· Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
· What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case
Im trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.
Javier and Christopher are new dads and they disagree about whether their infant daughter should be allowed to sleep with them in their bed. Javier strongly feels the baby should be allowed to sleep with them because his family has done it this way for generations and it has always been safe. Christopher disagrees, expressing concerns based on a friends story about his younger sister dying as a baby of SIDS.
In 2-3 paragraphs:
- Do you support Javier’s or Christopher’s position?
- Justify your support with evidence from the textbook or your own research. Be sure to provide page numbers or links to any external sources that you use.
- What would your advice be for this couple?
Annotated Bibliography
I need help with a Computer Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
The topic of your annotated bibliography is your research paper topic. After completing this week’s Learning Activities, develop an annotated bibliography of at least 7 peer-reviewed references and annotations. Each annotation should include three 3 paragraphs: a summary, evaluation, and reflection.
My reseach paper topic is about Fiance & Banking industry data privacy policies.
Format your document in APA style. Each source must be current (published in the last few years). Each source must be peer reviewed (undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference).
MKTG600 discussion response
I dont know how to handle this Marketing question and need guidance.
I need three responses of at least 150 words each for the below students discussions for this week. Also in the bold below are the questions the students at answering.
Do you believe that consumers on the whole receive more benefit than risk from marketers knowing their personal information? Why or why not?
Student one:
Technology has revolutionized how marketers approach their customers by making it easier to gather personal information about their clients Today, companies easily harvest a customers personal information including their purchase history, age, gender, educational qualifications, job, hobbies and so much more to build a profile on what the customer wants on needs. Marketers gather personal information through online surveys, track a customers visits to the website through cookies or could buy personal data from brokers (MacMillan, 2019). In addition, marketers use the data to generate customer profiles to send penalized advertisements and promotions on new products and offerings, or review a customers interaction with the company to hasten the marketing process.
Indeed, marketers having personal information on their customers preference and behavior helps a company to better understand what the customer want and use targeted marketing techniques to reach the audience faster and more efficiently. The customer will also benefit from having first-hand information on new products, offers and purchase plans specifically built for them (Mazurek & Ma?agocka, 2019). For instance, a marketer can easily sieve through the customers database to determine which customers to recruit into a rewards program based on their purchasing history and interaction with the company.
However, there are potent risks with unscrupulous marketers holding sensitive personal information about clients including identity theft that may occur in the online purchase platforms. These inherent risks often outweigh the benefits of giving out personal information to marketers. Moreover, the financial and emotional loss that a customer could incur if their personal information falls into the wrong hands outweighs the benefits that marketers provide. In addition to identity theft, a customer may fall victim to financial fraud by issuing their sensitive personal information such as banking and credit card information to marketers. The risks associated with providing personal information to marketers may led customers to falsify such information (Punj, 2017).
In conclusion, customer personal information is one of the most sought after data by both genuine and unscrupulous marketers who willing to pay huge sums of money to buy it (Lim et al., 2018). However, a customer who gives personal information to an unscrupulous marketer may not have ultimate control over how their information is used by a third party and could fall victim to fraud or identity theft. More worryingly, a security breach in the marketers database could see a clients personal information land in the wrong hands and they could fall victim to the different types of fraud and security threats online.
Lim, S., Woo, J., Lee, J., & Huh, S. (2018). Consumer valuation of personal information in the age of big data. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 69(1), 6071.
MacMillan, D. (2019). How to stop companies from selling your data. The Washington Post. Accesed 15 Jan, 2019 from
Mazurek, G., & Ma?agocka, K. (2019). What if you ask and they say yes? Consumers willingness to disclose personal data is stronger than you think. Business Horizons, 62(6), 751759.
Punj, G. (2017). Consumer intentions to falsify personal information online: unethical or justifiable? Journal of Marketing Management, 33(15/16), 14021412.
Student two:
For companies to establish a concrete list of variables when it pertains to certain products or brands, it can be vitally important to obtain personal information. Some companies ask more detailed information such as addresses, phone numbers, and date of birth to gather more refined information; even more startling in a research study named What is the future of data sharing? from across five different countries, consumers offered 75% of their personal information (Olenski, 2016). The study also found, even though the participants were informed of the data they would be sharing, still offered it knowing they would be compensated with a product or service they valued and brand that was attached that was trusted (Olenski). More consumers, 80% offered their information when they received special offers, data-enabled benefits, reward points or product recommendations. Interestingly, consumers were more convinced to share their information when the company explained how and why their information would be used to collect data; as well as, how it would help the consumers make better spending choices and protect themselves from fraudulent activity (Olenski). What does all of this have in common with consumer? The overall agreement, is trust. If consumers feel that they can trust the brand, company, and that they have their best interests at heart, and can obtain a tangible or intangible service or product for their time, consumers will be more willing to release their valued information. Netflix is one company that used data collected to offer a more valuable service or recommendations to their audience.
While certain age groups were not so willing to share their information, millennials were one that have already been comfortable and accustomed to the digital age, thus, allowing them to be more mindful of what is already available to them. Companies have the ability with the newfound information, to make better choices within the marketing confines, as well as, financially, product or service related, and that in a whole, as long as companies are securing information can lend to the overall bottom lines. On the other side, there are more than 10,000 companies that sell consumer personal information for the benefit of using the data to maximize profits, not the resources to safeguard consumers information (Petersson, 2018). Facebook was fined $1.63 billion for their breach of information, perhaps, other companies can learn from this lesson to safeguard peoples information to prevent hefty fines (Petersson). Finally, consumers will be more willing to offer their valuable information if they know that there are steps in place to safeguard them, are more inclined to free or discounted products or services, and know they can trust the agency they are assisting.
Olenski, S. (2016, April 18). For Consumers, Data Is A Matter Of Trust. Retrieved January 15, 2020, from…
Petersson, D. (2018, October 31). What Companies Do With Your Personal Data And How Blockchain Protects It. Retrieved January 15, 2020, from
Student three:
Majority of the time consumers are sharing their personal information so they can stay informed by the company. Whether it is suggestions for products that would appeal to them or even sales and deals that are upcoming. If marketers can access a consumers history such as shopping history, their preferences, etc. then the consumer will have the benefit because they are getting the best experience. Certain websites that I have shopped on can give information just based off previous purchase history. One site I can think of that does things like this are some of the bookstore websites I visit. They like to recommend things that are like my purchases. Even Google has set up their email inbox to split into 3 main categories. The main inbox, social, and promotions. Many emails that are meant for marketing go into the promotions inbox that way it is not overwhelming the main inbox.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) created the CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business. It has laws that regulates the emails and what is involved that commercial businesses can and cannot do. the CAN-SPAM Act doesnt apply just to bulk email. It covers all commercial messages, which the law defines as any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service, including email that promotes content on commercial websites (CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business, n.d.). I feel there are both benefits and risks from marketers knowing consumers personal information. In some cases, marketing companies can give it to third party companies so they can reach out to the consumers.
Since we are in a technological era it has made sharing information to access certain products and services a normal part of life. For example, getting a new iPhone that requires signing in or creating an Apple account which gives them the ability to also send marketing materials. According to an article in Forbes millennials are more likely to share their information without thinking about the risks, and if they do think of the risks, they still end up sharing their information in the end (Olenski, 2016). In the end, I am a part of the millennial group, even if I am not a fan of being there at times, I know I tend to carelessly share my information with many different companies to get more information.
CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business. (n.d.). Retrieved from Federal Trade Commission: Protecting America’s Consumers:… Act: A Compliance Guide for Business
Olenski, S. (2016, April 18). For Consumers, Data Is A Matter Of Trust . Retrieved from Forbes:…
three parts
I need help with a Geography question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Module 11:
Watch video:
1. Find a scholarly article related to sea level rise as a coastal hazard
2. How will this hazard affect the local area, and how is it being dealt with in that location?
3. What is the potential outcome?
4. Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length.
Module 12:
Respond to at least one of your classmates Unit 4 discussion using the following prompt:
If you were a policy maker, how would you deal with the situation that your classmate is describing?
Your response should be thorough and thought provoking. One Reliable or Scholarly source is required to support your opinions. Your response should be at least 250 words in length.
Module 13:
Respond to at least one of your classmates Unit 4 discussion using the following prompt:
If you were a policymaker, how would you deal with the situation that your classmate is describing?
Your response should be thorough and thought provoking. One Reliable or Scholarly source is required to support your opinions. Your response should be at least 250 words in length.
10 mins ago
Woms:beauty standards, media, feminist perspectives, and privilege
Can you help me understand this Sociology question?
Please write a 700 words single spaced essay answering in essay form all the questions below!
Follow the rubric and give answers based ONLY on the attached readings (make sure to include in text citations and a references page from the readings too)
Questions that can guide entries include:
- What are the aspects of the course material with which you agree? Explain your position.
- What are the aspects of the course material with which you disagree? Explain your position.
- How does the material relate to the current situation of women?
- How does the material relate to your personal life?
- What are some applications of the material to the real-world?
The most developed entries take a position on issues important to students based on readings, class lectures and discussions, and/or personal experiences. Low scoring essays just review the material. This is not the intention of the assignment; instead digest and respond to the material in a structured way.
The rubric below will be used to grade responses.
Rubric for Reflection Paper
Criteria | Ratings | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTaking a Position |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Connections to Course Content |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Style, Presentation |
Answer questions about readings
I dont understand this Art & Design question and need help to study.
Please follow instructions in terms of how many sentences you write. Try to fill each sentence with as much detail as possible, while still being grammatically correct. Writing more than what is asked will not improve your grade, and may lower it. When you summarize particular sections of the essay, reference the page number. Dont give any specific citations. The point is to summarize in your own words.
- In 6 complete sentences (i.e. not bullet points), please describe the key point(s) of the authors essay or book chapter, in other words, the hypothesis and/or goal(s). [3/10 points]
- In 4 complete sentences, mention 2 other theorists discussed by the author at hand, and the most important concept or issue the author is attempting to convey with reference to the cited source. [2/10]
- In 4 sentences, mention 2 images or figures (broadly understood as a visual image or representation in media, art, or some other visual format; or a human figure, subject, or group of subjects) discussed by the author and her or his purpose for doing so. [2/10 points]
- In 9 sentences, mention 3 key insights (three sentences devoted to each insight) you gained from this reading. [3/10 points]
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