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L4000 Week 2 Forum and responses
I need help with a Law question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
The following discussion comes from your week 2 readings. Outside research to address these issues is encouraged. I would suggest using the online library for additional sources of information and research. In addition, I would recommend utilizing the legal studies program guide.
The Fourth Amendment sets limitations to stop and frisk and arrests. It also affords individuals to be protected against unreasonable searches and seizures.
This forum asks you to examine probable cause and illegal searches and seizures.
Please thoroughly discuss each of the following:
- A police officer must have probable cause to arrest an individual. What is probable cause? How much probable cause is needed to secure an arrest or search warrant?
- What is the exclusionary rule? Discuss the exceptions to the exclusionary rule.
- Discuss the difference in a stop and frisk and an arrest. What are the requirements for an officer to conduct a stop and frisk?
- ______________________________________________________________
- Answer this on a different word document or page.
- Using the facts provided to you in the week one discussion forum #2, answer the following questions : 1) Did the police have probable cause to arrest Mayo? 2) Did law enforcement violate Mayo’s constitutional rights? If yes, explain how. If not, explain why. 3) Were the police required to read Mayo his Miranda rights? Discuss why.
Scott Mayo, Defendant
Scott Mayo worked as a bartender at The Local Watering Hole. One night at work, Scott got into an argument with Basil Scowen. Mayo owed Scowen $1500.00. The argument heated up and, after Scowen picked up a beer bottle threateningly and appeared to be intoxicated, Mayo grabbed a pistol kept behind the bar and fired at Scowen, killing him. Mayo says Scowen told him, I am going to kill you, and what he believed was imminent danger from Scowen. Mayo was placed under arrest. He was not read his rights. He was transported to the local county jail. The prosecution witnesses are the police officer, who came to the scene and took statements from Mayo, and a frequent bar customer, Dawn Dietz, who witnessed some of what happened. The defense witnesses are the defendant, Mayo, and Joe, the fireman, who was outside and saw some of the action through the window while sitting on the patio.
MHA-FP5017 Assessment 3 Predicting an Outcome Using Regression Models
Im working on a Statistics question and need guidance to help me study.
Assignment 3- Predicting an Outcome Using Regression Models
Perform multiple regression on the relationship between hospital costs and patient age, risk factors, and patient satisfaction scores, and then generate a prediction to support this health care decision. Write a 34-page analysis of the results in a Word document and insert the test results into this document.
Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order they are presented.
Regression is an important statistical technique for determining the relationship between an outcome (dependent variable) and predictors (independent variables). Multiple regression evaluates the relative predictive contribution of each independent variable on a dependent variable. The regression model can then be used for predicting an outcome at various levels of the independent variables. For this assessment, you will perform multiple regression and generate a prediction to support a health care decision.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 2: Analyze data using computer-based programming and software.
- Perform the appropriate multiple regression using a dataset.
- Competency 3: Interpret results of data analysis for value-based health care decisions, policy, or practice.
- Interpret the statistical significance and effect size of the regression coefficients of a data analysis.
- Interpret the fit of the regression model for prediction of a data analysis.
- Competency 4: Present results of data analysis to support a decision or recommendation.
- Apply the statistical results of the multiple regression of a data analysis to support a health care decision.
- Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the multiple regression.
- Competency 5: Communicate audience-appropriate health management content in a logically structured and concise manner, writing clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA style.
- Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
Multiple Linear Regression
- Casson, R. J., & Farmer, L. D. M. (2014). Understanding and checking the assumptions of linear regression: A primer for medical researchers. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 42(6), 590596.
- Frey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Multiple linear regression. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Katz, M. H. (2003). Multivariable analysis: A primer for readers of medical research. Annals of Internal Medicine, 138(8), 644650.
- Multiple Regression in Microsoft Excel.
- (n.d.). How to find relationship between variables, multiple regression. Retrieved from…
Regression Analysis
- Gallo, A. (2015, November 04). A refresher on regression analysis. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 29.
- SCSUEcon. (2011, August 20). Linear regression in Excel [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from
- Using Regression Analysis Every Day.
Effect Size
- Sullivan, G. M. (2012). FAQs about effect size. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 4(3), 283284. Retrieved from…
- Sullivan, G. M., & Feinn, R. (2012). Using effect sizeor why the P value is not enough. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 4(3), 279282.
Predictive Analytics
- Davenport, T. H. (2014, September 02). A predictive analytics primer. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 24.
- IntroToIS BYU. (2016, November 04). Creating a multiple linear regression predictive model in Excel [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from
- Kros, J. F., & Rosenthal, D. A. (2016). Statistics for health care management and administration: Working with Excel (3rd. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Assessment Instructions
Download the Assessment 3 Dataset [XLSX].
The dataset contains the following variables:
- cost (hospital cost in dollars) .
- age (patient age in years) .
- risk (count of patient risk factors).
- satisfaction (patient satisfaction score percentile rank) .
Hospital administration needs to make a decision on the amount of reimbursement required to cover expected costs for next year. For this assessment, using information on hospital discharges from last year, perform multiple regression on the relationship between hospital costs and patient age, risk factors, and patient satisfaction scores, and then generate a prediction to support this health care decision. Write a 34-page analysis of the results in a Word document and insert the test results into this document (copied from the output file and pasted into a Word document). Refer to Copy From Excel to Another Office Program for instructions.
Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the results.
Grading Criteria
The numbered assessment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Predicting an Outcome Using Regression Models Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
- Perform the appropriate multiple regression using a dataset.
- Interpret the statistical significance and effect size of the regression coefficients of a data analysis.
- Interpret p-value and beta values.
- Interpret the fit of the regression model for prediction of a data analysis.
- Interpret R-squared and goodness of fit.
- Apply the statistical results of the multiple regression of a data analysis to support a health care decision.
- Generate a prediction with regression equation.
- Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the multiple regression.
- Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.
- Length: 34 pages
- Resources: Not required.
- APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format.
- Font and font size: Times Roman, 10 point.
10 hours ago
MKTG600 assignment
I dont understand this Marketing question and need help to study.
Evaluate Marketing Website Assignment: Access the following Website: :
Kraft Foods uses this Website as a part of their marketing strategy. Review the Website and write a 2 page paper on its effectiveness as a marketing tool. Include the things that you feel work well and the things that you feel could be done better.
Course Objectives:
- Define channel strategy
- Design a sales management plan
Civil Liberties/Civil Rights Discussion Board
Help me study for my Law class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Civil Liberties/Civil Rights Discussion Board
Part 1:
How does the U.S. Constitution protect the civil rights and civil liberties of Americans?
When can or should the majority limit the civil liberties, such as free speech, of an unpopular/minority/fringe individual or group? Why?
In addition to the use of your course materials (below), your response must include direct references, including citations, to at least two of the four presenters in the following TED radio hour, The Right to Speak:
Part 2:
Give a contemporary political example illustrating the current state of civil liberties or civil rights in the United States. Be sure to explain, specifically, the relevance of your example to civil liberties or civil rights as depicted in this course. Use your e-text and cite your sources.
Part 3:
Reply, thoughtfully, to the postings of at least two of your colleagues.
Source Material:
- TED radio hour, The Right to Speak: (Links to an external site.)
- Open to Debate e-text
- Chapter Three Civil Liberties
- Chapter Four Civil Rights
- Power-point lecture outlines (in the Canvas Modules):
- Chapter Three Civil Liberties
- Chapter Four Civil Rights
- Video Lectures, also in the Course Content Folders (many students find these to be particularly helpful):
- Chapter Three Civil Liberties (esp. parts 2-4b)
- Chapter Four Civil Rights
- American Government Examined e-reader:
- Chapter Ten: Mill
- Chapter Four: Anthony, ERA, or King
Discussion Bored Questions
Help me study for my Management class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Course Name / Hazardous Materials and Industrial Safety
Week 2 – Hazardous Materials Management System
Week 2: EtO Case Study
Attached Files:
Tornado Ethylene Oxide Rail Car.wmv (9.586 MB)
1. Case Study: Use the Eight Step Process and NFPA 7.2 as guides to create a skeleton structure for the study. Within these elements discuss response personnel health and safety issues, environmental impact, and potential public health implications.
2. Respond to the following: What defines the uniqueness of a hazardous material incident? Is it that much different from any other “incident” which confronts the public safety department of a municipality?
3. Complete reading Noll chapters 1 through 5
4. Complete reading Bevelacqua chapters 1 and 2
5. Research 29 CFR 1910.120 – list the purpose, use, and goal of the standard. Also how does this standard affect you in your normal position (if at all).
DB 2 Case Study – EtO railcar incident
1. Develop a case study using the Eight step process and NFPA 7.2 as guides. ,starting at incident initiation and ending with incident termination. Discuss the occupational, environmental, and public health implications and concerns along the journey. In addition, compare and contrast these stages against one another….
What I am seeking is thought process along this journey.
Do the response personnel have more challenging issues compared to EMS personnel or hospital personnel?
Is the risk for the response personnel greater than that of the community, why or how? Do we have “defined” knowns for arriving firefighting companies and emergency personnel?
2. Setup a command structure to determine how to formulate a personnel and resource framework to address the incident.
3. This incident involves Ethylene Oxide – substitute Chlorine as the substance and compare and contrast the differences with occupational, environmental, and public health impacts to responders, the community, and any water/air/land issues.
– APA Style
– Kindly, answer all discussion questions clearly and completely.
Short response
Im studying for my Economics class and need an explanation.
You or your group are members of the upper management team at ExxonMobil a large multinational corporation currently listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). (Hint: publically traded company) You report directly to the CEO and the board of directors.
Recently, an investor has purchased 5% of the outstanding stock in the company, and corporate rules this gives the investor the right to call a proxy vote for control of the company (the company takes this seriously). This investor is extremely concerned the company is importing and export goods in the same sector, particularly they are importing crude oil and exporting refined petroleum products. Why not just produce the finished products where the crude oil is located? There were legal reasons the company does not export crude oil; however, these rules have changed, and this investor is concerned the company is losing money. A consulting economist has given the management team tools to help management make their recommendation to the CEO.………
Your CEO has tasked you with writing a short response to the investors concerns about importing and exporting within the same industry. Note your response should include: the profit increasing nature of petroleum (finished products more profitable), security concerns, location of corporate structure (ie USA company wants dollar profits, European company want euro profits), location of the specialized equipment and cost of new equipment.
Powerpoint presentation
Im studying for my Art & Design class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Analyze the painting and sculpture from the Classical and Medieval periods. Analyze each piece of art according to the Elements and Principles of Design, the 6 Functions of Art and the 3 Theories of Art Criticism. Create a slide presentation or you can create it on paper and turn it in, so you are including visuals and bulleted concise writing. Save it as a powerpoint or pdf. Cite your work!
Slides should be as follows:
- One slide of each as the original, mark the artist, name of work and date.
- 2nd slide of each –A shape analysis made- You can either cut out of paper the basic, main shapes used in the composition. Construction paper cut and pasted over a copy of the image copy and photographed or shapes created and pasted right over the image of the artwork using the computer. These shapes should correspond to repeated shapes, or implied shapes used in the artwork. Be sure you do not make random shapes! Include a written description of what types of shapes they are using. example: Guernicaexample.png.pdf
- 3rd slide-Painting Only– A Value pattern analysis in black white and gray, cut out the basic, main shapes used in creating the composition or use a marker or create on computer. You are showing the overall value pattern of the whole artwork.How it leads the viewer around the work. example: ValuePatternEx.pdf
- Write an analysis of the painting and the sculpture according to all other Elements and Principles of Design, the 6 Functions of Art and the 3 Theories of Art Criticism that apply to that work in bulleted form.Be concise. Cite your work. Follow these directions.
Greco Roman sculpture of Aphrodite Accroupie, Medieval painting, The Last Supper, by Duccio
(Hellenistic Style)
Your team’s mission is to revise the following openings so that they are more direct. Remember, time is money in business. These are much too long. They need to be more focused and to the point. Add information if necessary.
I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.
Your team’s mission is to revise the following openings so that they are more direct. Remember, time is money in business. These are much too long. They need to be more focused and to the point. Add information if necessary.
1-b “My name is Kimberly Sanchez, and I am assistant to the manager of Information Services & Technology at Onyz, Inc. We are interested in your voice recognition software that we understand allows you to dictate and copy text without touching a keyboard. We are interested in answers to a number of questions, such as the cost for a single-user license and perhaps the availability of a free trial version. Will you please answer the following questions.
1-d “I am pleased to receive your inquiry regarding the possibility of my acting as a speaker at the final semester meeting of your business management club on May 2. The topic of online résumés interests me and is one on which I think I could impart helpful information to your members. Therefore, I am responding in the affirmative to your kind invitation.”
discussion forum
Im studying for my Health & Medical class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Practicum: Epidemiology: Define Your Population and Selected Problem
Overview: This week, you will further refine your population and problem and compare your suspicions about this problem to local, state, and national data on the topic. Your practicum project should come into clear focus as you continue to analyze related health data, and you should consider how you, as the nurse, might help them avoid development of the problem in the first place (primary prevention measures).
Practicum Discussion: This week your assignment is to collect and then refine health data about the issue that affects your population group. You will use scholarly professional literature to support your ideas about the population at risk. If data is not available for your population on a local level, then use county or state data. Some examples of health data that you might consider gathering are epidemiologic information related to health conditions, reproductive outcomes, causes of death, vital statistics, socioeconomic data including poverty and/or educational levels, quality of life issues, and/or lack of access to health care due to lack of health insurance or access to providers. You will want to compare local data with state and national trends to fully understand the extent of the selected problem in your community.
Please address the following points in your Practicum Discussion:
- Describe the specific health problem and population you have selected.
- What data did you find to support your decision? Help each other further refine and clarify the problem and population.
- What useful health data and public health websites did you locate to support your position?
- What other evidence did you find? You can include scholarly articles in this discussion.
By Day 4
Post your response to this Discussion.
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
By Day 7
Read two or more of your colleagues postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care.
Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.
For all posts, be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ? 5 years old).
Designing a Learning Environment
Im studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.
When designing a classroom it is important to consider the specific needs of the children in your care. For this assignment identity two (2) specific special needs of learners which can be supported through an accommodation made to the learning environment. Create a classroom environment to support both special cases which would address the learning needs across all developmental domains through modifications. You can include an actual classroom layout if it is appropriate for your modification.
Use this Designing a Learning Environment template to complete the assignment.
- Identify the two (2) specific special needs (Physical Disability, Cognitive Delay, English Learner, Gifted Learner, etc.)
- Identify the intended age group
- Provide a clear summary of the type of modifications necessary to support learning across all the domains of development (Physical, Intellectual, Language, Social, and Emotional). Relate this to a specific classroom area or learning time for the ECE environment.
- If the child does not need a specific modification for one of the developmental domains, you will describe a developmentally appropriate activity and explain why an accommodation is not needed.
Special Need and Age: English Language Learner, Age 4 |
Classroom Area |
Developmental Domain |
Accommodation |
Outdoor Play Time |
Social — Providing a buddy helps the child interact with peers and enhance social interactions. Having a one on one buddy that is the same age allows the child to learn by observing without becoming overwhelmed by specific instruction or having to interact in large group settings. |
Assign peer “buddy” to play with during outside time. Encourage the buddy to help the child explore the playground by modeling appropriate behaviors. |
Art Center |
Physical — Student will use fine motor skills to paint with small paint brush in the art center. Teacher will provide a range of color choices, paint brush sizes and types and paper selections. Using the different paint brushes and the paining motion will enhance fine mother development. |
Not applicable — second language learner does not need a modification for physical development. |
31 mins ago
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